bdizzle said:Because we're not trying to fuck each other :lol
speak for yourself i been tryin to fuck russell
bdizzle said:Because we're not trying to fuck each other :lol
Do you drink or do drugs?Generic said:Alright admittedly, that was a stupid question to ask. I've got very little sleep on me atm, apologies all. I guess it's just that since this was my main method of conversing with other people for the last 8 years, I'm just very used to it and am having trouble comprehending some aspects of face to face interactions.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :loljon bones said:speak for yourself i been tryin to fuck russell
-PXG- said:You want a girl right? Want her to be your girlfriend? You want pussy? Too bad, you have to do it. If the worst thing you have to do is a little small talk to get a girl to like you, or have her take you to Vaginaville, then you have no right to complain or have such a high horse mentality. If the only thing you have to do is diversify the subject matter of your conversations or learn how to not to over intellectualize shit, you're very lucky. It's not like you have to get out of a serious bout of depression, overcome servere social anxiety or lose 100 pounds. You just need to learn how to not be so uptight. Relax, loosen up and go with the flow man.
bdizzle said:Do you drink or do drugs?
Generic said:Erm.....
Well, none of those are MAJOR problems, but they are present. I'm not depressed, but I'm not happy either. I haven't been happy in years. I don't have to lose 100 pounds, but I do need to get in shape (already working on it). And I do have a rather strong case of social anxiety. Besides being so 'uptight' about my standards for conversation, I just have trouble transitioning from topic to topic, especially with such 'light and airy' conversations that leave nothing to go on. Another thing I favor in deep discussions is that there is SO much to address. But yeah, the things you mentioned are factors too. I'd add in that I'm ugly, which I do feel I am, but people have now been telling me I'm okay looking (hard to believe after years of being called ugly, sometimes to my face, but whatever), so that's not as big an issue anymore.
No, I find alcohol to be disgusting and I'd rather not try drugs other than marijuana, which I did try and it didn't do much for me. After that, my dad asked me not to try it again and I gave him my word I wouldn't, even though I know it's not really unhealthy at all.
jon bones said:hmmm
you're gonna want to maybe start drinking - ease into it with drinks like:
-rum and coke
-long island iced teas (these are strong, you'll want to go easy on them)
-common white ales (hoegarden)
drinking is The Great Social Lubricant - no need to go overboard but if you're of age, it is time reconsider alcohol
I don't get it. Everyone says "practice" is how you get over the social anxiety, and that's what I've been trying to do. Just talking to people. It's not easy or fun, but it's what everyone suggested. Now your saying I'm not ready for that?-PXG- said:Oh boy...the plot thickens. You need to work on yourself before you can even think about engaging with a female. You're not ready.
It's not that I don't feel good about myself. I do. I'm smart, I can be witty provided I'm comfortable around the person, etc. I just never truly estatic, happy with life, just to be in the moment, if you know what I mean.Lyphen said:If you don't feel good about yourself, you're missing a key element. You're subconsciously blocking off avenues of approach (physical, humourous, whatever). Giving yourself a handicap, essentially.
Generic said:I don't get it. Everyone says "practice" is how you get over the social anxiety, and that's what I've been trying to do. Just talking to people. It's not easy or fun, but it's what everyone suggested. Now your saying I'm not ready for that?
Generic said:And I'm 20 and will be 21 in about 3 months. I've tried alcohol and not too long ago either. It's not very good, I'd really rather not go down that path. That said, I understand the effects alcohol has and understand why others drink. I just can't get over the taste though. Besides, I don't really have anyone I'd want to drink with.
Generic said:I don't get it. Everyone says "practice" is how you get over the social anxiety, and that's what I've been trying to do. Just talking to people. It's not easy or fun, but it's what everyone suggested. Now your saying I'm not ready for that?
And I'm 20 and will be 21 in about 3 months
jon bones said:i disagree with PXG and agree with you in this case- you're doing well. you can improve and practice simultaneously.
-PXG- said:You're kidding yourself if you think you're making significant progress. Just re-read your posts. You're clearly complacent with the idea that you have deeper and more intelligent conversations than most people. Having such an attitude and acting it out isn't helping you. Trust me. You also admitted to having social and anxiety and being physically unattractive. That's quite a volatile mix you have going on.
I suggest doing some more soul searching and self improvement. Once you do that, whatever progress you made before, will go at a much faster rate.
Oh yeah, start drinking. You don't have to get drunk, but do yourself a favor and acquire a taste for alcohol. Like jon bones said, it IS a social lubricant. That, and it doesn't make you look like you're 8 years old. Oh and besides consuming a sensible amount, make or order reasonable drinks. Beer, Jack/ rum and coke, something you think a guy drinks. Don't get some Crayola colored fruit bullshit. Girls drink that crap.
jon bones said:it's an acquired taste - know how the subtleties of those things you love aren't obvious at first? the same is true of booze.
introduce light drinking to your friends - again, no need to go overboard but drinking is a vital part of the social construct of America in 2010. you're going to want to seriously reconsider your stance on the matter. seriously.
-PXG- said:Nope. She's a really lustful, freaky and horny virgin who's just been waiting for a guy ( I guess like me) to seduce her and make her feel special. She was really shy at first but the more I talked to her, the more she opened up to me. I've been shamelessly flirting and teasing the shit out of her saying all sorts of stuff to get her all hot and bothered. So, its not like I'm completely innocent here. She says she still hasn't had her cherry popped yet. She is a cool girl though. She's sharp and smart as hell. We have alot in common. She's very kind and sincere, or at least she seems so thus far. And willing too :lol
No matter what, I always have rubbers on handShe is a tad too clingy, but I'll play it by ear tomorrow. If she starts being too weird I'll tell her (nicely) to ease up. I don't want some girl falling in love with me after one or two dates now. Plus, the last thing I want to do is use her or break her heart. I'll be careful.
Anyway, I hope today's plans don't go down the shitter.
It's. Being. Kept. From. Me.
Mike Works said:Generic, you don't sound like a very fun person to talk to (in real life; you're fine on here).
Additionally, I personally don't think you should be taking advice from bdizzle. Listen to what Cyan said: conversations are a two-way street and you have to have respect for the person you're talking to.
My girlfriend prefers Jay Leno to David Letterman. On the internet? Valid reason to ban someone. In real life? So fucking what.
Quit being so judgmental; it's not attractive at all. You don't have to drop your principals or standards, but not respecting a woman because she doesn't want to listen to your 9 page thesis on Alan Wake is fucking laughable.
I don't care if you've been analytical your whole life. You've also been dateless your whole life.
Maybe you should analyze yourself.
Generic said:And for the physically unattractive thing, I swear to god, I wish people would make up their minds about that.
Generic said:Once I've mastered this, I'm probably going to go back to being alone with infrequent outings to go meet women for a fuck. It's all I'm asking for really, just the skills to make that work.
Generic said:I'll acquire a tolerance for it, but I doubt I'll end up liking the stuff. Oddly, whenever I tell someone I don't drink, they always go "Man, your smart. You know to avoid this stuff." and then they proceed to keep drinking. I don't get that. If I go to a party, I can drink, even the strong stuff. I just don't like it. Isn't that enough?
Mike Works said:I don't care if you've been analytical your whole life. You've also been dateless your whole life.
Maybe you should analyze yourself.
pops619 said::lol :lol :lol
Wow. Russell sounds like a complete psycho. I think we have a new winner for biggest failure of this thread.
jon bones said:pshh fuck what you heard - make up your mind about that. as far as i'm concerned, i'm a ten. doesn't matter what physical flaws i used to see in me - i am comfortable with myself and while i am always improving through diet/gym time - i always look great. adopt that attitude and believe in it.
jon bones said:brother, that's not how it's going to work. you need to appreciate that humans are social beings and that being social has a lot to offer you. you could easily get to the point where you just go to bars when you're horny to pull a 5 to bust a nut in but you want women of value and that shit isn't always that simple.
do you get drunk when you drink? college booze tastes the fuckin worse so i don't blame you - put up with it until you're buying your own top shelf delicious booze. i can't stress the importance of a responsible drinking habit enough though - it has a lot more to offer than you realize.
jamesinclair said:I wish you the best man, but....[IMG][/QUOTE]
Oh don't you worry, I will keep GAF posted.
I'm hoping to get a hold the girl I was supposed to see today and reschedule for early tomorrow afternoon, Sunday or some time next week. But if not, oh well. Her loss. I was gonna cook her some good ass shit, plus treat her to some good cuddling, Blu-Ray flicks and games.
It's partially my fault for not setting an exact time sooner. That, and we've both been really busy and hard to get a hold of. Eh...
My date for tomorrow keeps texting me how excited she is. I am too. She's a sweet girl. It's funny how she said she wants to take things slow, and already I can tell she's somewhat attached.
Queue a bunch of "BAIL OUT" "GET THE FUCK OUT" "IT'S A TRAP" and various popcorn gifs
I disagree, his posts are by far the most entertaining in this thread. Can't wait for more.pops619 said::lol :lol :lol
Wow. Russell sounds like a complete psycho. I think we have a new winner for biggest failure of this thread.
See, it's good that you're open to criticism and willing to discuss it. That's a big step that some people in this thread can't even take.Generic said:Not an entirely fair statement. I've been dateless my whole life because I've pushed away every possible relationship around the time I hit puberty. That's only changing now, when I finally have the desire to go out and talk to people.
And it's not that I don't want her to listen to me blather on and on, but I do want to have an actual deep conversation on some stuff. Even if it's something I personally don't look too deeply into, I'd like to hear the other person talk passionately about why they like something. The girl I talked to before. she said she liked going to concerts. I tell her I've never been and ask her why she likes them so much. "I don't know I just like them. It's the experience I guess." Describe it, tell me why you love it so much, what makes it great. It's not that I disagree, it's that people never get into these things, because they want to keep it 'light and airy', as if showing a strong passion for something is so horrible just because you don't know the person. That's what makes me disrespect a person.
Besides that, your mostly right. I have trouble talking to people particularly those I'm not familiar with, and maybe that's my fault. Like I said, I'm trying to improve by talking to people, but thus far, it mostly ends with awkwardness.
Generic said:If you just mean perfect 10's, how social are we talking here?
Generic said:Not typically. Sometimes it's beer of varying brands, sometimes it's some drink that my friend mixes (usually tastes the best, but still bleh). The one time I did get drunk is the thing that swore me off the stuff forever. The euphoria you feel when drunk is not worth the shitty taste, nor the morning afterwards.
Mike Works said:See, it's good that you're open to criticism and willing to discuss it. That's a big step that some people in this thread can't even take.
First of all, you have to realize that most first conversations and first dates don't involve deep conversations. On average, you'll at most get a conversation going into why someone likes things, but you can't go in with the mindset of opening your inner being to a girl, or expecting the same from her. When you first meet a friend of a friend, do you go up to him/her and say, "TELL ME ABOUT YOUR MOST PASSIONATE OF PASSIONS! THEN, WHEN FINISHED, I SHALL DISSECT HALO 3'S LEVEL STRUCTURE FOR YOU! GO!"
Secondly, you have to realize, a conversation is a back and forth. You're not one of those moderators at debates who throw up a question and then expect the other person to talk about it for 3 minutes.
If she doesn't elaborate into why she likes concerts, then maybe you worded the question wrong? Maybe she just doesn't feel like talking about why she likes concerts right now. Maybe she can't articulate it. Maybe you needed to say something to follow up your first question to get the conversation flowing better.
But no, you lose respect for that girl because she doesn't expand on why she loves concerts. Again, those are ridiculous standards to have and you need to change them. You're judging people way too much on way too little here.
I'm not saying you have to date airheads that don't have any passion or interests, but you do need to realize how you're coming off here- both to us, and probably the women you're talking to.
jon bones said:you're just finding your feet... in time you'll learn how to avoid hang overs, appreciate delicious boozes from all over the world and how they pair with food, etc. i hate to dwell on this topic but it is crucial that you revisit this.
jon bones said:8's and above are approached by men very often. if you're in the right place at the right time, you can bag one at a party/bar if she's coming out of a bad relationship or if you've got tons of game or if you're objectively great looking. more often than not, you're going to need to build a bond with a 8+ before getting it in. people like homebodies, no one likes a shut in.
Generic said:But very well, I'll try not to worry about it so much, and just focus on trying to get her to like me, and nothing more.
Generic said:Why, exactly? Why can't I just take my glass and sip at it every so often to give the impression that I'm drinking when I'm not? Everyone else is probably going to get drunk, what do they care?
Mike Works said:Generic, you don't sound like a very fun person to talk to (in real life; you're fine on here).
Additionally, I personally don't think you should be taking advice from bdizzle. Listen to what Cyan said: conversations are a two-way street and you have to have respect for the person you're talking to.
My girlfriend prefers Jay Leno to David Letterman. On the internet? Valid reason to ban someone. In real life? So fucking what.
Quit being so judgmental; it's not attractive at all. You don't have to drop your principals or standards, but not respecting a woman because she doesn't want to listen to your 9 page thesis on Alan Wake is fucking laughable.
I don't care if you've been analytical your whole life. You've also been dateless your whole life.
Maybe you should analyze yourself.
By far the best haters gonna hate gif I've ever seen.bdizzle said:
Drewsky said:By far the best haters gonna hate gif I've ever seen.
Who gives a fuck. Is she your sister? Your mom? Even your direct cousin? If the answer is no to all of those (and relationships of equal distance like aunt/niece) then you're good to go.Arol said:There's this girl I'm seeing and I found it we're distantly related (somehow?). I didn't give a fuck but everyone (brother/friends) are riding me hard about it lately.
Let me see if I can explain it,
My mother is 1st cousins with Mary.
Mary is 1st Cousins with her Mom.
Hopefully that makes sense. It didn't really bother me all that much but now I'm being called the Cousin Fucker.
The relationship isn't going that great as-is at the moment so it might be playing into it.
Thoughts? Should I just let it go?
Russell said:Fact: You are wrong in your evaluation of me.
You don't know what you're talking about because you simply don't know me.
You are no more socially skilled than I am.
And my age? You're wrong again, boy. I'm much older than you think.
Generic said:I hope Russell hangs around here a while. His posts are making me feel better about myself, which boosts my confidence.
Generic said:And it's not that I don't want her to listen to me blather on and on, but I do want to have an actual deep conversation on some stuff. Even if it's something I personally don't look too deeply into, I'd like to hear the other person talk passionately about why they like something. The girl I talked to before. she said she liked going to concerts. I tell her I've never been and ask her why she likes them so much. "I don't know I just like them. It's the experience I guess." Describe it, tell me why you love it so much, what makes it great. It's not that I disagree, it's that people never get into these things, because they want to keep it 'light and airy', as if showing a strong passion for something is so horrible just because you don't know the person. That's what makes me disrespect a person.
Besides that, your mostly right. I have trouble talking to people particularly those I'm not familiar with, and maybe that's my fault. Like I said, I'm trying to improve by talking to people, but thus far, it mostly ends with awkwardness.
HappyBivouac said:I don't know what's worse--your attitude or the stupid comments some people are making about it, completely missing the point of what is so fundamentally flawed about your thinking.
Here is the fundamental flaw:
There is no such thing as someone being "deserving" or not of sex, love, and intimacy. That concept does not even enter into reality.
You could be the richest, most interesting, sharp-witted, sexiest man alive, but if all you do is set in a computer chair saying "WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LOVE ME" then of course you're going to get nowhere. What, you really think these things just come to people? You have to fucking get out there and try, for god's sake. There are a lot of things people misunderstand about love and sex and stuff, but this is fundamental basic human logic. This is fucking 2+2.
How can you dismiss the concept of taking risks and getting hurt? Because sex is natural? How does your logic even remotely make any sense? You have to get out there and make it known to the people you're interested in that you're interested in being close to them. Being deserving doesn't even enter into any of this. Sometimes you're into someone, you approach them, you're firm in your intentions, there's chemistry, and magic happens. Sometimes it doesn't go that well. This happens to everyone.
I'm just in disbelief as to how you could have such an ass-backwards way of looking at people.
-PXG- said:Russell is Girl-Age's case study.
Personally, I want to help the guy realize the flaw in his logic, and help him find happiness. And that goes for everyone who posts in here. I want everyone to eventually get what they want and be content with themselves and whoever they're with. However, satisfaction doesn't necessarily come naturally, quickly or easily. Remember, no one is entitled to goddamn thing. In Russell's case, the idea that he deserves a girl, needs to get the fuck out of his head, and fast.
Maybe if he worked hard, put in some effort and took initiative, Russell's sense of entitlement could be a debatable subject. But as it stands now, it's not even remotely close to being taken seriously. Before we can even help him, he needs to calm the fuck down and land his ass firmly back on planet Earth. Again, I don't want to ridicule the guy. I want to help him. But he needs to wake up, allow us to help and not have such vapid, bizarre and utterly ridiculous beliefs.
The Shadow said:I personally think we aught to just ignore the poor bastard. The only one that can convince him that he needs help is himself....and he clearly has no desire to ask for help. So it's kind of a pointless exercise at this point.
bdizzle said:This is my speciality. What you need to have first is nice bedding, I mean really nice bedding. Get a bed in a bag if you can't coordinate, but preferably go to bed bath and beyond or some place and ask one if the ladies in the bedding dept what would be some good sheets. Second get some potpourri or some kinda aroma therapy candles. A nice smelling pad will always make a chick panties drop. Also make sure your place is clean and tidy. No junk drawers, no dirty clothes, no dirty dishes, nada. Make sure you hide and loose cords from you computer, games, electronics, etc. It's supposed to look like a showroom. Your room/pad isn't for you to be comfortable, it's to give these hoes a false sense of security so you can shag em!
Make sure your bed is made all the time too and also make sure you have nice curtains and curtain rods up (don't use those cheap white .99 cent ones). Also get an area rug and put maybe some art up on the wall. It doesn't have to be expensive it just has to match your color scheme. Also get a good slow jam mix cd. Something that'll let a girl feel like she's taking a with a glass of wine. Look through home decor magazines/websites for ideas. Yeah you'll feel kinda girly doing it, but trust me it works.
The best thing I ever did was lay my crib out nice. I've had so many chicks tell me how much they love my place and how comfortable they feel laying in my couch/bed. If you make your place comfortable and inviting, girls will be more relaxed and susceptible to whatever deceptive tactics you use to vaginally assault em.
If you have carpet invest in some glade carpet freshner. It works miracles.Whoompthereitis said:Yeah, with you on all counts. I've got the bed locked down, bedding is coming, and I'm already accumulating artwork and nice furniture. I'm gonna make sure the room is true to my personality (funk) while also being female friendly.
bdizzle said:If you have carpet invest in some glade carpet freshner. It works miracles.
I pop my collar to you good sirWhoompthereitis said:And you KNOW I got the slow jams covered. Did you forget who you were talking to? I got smooth R&B from the past five decades covered.
Aight, well stick with the potpourri then, that'll kill em. And Congrats on christening the new spot. Achievement unlocked lolWhoompthereitis said:Hardwood floors.
Mike Works said:Generic, you don't sound like a very fun person to talk to (in real life; you're fine on here).
Additionally, I personally don't think you should be taking advice from bdizzle. Listen to what Cyan said: conversations are a two-way street and you have to have respect for the person you're talking to.
My girlfriend prefers Jay Leno to David Letterman. On the internet? Valid reason to ban someone. In real life? So fucking what.
Quit being so judgmental; it's not attractive at all. You don't have to drop your principals or standards, but not respecting a woman because she doesn't want to listen to your 9 page thesis on Alan Wake is fucking laughable.
I don't care if you've been analytical your whole life. You've also been dateless your whole life.
Maybe you should analyze yourself.
bail out!Arol said:There's this girl I'm seeing and I found it we're distantly related (somehow?). I didn't give a fuck but everyone (brother/friends) are riding me hard about it lately.
Let me see if I can explain it,
My mother is 1st cousins with Mary.
Mary is 1st Cousins with her Mom.
Hopefully that makes sense. It didn't really bother me all that much but now I'm being called the Cousin Fucker.
The relationship isn't going that great as-is at the moment so it might be playing into it.
Thoughts? Should I just let it go?
Books, groups? Those seem like they would make me much more depressed.The Shadow said:I would suggest working on your confidence before even worrying about asking someone out on a date. Have you done any kind of research on your own on confidence building? Books? Groups? Anything like that?
grap3fruitman said:Books, groups? Those seem like they would make me much more depressed.
I don't have confidence issues. I'm just afraid of women because I have zero experience with them and I'm nothing special.
I'm not going to think I'm the greatest person in the world and I can do no wrong. I don't want to be that douchebag. I'm just being honest is all, despite the fact that it sounds like I'm just whining.
Again, I'm just being honest and I think you guys are making the situation out to be worse than it actually is. Though, I'm partially to blame since I'm so vocal about this.vitaminwateryum said:Huh.
grap3fruitman said:Again, I'm just being honest and I think you guys are making the situation out to be worse than it actually is. Though, I'm partially to blame since I'm so vocal about this.
How confident did you feel about getting women at 13? Because I never learned all that dating stuff you're supposed to start when puberty hits. I'm basically a 13 year old kid in a 23 year old's body.
This paragraph is really troubling to read and it sounds like you're not ready for the responsibility of dating/a relationship. A committed relationship with another human being is not something you should discard the moment it becomes inconvenient to you. Here's a question for you... Do you have any pets?Generic said:By women of value, do you mean a serious relationship? Because if so, I am absolutely terrified of that, and I will do everything in my power to avoid that. I want to ability to be social, yes, but I want the ability to turn that off at any point in time. If having a girlfriend becomes at any point inconvenient to me, I want to have no trouble saying "Okay then. Leave"
Again, how confident would you be with women having never been on a date or anything? It seems like my behavior is completely normal considering my situation.-PXG- said:I think he meant that you contradicted yourself. You say you don't have confidence issues, when you clearly do.