Girl/Dating Age Part 2: A combined effort to give advice for those in need

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jasonng said:
grap3fruitman, take it easy. We're not here to belittle you, some of these advices here may sound harsh but it's just tough love. Granted, it's not meshing well with you but know we're trying to keep you in our best interests. No one here is trolling you, we all have/had girl problems in one form or another. That's why this thread exists.
Hey, speak for yourself. I'm always here to belittle him like I do Combine. They're either joke accounts, or just two giant bags of sad-ass shit. They come in here, bitch about their problems, everyone comes in and pours on the advice and they just say that they can't change it and leave, only to come back later and do this whole song and dance all over again. What's the point of helping them when they clearly don't want it and just want to be attention whores?
SpectreFire said:
Hey, speak for yourself. I'm always here to belittle him like I do Combine. They're either joke accounts, or just two giant bags of sad-ass shit. They come in here, bitch about their problems, everyone comes in and pours on the advice and they just say that they can't change it and leave, only to come back later and do this whole song and dance all over again. What's the point of helping them when they clearly don't want it and just want to be attention whores?
We clearly need the most help out of the people here and the "advice" given generally doesn't fit out scenarios. Most of the people here have never been in our situation where they're completely withdrawn socially and don't know where to start. The advice generally panders to people who are just having a bad week with women, not to people who have had a bad lifetime with women. Take the example of the guy who said "It'll happen when you're not looking." That will work for people who are around women all the time, sure, but people like Combine and I who are rarely in that kind of situation that doesn't apply. On the off chance that we do come across someone who is interested, we're like deer in headlights and have no idea what to do. As was with my situation, which was why I reached out to Gaf initially a few weeks ago. I got no response but when I post that I've failed, everyone feels the need to pitch in and criticize but offer no real suggestions for such someone in such unusual circumstances.
SpectreFire said:
Hey, speak for yourself. I'm always here to belittle him like I do Combine. They're either joke accounts, or just two giant bags of sad-ass shit. They come in here, bitch about their problems, everyone comes in and pours on the advice and they just say that they can't change it and leave, only to come back later and do this whole song and dance all over again. What's the point of helping them when they clearly don't want it and just want to be attention whores?

grap3fruitman, take note, act like this. Adopt this way of thinking in order to get women. I'm being completely serious.
HighAmperage said:
He means be an asshole.

Or be less of a "nice guy".

Yup. For some sick reason these girls who are attractive like the challenge of trying to get the attention of dick heads. instead of settling for a 'boring' nice guy, they like to devote their time to trying to 'win over' morons who only notice they're there when they want sex. Not that the girls mind giving them sex.

I'm joking around a bit here and being completely stereotypical of course. I mean absolutely no offense to anyone, I'm just generalising the strange dating scene that exists today. I know decent guys who aren't exactly saints, but like to treat women as best they can who have been flat out rejected for being, and I quote, 'too nice'. When pushed for a deeper explaination, my friend was told that he was obviously just being nice in order to get sex, which was ridiculous really. I knew from the amount he would go on and on about how much he liked this girl that it was way more than him just wanting a fuck. He was devastated! I saw her with some dude a few weeks later at a bbq and my overiding memory was him literally shouting at her 'I NEED SOME MATCHES YOU DUMBASS' infront of the entire group. Amazing.
I got a massive crush on a girl I was speaking to yesterday.

How long until I can add her as a friend on Facebook? I want to do it now, but it could look a bit creepy.

Ive met her a couple of times now but yesterday was the first time we had some great conversation. So it wouldnt be a Facebook add after only meeting her once.
Bucket-o-roadkill said:
Yup. For some sick reason these girls who are attractive like the challenge of trying to get the attention of dick heads. instead of settling for a 'boring' nice guy, they like to devote their time to trying to 'win over' morons who only notice they're there when they want sex. Not that the girls mind giving them sex.

I'm joking around a bit here and being completely stereotypical of course. I mean absolutely no offense to anyone, I'm just generalising the strange dating scene that exists today.
It's not called "being an asshole". It's called "I am confident and I don't give a damn, my life doesn't revolve around you, and also I have other girls I could be and am talking to, so i'm not going to spend a ton of my time investing in you," for alot of girls, this is what gets them chasing you.

It's just that alot of people that share that mindset just happen to be assholes. I'm different, I have confidence without the asshole tendencies.

I know you were joking too, I just wanted to make a point about it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
grap3fruitman said:
We clearly need the most help out of the people here and the "advice" given generally doesn't fit out scenarios. Most of the people here have never been in our situation where they're completely withdrawn socially and don't know where to start. The advice generally panders to people who are just having a bad week with women, not to people who have had a bad lifetime with women. Take the example of the guy who said "It'll happen when you're not looking." That will work for people who are around women all the time, sure, but people like Combine and I who are rarely in that kind of situation that doesn't apply. On the off chance that we do come across someone who is interested, we're like deer in headlights and have no idea what to do. As was with my situation, which was why I reached out to Gaf initially a few weeks ago. I got no response but when I post that I've failed, everyone feels the need to pitch in and criticize but offer no real suggestions for such someone in such unusual circumstances.
If you'd spend half the time going out and talking to people in open and starting a conversation with a simple, "hey, how goes it?" as much as you do posting in this thread, you'd be doing just fine.

You're socially withdrawn because you choose to be. You're not seeing your luck change because you're not out and about making yourself known. The fact that you went after a co-worker just tells all of us that you chose the easy route of going after a girl that was within a place that you are have established yourself in.

As far as the matter with the girl rejecting you, who gives a shit? If I let myself get down over any chick not wanting anything to do with me after we made out, I'd be a miserable pile right now. But guess what? I laughed it off, called her flakey and went onto the next one. That's what you need to do. Work on yourself, improve the things in your life that you're not happy with, and let others know that you are a good person worthy of their attention. Then they will reciprocate.

Drop the "woe is me" attitude.
chicko1983 said:
I got a massive crush on a girl I was speaking to yesterday.

How long until I can add her as a friend on Facebook? I want to do it now, but it could look a bit creepy.

Ive met her a couple of times now but yesterday was the first time we had some great conversation. So it wouldnt be a Facebook add after only meeting her once.
If she knows who you are, you're fine, doing it now or later, changes nothing. But adding doesn't mean anything either, take a step forward and get to know her.
chicko1983 said:
I got a massive crush on a girl I was speaking to yesterday.

How long until I can add her as a friend on Facebook? I want to do it now, but it could look a bit creepy.

Ive met her a couple of times now but yesterday was the first time we had some great conversation. So it wouldnt be a Facebook add after only meeting her once.
Best scenario is to ask her in person if you can add her
HighAmperage said:
He means be an asshole.

Or be less of a "nice guy".

"Nice guys" are assholes. Instead, focus on becoming a genuinely good person.

Bucket-o-roadkill said:
Yup. For some sick reason these girls who are attractive like the challenge of trying to get the attention of dick heads. instead of settling for a 'boring' nice guy, they like to devote their time to trying to 'win over' morons who only notice they're there when they want sex. Not that the girls mind giving them sex.

Even if you are exaggerating I don't buy this attitude. I don't see girls trying to win the attention of anyone. There's also a huge difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy", don't assume they must like jerks because they don't like the typical doormat.
Tkawsome said:
"Nice guys" are assholes. Instead, focus on becoming a genuinely good person.

Even if you are exaggerating I don't buy this attitude. I don't see girls trying to win the attention of anyone. There's also a huge difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy", don't assume they must like jerks because they don't like the typical doormat.
Man I could tell you some stories LMFAO
Tkawsome said:
"Nice guys" are assholes. Instead, focus on becoming a genuinely good person.

Even if you are exaggerating I don't buy this attitude. I don't see girls trying to win the attention of anyone. There's also a huge difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy", don't assume they must like jerks because they don't like the typical doormat.

Thats fine if you don't buy this way of thinking, take it or leave it. I actually totally agree with you, there is a huge difference between nice guys and those other 'nice guys'. The problem I have is when decent blokes who have genuine feelings for girls get accused of being these 'nice guys who are assholes', who think they're entitled to a night of fucking for picking up a tab, and then whinging when its called out.
grap3fruitman said:
I'm not following you. What do you mean?

i think you need to just man the fuck up bro. before you start trying to get women you should concentrate on becoming a man instead of sad and worthless.

and the main part of the male ego you need to learn = "i am better than everyone else".

even if it's not true, or you're deluded, who gives a fuck. as long as you think it's true women will come flocking.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tkawsome said:
What what? I never see it. Only time I see them make an effort with a guy is when they're already committed.
Oh, you're talking about a girl going after a guy? The way you phrased that, it made it sound like you've never witnessed girls trying to grab attention. If you haven't witnessed the latter, then I don't know what to tell you because it happens all the time.
reilo said:
Oh, you're talking about a girl going after a guy? The way you phrased that, it made it sound like you've never witnessed girls trying to grab attention. If you haven't witnessed the latter, then I don't know what to tell you because it happens all the time.

That's sort of what we're talking about here. A girl that works on making herself pretty isn't getting the attention of anyone specific, just attention in general. So it's not like they're working on getting the attention of the asshole, he just might be the one that responds. Still though, when I say effort I mean it. Not just chasing a guy, they can't even be bothered to give any real signals that can't easily be chopped up as general friendliness.
So I'm visiting my parents for the weekend, and while setting up something on my mother's computer I notice a picture of my ex-girlfriend saved in her documents folder. Damnit, Mom. ;_;


Neo Member
grap3fruitman said:
I'm a little confused. Could you clarify? I'm supposed to do well with women by going out and practicing doing well with women?

I disagree and I think this is a horrible analogy. Riding a bike is nothing like talking to a person. Riding a bike is such a simple concept, dealing with people is so horribly complicated because people are complicated. Let's go back to your analogy for sec: if you kept falling off your bike and never managed to ride it once, what would you do?

But regarding that analogy: if that batter has never hit a ball, he's probably fucked, right? What's he supposed to do?
Few things to pick up on here. First, to address the batting analogy and your first point here: practice makes perfect. In your case, that does not mean practising doing well with women, it means practising doing something, anything, with people generally. You've said you're uncomfortable with asking for directions and the time, so start taking yourself out of your comfort zone by asking these things on a regular basis. A previous poster gave some good advice earlier about asking for help at the book store. This can work with any hobbies or interests you have. Games are an obvious example, although employees in game retail are unlikely to be the best for social interaction :p Another (real life) example: since I'm interested in music, the other day at a music shop I asked the girl at the counter for help with something and ended up in a conversation with her. The conversation went on for over an hour until the shop closed, and then we went for a drink to continue talking. I wasn't expecting anything out of it, I didn't even get her number or facebook. It's best a lot of the time to take things as they come, especially since for now you should want to concentrate on bettering your general social skills rather than going after a girlfriend.

How does a batter succeed? He has balls constantly thrown at him until he finally does connect with the bat. And when he does it once, he keeps going until he does it again, and again, until it becomes easy. To extend the analogy further, it sounds to me like your issues with handling those four women who expressed an interest in you, were to do with the ball being thrown too fast, so to speak. You were going from the safe, slow-ball environment of work, surrounded by familiar people and social situations, straight to the challenge of pro league. All of your missteps are completely understandable when you look at them this way - you were a rookie thrown to the lions. The trick is to build up your social interactions with a more gradual curve. I hope what I've written in the previous paragraph will give you some ideas as to how to achieve this - a few other posters have given useful advice on this front too.

Finally, the bike analogy. I think you've written it off when it actually illustrates an important point. You're right to note that people are complicated, hence social interaction is in one sense dissimilar to riding a bike. But the concept of riding a bike is useful since the responsibility of success falls on the rider, as the person in control. People may be complex and outside of your direct control but your interactions with people can be brought under your control with practice, just as the cyclist brings the bike under his or her control, with practice. People are really remarkably socially adept and fluid. In a two person conversation, when one person asks a question, the other gives a relevant answer. What I'm trying to get at is that conversation does involve a large degree of control and predictability, otherwise our conversations would be nonsensical. Because of this, the skills you pick up from one conversation are transferable to another. A confident conversationalist will drive the discussion, and seek out subjects of mutual interest.

I hope this will explain why I recommend social interaction with anyone, any age, male or female, attractive or not. There was a poster earlier who mentioned how their job enabled them to make small talk with anyone, including making them laugh. I can tell you now that if a girl is going to want to enter into a relationship with you, good conversation skills and the ability to make her laugh are extremely important, as well as the self-confidence which should develop naturally amidst self-improvement.

Now I really hope that you'll give this advice some thought and not ignore or dismiss it out of hand. You're by no means fucked or a hopeless case as long as don't do that with the advice people have given you here.
reilo said:
Yeah, uhm, what?

Same reaction I had when I first read TK's post.

Anyway Grape, women play by the 80/20 rule. 80% personality and 20% looks, they is wonderful if you are a below-average to average looking dude. Looks aren't that important, as long as you look relatively clean and healthy, you're good on the 20%.

Thus, this leaves your personality and attitude. From what I read, you are a servely pessimesstic person. I used to have a similar outlook, you have to deconstruct yourself and rebuild to be a happier, outgoing dude. Some of the other posters have descrbe how to do this: talk to random people by asking the time or other small questions, go to the gym (this will release endorphins, which is the natural anti-depressants), start going to social clubs (internet, I'm sure someone will link you to a good site if you ask nicely) in Chicago (I believe you mention you lived near this city), pick up a hobby, or volunteer (if you help others, you'll feel good about yourself).

I had to break down my old persona, and build it to be happy and outgoing. I've gone a long way in the last few years from my anti-social self to an outgoing person with my lovely little quirks. I used to think I was unattractive, but I worked on it externally and internally, now I am super adorable and cute, and I fucking know it.

Also, work on that shiny smile and body posture. Yoga is a fantastic way on improving your spine and back posture, I used to have a "question mark" type posture, but over the months, I am nearly standing straight all the time. That's an easy one to improve on, don't complain about how you can't, I was in a bus accident, which injured my back, and I can do it. No complaints from you!

If you are happy with yourself, people will start socializing with you and become your friends. Don't even bother looking for a girl until you're happy with yourself.


Attackthebase said:
Same reaction I had when I first read TK's post.

Anyway Grape, women play by the 80/20 rule. 80% personality and 20% looks, they is wonderful if you are a below-average to average looking dude. Looks aren't that important, as long as you look relatively clean and healthy, you're good on the 20%.

Thus, this leaves your personality and attitude. From what I read, you are a servely pessimesstic person. I used to have a similar outlook, you have to deconstruct yourself and rebuild to be a happier, outgoing dude. Some of the other posters have descrbe how to do this: talk to random people by asking the time or other small questions, go to the gym (this will release endorphins, which is the natural anti-depressants), start going to social clubs (internet, I'm sure someone will link you to a good site if you ask nicely) in Chicago (I believe you mention you lived near this city), pick up a hobby, or volunteer (if you help others, you'll feel good about yourself).

I had to break down my old persona, and build it to be happy and outgoing. I've gone a long way in the last few years from my anti-social self to an outgoing person with my lovely little quirks. I used to think I was unattractive, but I worked on it externally and internally, now I am super adorable and cute, and I fucking know it.

Also, work on that shiny smile and body posture. Yoga is a fantastic way on improving your spine and back posture, I used to have a "question mark" type posture, but over the months, I am nearly standing straight all the time. That's an easy one to improve on, don't complain about how you can't, I was in a bus accident, which injured my back, and I can do it. No complaints from you!

If you are happy with yourself, people will start socializing with you and become your friends. Don't even bother looking for a girl until you're happy with yourself.

+10 million. I never knew I was funny until my later years when I got to know the extroverted part of myself. Being funny gets you all sorts of points.
SRG01 said:
+10 million. I never knew I was funny until my later years when I got to know the extroverted part of myself. Being funny gets you all sorts of points.
I think that's how I was able to grab the attention of some of the girls in my classes. I can do impressions and I think they especially like my effeminate southern gentleman impression. Haha...
Any thoughts on my post? I have a feeling this could grow into a bigger problem. I've already "broken up" with one girl as it was never really serious. Still, I like this other one but roommate is starting to invade my thoughts which is not a good thing.

HighAmperage said:
He means be an asshole.

Or be less of a "nice guy".

God, this attitude needs to die. Being an asshole doesn't make you more attractive. Being more aloof and less of an obsessive pussy makes you more attractive. The latter btw, is what most "nice guys" are.

Tkawsome said:
"Nice guys" are assholes. Instead, focus on becoming a genuinely good person.

Even if you are exaggerating I don't buy this attitude. I don't see girls trying to win the attention of anyone. There's also a huge difference between a nice guy and a "nice guy", don't assume they must like jerks because they don't like the typical doormat.

Right on both counts. This whole idea that you need to be an asshole to pick up women smacks of bitterness and envy.
Anyone here ever use a dating site called I just arranged a date through it with an Iranian graduate student from my school who's 10 years older than me... I'll report back Friday.


grap3fruitman said:
I'm not following you. What do you mean?

Ok this is crazy but it might work.

Start doing drugs. It's a great way to meet people and it makes you feel great in the process. You can do psychedelics to improve on your personality too. Like DMT. It's like crack for the's soul crack!

Now doing drugs is one thing but if you start DEALING them you'll meet all kinds of colorful women who will suck your dick and do tricks for a line of all natural coke. They will literally do back flips ONTO your dick for this shit.

It will help if you get a suit and make yourself look like scarface too.

But keep in mind. Even though this might work
i'm fucking kidding i'm not seriously condoning this


cooljeanius said:
Anyone here ever use a dating site called I just arranged a date through it with an Iranian graduate student from my school who's 10 years older than me... I'll report back Friday.

I'm Iranian (persian) as well and I have to say that persian women are BEAUTIFUL! Go for it. ;)
boundedseven said:
So I went out on this 'Blind Date' last night setup by my cousin. I metup with her and she said lets not take this as a 'date' but as a casual meetup as she is new in town and looking to meet new people.

So I take her to a bar and we start drinking and get pretty buzzed. The conversation is going well; we are laughing, touching each her and taking pics with each other on my iPhone to see who is shining more due to sweat.

We are pretty buzzed and I take her to another club. There she starts leaning in and whispers in my ear a couple of times and at one time tries to 'smell' me to see what cologne I was wearing, which was strange because I was sweating quite a bit. She even puts her arms around me and we start dancing and we leave the club hand in hand. We are both pretty wasted. I feel around for a night together but I don't sense any vibes so I drop her home. Though she tells me that she had a great time and we should do this again.

Later I msged her that I had a good time and got no response. I saw her on Facebook today and sent a few msgs and no response.

So GAF is it strange that she just goes cold turkey the next day after having a great time the day before? Maybe she is interested and wants me to chase her?

I plan on no contact for 24 hours. I like the girl and advice on how to approach this would be helpful.

Yesterday I got a msg back from her on FB saying she was terribly hungover on Friday and next time we are out, I should remind her to drink water in between. Then she asked how was my day.

I like this girl and want to do this right. Now I can take her out next weekend with a couple of friends or ask her on date. What say you GAF?


boundedseven said:
Yesterday I got a msg back from her on FB saying she was terribly hungover on Friday and next time we are out, I should remind her to drink water in between. Then she asked how was my day.

I like this girl and want to do this right. Now I can take her out next weekend with a couple of friends or ask her on date. What say you GAF?

Whatever you do don't stress and act natural.
The Shadow said:
Right on both counts. This whole idea that you need to be an asshole to pick up women smacks of bitterness and envy.

I think it's more confusion since people with success get it mixed up as well. People see an asshole get women and think their personality played a part when really, they're just (overly) assertive. Even people here seem to get that trait confused and call it confidence, even though they're two completely different things.

Attackthebase said:
Same reaction I had when I first read TK's post.

Did you not read the post I was quoting? Context is kinda important.
Tkawsome said:
Did you not read the post I was quoting? Context is kinda important.

Actually, I missed that part when I read your post. I reread it with the quote intact (I have a problem quickly glancing through the quote and then reading the actual post). My bad.


The Shadow said:
Alright. So quick update.

Seeing two girls, not really feeling both. Both really like me. Here's the problem, I now realize why I feel nothing. I denied it was because I still had feelings for my ex and I was right, it's not my ex. Turns out, I'm developing feelings for my roommate.

Fucking hell.

She went out tonight and didn't take her car. Someone dropped her off. I felt a pang of jealousy. Fucking hell.

So guy GAF, how do I get rid of this infatuation? For the longest time she wasn't even an issue because she's a little on the chubby side. She's an Alpha-girl which I normally can't stand. She can be temperamental and moody, which I hate. Why the fuck is this happening now? We lived for 2+ years without incident. She's brought boyfriends over and I didn't care. Why now?

That could lead to a bad living situation if she finds out... If you're positive you don't want anything with her, just focus on the stuff you mentioned to us; all the things that bother you about her and why you wouldn't be compatible.

As for the why now part... I don't know. I have feelings suddenly for girls i've known for awhile. Perfectly normal. Was she nice to you after the break up with your ex? Maybe you just transferred feelings?

Attackthebase said:
Same reaction I had when I first read TK's post.

Anyway Grape, women play by the 80/20 rule. 80% personality and 20% looks, they is wonderful if you are a below-average to average looking dude. Looks aren't that important, as long as you look relatively clean and healthy, you're good on the 20%.

Thus, this leaves your personality and attitude. From what I read, you are a servely pessimesstic person. I used to have a similar outlook, you have to deconstruct yourself and rebuild to be a happier, outgoing dude. Some of the other posters have descrbe how to do this: talk to random people by asking the time or other small questions, go to the gym (this will release endorphins, which is the natural anti-depressants), start going to social clubs (internet, I'm sure someone will link you to a good site if you ask nicely) in Chicago (I believe you mention you lived near this city), pick up a hobby, or volunteer (if you help others, you'll feel good about yourself).

I had to break down my old persona, and build it to be happy and outgoing. I've gone a long way in the last few years from my anti-social self to an outgoing person with my lovely little quirks. I used to think I was unattractive, but I worked on it externally and internally, now I am super adorable and cute, and I fucking know it.

Also, work on that shiny smile and body posture. Yoga is a fantastic way on improving your spine and back posture, I used to have a "question mark" type posture, but over the months, I am nearly standing straight all the time. That's an easy one to improve on, don't complain about how you can't, I was in a bus accident, which injured my back, and I can do it. No complaints from you!

If you are happy with yourself, people will start socializing with you and become your friends. Don't even bother looking for a girl until you're happy with yourself.

Quoting again simply for the bolded portion.
@Grapefruit man. You just got out of your first relationship
I'm assuming...
. It's going to take time for you to get over everything. It's to early to be in this thread asking for advice to find new girls and what not. You need to focus on making yourself happier and getting over your break up. it may take a few months til you're over everything and willing to move on. Use this time to figure out what went wrong and why. Just give it time man.


It's not about being an asshole, it's about knowing (and pursuing) what you want. You don't have to quit being a nice guy to do that.

You like someone? Great! Ask them out. Don't beat around the bush with it. Both men and women have little patience for that. If they say no, only be friends if you genuinely want to be friends.

If you want to date a friend, be straightforward with that too.


grap3fruitman said:
Thanks for the help earlier in the thread, Gaf, when it was clear that I needed help then. You're great at telling me what I should have done different but you're no where to be found when I'm asking "What should I do now?"

Because no one is going to be there to walk you through everything, you have to get out there and make mistakes..... but most importantly learn from them. Now you learned that the next time a girl starts ignoring you, is to not send flowers or multiple unanswered text messages, just move on because it usually means she's not into you. Everyone here has made "mistakes" with girls before, but you just take it as a lesson learned.

The same thing applies with talking to people, just talk to everyone(irregardless of age, sex, attractiveness) to get experience. I used to be extremely introverted(though not by choice), so when I first got a retail job I would be extremely nervous/sweat around customers, but now after much practice, I can hold conversations without any problems. So just keep practicing small talk with everyone and you'll get better also.
grap3fruitman said:
Gaf, I'm 24 and I've never had any success with any women ever. Every single time I continue to fail, I just get even more horribly depressed. I don't think I've ever been happy. There's moments where I'm less sad but I don't think I can recall a time when I was actually happy. Emo I know but if I weren't such a coward, I probably would've just killed myself already.
See this lets me know you're not ready to be dating right now. Instead of trying to find a girlfriend you should focus on your self-esteem and becoming content with your own life. Then once you reach the threshold of being happy with yourself, you can work on being happy with someone else.


undrtakr900 said:
The same thing applies with talking to people, just talk to everyone(irregardless of age, sex, attractiveness) to get experience. I used to be extremely introverted(though not by choice), so when I first got a retail job I would be extremely nervous/sweat around customers, but now after much practice, I can hold conversations without any problems. So just keep practicing small talk with everyone and you'll get better also.

I can attest to the retail job thing. Everyone needs to work at a retail or customer service job at least once in their lifetime, just so they can get their interpersonal skills developed.


SRG01 said:
It's not about being an asshole, it's about knowing (and pursuing) what you want. You don't have to quit being a nice guy to do that.
"Do Nice Guys Finish Last?"
SRG01 said:
You like someone? Great! Ask them out. Don't beat around the bush with it. Both men and women have little patience for that. If they say no, only be friends if you genuinely want to be friends.

If you want to date a friend, be straightforward with that too.


undrtakr900 said:

LOL These kind of podcasts actually exist? Anyway, I'm not sure I agree with it 100%, since most feelings develop over time.

Still, it's good for the guy to be upfront about things when he actually wants the girl. If he decides that he values the friendship more, then he should try to be friends and move on.


SRG01 said:
LOL These kind of podcasts actually exist? Anyway, I'm not sure I agree with it 100%, since most feelings develop over time.

Still, it's good for the guy to be upfront about things when he actually wants the girl. If he decides that he values the friendship more, then he should try to be friends and move on.
I think its more about the nice guys who likes a girl and becomes her emotional support(after a breakup) but is never upfront about his feelings. Then wonders why she gets back with her boyfriend, after he's been there for her, even though she probably doesn't even realize he likes her because he never said anything.

This has happened to me before so I could relate lol

eDIt: Then the video was saying if you are going to be that nice guy who does that, make your feelings known that you like her from the beginning.
SRG01 said:
Still, it's good for the guy to be upfront about things when he actually wants the girl. If he decides that he values the friendship more, then he should try to be friends and move on.

Maybe I'm weird but I don't "want" someone when I first meet them, it doesn't even cross my mind until I've really got to know them. I can't really be upfront with my intentions when there are none, ya know? I've never really had problems with the "friendzone" though, so I'm not sure if this is actually an issue or not.


undrtakr900 said:
I think its more about the nice guys who likes a girl and becomes her emotional support(after a breakup) but is never upfront about his feelings. Then wonders why she gets back with her boyfriend, after he's been there for her, even though she probably doesn't even realize he likes her because he never said anything.

This has happened to me before so I could relate lol

Come to think of it, I've never been in this situation before. That's very surprising to me in retrospect, since I've always considered myself to be an "asshole nice guy" back then (ie. sticking around and pining for the girl). Even during my introverted days, I always made my feelings clear eventually. Or kept my mouth shut and moved on.

This is actually quite eye-opening.

Tkawsome said:
Maybe I'm weird but I don't "want" someone when I first meet them, it doesn't even cross my mind until I've really got to know them. I can't really be upfront with my intentions when there are none, ya know? I've never really had problems with the "friendzone" though, so I'm not sure if this is actually an issue or not.

That's perfectly fair. But if you do want to ask them out, think it through and make your choice.

And no, I've never had a friend-zone problem either.


I'm in a serious relationship that's starting to go a little downhill, but there's still a good chance we'll pull through for who knows how much longer. However, there's a girl I could definitely see something with in the future, is there anyway to avoid being friend zoned when you're already in a relationship?


Ichor said:
I'm in a serious relationship that's starting to go a little downhill, but there's still a good chance we'll pull through for who knows how much longer. However, there's a girl I could definitely see something with in the future, is there anyway to avoid being friend zoned when you're already in a relationship?

Don't be that guy. Seriously.


SRG01 said:
Come to think of it, I've never been in this situation before. That's very surprising to me in retrospect, since I've always considered myself to be an "asshole nice guy" back then (ie. sticking around and pining for the girl). Even during my introverted days, I always made my feelings clear eventually. Or kept my mouth shut and moved on.

This is actually quite eye-opening.
See I'm the opposite I always wait until it's too late, then I get the "Why didn't you say something sooner" speech.

I need to pay more attention to their body language because every time that happens, I reminisce of all her subtle-girl-hints-of-interest that I was completely oblivious to. i have no problem talking/flirting with a girl but for some reason I'm never upfront with my feelings until its too late.
Ultima_5 said:
That could lead to a bad living situation if she finds out... If you're positive you don't want anything with her, just focus on the stuff you mentioned to us; all the things that bother you about her and why you wouldn't be compatible.

As for the why now part... I don't know. I have feelings suddenly for girls i've known for awhile. Perfectly normal. Was she nice to you after the break up with your ex? Maybe you just transferred feelings?

Don't I know it! That's why I'm kind of panicking here. I don't want to move and I don't particularly want her to move. I just want things to go back the way they were. I've often advocated that if a guy develops a "crush", he needs to cut that girl out of their life completely. I know that's the best thing to do but not exactly easy given my circumstances.

I'm not 100% sure I don't want anything to do with her but that might be the emotions. My logic side says that a relationship with her would never last, we're just too different.

And no, she wasn't exactly nice to me after the breakup. She was very "tough love" with me and less sympathetic than some of my guy friends. She's definitely not a replacement for my ex.

I suspect that this all started when she revealed that she didn't get a promotion at work that she really wanted. She's not someone that shows emotion or vulnerability very often but she seemed pretty bummed then. I tend to believe that somehow triggered something.


Neo Member
The Shadow said:
Don't I know it! That's why I'm kind of panicking here. I don't want to move and I don't particularly want her to move. I just want things to go back the way they were. I've often advocated that if a guy develops a "crush", he needs to cut that girl out of their life completely. I know that's the best thing to do but not exactly easy given my circumstances.

I'm not 100% sure I don't want anything to do with her but that might be the emotions. My logic side says that a relationship with her would never last, we're just too different.

And no, she wasn't exactly nice to me after the breakup. She was very "tough love" with me and less sympathetic than some of my guy friends. She's definitely not a replacement for my ex.

I suspect that this all started when she revealed that she didn't get a promotion at work that she really wanted. She's not someone that shows emotion or vulnerability very often but she seemed pretty bummed then. I tend to believe that somehow triggered something.
I had a similar issue with my flatmate a while back. Rationally I knew it was a bad idea (she was a co-worker as well as my flatmate!) so to get over it I admitted my feelings to her. The key thing was that I didn't attempt to woo her, I guiltily admitted it in an unattractive way - she was sitting on the loo at the time.

I found it helped greatly getting over it to speak my feelings out loud. She let me down gently ("it's not a good idea while we're living together at least"), and by a few days' time it was no longer awkward and I was over her.

ACE 1991

I really think I need to change my attitude about women or lower my standards, otherwise I'm going to continue to be placed in the friend-zone for eternity. I've become pretty close with a girl since college started back up, (I'm almost 20) and I've really developed some strong feelings for her. It's hard as hell to tell if she's interested, though. I often catch her staring or glancing at me, which I know is a good sign, but I wonder if I'm simply over-analyzing. When we're alone sometimes it seems a little awkward and quiet like there's sexual tension, but again, I wonder if some of this is in my head. I wouldn't be so hesitant to tell her how I feel if we weren't part of the same circle of friends, as rejection could make things awkward for quite a while. Ah well, sorry for the vent post, GAF.
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