I bet Jeff would hate Marie. The way that Atlus keeps trying to shove her down people's throats is disgusting.
just came back and everything is crazy. we're in community now? JEFF PLAYING PERSONA 4?
Especially since new Chie is the worst.
Has Jeff "Go To the Roof Go To the Roof" Gerstmann ever voiced his opinion about Nu-Chie on an Arena Quicklook or anything?
Has Jeff "Go To the Roof Go To the Roof" Gerstmann ever voiced his opinion about Nu-Chie on an Arena Quicklook or anything?
I'd say an entire anime series is a lot.
His GOTY 2012 video I think
How crazy is it that I'm feeling nostalgia for something that happened in 2008...
I mean I don't want to be all "DAE REMEMBER THE 90's FUCK I'M OLD", but goddammit time flies!
I think he had stated his opinion in the Bombcast following its launch, or something like that. Definitely a Bombcast where he talked about P4G with Vinny.
I really didn't care much for P4G.
Remember when they first met Fox?
Arghh...now I really need to rewatch the whole damn thing. Thanks internet.
Not watching the stream (and haven't played P4G) but I'm watching P4G: The Animation and I haven't been feeling Marie. She just doesn't seem like a character that fits in with the rest of P4. Like she was the textbook tsundere that was pulled out of some other romcom anime then shoved into P4 for some reason.
It's kind of like P3P for me. Some nice gameplay upgrades, and a little bit of interesting new story content, but overall not an enormous upgrade. I absolutely hated new Chie voice, and I thought Marie was a terrible character, but the changes to fusing and having stat cards was great.
Yeah, Marie was....let's not talk about Marie.
And the fan-servicy parts just really rubbed me the wrong way. Not into it.
And Rise was creepily into it. She's great though
Drew's going to be so mad when he gets back
I subscribed for a month just to watch this. That congratulations.
She's a great terrible character.
I don't mean that as a negative.
You are absolutely right.
Did Dan say he didn't like Winter Soldier? Out of all the Marvel movies I'd figure that's the one that he would've liked.
Seeing Persona 4 really reminds me...
Persona 2 was such a great couple of games.
I snagged them both on my Vita and I haven't gotten in to them yet. The talk system kind of threw me off. I should get back at that.
8mm is terrible.
So where is Alexis going / why is he leaving? The chat was moving too fast I couldn't see what was going on.
Did Dan say he didn't like Winter Soldier? Out of all the Marvel movies I'd figure that's the one that he would've liked.