yeah I don't really want to pile on but everybodyhas been asking Sega for PC ports forever. that and localizations. Shame it's VC instead of, oh, I dunno, VANQUISH, but at least they're making the effort.figuratively speaking
how about that Yakuza 5 localization, huh? Bayo PC?
For what it's worth, in regards to Vanquich PC, Hideki Kamiya recently visited Valve. Today, he retweeted this.
Matt Charlesworth is a Valve employee.
I wonder how Dan feels about Jose Cansecos finger getting blown off
Probably old but according to the bombcast, Alexis went to go work for Twitch.
Not super old but Alexis mentioned during their extra life stream.
Ah I missed it when he said it but that explains why he was saying he will be a "kind of coworker" to Shaun McInnis who is going to Amazon.
I had that exact same thread ready but then Person of Interest was on and I forgot to post it.
"If I was on that team I would be pretty pissed. [...] I would tell him on twitter that he's gonna die."
"Jason no"
Jason pls
whats that from?
For what it's worth, in regards to Vanquich PC, Hideki Kamiya recently visited Valve. Today, he retweeted this.
Matt Charlesworth is a Valve employee.
From what I've heard, the VC PC port was likely less to do with any petitions. There were... other plans that this seems to have replaced.
I'm shocked.
I wanted my first thread to be about Ridge Racer and you two forced my hand with your so called sleep.Sorry, Daydreaming sent it to me (the OP) but I was asleep too!
Except Patrick is awful at snark and just comes across as a huge douche.
Lately everytime Jeff goes away for a few days there are people who assume he's gone to elope with his girlfriend.
I wanted my first thread to be about Ridge Racer and you two forced my hand with your so called sleep.
If he was deliberately being a dick though, it doesn't really excuse the typical GAF dogpile that happened in that VC thread.
Bombcast popped your cherry.
I guess because it's something I'd look forward to, SEGA is obligated to crush my hopes and dreams.
It's that time of the year again where GB content & streams happen one hour earlier than usual for like a week because NA hasn't caught up with daylight saving in Europe, yet.
Also, someone was talking mess about Cara-chan's Bombin' appearance earlier so here's a recent article of hers that I enjoyed (and agree with).
Man the search and website structure is terrible... How am I supposed to find old GOTY list articles?
Man the search and website structure is terrible... How am I supposed to find old GOTY list articles?
Do you like my drawing ?
Google (for realz). Any time I want to find something from the site I just Google it instead.
Anything not connected to a wiki page is impossible to search for on site.
Screw it i am just going to import ishin and zero on ps4. It can't be that hard to play in Japanese.
This Giantbomb GOTY database is fantastic.
Articles are found toward the bottom of the list (in spoiler tags).
I'm surprised you had time to draw that what with you being busy playing WiiU and all.
there's a pretty good english guide for ishin out there
and by lol I mean Y5 is literally the single hardest game I've ever tried to play in japanese, even with a guide. I hope you can at least read katakana and hiragana
You can draw on the gamepad!I'm surprised you had time to draw that what with you being busy playing WiiU and all.