Girl/Dating Age Part 2: A combined effort to give advice for those in need

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I just pussed out and sent the girl I want flowers with a nice little message. I hope I win this chick back because I couldn't eat/sleep/concentrate at work for the past few days. I hope she is really not THAT upset with me because of a joke but hey I tried. I had nothing to lose and if I want something I will try my best. So I am happy I am taking a chance with this.

I am prepared to be destroyed though but stranger things have happened.
Host Samurai said:
I just pussed out and sent the girl I want flowers with a nice little message. I hope I win this chick back because I couldn't eat/sleep/concentrate at work for the past few days. I hope she is really not THAT upset with me because of a joke but hey I tried. I had nothing to lose and if I want something I will try my best. So I am happy I am taking a chance with this.

I am prepared to be destroyed though but stranger things have happened.
Would've been better if it was a straight up face to face talk.
Graffgor said:
Okay I'm new to the dating scene and this following scenario has left me feeling awful:

I started talking to this girl from OKCupid, we texted for about a week and a half, then went on one date with her. The date was fine, though there were a couple times where I was woefully uninterested in anything she had to say. Anyway, before and after the date she was super flirty during texts, sending me pics and being intensely sexual, and being a dumb shit lead by his dick I obliged instead of telling her to cool it off.

I should mention that she is quite overweight and I don't find her particularly attractive, but being a virgin and tits being tits I found myself participating almost against my will.

Here's the problem, I'm continuing to date other people from OKCupid, and I've always been very honest about this. However, I believe she misinterpreted my returned flirting (and pics, as embarrassing as that is), and probably rightly so, as me becoming attached exclusively to her.

So on Sunday she asks what I'm doing for the night and continuing my honest approach I tell her I'm going on another date. Her reaction is odd, but difficult to read. She says it's cool but I detected a hint of anger/jealousy.

This other date is nearly flawless, and we clearly have great chemistry with each other. Not to mention I actually find her attractive...

So I get home and immediately girl #1 starts acting more sexual than ever, almost in an attempt to inform me of what I'm missing, so to speak. Again being an inexperienced moron I play along, but afterward feel unbelievably guilty.

The next day, I told her that we need to slow things down, and that things have started to feel weird. She was clearly hurt by this, as she very obviously thought we were much closer than I actually felt, and this is what's chewing me up inside. I never gave her a hint that I wasn't feeling what she was feeling, and in order to not embarrass her, I always went along with with her... giving her compliments and basically giving off signals that I was totally into her.

TL:DR - I strung girl 1 around because I'm a pussy, met a more attractive/compatible girl, and devastated girl 1 with my sudden "change of heart".

Haha I think I've been on the other end of this from a girl I met on OKCupid. There was no pic sharing or anything quite as intense as what you've done but I met a girl a couple of times, we were pretty flirty and at the end of the second date kissed.

I was happy to take things slowly and see how things went, she didn't exactly set my world on fire but she was quite attractive and I felt it could be a slow burner, she also seemed pretty into me so thought fuck it, lets see where it goes.

Today I was meant to meet her for a 3rd time, in the past 2 days shes not text as much. I got a message this morning saying that she wanted to be honest and that she got asked out by another dude last night and she said yes. She then said she'd be happy to meet up as mates though... I could have been a dick and said 'yea sure!' and stood her up, but I simply said that I don't date girls who are seeing someone and that I'd give it a miss.

She seemed to think she was being awesome for being so honest about screwing me around lol, even though the past few days shes done a pretty pathetic job of trying hide the fact shes got another dick.

Not a huge deal and not many fucks were given, just another name to add to my list of girls who prefer anyone else over me!! ;) (foreveralone lol)


soultron said:
Xun, I was basically in the same situation growing up. I was overweight, teased all the time for it, and am probably still dealing with those issues. But I spent a long time working at getting over it. Because the world doesn't get any easier to deal with, you feel me? It only gets harder.

That's why it's frustrating for me, personally, to read posts like this. Don't "wish" something was better -- that's not going to do anything. Wishing implies you're not taking any physical action. It's up to you to improve your life, starting right now.
I realise it doesn't get any easier, and I'm going to have to accept that. But I need to find a way to overcome my confidence issues. I know a lot will come in improving areas of my life, but at the moment that almost seems like it wouldn't help matters at all. And I hate using excuses, but I think my OCD is mostly to blame for my issues.

In regards to improving myself I'm trying to eat better, drink less sugary drinks, and exercise a bit more. I've also given myself reasons to speak to people in the public, such as asking for directions.

RedHerring said:
Don't be so down, you can always turn things around. If you feel so bad about missing out at uni then go back and get involved. I've been much more involved in activities at my university since I've graduated than when I studied there! Also every uni is different. My university is in London and it was fairly social, but my brother has just started at a different uni and for various reasons it seems to be a lot quieter on campus (it's quite far out of central London) with not much going on in my brother's particular department etc. It just depends.

Also, don't believe that schtick about finding someone pre-21. I'm 21 and lots of my friends (my age or older) seem to be breaking up. Post uni can bring about a lot of change, so it's no wonder.

Don't fret and pull yourself up, get involved in whatever you can. Tons of opportunities exist outside of uni.
It's funny that you mention that since my ex-college is allowing anyone to go to the Freshers events this week. I doubt I'll be going due to my lack of money, but I'll probably try and go to future events however.

Honestly I don't want anything serious for a long time, and in contrast with what Soultron feared earlier I don't wish to “grow up” anytime soon because I've yet to experience that whole aspect of my life yet. I've yet to live a day of that life yet, and I already feel like there's no chance in hell it can happen now.

I hate living in the past, but I have a huge amount of regret for some of my decisions. One of them being my college, despite the friends I've made. I should've gone to a college that had a lot more activities going on, and one where I'd live away from home.

Also where abouts is your brother studying?

Anyway thanks for the input you guys, it means a lot!
Bucket-o-roadkill said:
Haha I think I've been on the other end of this from a girl I met on OKCupid. There was no pic sharing or anything quite as intense as what you've done but I met a girl a couple of times, we were pretty flirty and at the end of the second date kissed.

I was happy to take things slowly and see how things went, she didn't exactly set my world on fire but she was quite attractive and I felt it could be a slow burner, she also seemed pretty into me so thought fuck it, lets see where it goes.

Today I was meant to meet her for a 3rd time, in the past 2 days shes not text as much. I got a message this morning saying that she wanted to be honest and that she got asked out by another dude last night and she said yes. She then said she'd be happy to meet up as mates though... I could have been a dick and said 'yea sure!' and stood her up, but I simply said that I don't date girls who are seeing someone and that I'd give it a miss.

She seemed to think she was being awesome for being so honest about screwing me around lol, even though the past few days shes done a pretty pathetic job of trying hide the fact shes got another dick.

Not a huge deal and not many fucks were given, just another name to add to my list of girls who prefer anyone else over me!! ;) (foreveralone lol)
I don't get it. How was she screwing you around?
Facebook is evil i tell ya...I posted something a little sexually explicit (a rap lyric from J Cole which I thought was clever) and I got a comment from this girl consisting of "omg wow I never knew you were into that ;)"
Host Samurai said:
I just pussed out and sent the girl I want flowers with a nice little message. I hope I win this chick back because I couldn't eat/sleep/concentrate at work for the past few days. I hope she is really not THAT upset with me because of a joke but hey I tried. I had nothing to lose and if I want something I will try my best. So I am happy I am taking a chance with this.

I am prepared to be destroyed though but stranger things have happened.

If you are lucky, you'll never hear from her again.

If you get with her, you are going to be her lap dog and she will take you for granted. She'll cheat on you. You've already established a really horrible dynamic with her by being a pussy and not the man.

Bucket-o-roadkill said:
Today I was meant to meet her for a 3rd time, in the past 2 days shes not text as much. I got a message this morning saying that she wanted to be honest and that she got asked out by another dude last night and she said yes. She then said she'd be happy to meet up as mates though... I could have been a dick and said 'yea sure!' and stood her up, but I simply said that I don't date girls who are seeing someone and that I'd give it a miss.

She seemed to think she was being awesome for being so honest about screwing me around lol, even though the past few days shes done a pretty pathetic job of trying hide the fact shes got another dick.

Not a huge deal and not many fucks were given, just another name to add to my list of girls who prefer anyone else over me!! ;) (foreveralone lol)

How did she screw you around? You weren't in a relationship.
What a crazy happenstance!

I've been talking to this one girl on OkCupid and she's been driving cross country to LA with her soon to be ex-gf. In her last message, she said she's going to be in Las Vegas for the weekend. I'm driving out there on Friday with my friends for a 21st birthday party.

This should be good.
Ah let me explain this a bit better, before we met the first time a couple of weeks back we decided we should 'exclusively date' eachother (her idea, not mine), so we were only seeing eachother to see 'how things would pan out'.

The way things panned out was me driving an hour up the road each date (while she drove like 15), and she was obviously still meeting up with other guys while pretending she wasn't. Lucky escape I guess. Sorry for the confusion, my previous post didn't make this clear at all.


Bucket-o-roadkill said:
Ah let me explain this a bit better, before we met the first time a couple of weeks back we decided we should 'exclusively date' eachother (her idea, not mine), so we were only seeing eachother to see 'how things would pan out'.

The way things panned out was me driving an hour up the road each date (while she drove like 15), and she was obviously still meeting up with other guys while pretending she wasn't. Lucky escape I guess. Sorry for the confusion, my previous post didn't make this clear at all.
Hate to say it, but that's your own fault for agreeing to something so ridiculous. She asked you to lock yourself down before you even met?

Should've bailed when you heard that. That's her outright asking you to put her on a pedestal.


Graffgor said:
Okay I'm new to the dating scene and this following scenario has left me feeling awful:

I started talking to this girl from OKCupid, we texted for about a week and a half, then went on one date with her. The date was fine, though there were a couple times where I was woefully uninterested in anything she had to say. Anyway, before and after the date she was super flirty during texts, sending me pics and being intensely sexual, and being a dumb shit lead by his dick I obliged instead of telling her to cool it off.

I should mention that she is quite overweight and I don't find her particularly attractive, but being a virgin and tits being tits I found myself participating almost against my will.

Here's the problem, I'm continuing to date other people from OKCupid, and I've always been very honest about this. However, I believe she misinterpreted my returned flirting (and pics, as embarrassing as that is), and probably rightly so, as me becoming attached exclusively to her.

So on Sunday she asks what I'm doing for the night and continuing my honest approach I tell her I'm going on another date. Her reaction is odd, but difficult to read. She says it's cool but I detected a hint of anger/jealousy.

This other date is nearly flawless, and we clearly have great chemistry with each other. Not to mention I actually find her attractive...

So I get home and immediately girl #1 starts acting more sexual than ever, almost in an attempt to inform me of what I'm missing, so to speak. Again being an inexperienced moron I play along, but afterward feel unbelievably guilty.

The next day, I told her that we need to slow things down, and that things have started to feel weird. She was clearly hurt by this, as she very obviously thought we were much closer than I actually felt, and this is what's chewing me up inside. I never gave her a hint that I wasn't feeling what she was feeling, and in order to not embarrass her, I always went along with with her... giving her compliments and basically giving off signals that I was totally into her.

TL:DR - I strung girl 1 around because I'm a pussy, met a more attractive/compatible girl, and devastated girl 1 with my sudden "change of heart".

I did something remarkably similar. I met some girl in real life (setup via the family) and we were kind of hitting it off. But there was an age gap where I was 21 and she was 17 so I felt somewhat uncomfortable. Being a junior in college and her a senior in HS. It felt off.

So I met this other girl via myspace. We also hit it off fairly decently. She asked straight up if I was seeing anyone and I told her no. It was technically the truth but also half a lie.

Anyways I was kind of caught between the two. The major difference is I liked and was attracted to both -- but the younger girl far more. So I was just completely honest and nutted up telling the girl from myspace I'm just not interested in furthering a relationship with her and I've chosen to pursue a different girl. Sure it sucked and I felt like a dick but it was the right thing to do.
soultron said:
Hate to say it, but that's your own fault for agreeing to something so ridiculous. She asked you to lock yourself down before you even met?

Should've bailed when you heard that. That's her outright asking you to put her on a pedestal.

very true, at the time I didnt think much of it as I thought something more may possibly develop so I wasn't bothered.. But yeah of course, had I known she was going to continue to pursue other guys even after lying and saying she wouldn't, I'd have obviously bailed.


So here's an interesting scenario. I work at a starbucks and there's this girl who I'm feeling. I know her drinks and once a week, she treats herself to a sweet drink for her cheat day. I rag on her whenever she does so and I get her to laugh when she tries to defend herself on why she deserves her sweet drink on that particular day. That's unfortunately the gist of our small talk since she always comes in the morning during rush hour where I have to make 5 drinks at once. Furthest in conversation we got was talking about how are weekends were. It's frustrating because I enjoy small talk (I've gotten to know a lot of my regulars this way and I truly go out of my way to take care of them) and I really want to get to know her. This is the dilemma. I found out that this week is her last week before she transfers to the west side for work meaning she won't be visiting my store anymore. I have a thing against asking out a customer because I don't want to be that guy. But this is someone, dare I say, special
(aka she's REALLY hot)
and I thing she digs me too. She seems high maintenance judging from the dresses she wear and she can seem intimidating with her intense demeanor. But when I get her to laugh, oh man that smile.

I go back to work on Friday and I'm wondering on how to go about asking her out for some real coffee. Again, this will be during a hectic and time constrained environment and I don't know how I can talk to her while staying professional and serving drinks. How should I go about it guys?


jasonng said:
How should I go about it guys?
If I knew she'd never be back again, I'd say that my cheat day is coming up and that she should come along. I'd write my number on the cup and then act like it ain't no thang.

But I'm bold/stupid like that.
jasonng said:
So here's an interesting scenario. I work at a starbucks and there's this girl who I'm feeling. I know her drinks and once a week, she treats herself to a sweet drink for her cheat day. I rag on her whenever she does so and I get her to laugh when she tries to defend herself on why she deserves her sweet drink on that particular day. That's unfortunately the gist of our small talk since she always comes in the morning during rush hour where I have to make 5 drinks at once. Furthest in conversation we got was talking about how are weekends were. It's frustrating because I enjoy small talk (I've gotten to know a lot of my regulars this way and I truly go out of my way to take care of them) and I really want to get to know her. This is the dilemma. I found out that this week is her last week before she transfers to the west side for work meaning she won't be visiting my store anymore. I have a thing against asking out a customer because I don't want to be that guy. But this is someone, dare I say, special
(aka she's REALLY hot)
and I thing she digs me too. She seems high maintenance judging from the dresses she wear and she can seem intimidating with her intense demeanor. But when I get her to laugh, oh man that smile.

I go back to work on Friday and I'm wondering on how to go about asking her out for some real coffee. Again, this will be during a hectic and time constrained environment and I don't know how I can talk to her while staying professional and serving drinks. How should I go about it guys?

Write your number on the cup?

Edit- I didn't even read the comment before mine...
jasonng said:
I go back to work on Friday and I'm wondering on how to go about asking her out for some real coffee. Again, this will be during a hectic and time constrained environment and I don't know how I can talk to her while staying professional and serving drinks. How should I go about it guys?

"Hey, it's my last day. Give me your number, we should hang out sometime"

That's it. Nothing special..

I do it all the time.


Haha, it never even occurred to me to write my number on the cup! I'm normally against giving my number to girls because I like to be the one to call her. I like this idea though because even if she doesn't want to call me it'll at least make her day.

Beer Monkey said:
"Hey, it's my last day. Give me your number, we should hang out sometime"

That's it. Nothing special..

I do it all the time.
Her last day but your point is clear. This was pretty much my plan but I wasn't sure how effective it would be given on how I'd have to talk over crowds and screaming coworkers. Thanks for the advice, guys!


jasonng said:
So here's an interesting scenario. I work at a starbucks and there's this girl who I'm feeling. I know her drinks and once a week, she treats herself to a sweet drink for her cheat day. I rag on her whenever she does so and I get her to laugh when she tries to defend herself on why she deserves her sweet drink on that particular day. That's unfortunately the gist of our small talk since she always comes in the morning during rush hour where I have to make 5 drinks at once. Furthest in conversation we got was talking about how are weekends were. It's frustrating because I enjoy small talk (I've gotten to know a lot of my regulars this way and I truly go out of my way to take care of them) and I really want to get to know her. This is the dilemma. I found out that this week is her last week before she transfers to the west side for work meaning she won't be visiting my store anymore. I have a thing against asking out a customer because I don't want to be that guy. But this is someone, dare I say, special
(aka she's REALLY hot)
and I thing she digs me too. She seems high maintenance judging from the dresses she wear and she can seem intimidating with her intense demeanor. But when I get her to laugh, oh man that smile.

I go back to work on Friday and I'm wondering on how to go about asking her out for some real coffee. Again, this will be during a hectic and time constrained environment and I don't know how I can talk to her while staying professional and serving drinks. How should I go about it guys?

How is this interesting or even unique? Just ask the chick out. Boom. Done.


Do not just write your name on the cup. Passing notes was acceptable in 7th grade to ask a girl out but it ends there. Unless the chick is already really, really feeling you (to the point you can do anything and it'll still work) they'll appreciate a direct question.


Dating-age gaf, anybody from the Raleigh/Durham NC area?

I'm moving up there from Miami, and I'm bracing for the culture shock. While in Miami it was quite easy to dance up a girl and hook up (yes Lady-Gaf has a point), I guess I'll be diving into the more typical ways of approaching women.

Any idea on how the dating scene is there? I know there is Duke and NCSU around, so there should be plenty of college girls intrigued by a 27yr old merengue dancing guy from Miami.


What's GAF's consensus on emoticons? I tend to overuse them, both here and on facebook etc. My online profile isn't any different, though nothing extreme, like those text messages someone else received here earlier ;)

Does it look silly or just happy go lucky? I'm 26 now, maybe it clashes with my age? It can be hard to avoid confusion and people getting the wrong idea online, as we all know. That's mainly why I use them these days.

Edit: Just saw this one in the funny pics thread!
Sanky Panky said:
Dating-age gaf, anybody from the Raleigh/Durham NC area?

I'm moving up there from Miami, and I'm bracing for the culture shock. While in Miami it was quite easy to dance up a girl and hook up (yes Lady-Gaf has a point), I guess I'll be diving into the more typical ways of approaching women.

Any idea on how the dating scene is there? I know there is Duke and NCSU around, so there should be plenty of college girls intrigued by a 27yr old merengue dancing guy from Miami.
They say if you survive dating in Miami you can survive anywhere...


jasonng said:
Haha, it never even occurred to me to write my number on the cup! I'm normally against giving my number to girls because I like to be the one to call her. I like this idea though because even if she doesn't want to call me it'll at least make her day.

Her last day but your point is clear. This was pretty much my plan but I wasn't sure how effective it would be given on how I'd have to talk over crowds and screaming coworkers. Thanks for the advice, guys!
If you're super busy, writing the number on the cup will work in a pinch.

If you're slow, go for the direct ask out.
Minamu said:
What's GAF's consensus on emoticons? I tend to overuse them, both here and on facebook etc. My online profile isn't any different, though nothing extreme, like those text messages someone else received here earlier ;)

Does it look silly or just happy go lucky? I'm 26 now, maybe it clashes with my age? It can be hard to avoid confusion and people getting the wrong idea online, as we all know. That's mainly why I use them these days.

Edit: Just saw this one in the funny pics thread!

I make it a point to never use emoticons with any woman I am interested in, unless we are actually in a serious relationship.
Its been about 2 weeks since I decided to break my shy nature, I've been taking every opportunity that presented itself (within reason) and I have noticed a dramatic shift in how I am perceived by my peers (getting talked to a lot more by random people, girls actually interested). But I have some hitches I can't seem to figure out.

How am I supposed to deal with lulls in the conversations, usually happens when we've exhausted a topic, how to transition, how to chose a next topic. (asking this for dates or 1 on 1 conversations really, I have no issues with this if I have a third person to bounce off of.)

What are some interesting things to do in a "Boring Town"? The town I live is notoriously boring, having only a bowling alley and nothing else around that is in walking distance. (I don't have a car.)

And one last question, regarding the OP's list of tips I just read; Ask her about her life.
How far is to far going into this topic? This seems like something anyone should know, but whenever I think of asking this I feel like I will come off as creepy, as if I was interested more in her family than her. What are some of the best ways to phrase this so I don't feel creepy asking this?

Thanks for any help in advanced, and to people reading this that want to break away from your shy/introvert lifestyle, take the chance; it was by far one of the best choices I've ever made in my life. It will be hard for the first few days or week but after that anxiety period you will be amazed at what you accomplished.


So there's this girl that used to have a crush on me in my freshman year of high school.

After a single date we decided to just be friends. Since then she's naturally had boyfriends and has had a very active sex life in the process. She loves sex.

Unexpectedly I just got this text from her:

Her: Will you be in town any time soon? If so, can we bang? (At this point I think she's kidding.) Im not joking, btw. (wtf?)

Me: Yea i'll be in town this weekend. (Coincidentally i'm heading back home from college to visit friends and my parents.)

Her: K, you got a place?

Me: Probably my house. (This is where I need advice guys but hold up a sec)

Her: Will you be here Friday, or just saturday and sunday? (Damn she really wants to do this huh?)

Me: Friday too. Ill give you a text when I can see you. We could probably see each other Friday maybe.

Her: Sounds good. Erm, sorry for the bluntness. Thats just the kind of person I am.

Me: I admire blunt women. ;P

Her: But yea. I've had a lot of practice. It shouldn't be too much of torture.

Me: I gotta head to bed. Text me tomorrow though. :)

Ok so what say you GAF? Where do I have sex with this girl? I was thinking in my house but i'm afraid about parents... I guess I could just say we're hanging out and we do our thing in the basement or something with a locked door. Unless you guys would advise against doing it in the house. I'm 18 btw.

I think it's kind of funny how I seem have more luck with women if I don't even try.


Jamesfrom818 said:
If your parents house is all you got, try to encourage them to get out of the house.

The thing is that if i'm in the house they may be inclined to want to spend time with me unless im spending time with a friend in the house. You have to understand that i'm in college so my parents want to spend as much time with me as they can when they see me.

I can try to get them out but I don't think it's gonna happen.

I can still use the basement and lock a door or something.


Kad5 said:
Text Message

Its crazy how a similar situation happened to me too earlier this week. Im 18 to btw. But yea if you drive you could probably get away with doing it in the car if your smart with it (its what im gonna try to do!). If not then I would try to sneak and do it in the basement.
You're 18. Can't you just rent a room?

I'm in a similar situation. One girl I'm seeing lives with her mom (long story). My place isn't exactly private as I have a roommate and you can hear quite a bit through the doors. She's brought boyfriends over and I never heard anything so I have no idea how she did it. I know it wouldn't be possible with me. I'd feel weird if I knew she heard me banging a girl, that's just how I am.

Can't do it in the car because we both have small cars. So, we get a room.


The Shadow said:
You're 18. Can't you just rent a room?

I'm in a similar situation. One girl I'm seeing lives with her mom (long story). My place isn't exactly private as I have a roommate and you can hear quite a bit through the doors. She's brought boyfriends over and I never heard anything so I have no idea how she did it. I know it wouldn't be possible with me. I'd feel weird if I knew she heard me banging a girl, that's just how I am.

Can't do it in the car because we both have small cars. So, we get a room.

What you mean like a hotel room? I don't wanna have to spend more than 5 bucks just to have sex with this girl.


Minamu said:
What's GAF's consensus on emoticons? I tend to overuse them, both here and on facebook etc. My online profile isn't any different, though nothing extreme, like those text messages someone else received here earlier ;)

Does it look silly or just happy go lucky? I'm 26 now, maybe it clashes with my age? It can be hard to avoid confusion and people getting the wrong idea online, as we all know. That's mainly why I use them these days.

Edit: Just saw this one in the funny pics thread!
makes your online persona childish and girly as fuck

i'd rather use a simple "lol" instead of any emoticons

":3" is only reserved for gaf :3


Minamu said:
What's GAF's consensus on emoticons? I tend to overuse them, both here and on facebook etc. My online profile isn't any different, though nothing extreme, like those text messages someone else received here earlier ;)

Does it look silly or just happy go lucky? I'm 26 now, maybe it clashes with my age? It can be hard to avoid confusion and people getting the wrong idea online, as we all know. That's mainly why I use them these days.

Edit: Just saw this one in the funny pics thread!
I tend to use emoticons way too much. Then again, I'm a sarcastic and cynical fuck and with out my ;) and :p emoticons I'd probably spend way too much time explaining that I meant whatever I said in a joking manner.
Thanks to the replies to my previous post. I tried as hard as I possibly could to let her down gently but still be honest, and everything concluded with her calling me a asshole in a blog post and us never talking again.

Her post also discussed how it wasn't okay for me to be dating other people even though from the start I told her I would be doing so, so I feel like I dodged a bullet here.

I will never be insincere with my affections again, so a damn solid lesson was learned.


MutantCyborg said:
Its been about 2 weeks since I decided to break my shy nature, I've been taking every opportunity that presented itself (within reason) and I have noticed a dramatic shift in how I am perceived by my peers (getting talked to a lot more by random people, girls actually interested). But I have some hitches I can't seem to figure out.

How am I supposed to deal with lulls in the conversations, usually happens when we've exhausted a topic, how to transition, how to chose a next topic. (asking this for dates or 1 on 1 conversations really, I have no issues with this if I have a third person to bounce off of.)

What are some interesting things to do in a "Boring Town"? The town I live is notoriously boring, having only a bowling alley and nothing else around that is in walking distance. (I don't have a car.)

And one last question, regarding the OP's list of tips I just read; Ask her about her life.
How far is to far going into this topic? This seems like something anyone should know, but whenever I think of asking this I feel like I will come off as creepy, as if I was interested more in her family than her. What are some of the best ways to phrase this so I don't feel creepy asking this?

Thanks for any help in advanced, and to people reading this that want to break away from your shy/introvert lifestyle, take the chance; it was by far one of the best choices I've ever made in my life. It will be hard for the first few days or week but after that anxiety period you will be amazed at what you accomplished.

Props on actually doing something to change. I know a lot of people that complain about how they don't meet women but then never do anything to change. It's easier to just accept than it is to change, so again, mad props for putting yourself out there.

As for conversation lull's - it's gonna happen, but that isn't always a bad thing. Try to take the moment to excuse yourself from the situation and ask for her number/email/facebook so you can meet up again.

If you're trying to continue the conversation, I like to think of it as Wikipedia - as the conversation progresses, keep noting other "links" in the conversation that you could spin off to. Just like you might start looking at Danny Glover's wikipedia page, you could quickly end up reading about the Predator species (Danny Glover > Predator 2 > Predator species).

As for the "boring town" issue - why not move somewhere else if you don't like where you live?
Kad5 said:
She's already down to fuck. I'm just saying I don't wanna spend money for a place to fuck if I don't have to.

Any sane person would have gone to a motel already , especially in your situation. Get it over it with , are you a virgin or something?


So the date from Monday is coming over to my town on Wednesday. She'll probably be here from 12.00 till about 16.30. Sadly I have to work that evening. This will be our second date.The town I'm in is a bit of a shit hole so I'm looking for decent second date suggestions. If the weather is nice I might take her for a stroll on the beach. If the weather turns out to be shit she suggested to watch a movie at my place (which I obviously don't mind). Any other suggestions guys?
I think a girl was playing eye tag with me in class today. I don't know for sure because my eyes were darting around the room like they usually do...

I guess I'll see if she does it again when I have class with her on Tuesday.

Also, any body language tips you guys could give me? :p


Danielsan said:
So the date from Monday is coming over to my town on Wednesday. She'll probably be here from 12.00 till about 16.30. Sadly I have to work that evening. This will be our second date.The town I'm in is a bit of a shit hole so I'm looking for decent second date suggestions. If the weather is nice I might take her for a stroll on the beach. If the weather turns out to be shit she suggested to watch a movie at my place (which I obviously don't mind). Any other suggestions guys?

Over welk gat hebben we het hier?


GameFan Alumnus
Atramental said:
I think a girl was playing eye tag with me in class today. I don't know for sure because my eyes were darting around the room like they usually do...

I guess I'll see if she does it again when I have class with her on Tuesday.

Also, any body language tips you guys could give me? :p
What does this mean? You don't maintain eye contact when a girl is looking at you?
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