Metal Gear Scanlon 2?!

In case anyone is interested, Dave Snider and Ian will be streaming Ice Wind Dale here soon.
I know a lot of people like to dump on the GB video player, but I really love the ability to have a video fill the browser tab but not the whole screen. That needs to be a feature in every video player.
Yeah, it's not perfect, but the features it has make it really fantastic for my use.I know a lot of people like to dump on the GB video player, but I really love the ability to have a video fill the browser tab but not the whole screen. That needs to be a feature in every video player.
I know a lot of people like to dump on the GB video player, but I really love the ability to have a video fill the browser tab but not the whole screen. That needs to be a feature in every video player.
I know a lot of people like to dump on the GB video player, but I really love the ability to have a video fill the browser tab but not the whole screen. That needs to be a feature in every video player.
It's the friggin' greatest, and is the only way I watch GB videos.
100% agreed; makes it perfect for work watching
That's just some random GB fan, don't think he's ever said who he is. I stopped following it a good while ago because he turned it into a Q&A Tumblr, and I wasn't there to hear what some random fan had to say about everything GB (I was there for the gifs!). But yeah, he's been vocal about not liking Dan since the start (partly because of the whole hiring controversy). Not that there's anything wrong with that of course, but that's not what I come to a fan made Tumblr blog to see.
The near-future is such a lame setting for anything.
what's the press x to experience emotion thing in relation to?
I can't stop reading this tumblr, so thanks to everyone who mentioned it.
Here's a gem: #hyperbolic internet people are exhausting
Yes. Yes, they are.
The near-future is such a lame setting for anything.
Wouldn't Deus ex be considered far future?
2052 is when Deus Ex took place, so I would consider that far future, especially pack when it came out.
People do get that the CoD devs were doing a self parody right
The example was human revolution which is set in 2027 so I would class that as near future.
I'd barely consider those games First Person Shooters anyway. The shooting was the worst part of both.
Thing is, far future and near future are pretty relative terms. I would consider near future to be stuff that uses tech that are currently being developed for use in 5-10 years time. I can't quite remember if human revolution has anything that goes beyond that.
I don't suspect we'll have robot bodies that let us jump 15 feet in the air, punch through brick walls, or turn invisible in the next 10 years.
Dan Ryckert is the best.
First the "F" to pay respects thing, now this. AAA gaming has become self-aware...
Or has it?
In case anyone is interested, Dave Snider and Ian will be streaming Ice Wind Dale here soon.
As much as I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, you're probably right.Well, seeing that COD thing in context, it doesn't come across as them being very self-aware. But who knows.
Not only is the 'Press X to Experience Emotions' stupid and unimportant, but it is already over a day late compared to the other websites that wrote about it.
Well, "press X to pay respect to Kevin Spacey's lips" on the bombcast still made me laugh, so there.
How do you want to fight? Sticks or stones?
First the "F" to pay respects thing, now this. AAA gaming has become self-aware...
Or has it?
Not only is the 'Press X to Experience Emotions' stupid and unimportant, but it is already over a day late compared to the other websites that wrote about it.