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Giant Bomb X | Built-In Automatic Death Thing For Secret People




I feel like I should play a zelda game one of these days.

Does darksiders count?

I guess, kind of. It's more of agglomeration of Zelda, Devil May Cry and other action games, with another surprise that I wouldn't want to spoil. But at structure and design, it's a Zelda game.

I would say play a Zelda game, but I'm clearly biased.


what, no


Darksiders>Skyward Sword



the holder of the trombone
Nah, I've played and finished darksiders already, what I meant is does having played darksiders count as playing zelda?


the holder of the trombone
Haha, alright, I meant it more as a joke really. I do have a 3DS so I could get the remakes and link between worlds, but zelda games never drop in price it seems. :(


the holder of the trombone
Huh, probably should have jumped onto it then, but the sale wasn't too huge.

Also right now I'm skittish enough about buying more digital content seeing nintendo's terrible account system and me wanting to upgrade to the new 3DS. :p


Huh, probably should have jumped onto it then, but the sale wasn't too huge.

Also right now I'm skittish enough about buying more digital content seeing nintendo's terrible account system and me wanting to upgrade to the new 3DS. :p

The account stuff is greatly exaggerated, unsurprisingly. First of all, transferring your games to a N3DS would literally be hassle-free, no risk involved. And just last week Dan was talking about how he retrieved his WiiU games after his console got stolen without any issues. Your purchases are all tied to your ID after all.

I suggest Link's Awakening DX as a starting point.


the holder of the trombone
Nah, it's pretty troublesome seeing that I'm planning to trade in my old 3DS for the new one. So I have to hope that the store clerk will let me do the wi-fi transfer in store.
You haven't played a Zelda game until you've played a Zelda game. The puzzle design is always infinitely better than Darksiders, or Darksiders 2 at least. The combat's also completely different. I'd recommend OOT or Twilight Princess for 3D, and all of the 2D ones are the same, so they're all awesome.
I'd personally go with A Link Between Worlds for a 2D Zelda, but it's kinda hard to go wrong (except for maybe the DS ones but I haven't played those).


Interesting post by Jeff regarding "corruption" in the games media (which is such a tired topic at this point, but whatever):

I was never able to nail down which ones were doing it and which stood against it, but I've had PR people tell me that they were able to essentially "buy" the cover spot in magazines published in the UK. That always struck me as pretty nasty. That was Xbox/PS2-era stuff. I feel like, depending on who you talk to, the UK magazine scene sounded like it was pretty flagrant back in the day.

By all accounts, Game Informer does not sell its cover.

We'd also hear about smaller sites bending to pressure from companies from time to time. Since smaller sites rely on the free game gravy train in order to post any coverage at all (they, unlike us, wouldn't be able to afford to buy everything if push came to shove) publishers could say things like "we're never going to send you another video card/game/whatever ever again if you don't fix this" and get things to change. It's a big part of why Metacritic now has a "your first score is set in stone forever" policy. This was back in the 90s and early 2000s, but sometimes I wonder if "smaller sites" haven't just been replaced by "fledgling YouTube channels" these days. Both cases involve small-to-solo operations from people who, in some cases, just heard it was a great way to get free games.

I also think there's probably an important distinction to be made between Capital-C Corruption and Dumb Moves From People Who Should Probably Know Better. I was lucky enough to work under smart people like Ron Dulin when I first got to GameSpot, and his no-bullshit attitude about dealing with the companies who made games shaped who I am today. But everyone makes mistakes. At one point (again, this is probably PS1/N64 era) Midway contacted us and asked if they could interview us about their upcoming lineup. It was for some video they were presenting to shareholders. We ended up agreeing for some dumb reason. This was right around the time that a lot of us were getting way into NFL Blitz, so, overall, we were genuinely pretty postiive about some of the games on their schedule. But imagine how that looks! There we were, probably up on some big screen, at some company event, being shown talking about these games that we liked. Eventually that made it onto a tape and got distributed somehow. We shouldn't have agreed to that. Even though we felt we were being honest about those games, it looked pretty gross. I felt like a real idiot over that one.

I also go back and forth on the "let us put your logo in our game" discussion. We used to do it for awhile back at GameSpot. One of the Rush games has the videogames.com logo hidden in there as an unlockable car or something. At some point we very definitively stopped. Over the last few years, we've loosened up on this one, but it's not something I take lightly. It's the sort of thing that I would definitely say prevents us from reviewing a game. But perhaps we could review it and post a disclosure about whatever asset is being used. We've certainly posted disclosures on reviews before.

Lastly, since someone brought up the Official mags, I'm not 100% sure how they operated. But having spoken with people who have worked in editorial at official pubs before, they sound like they were on the up and up. But that's at the Associate/Senior Editor level. No idea if the suits at the top were doing weird stuff or not. You should ask Giancarlo about it, I think he did stuff for OPM and he also had a brief stint at Nintendo Power.

OK THAT is why I could not find the thread anymore !!! :O:O

NO WAY why did it move over :(:(.

Now all future GB gaf threads will die off a slow dead just like every other topic that goes to community :(
Haha, alright, I meant it more as a joke really. I do have a 3DS so I could get the remakes and link between worlds, but zelda games never drop in price it seems. :(

As a huge Zelda fan, I was super excited for ALBW, but then barely played it when it came out. I've recently started playing it in earnest, and it's super great.

I was never a big fan of that game for some reason, but I respect how fucking weird it is. Especially for a game made by Nintendo.

Majora's Mask is the Majora's Mask of the Zelda series.


OK THAT is why I could not find the thread anymore !!! :O:O

NO WAY why did it move over :(:(.

Now all future GB gaf threads will die off a slow dead just like every other topic that goes to community :(

We'll be fine. The thread is probably gonna become more insular, but that goes with the territory of being moved to Community. I think the plan is to post a link to this thread in every new Bombcast thread in Gaming, and there will of course be the normal event threads in Gaming (Extra Life, GOTY, E3 etc.).

Danny on his tumblr has been very critical of some members of the UK games press pretty much backing up Jeff's views.

Yeah, Jeff has talked about that before and it seems pretty fucking shady. If he has had PR people tell him that stuff directly, it's a sure bet that it's true too. Oh and in other words, that thread he replied to and other threads like it shows that people are moving the goalpost more and more when trying to prove "corruption" in the games media. But that's probably not for this thread.

edit: More from Jeff in that thread:

Yeah, a lot of stuff lined up in a specific way that made those ads look pretty bad.

A lot of sites that rely on ad revenue are finding themselves in an increasingly tough spot. Typical display ads (banners and stuff) don't work very well any more and, if you're running a site that's used by a fairly savvy audience, your adblock percentages are probably very high. FInding new ways to get advertiser messages in your stuff so you can make enough money to survive without going so far that all of your content is hard to watch and/or looks "bad" is the new struggle. I spend a not-insignificant amount of time fielding quesitons from our sales team that start with "hey, I think I know the answer to this question, but I need to at least be able to say that I asked you directly about <ad campaign that would interfere too heavily with the user experience on the site or put us in a weird position>."

If we took more of those shortcuts we'd probably bring in way more money and be able to hire more people and so on and so forth. But at some point, once you've made all those compromises, is the site even still worth visiting?


I could make a huge 1 page post about where to start on Zelda, but basically: if you're up for 2D start with ALTTP unless you really want to go release order (I highly suggest to at least try Zelda 1 and 2)and for 3D, OoT 3D or Wind Waker (HD) are the best starting points.
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