Pretty much as soon as you consider it. Llong distance relationships are an awful idea... I learned the hard way and GAF warned mrDY_nasty said:Long distance relationships. Por quee? When do you know when to drop it?
Pretty much as soon as you consider it. Llong distance relationships are an awful idea... I learned the hard way and GAF warned mrDY_nasty said:Long distance relationships. Por quee? When do you know when to drop it?
As a fellow LDR casualty I fully cosign this postUltima_5 said:Pretty much as soon as you consider it. Llong distance relationships are an awful idea... I learned the hard way and GAF warned mr![]()
I don't know if you're joking, but nah. It's just Facebook, guys. That's it. Girls have 1,000+ friend's on there, what's another one?CherryWoodFuton said:Best scenario is to ask her in person if you can add her
I think he means that it's better to continue a friendship face-to-face rather than via Facebook. Hence you should always ask in person because to talk in person is the only sort of contact you should really be aiming for.pelicansurf said:I don't know if you're joking, but nah. It's just Facebook, guys. That's it. Girls have 1,000+ friend's on there, what's another one?
I want to make this work. I put in a lot of work and the past month has been absolutely amazing because of it. I don't want to think everything was just for three and a half weeks of the best relationship I've gad in my life and her breaking down walls that will only go right back up after I'm gone. At the same time... ugh, I know that in going to be a fiend for attention at my new unit and she's going to try and get the walls back up because she has an addiction to playing things overly safe. I've never had this good of a match with someone and the old me doesn't want to give that up without trying. As I've got older I'vecome to realize that trying toforce the issue only works when it is supposed to.Ultima_5 said:Pretty much as soon as you consider it. Llong distance relationships are an awful idea... I learned the hard way and GAF warned mr![]()
Door2Dawn said:Which I'm sure everyone knows is complete bullshit. Just be a good person all around and people will take notice.
DY_nasty said:I want to make this work. I put in a lot of work and the past month has been absolutely amazing because of it. I don't want to think everything was just for three and a half weeks of the best relationship I've gad in my life and her breaking down walls that will only go right back up after I'm gone. At the same time... ugh, I know that in going to be a fiend for attention at my new unit and she's going to try and get the walls back up because she has an addiction to playing things overly safe. I've never had this good of a match with someone and the old me doesn't want to give that up without trying. As I've got older I'vecome to realize that trying toforce the issue only works when it is supposed to.
I mean you can add her like you were planning to but I'm just saying I've always liked it when me and a girl are hanging out and we pull out our phones and add each other there on Facebookpelicansurf said:I don't know if you're joking, but nah. It's just Facebook, guys. That's it. Girls have 1,000+ friend's on there, what's another one?
Yeah. My last ldr went on and off for three years. I made it work - as in refusedto let it fail and forced itbtogwther when I shouldn't Have.Blader5489 said:Long distance relationships aren't impossible, but they can be pretty painful. And not to sound like a dick, but if you've only been together for a month, the chances of making an LDR work are much slimmer; again, not impossible, but what makes LDRs feasible at all is the strength and longevity of the relationship, which is pretty difficult to accomplish in just a month.
ACE 1991 said:I really think I need to change my attitude about women or lower my standards, otherwise I'm going to continue to be placed in the friend-zone for eternity. I've become pretty close with a girl since college started back up, (I'm almost 20) and I've really developed some strong feelings for her. It's hard as hell to tell if she's interested, though. I often catch her staring or glancing at me, which I know is a good sign, but I wonder if I'm simply over-analyzing. When we're alone sometimes it seems a little awkward and quiet like there's sexual tension, but again, I wonder if some of this is in my head. I wouldn't be so hesitant to tell her how I feel if we weren't part of the same circle of friends, as rejection could make things awkward for quite a while. Ah well, sorry for the vent post, GAF.
I don't know if I can do that. It goes against everything I've done and seen done in the past.RedHerring said:I had a similar issue with my flatmate a while back. Rationally I knew it was a bad idea (she was a co-worker as well as my flatmate!) so to get over it I admitted my feelings to her. The key thing was that I didn't attempt to woo her, I guiltily admitted it in an unattractive way - she was sitting on the loo at the time.
I found it helped greatly getting over it to speak my feelings out loud. She let me down gently ("it's not a good idea while we're living together at least"), and by a few days' time it was no longer awkward and I was over her.
The Shadow said:I don't know if I can do that. It goes against everything I've done and seen done in the past.
Interestingly, me and the girl I'm dating are going out to a fancy resturant tonight. It'll be the first time it's pretty clear I'm seeing someone to my roommate. I'm wondering if I should hide that fact and play it off in case there could be something there, or just flaunt it and see what happens.
If she does foster feelings for me, I don't want to ruin it. I probably should mention that we met because we briefly dated and I know at the time she liked me but I didn't her which is why we became friends.
Edit: Fucking hell, I'm starting to sound like a girl GAF poster.
CherryWoodFuton said:How the hell do I not text girls when I'm bored??? I'm very tempted to do it right now![]()
CherryWoodFuton said:How the hell do I not text girls when I'm bored??? I'm very tempted to do it right now![]()
Dina said:If in doubt, fake confusion and shrug it off/wave it away.
Bu bu but Brent Smith said to never text girls when you're bored.....SRG01 said:Wait, what's wrong with texting girls when you're bored?
Wait, what?!
CherryWoodFuton said:Bu bu but Brent Smith said to never text girls when you're bored.....
But seriously I just wanna text hi to this girl that I wanna smash but I don't want her to think I'm interested interested in her...or maybe I'm just overthinking things....
Sorry what I meant was I don't want to come off as "needy" or "always available".SRG01 said:Wait, that makes no sense at all...? You want to smash but you don't want her to know that you're interested? I'm so confused.
CherryWoodFuton said:I just wanna text hi to this girl that I wanna smash but I don't want her to think I'm interested
Attackthebase said:Why not simply ask her out? At the very least, the "what if" question will be resolved. If she says, awesome. If she says no, at least you know, and can decide if you want to remain friends with her or leave her. I was in a similar situation, shot the gun, failed, and I chose not to remain friends with her because of strong feelings on my side.
You shouldn't feel that way. I'm going through the same thing and it sucks really bad sometimes, but it was definitely the best option, by far. And tell me again, how many women are there on this planet?ACE 1991 said:This is the part that I'm deathly afraid of. But yeah I'll get drunk this weekend and say something, cause fuck it.
Ichor said:I'm in a serious relationship that's starting to go a little downhill, but there's still a good chance we'll pull through for who knows how much longer. However, there's a girl I could definitely see something with in the future, is there anyway to avoid being friend zoned when you're already in a relationship?
I realize I have acute analysis paralysis, because I am very cynical when I'm out there in a social setting. When I go out nowadays, I analyze girls and try to figure out their story without even exchanging a "hi". The way they look, what they are doing, do they seem stuck up... of course I always find a reason why it WON'T work out, so I don't bother approaching them. I think that this is nothing more than my own shield from rejection I've built up.
Ultima_5 said:Pretty much as soon as you consider it. Llong distance relationships are an awful idea... I learned the hard way and GAF warned mr![]()
hipgnosis said:So turns out I might be dating a bi. This is a good thing, right?
Kad5 said:Interesting development from the girl who wanted to bang me but couldn't cuz of work orientation.
Apparantly the reason wasn't actually work orientation. She just told me it was actually cuz her ex almost committed suicide.
Me: How was work orientation?
Her: My man decided to attempt suicide so I had to postpone it. God, this week has been awful.
Me: I'm sorry. Are you ok?
Her: Yea.....not really. But I will live.
Me: I wish I could make you feel better.
Her: I appreciate it. Having you contact me after all these years is plenty enough. You're the only person that did that from school. Im really thankful that you work so hard to keep friends. I should've thanked you earlier, because it does mean alot. No one else has contacted me. Maggie once or twice on facebook, but besides that you're the only one. I don't know if it was my rugged handsome looks or my bizarre sense of humor, but thanks. (Yes she seriously fucking typed all of that.)
Me:We should hang out soon.
Her: Sounds good. We should go to the park. I like outdoors in this weather.
Me: Sounds fun. Whatever makes you feel good.
Yeah really weird situation for me.....
Any advice? Does she still wanna bang me? Is she using me as a support cushion? (probably...) Well either way i'm gonna be there for support but knowing her past history she may end up banging me but i'm not completely sure at this point....
~Kinggi~ said:I cant take this shit anymore. Cant break out of my shell. Got up the rare courage to message some girls on cupid the other night and none responded. I give myself another couple of months at this rate before i go nuts.
~Kinggi~ said:I cant take this shit anymore. Cant break out of my shell. Got up the rare courage to message some girls on cupid the other night and none responded. I give myself another couple of months at this rate before i go nuts.
~Kinggi~ said:I think im just gonna delete my profile. I honestly dont see it leading anywhere worthwhile anyway, since most of the girls are probably what Bucket says. Ive suspected as much anyway, just looking at girls status change over the course of a month. They never stop visiting the site and spending an hour on it even if they change their status to 'seeing someone'.
Only shitty thing is I dont ever see me getting anywhere actually meeting people. I completely shut down socially and am too uncomfortable with people i don't know.
There is no way to fix myself. People act like there is some magic shit someone can do and there isnt. I have 27 years experience with this. Its a personality trait and it's not changeable. I just need to get over the initial hurdle of all this bullshit dating game crap and then ill be fine.The Shadow said:3. You really need to work on your social anxiety before you leap into dating. This has been said 10000x already in this thread. Having a girlfriend isn't going to fix your life, reverse your depression, make you outgoing, etc, etc. You should NOT be dating if you think it'll fill some void in your life. Fix yourself first.
~Kinggi~ said:I think im just gonna delete my profile. I honestly dont see it leading anywhere worthwhile anyway, since most of the girls are probably what Bucket says. Ive suspected as much anyway, just looking at girls status change over the course of a month. They never stop visiting the site and spending an hour on it even if they change their status to 'seeing someone'.
Only shitty thing is I dont ever see me getting anywhere actually meeting people. I completely shut down socially and am too uncomfortable with people i don't know.
You're right, there is no magic, instant fix that will change your life. It's a long drawn-out process, but the good news is that you're clearly putting in effort, Kinggi.~Kinggi~ said:There is no way to fix myself. People act like there is some magic shit someone can do and there isnt. I have 27 years experience with this. Its a personality trait and it's not changeable. I just need to get over the initial hurdle of all this bullshit dating game crap and then ill be fine.
~Kinggi~ said:There is no way to fix myself. People act like there is some magic shit someone can do and there isnt. I have 27 years experience with this. Its a personality trait and it's not changeable. I just need to get over the initial hurdle of all this bullshit dating game crap and then ill be fine.
SRG01 said:I've lived with social anxiety for 22 years of my life, now I'm 27. It's not all gone, but you learn ways around it!
~Kinggi~ said:There is no way to fix myself. People act like there is some magic shit someone can do and there isnt. I have 27 years experience with this. Its a personality trait and it's not changeable. I just need to get over the initial hurdle of all this bullshit dating game crap and then ill be fine.
~Kinggi~ said:I cant take this shit anymore. Cant break out of my shell. Got up the rare courage to message some girls on cupid the other night and none responded. I give myself another couple of months at this rate before i go nuts.
Bucket-o-roadkill said:Other girls I've met with seem to be addicted to guys busting a gut to send them messages, texts, constantly wanting to meet with them, etc, and they string them (and me) along until they get a 'hotter' guy who's interested. I know not all online girls are like this, but its the majority imo.
Kenichi said:Eh try to make sure your opening messages are interesting or engaging. As bucket-o-roadkill and the Shadow wrote, many girls get flooded fairly regularly with creepy or generic messages. Also, I wouldn't completely give up hope. I met my current gf off Okcupid. One of the criteria she considered when messaging me was match percentage, which was a statistic that I frankly couldn't have cared less about, so perhaps keep that in mind when messaging your potential dates. Also, when you do get a response try to push for either a phone number or first date as quickly as possible (no point in beating around the bush). Finally, don't get too discouraged if you don't get back prompt responses. People are busy and may not always get back to you immediately. Good luck!
I'm not saying that Bucket-o-roadkill is incorrect, but I would like to say that in my experience this was not the case for me; however, I will admit that I was not on the site for very long.
Bucket-o-roadkill said:The parts I've bolded are very interesting to me in this quote, when I met my ex girlfriend from the site, SHE messaged me first, not the other way around. This seems to be the case with your current girl friend too?