Sup Gaf, been following the thread and the past one. Tonight turned my shitty feelings into positive ones. So there's a bit of a back story to the week. You know I have everything at my disposal to get women, but I'm always lacking in my execution (Getting numbers is no thing, actually getting them to kick it with me has been a battle for the most part). And I piss myself off because I ask internally "Just need the opportunity" and whenever it comes around I get limp.
Around Tuesday I wanted to check out a coffee shop in the downtown area that I've heard about, so I just plan to get a cup of coffee and then bounce off. I walk in and behind the counter is a lovely lovely lady that is giving me the bright eyes, she reminds me of the last (and only girl) I had sex with. I check her out as she pours me some coffee, she turns around gets my cash all while showing me some beautiful eyes, I compliment her hair (It was about 5 or 6 inches, short hairs gets my burners going), she thanks me and I walk out... Kicking myself for not asking for her number, but then I feel that I'll see her again, so no trip. She was banging, so hope to run into her soon.
I go back to the shop, get to sit down this time. The beauty ain't in, but it's cool I go and read. While I'm there two girls sit not to far off, I recognize the one looking towards my direction, I find her attractive but she pays no attention to me. I get up, gotta get back to work. Didn't get a chance to see the other one.
Thursday, go back into the coffee shop. I find an ol' friend in there already. Say what's up to him, get coffee sit together. Two girls come in, sit at the table in front of us. I wave to one, I recognize her from a club meeting I went to once. So my buddy leaves, the other girl leaves. I chill on my computer, then I begin to pack up when she says "hey where do I know you from" I tell her it's from a club meeting at school and we begin talking. At first she wasn't really doing it for me, but I was still attracted to her. We were having a great convo, I didn't feel any pressure to impress her or think of anything, she was just as willing to talk. Anyways, I tell her I find our conversation quite interesting, so I grab another coffee. At this point I'm beginning to get a hard on, not in a totally sexual way, but I was just really digging this connection. So we gets to talking, then she brings up that she's renting out from a professor, I ask her who she lives with and she says a dude's name... And kinda slurs out her boyfriend as well. So I think "damn, finally get to a great convo after a good while and she has bf.. Oh well" I still kept talking to her cause I found her really chill. She invites me to a party they're throwing later on this month. Cool.
Comes around Friday. I go visit my family down in Fresno, I get there... No one is home. So I'm like shit okay, I get to playing some REmake, then decide "fuck it, might as well go bar hopping" I go check out the area where there's plenty of bars with in walking distance. Only thing that I noticed right away was that the majority of people seem to be much older than I, nothing wrong with that, just an observation. Anyways, night goes on, I have drinks... I sit at the bar but no ladies to really hit it off with. So I listen to the band playing, then head off to some other ones. I've had about 5 drinks by now, feeling alright. Walk up into a club, there's a reggae/rock band, pretty sick beats. Most of the women there are older, none of them seem to shoot any attention to me, so I start dancing by myself for a good 20 mins. Get out of there, go to a more packed bar. I see a milf next to me at the bar, I forget how we got talking but she then says "You gotta buy all my friends a drink", I just said "fuck, that's some hustling shit right there." Left it at that. So I had a good night, but no pussy. Wasn't my intention, I just wanted some drinks and talk to people.
Saturday, It's around noon brother and I go over to CVS to get some cold medicine, I notice the cute cashier as we walk in. We get what we need and then go up to pay. The cashier begins to give me those bright eyes as she hands me my change, I just talk but don't ask for her number... Fuck... Then comes around later on in the day, I go into this metaphysical kind of shop... They got some nice hippie broads in there, I ask one if she can show me where they carry the massage oil. We talk a bit, and she begins to give me a good vibe. I talk a bit with her but once again let this chance pass by, I had nothing to lose but I puss out. So anyways, fast forward to Sunday. Hung out with my little sisters, that's always great to me, gives me a breath of fresh air to life and reminds me of my duties as a human being and as a brother and son. But anyways, I can't help but still feel somewhat shitty because I do feel lonely. I get on facebook for a bit, I see a friend who I've always had a thing for but she has a man but it's cool cause she's one of the only females at this point in my life that I can really just talk to, and be open about everything even about me getting devious thoughts about me and her, haha. But yea, I tell her how I'm feeling and then she tells me to quit being a girl, I take the advice to heart.
So I'm driving back up, all while listening to Nas and Doom, and half way on my drive I think "Alright fuck thinking like a bitch" and I begin to think to myself "go to starbucks and you'll meet up with someone there for sure, just think positive" So I go to starbucks with my copy of "Love is a Dog From Hell" by Charles Bukowski. I get my tea, sit down and read. After a while a chick waves and says "hi I don't remember where I know you from but hi", she had very short hair, light dark skin (Once again digging the short hair). I then remember she use to have longer hair, I had rode up on my bike to her once about a month prior and we had a nice conversation as I walked with her to a club meeting by the university.
So we talk, and she has to get going. I go back to reading she comes back "Um.. do you come here every Sunday", I tell her that we should get together, she seemed very down for that, ha nice I think. She remarks "Shit, it's so weird running into you" (The power of positive thinking, ha). Anyways she bounces, got a number for the night, sick. So I go back to reading poems about Charles getting down with all different sorts of broads and then I sense two young girls walk by, I don't look up though ( but it's one of those moments where your body tells you to look but you ignore that intuition) anyways, I'm sitting down then I notice that my buddy walked in and so did his boyfriend. Apparently they knew the two girls that just walked out. My buddy is off talking to someone else, and at first only one of the gals sits with me and the boyfriend, they start talking about Avatar, one of the gals says "oh that's my fav movie", instanlly my gaf hive mind kicks in and thinks "pfff, she likes Avatar, no way would I be interested in her." but then I think "wait, remember the words of B Dizzle when it comes to small details like which movies you like, none of that shit really maters. then the boyfriend gets up and it's just me and her. She's very pretty and introduces her self. I introduce myself and begin talking. Then her friend comes in, we start talking about books, life... fast forward sometime, we say our good byes after our nice conversation. I decide not to ask for their numbers, because I know I'll run into them again sometime in the future since they hang out with my freind.
It's a long read I know, but pretty much, doesn't matter how shitty you feel about a day, week, month or year/s... All it takes is some positive thinking, knowing and handling your shit, and a couple of opportunities to make new connections. And a lot of thanks goes to this thread and guys like B Dizzle, I wouldn't mind buying the man a couple of lap dances for all the advice he's been throwing out.