Don't lie when Bard booted up destiny you were all worried!
bard me realise I couldn't affect the outcome of this (although he was always the weak link)
never sweatin'

Don't lie when Bard booted up destiny you were all worried!
never sweatin'
Does the Sunset Overdrive quicklook look really bad for anyone else? The game is 900P but it's more compression artifacts and jagglies everywhere, even in download HD.
Also what the hell is under the Wii U logo in my avatar daydreaming? Is it a camera or an eye ball?
GB SF Need to steal GBeast recording equipment.
Also what the hell is under the Wii U logo in my avatar daydreaming? Is it a camera or an eye ball?
gorilla plate is turning
It's kinda amazing that Battle Fantasia was GB's third ever Quick Look.
It's kinda amazing that Battle Fantasia was GB's third ever Quick Look.
Am seriously considering purchasing Bayonetta 1 and 2 on Wii U even though I don't have a Wii U.
Logic and rational decision making becomes more difficult the better the game looks, but yeah you're right. I'm just worried the double pack will actually rise in price over time.
what even was the bet
I like movies where a bunch of shit blows up, but I prefer them with real guns and countries and not a bunch of space guns and crazy powers.
to see if brad would fall asleep on stream
I thought it was if he played Destiny.
Did they cancel the bombcast to play Destiny?
Dan saying how good Pain & Gain is on that arcade quick look, jfc.
That movie's kinda offensive.
That in and of itself is pretty offensive. It's based on a true story using real names of real people and retold it as a dark comedy, which is just weird. Couple of lads on Death Row for doing all sorts of horrifying stuff, let's rework that into a bumbling comedy caper.It has the "let's laugh at these people" problem many Michael Bay movies have, especially since it's based on a true story, but I don't really see how it's very offensive.
It's weird to me that people always give Pain and Gain shit for being based on a real event, but hardly anyone said anything about 30 Minutes or Less.
Volo will make the Bombcast thread. I'm going to bed suckahsss
could care less
hope you have a bad nights sleep
My premium ran outNow I feel like a hobo. What are the chances of another Turkey sale?
y the hate
you brought this upon yourself brotha
They did a Thanksgiving sale in 2012, but not last year. So...who knows?
go to sleep.
Is the framerate on the Sunset Overdrive quicklook GARBAGE or is it just me?
looked fine to me tbh
Is the framerate on the Sunset Overdrive quicklook GARBAGE or is it just me?