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Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
a few bombcasts ago they were talking about Mordor and Brad said something along the lines "its really not surprising how the game feels considering what it was originally going to be" but then doesnt say it, guess he didnt want to fuck his industry friend / source

do we know what Mordor was supposed to be originally? probably another Batman game?
a few bombcasts ago they were talking about Mordor and Brad said something along the lines "its really not surprising how the game feels considering what it was originally going to be" but then doesnt say it, guess he didnt want to fuck his industry friend / source

do we know what Mordor was supposed to be originally? probably another Batman game?

yeah, rumors were that it was a batman game set in the nolan universe
But some of the people falling on the "anti-" side of the GamerGate are employing the same sort of "you are with us or against us" mentality. As those people get more frantic, they also damage the message they're trying to express. Silence isn't complicity.

Shout outs to Frank Cifaldi.


...Better than I thought it'd be. Way to go, guys.

I found this bit particularly poignant:

Silence isn't complicity. Silence might also be not letting a campaign of hate and chaos be taken seriously by not giving it a place at the table. Now, from a distance, this whole topic looks like every other politicized media conspiracy, with two sides full of extremists and a bunch of people in the middle looking disillusioned by the whole debacle.
#105 Edited by spacekatgal (84 posts) - 4 minutes, 18 seconds ago
This is Brianna Wu. I'm one of the women driven from her home in the recent events. I just want to thank the staff for finally writing this. I deeply look forward to the day this nonsense has calmed down, and we can all get back to playing and developing the games that brought us here in the first place.

from the comments


class message by jeff on gamergate

really cuts to the core for me of not really knowing what to say about gamergate other than it's just been horrible and scary. plus the frustration i feel about some people who seem to just be throwing fuel on the fire and escalating deliberately, then complaining that everyone else but them is complicit and guilty in the disgusting harassment. while ultimately taking a strong position against what gamergate is doing, because it's gross.


I decided to check that kotakuinaction subreddit about that letter from Jeff. I don't know why, I knew what was going to be there but I hoped I'd be wrong. I don't get how people take what Jeff wrote as an insult to them or how they're "alienating" their fanbase. I sincerely do not understand it.


I decided to check that kotakuinaction subreddit about that letter from Jeff. I don't know why, I knew what was going to be there but I hoped I'd be wrong. I don't get how people take what Jeff wrote as an insult to them or how they're "alienating" their fanbase. I sincerely do not understand it.

Those people are so far gone. Who cares what they think?


I'm glad they said something.
I still don't think they needed to, but I am glad they did.

And anyone claiming GB is unethical simply doesn't know anything about the site.
I decided to check that kotakuinaction subreddit about that letter from Jeff. I don't know why, I knew what was going to be there but I hoped I'd be wrong. I don't get how people take what Jeff wrote as an insult to them or how they're "alienating" their fanbase. I sincerely do not understand it.

It's 11,000 people and a portion of those are likely against Gamergate but want to check in on the insanity. It's like thinking the people who comment on Yahoo news articles represent the general populace.


Let the letter sink in a bit and I think Jeff did a very good job overall. I wish the last paragraph was more to the point - but then again, there is no (easy) point to make.

I agree with Coldman's comment on the forums that they need to continue covering GG (although I expect Patrick to do just that) but I don't think the second-to-last paragraph is "defensive". It's necessary to be critical of both sides. Obviously one side more than the other but Jeff finds the right amount of words for both "parties", I think (while rightly pointing out that one side is actually a discombobulated, malicious mess).


It's 11,000 people and a portion of those are likely against Gamergate but want to check in on the insanity. It's like thinking the people who comment on Yahoo news articles represent the general populace.

Oh, I know they're not some overwhelming majority but I had seen it a few days back when someone mentioned it in this thread and it blew my mind. It has been a long time since I read a forum like that and felt such a disconnect between what was being said and what I thought. Its just mind boggling.
Oh, I know they're not some overwhelming majority but I had seen it a few days back when someone mentioned it in this thread and it blew my mind. It has been a long time since I read a forum like that and felt such a disconnect between what was being said and what I thought. Its just mind boggling.

Eh, I'm a hardcore left-winger and I semi-regularly check out right wing sites like RedState, just so I know what the other side thinks, even if it's nuts. So, it's not surprising to me. But, the same people there have always complained about various silly things (but they're all liberals, even though I'm not saying there aren't idiotic progressive bros who are pretty misogynistic at times) are now complaining.

It's horrible and hopefully, soon, being a woman on the Internet that mentions games will be only terrible again like normal, instead of monstrously horrible like it has been for the past few months.
A good response, and a line that desperately needed to be said. When people who would describe themselves as fighting for social justice are channeling George Bush you know something's gone wacky.

I can understand why those people said those things, even if they're not very practical. A lot of them were incredibly scared by what was going on, and all of the well-meaning responses of, "Well, I'm sorry this happened but," and large mainstream news sites commenting on it before games sites (seemingly afraid to talk about it lest they suddenly become targets), it probably felt extremely frustrating and made the existing victims and friends of victims feel like they were being hung out to dry.

That said, some of Frank Cifaldi's stuff is clearly him going overboard because this stuff is obviously upsetting him, and I've cringed a few times at how hard he's gone in on people.


Let the letter sink in a bit and I think Jeff did a very good job overall. I wish the last paragraph was more to the point - but then again, there is no (easy) point to make.

I agree with Coldman's comment on the forums that they need to continue covering GG (although I expect Patrick to do just that) but I don't think the second-to-last paragraph is "defensive". It's necessary to be critical of both sides. Obviously one side more than the other but Jeff finds the right amount of words for both "parties", I think (while rightly pointing out that one side is actually a discombobulated, malicious mess).

Yeah, don't really know what to say to those who think this is too balansen. It exposes GG for what it is, but there are still people on my side who has a us v them view on this that has been bad for everyone. Frank is one of those.


Gamespot put a statement out at the same time, although it didn't specifically mention GG.

I suspect CBSi corporate have changed position on coverage. I suspect all the big sites to put something up in the next few days. When it hits the front page of a newspaper, you know has gone too far and the higher ups start to notice.
I can understand why those people said those things, even if they're not very practical. A lot of them were incredibly scared by what was going on, and all of the well-meaning responses of, "Well, I'm sorry this happened but," and large mainstream news sites commenting on it before games sites (seemingly afraid to talk about it lest they suddenly become targets), it probably felt extremely frustrating and made the existing victims and friends of victims feel like they were being hung out to dry.

Hard to speak for GB in particular, but I imagine most parties that were being seen as "staying neutral" were just maintaining the decision they made at the beginning. That the Quinn stuff was sordid enough that they weren't going to bother honoring it with a response. I sincerely doubt Jeff and other longtime vets of this business were worried about GG threats.


I like the fact that the guys waited a bit and just came out with this level-headed write up about the whole thing after some internal discussion. Feels like they kept cool, looked at the whole thing from a distance and formed an opinion. I appreciate that.


jeff's got a fairly nuanced take on this, though i do respectfully disagree with him that this is response would have the intented effect:
Silence might also be not letting a campaign of hate and chaos be taken seriously by not giving it a place at the table.

i just don't think that's what ends up happening. if the people who can speak out against hate groups choose to ignore them, the only ones that will invite them to the table for discussion, and get their voices out there, are people that treat them as a legitimate group worthy of being listened to.

still, he's a real cool guy for writing that as it's sure to cause a shitstorm.


I'm really glad that both CBSi websites finally officially said something (great letter from Jeff btw). Not because I've ever doubted any of the guys' integrity but I think that not saying anything was not the best solution.

Yes all the stuff that #GG did is terrible, yes the guys have obviously been against it since the beginning (with reason!). However, I think that the original idea of #GG of opening a discussion about ethic in the industry is a good thing. Keeping that in mind, I think it would be easy for us to take the journalists' silence (not just on GB) as a way to kind of burry the original issue under all the disgusting things that have been said and done in #GG.

I just hope that both sides of the question, fans and journalists, will be able to have a more open discussion about that stuff in the future without it automatically turning into a shit show.

Jamie OD

I decided to check that kotakuinaction subreddit about that letter from Jeff. I don't know why, I knew what was going to be there but I hoped I'd be wrong. I don't get how people take what Jeff wrote as an insult to them or how they're "alienating" their fanbase. I sincerely do not understand it.

These guys are more delusional than hardcore TNA wrestling fans.


jeff's got a fairly nuanced take on this, though i do respectfully disagree with him that this is response would have the intented effect:

still, he's a real cool guy for writing that as it's sure to cause a shitstorm.

I would honestly have to say that that particular piece of text spoke to me the most as it perfectly describes the way I'm dealing with the entire thing.
I'm really glad that both CBSi websites finally officially said something (great letter from Jeff btw). Not because I've ever doubted any of the guys' integrity but I think that not saying anything was not the best solution.

Yes all the stuff that #GG did is terrible, yes the guys have obviously been against it since the beginning (with reason!). However, I think that the original idea of #GG of opening a discussion about ethic in the industry is a good thing. Keeping that in mind, I think it would be easy for us to take the journalists' silence (not just on GB) as a way to kind of burry the original issue under all the disgusting things that have been said and done in #GG.

I just hope that both sides of the question, fans and journalists, will be able to have a more open discussion about that stuff in the future without it automatically turning into a shit show.

I think the problem is that many people really don't see that as the "original idea" of it at all, especially considering some of the stuff that's come out.


I would honestly have to say that that particular piece of text spoke to me the most as it perfectly describes the way I'm dealing with the entire thing.

Based Jeff.

Hope we get some details on Extra Life today. Think I'm gonna take Friday off and not do anything else all weekend.


I think the problem is that many people really don't see that as the "original idea" of it at all, especially considering some of the stuff that's come out.

Fair enough, I admit, I came in late on the whole Gamergate thing and it was my understanding that this was the original intent.

My mistake. The point of my post still stand though.
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