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Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People



I've made a huge mistake


I've always been semi-interested in Persona but I hate the living shit out of menu-based combat systems (re: JRPGs).

I might try it out eventually.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
It's a sad irony that I just reached the second map in Wasteland 2, where the objective is to bring law to the lawless and explore the uncharted map in search of civilization. Now I feel like I'm doing this in fake-real life again.


I bet Jeff would hate Marie. The way that Atlus keeps trying to shove her down people's throats is disgusting.

They really haven't done that much. An anime centered around her and a DLC character in a fighting game spin-off...

Watching this... makes me remember the awesome times of the original Endurance Run. Knowing the next day would have another episode; it was great.


How crazy is it that I'm feeling nostalgia for something that happened in 2008...
I mean I don't want to be all "DAE REMEMBER THE 90's FUCK I'M OLD", but goddammit time flies!
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