Oh brother.
I love that after such a long period since the ED, people are still anal about something they did 5 years ago XD
Oh brother.
Extra Life has started right?
I love that after such a long period since the ED, people are still anal about something they did 5 years ago XD
is the giant bomb extra life stream happening on the bayonetta 2 launch?
Hmm...I'm getting Bayonetta 1 and 2 on Friday the 24th...Extra Life 2014 is on Saturday the 25th...hmm...
10:59 AM - 5 Oct 2014
Looks like Gamespot is doing 100 hours for ExtraLife.
I'd love to quit soda cause I know it's awful for me, but what do I drink then? Battery acid?
For real though, soda is delicious. nothing really compares, taste-wise.
I'd love to quit soda cause I know it's awful for me, but what do I drink then? Battery acid?
For real though, soda is delicious. nothing really compares, taste-wise.
I'd love to quit soda cause I know it's awful for me, but what do I drink then? Battery acid?
For real though, soda is delicious. nothing really compares, taste-wise.
I'd love to quit soda cause I know it's awful for me, but what do I drink then? Battery acid?
For real though, soda is delicious. nothing really compares, taste-wise.
I believe he said after his jog. We'll also only get pictures if he survives the ordeal. Dan is a true trailblazer in the world of culinary.
You didn't make mention of this one:
Has anyone giffed Jeff's reaction to Marie yet?
I'd love to quit soda cause I know it's awful for me, but what do I drink then? Battery acid?
For real though, soda is delicious. nothing really compares, taste-wise.
I'd love to quit soda cause I know it's awful for me, but what do I drink then? Battery acid?
For real though, soda is delicious. nothing really compares, taste-wise.
Water. I'm to old to quit the habit, but water is actually better.
water and beer are all you need
Next Pizza Roll casserole, then Pizza Roll salad, then Pizza Roll Pizza
Does anybody want a pizza roll
Email me or comment on my webzone if you want a pizza roll
Every time I hear "pizza roll" I immediately think of the Plinkett reviews.
Half In The Bag is great too
Next Pizza Roll casserole, then Pizza Roll salad, then Pizza Roll Pizza
Half In The Bag is great too
Yeah, that and BotW has made the lack of new Plinkett reviews bearable. For some reason Mike has always reminded me of Jeff, might be the deadpan humor.
BOTW is the only good non-Plinkett thing they put out. But not WOTW. That sucks.
Him, Jeff, and Pat from TBFP share a similar curmudgeonly charm.