It is a shame. It would be so easy to tear down Dan's "never had a bad day" claim - but I would have to say something mean to do so. Not worth it, let him have his delusion.
You should pat yourself on the back for this.
It is a shame. It would be so easy to tear down Dan's "never had a bad day" claim - but I would have to say something mean to do so. Not worth it, let him have his delusion.
When he got robbed was probably a bad day.
Crazy how cheap 360 games that I was on the fence about when they initially released are nowadays. Saw Revengeance, Lords of Shadow (+ Mirror of Fate HD) and Lollipop Chainsaw for ten bucks a pop yesterday.
Was Mirror of Fate any good? i never played the 3DS original.
Jason must remain on the Bombcast. There is no other option. You hear me, Brad? NO OTHER OPTION!Looking forward to the return of Dan, not looking forward to Jason returning to the shadows.
Jason must remain on the Bombcast. There is no other option. You hear me, Brad? NO OTHER OPTION!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Jason
Lets just have a 5 man bombcast.
I just recently started listening to the bombcast again, I would like if Jason stays on it.
I was confusing Dan and Jason voices at first anyway, haha.
Remove Drew.
SMTIV is out in EU today. I know what my character will be called.
6, skype in Vinny! yes I want a 4 hour bombcast!Lets just have a 5 man bombcast.
6, skype in Vinny! yes I want a 4 hour bombcast!
Jimmy pls
what's next, skype?
I would be fine with all of these
bring back NintenDownload X-press
I miss Vinny on the podcast but it doesn't seem like he's joining Scoops and the Wolf or that he is going to be on the GOTY stuff. Miss him on premium stuff, too. Was watching him troll brad with demon's souls the other night and it remains as enjoyable as ever.
Sucks, but at least we get some quick looks from him every so often.
Looks like WWE Network in the UK will be like the US version.
i wont believe that until it is live. Sky can be huge fuckers when it comes to TV rights stuff.
Word of the Day - Prosody. P-R-O-S-O-D-Y. Prosody
They're pretty distinctive now that I'm used to them.
I would like jason to stay on too. Finally, someone who likes fighting games! Monster hunting games! Japanese games!Also anime!Any games at all really!
Remember that one time when?this thread was not buried in the graveyard that is Gaming Community subforums
That was amazing.
Grrrr....I can't stand this man's claim to be happy. He must be brought down to us miserable beings down here.
Someone asked him, he said it wasn't.
Who cares anyways? Everyone has a different outlook on things, he seems easygoing and happy. No reason to get bent out of shape to try and "prove him wrong." Just because you want to call it a delusion since you have a different outlook, doesn't mean it is.
i wont believe that until it is live. Sky can be huge fuckers when it comes to TV rights stuff.
Yup i wouldn't be surprised if we have less content on the network.
No sure. I am just jealous. Only considering all the things that personally happen to a person - and happen to the world in general - over a period of 20 years. If none of that effects you in any way sufficiently to label it "having a bad day". That might be the clinical definition of a psychopath.
I mean I think Dan was just saying he is a naturally optimistic happy person. If he really considered it I don't think he meant it literally. Which is good for him, and again, I am jealous.
$20 seems very much the wrong price for Doorkickers (for me at least). Watched the QL, and hesitated at making a purchase. Feel I am waiting for a Humble Bundle or Sale now (I have a big backlog anyway).
SMTIV is out in EU today. I know what my character will be called.
I don't want to bring on an early weekend gaf but...
I'm not a psychologist or anything (my sister is though) but judging by the story he told about pissing on his dads DVD collection and his dads denial about it and Dan's severe anxiety issues, I'd have to guess he has some serious issues with denial himself. That shit'll eat you alive if you let all those bad days fester without letting yourself release the stress that comes with having a bad day. It's really healthy to let it all out right when the bad things happen or else you're just going to hold it all in. Then it'll eat you alive.
That probably wouldn't fit.
hey, sorry for bringing the forum down. I was originally just pointing to the statement as more amusing bullshit from Dan. Didn't want to try and diagnose the guy as having a mental illness.
Now back to watching 24 hour news channels and trying not to cut myself.