I am so depressed... the most beautiful girl on POF didn't respond to the message I sent her and also declined my chat request.
Not a very big deal at all, but enough to trigger how I feel about all the other crap going on in life that sucks...
as I addressed before, my friends, fuck them. These guys exemplify the internet's fucking Forever Alone meme, and I'm tired of trying to reach out to them and give them a chance to live an adult life since it's obvious these doods are pushing 30 and never had a girlfriend before... I can't talk with them, I can't help them, I'm done, I'll wait for them to decide to help themselves before I bother again.
I feel alone, I moved to a new city and don't know anybody and have no one to talk to (not like I had many friends in LA). I actually do have one local friend, an old classmate who is also educated, goal oriented, and somewhat reasonable. The problem is, she hasn't returned the two texts I sent her this week. Last time I did grab lunch with her I met her new boyfriend, and I fear their relationship has moved to a point where my friendship is about to get cut off...
and finally, crazy OKCupid ex-date starts texting me again 3 weeks after telling me to leave her alone like she wants to hang out... fuck that, that is the absolute last thing I need...
it's time like these where I feel I don't know what to do and want to run to the very last person I should... my ex-girlfriend, who is the source of a lot of the insecurities I feel in regards to relationships and general life success. She's always an email or phone call away from me, but whenever I do see her nothing good ever happens and it just makes me feel worse, but things are so bad I feel like I wouldn't mind feeling like shit just for a split second of that familiar feeling when things actually made sense in life...