I'm just going to write off the girl from yesterday (the one I was going to make lunch for). Fuck her. It's not so much that she didn't show up, but she didn't tell me why she didn't. Hell, when I talked to her this morning, she acted like nothing happened. The bitch didn't even say she was sorry. I don't know what her deal is. I mean, the fuck is that? Whether something came up, she was busy, nervous or lost interest is irrelevant. What makes me mad is just the lack courtesy and letting me know what was up. I'm a big boy, nothing she said would have hurt my feelings. I understand if she has a busy life, or some other guy caught her eye. That's fine. But when we made specific plans, for a specific day and specific place, and when I'm going through a certain level of trouble (cleaning my house, and looking fresh) to get shit ready, the least she could have done was send me a text or give me a quick call. That's all.
Yeah, it might seem like I have a sense of entitlement. It's not just with girls though. It's people in general. It's anyone and any situation. Dates, school, work, girls, friends, co-workers, family, ect. It's not that hard to take a couple seconds and let others know what the fuck is going on. Perhaps I have better manners and a better understanding of proper etiquette when it comes to making and cancelling plans. Or I'm just a whiny bitch. Whatever it is though, I'm over it. Now I have tonight and tomorrow to focus on. No sense dwelling on the past. The present and future are more important. Anyway, I have a date with that horny ass virgin tonight. I don't know what's going to happen. I shall see...
God damnit, now she's talking to me again...What the fuck is? This is ridiculous.