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Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People


Drew leaves for a few weeks and everything is a disaster!



I'm a couple days late on it but I just got around to watching the City Sleeps QL. That game looks okay, but I think the music is fantastic. The game itself actually reminds me of Everyday Shooter, which I still put on every couple months or so because 1. the soundtrack is basically an early 90s post-rock album before everyone became obsessed with crescendos and 2. I am very, very bad at it and have yet to beat it. Maybe if I had Dave Lang by my side.
I agree with the earlier sentiments in this Alex's negativity is really starting to wear on me. Vinny's attempts at humour are usually in vain as Alex's cynicism leaches out.


What were the numbers on Destiny? I am assuming pretty good. 10 years though, lol, if Destiny 2 isn't out (or similar disc based product) within 2 years I will eat my hat.


the holder of the trombone
What were the numbers on Destiny? I am assuming pretty good. 10 years though, lol, if Destiny 2 isn't out (or similar disc based product) within 2 years I will eat my hat.

The last report is that it is averaging 3.2 million players a day.


What were the numbers on Destiny? I am assuming pretty good. 10 years though, lol, if Destiny 2 isn't out (or similar disc based product) within 2 years I will eat my hat.

10 years referred to the franchise, not the first game.
I haven't played that yet but I know most of the people who worked on it since I'm also an ex WayForward developer. I'm really happy for their success. In particular, Sean Velasco and Ian Flood are really cool and were lots of fun to work with.

Oh, you should definitely get on that, you'll be even more proud of those guys.


Can any of my nice giantbomb friends explain to me why the NPD thread is so massive? 100 pages in one day. Is it just because Pachter was wrong or whatever?


Still without luck
Can any of my nice giantbomb friends explain to me why the NPD thread is so massive? 100 pages in one day. Is it just because Pachter was wrong or whatever?

Pachter was wrong about predicting Sony losing the monthly sales race.

That's exactly why.


Kinda sucks to see so many people going in on Pachter. Yeah he's a goof and let's the internet get to him, but he serves a purpose and seems like a solid guy on streams.


The guy brings on the criticism by routinely making outlandish predictions. People on GAF with way less access to information than he has do a better job at forecasting.

-Wii, PS3, 360 is the final console generation

-Nintendo are throwing away money by under charging for the 3DS

-Fuse will sell 5 million.

-Titanfall will sell 6-10 million

-Xbone will outsell PS4 in September, 2014


gaming today is weird...

all we do is fight over graphics or gameplay or other shit

remember when we were kids and just played the damn games.


Drunky McMurder
Can any of my nice giantbomb friends explain to me why the NPD thread is so massive? 100 pages in one day. Is it just because Pachter was wrong or whatever?

Not just wrong, not even just Pachterian wrong, but super over the top hilariously wrong.

gaming today is weird...

all we do is fight over graphics or gameplay or other shit

remember when we were kids and just played the damn games.

Nope. I remember Genesis and Nintendo having these very same arguments but doing them on TV commercials, and then in the early internet people bitching about whether N64 or PSX is really more powerful, or PS2 or Dreamcast, or that Xbox had the fanciest new bump mapping so PS2 is worthless, or if developers are lazy and just don't want to take full advantage of the PS3.
gaming today is weird...

all we do is fight over graphics or gameplay or other shit

remember when we were kids and just played the damn games.


it was like this in the old days also (replace Ps and shit with "bits"), its just that its easier to spread it around now due to the increased prevalence of the internet
As a child I do not remember arguing much about Atari 2600 games but I do remember going to the house of a kid who was the next door neighbor of my Grandparents, He had an Intellivsion, and said it was better than the Atari because it had more buttons. I remember it triggered a defense mechanism deep inside my tiny brain.
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