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Giant Bomb XXI | Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

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My questions is if you really like Nuclear Throne and aren't done playing that, is there any reason to get this as well?
You get more out of this than in nuclear tbh.

Both are fantastic and both have given me the "one more run" and I'm up at like 3 am on my 17th "one more run"


You get more out of this than in nuclear tbh.

Both are fantastic and both have given me the "one more run" and I'm up at like 3 am on my 17th "one more run"
I'm sold. Thanks friend.

I do really really like the polish on this. The artstyle and animations and music are top notch.
I don't think Jeff realized that the Gungeon camera shifts where you aim, so that's why he couldn't see the guys right below him in that one spot -- he was aiming all the way to the top of the room. I haven't had any issues with it.
Really, Vinny and Alex are an amazing pair that can bring the best out of anyone. It's icing on the cake that Austin is also on point 90% of the time. Dude has come really far since he was hired.


Slowdown and an unresolved weird bug (you can't hanged weapons on the hat acted select screen) on the Vita version ate Nuclear Throne's lunch.

There is also the fact that Gungeon is a 60hz game, Nuclear Throne is 30hz. It has the same problems that Hyper Light Drifter has.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Every character in QB except the main character and Martin Hatch feels like they're being played by CW extras. Except Paul who feels like he's played by a SyFy Original One-Off Villain Trying to Be Alec Baldwin.

And the main character's performance doesn't matter much because as a character, he is dull as bricks. The only character that really shines is Lance Reddick as Martin Hatch because that mother fucker is so disturbingly evil sounding. If I sounded like that dude, I'd just never stop talking to myself outloud.
I don't think Jeff realized that the Gungeon camera shifts where you aim, so that's why he couldn't see the guys right below him in that one spot -- he was aiming all the way to the top of the room. I haven't had any issues with it.

I went into the options and turned off the screenshake and made it so that camera keeps you centered all the time. I think I like it better this way.


Jeff's been wrong about many things, but he's never been as wrong as he is about Kevin Owens' mic-work.

I can understand where he his coming from but I don't agree with him. When Alex said Roman Reigns has always been smug and the character didn't change at last RAW I literally said "wtf are even talking about Alex"


E3 2016

Kind of ridiculous how close together PAX East and E3 are this year. I'm pretty sure there's some big conference every month between now and, what, September?
I think it's just the summer season for different conventions and conferences.

Yeah, it's always been a crowded time but even more so now that they pushed PAX East forward so much (last year it was around the first week of March, maybe? Now it's late April.)

I swear Jeff is sitting behind home base wearing sunglasses in a Dodgers hat in this Dodgers/Giants game rn. :p

He's only there because someone told him that Mad Bum would be at the game.



I'm in one of those Saturday Nights moments where I want to watch a movie and I don't know which one so I ended up watching "Top 5 ### type movie" on Youtube...

I clicked on "Top 5 War Movies Ever" and the first one is fucking "Tears from the sun" with Bruce Willis"....LMAO.... Oh man... wtf
This weeks UPF was pretty boring aside from more Hover Junkers being played. It further cemented my opinion that regular video games are dead and we all need to hook our selves up to the matrix as soon as possible.
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