I'm glad they finally put out an official statement rather than simply expect it to blow over.
Will they write another one in a couple of months, cause GG isn't gonna blow over anytime soon.
I'm glad they finally put out an official statement rather than simply expect it to blow over.
I'm really glad that both CBSi websites finally officially said something (great letter from Jeff btw). Not because I've ever doubted any of the guys' integrity but I think that not saying anything was not the best solution.
Yes all the stuff that #GG did is terrible, yes the guys have obviously been against it since the beginning (with reason!). However, I think that the original idea of #GG of opening a discussion about ethic in the industry is a good thing. Keeping that in mind, I think it would be easy for us to take the journalists' silence (not just on GB) as a way to kind of burry the original issue under all the disgusting things that have been said and done in #GG.
I just hope that both sides of the question, fans and journalists, will be able to have a more open discussion about that stuff in the future without it automatically turning into a shit show.
I think the problem is that many people really don't see that as the "original idea" of it at all, especially considering some of the stuff that's come out.
I admit that I haven't really followed it much after the Quinn stuff, but that "idea" just seem like a lame excuse for what they are doing. If ethics really was a big problem for gaming journalists it would warrant another movement that had nothing to do with women.
The whole gamergate thing is one of the most confusing stories I've ever read. I mean each time I think I understand what's going on, I just get confused again. I didn't really understand any of what Jeff was saying. All I got from it was "don't feed the trolls." I've never even heard of Zoe Quinn. Is she somehow related to that Sarkeesian person who had the kickstarter about exposing sexism in video games?
She's a game developer, she made Depression Quest. She's shown up on GB stuff a handful of times.
That's what burns me up about this whole thing; the idea that gamergate doesn't think that we, their peers, are paying enough attention to the situation when they're sitting in the same boat that we are and looking at things from the exact same vantage point, as if we're the dumb ones because we couldn't see the smoke of the fire that's not actually there.
Damn, Jeff is a top-notch writer.
Will they write another one in a couple of months, cause GG isn't gonna blow over anytime soon.
No one asked for this.
Persona 4 Golden Endurance Run with Dan and Brad.
yeah, rumors were that it was a batman game set in the nolan universe
I would buy a 1 year Premium subscription if this happened. Has Brad played P4, P4G, or watch the ER?
It's not happening
Why didn't GB ever get a modded Vita with HDMI out? There's a handful of channels (including at least one gaffer) on youtube that upload direct capture videos from Vita.
I love when Jeff gets real.
I would buy a 1 year Premium subscription if this happened. Has Brad played P4, P4G, or watch the ER?
It's not happening
Why didn't GB ever get a modded Vita with HDMI out? There's a handful of channels (including at least one gaffer) on youtube that upload direct capture videos from Vita.
I remember Brad kept saying he was saving P4G for a flight that would never happen. lolI would buy a 1 year Premium subscription if this happened. Has Brad played P4, P4G, or watch the ER?
It's not happening
Why didn't GB ever get a modded Vita with HDMI out? There's a handful of channels (including at least one gaffer) on youtube that upload direct capture videos from Vita.
I remember Brad kept saying he was saving P4G for a flight that would never happen. lol
You know, I actually took some ghetto P4G footage as well, since no one had uploaded thescene at the time and any of the Ai S-link stuff. Funny enough, I met the other GAFfer who uploaded footage of the other S-links. lolsecond onsen
...Better than I thought it'd be. Way to go, guys.
I found this bit particularly poignant:
I remember he was saying how he was a "portable gaming squirrel" who wanted to save portable games for the times when he couldn't play games any other way. But yeah, P4G isn't something you can really play in short bursts. lolHe was saving a 100 hour jrpg for a flight, where was he going Mars?
I love when Jeff gets real.
Jeff did, but the capture apparently sucks.
Jeff bought one, but he felt that the quality of the video wasn't worth the effort of making it work with their equipment.
I remember Brad kept saying he was saving P4G for a flight that would never happen. lol
You know, I actually took some ghetto P4G footage as well, since no one had uploaded thescene at the time and any of the Ai S-link stuff. Funny enough, I met the other GAFfer who uploaded footage of the other S-links. lolsecond onsen
Why is it okay that seven articles were published on the same day saying gamers are dead?
Damn, that was an impressive response.
In general, it felt like one of those "show a unique grasp on the details with a nuanced presentation of events, while rising above the immediate situation and pointing toward the bigger picture" sort of balancing acts, and he pulled it off very well. Didn't Jeff joke about being the mayor of a city at some point during the last Bombcast? Maybe he actually does have political aspirations?
Seriously, though, good stuff.
So, if you guys could clear up one thing for me, that'd be swell. Someone in the discussion thread felt their side underrepresented by the games media and asked/asks Jeff a bunch of questions, one of which goes:
I'm not familiar with the minutiae of GG. Is this really a thing people get riled up over? Because that just suggests to me (or confirms, rather) that they lack the intellectual capacity to.. understand anything, basically. It's tragic that literal idiots are wrecking this much havoc.
So, if you guys could clear up one thing for me, that'd be swell. Someone in the discussion thread felt their side underrepresented by the games media and asked/asks Jeff a bunch of questions, one of which goes:
I'm not familiar with the minutiae of GG. Is this really a thing people get riled up over? Because that just suggests to me (or confirms, rather) that they lack the intellectual capacity to.. understand anything, basically. It's tragic that literal idiots are wrecking this much havoc.
I thought the captures on youtube looked fine, but whatever.
It's not happening ;__;
wait when did this get moved to community
So.... black screen right now for UPF? Technical issues?
And the community move is something that was inevitable. Let's just deal.
But someone should make an ExtraLife thread when that happens in Gaming.
wasn't me!!!!
(though i never voiced any objections)
But joking aside, as much as I think this thread should be in Community, it would have been nice for a mod to drop in and give an official head's up.
But, as Emcee mentioned a while back, for whatever reason we're not well liked even if we're one of the most civil and well behaved threads on GAF.
But, as Emcee mentioned a while back, for whatever reason we're not well liked.