Drew da god
Seriously. I never would have thought the guy had it in him. I will never trust anything he says again.
Drew da god
Onion is better
Man this stream is fucking incredible.
Danny's got a whole stable of terrible accents to use. I've watched Hatoful Boyfriend on Giant Bomb Unarchived. I know what's up.
Man this stream is fucking incredible.
dan/danny are evil
Watching avalon with some
Onion is better
It's funny how just seeing you write that makes me look at them and be like "Oh my gosh he's right look at how Dan moved his elbow!"
This game is brilliant. You start to doubt everything. Even logical stuff can be manipulations.
Is your fear false?
Drew is going too hard to be Merlin.Drew is Merlin.
Rykert has no poker face.
These Unplugged streams need to be more regular.
I'm starting to become concerned that Drew is actually evil in the real world and not in the game. Or maybe a wizard.
Drew is going too hard to be Merlin.