cornontheCOD with a great post, +1. I myself have made a huge transformation physically, emotionally, and mentally this year, and I couldn't be happier with myself. Well, I mean I could if I got laid, but other than that I couldn't be happier with myself hahaha!
samus i am said:
The question is, should I contact her first or wait for her to contact me. I know what Brent would say but I am looking for other suggestions. I don't have a lot of free time and this Saturday is open and I thought we could get together. If I do text her, what should I say?
Yep. 9 times out of 10 a woman who's seen your profile and is interested is going to send you a message. If she visited your profile, there's a high chance of interest but reluctance to speak first -- send that message and don't expect anything in return. I've sent out maybe, 6-7 messages total between OKC and POF and have gotten tenfold without doing anything at all but having a solid awareness of self expressed in my profile.
For online dating, make sure your profile game is right, meaning you seem approachable, non-creepy/needy/bitter, and that what you have to say is interesting.
Guys, try taking the fantasy aspect out of that initial message you send. Don't even imagine her responding back, or you going on a first date, or how you'd look together, where you'd go etc. Forget all that shit. See it as a shot in the dark where if it yields results great, but if not then keep moving without a fleeting thought.
Totally agree with this. No expectations and anything is a bonus is the right way to approach these sites in my experience. You'll set yourself up for a fall otherwise, which is the last thing you need when you're using these sites in the first place, haha.
There tends to be two types of women who message guys first; 1. Extroverted girls with high self-esteem whom don't care about common social conventions. (good) 2. Fat girls who are desperate. (bad)
That leaves out a lot of women who may expect YOU to message her first and never do first contact. Yes, girls who visit your profile and are interested MAY send a message but a lot of times they don't. They visit, want you to visit back and send them a message. That's how it tends to work. Guys are supposed to be the more socially dominant sex.
My 2 cents.
~Kinggi~ said:
There is no way to fix myself. People act like there is some magic shit someone can do and there isnt. I have 27 years experience with this. Its a personality trait and it's not changeable. I just need to get over the initial hurdle of all this bullshit dating game crap and then ill be fine.
Read the thread. No one has ever said it's just one simple step or just do this one thing and everything is fine. Nope. The message has constantly been that it's work and dedication BUT IT CAN BE DONE.
If you don't want to invest the time, then it's not going to happen. It's as simple as that. If you want to be a doctor, you need to put in the years at med school. There are no shortcuts.
Etrian Oddity said:
cornontheCOD with a great post, +1. I myself have made a huge transformation physically, emotionally, and mentally this year, and I couldn't be happier with myself. Well, I mean I could if I got laid, but other than that I couldn't be happier with myself hahaha!
You continue with life and see if she contacts you, not wait for her to contact you.
Interested girls act interested; if she doesn't contact you first when she has the available means, no interest you show will compel her to do so.
Moreover, make it a point to get their number, not the other way around. I know she asked for yours and that's fine but if it comes to exchanging numbers and she wants yours, make sure you have hers.
Yep. 9 times out of 10 a woman who's seen your profile and is interested is going to send you a message. If she visited your profile, there's a high chance of interest but reluctance to speak first -- send that message and don't expect anything in return. I've sent out maybe, 6-7 messages total between OKC and POF and have gotten tenfold without doing anything at all but having a solid awareness of self expressed in my profile.
Guys, try taking the fantasy aspect out of that initial message you send. Don't even imagine her responding back, or you going on a first date, or how you'd look together, where you'd go etc. Forget all that shit. See it as a shot in the dark where if it yields results great, but if not then keep moving without a fleeting thought.
I've probably sent out about two dozen cold messages to girls like this in the last couple of weeks and I've only had perhaps 3 or 4 respond. Then there are 3 or 4 other girls who just messaged me about something in my profile. My profile had a lot more interest when I just had a photo, weirdly. I wonder if I just did a terrible job filling it in.
Has anyone heard from PXG? I hope he's doing all right after the effort he put into helping everyone and then getting a bombshell dropped on him.
Thanks for everyone replying but you are all frustrating me to no end. Everyone here must assume im some lazy ass slab that hasnt bothered to put in the time etc etc. Bullshit. Started 2 years ago. More if you want to include other factors. Went through a total body transformation. Wardrobe change. I have a sorta stable job. I have my own place. I live in sunny South Florida. Oh god i should be bangin left and right! Not really. I am plagued by a combination of no experience and horrible anxiety ( and no meds arent an option, I was medicated when younger and docs can go screw themselves). At 27 you are officially weird not knowing how to do certain things, and girls around here are apparently trained to not give a single fuck about being proactive or showing interest, so really its trying to climb out of a pit that is getting deeper. Plus add to the fact ive had such a horrible self image for most of my life I honestly couldnt tell you if im objectively good looking or bad. Hard to have confidence in anything when there is no support system.
Thanks for everyone replying but you are all frustrating me to no end. Everyone here must assume im some lazy ass slab that hasnt bothered to put in the time etc etc. Bullshit. Started 2 years ago. More if you want to include other factors. Went through a total body transformation. Wardrobe change. I have a sorta stable job. I have my own place. I live in sunny South Florida. Oh god i should be bangin left and right! Not really. I am plagued by a combination of no experience and horrible anxiety ( and no meds arent an option, I was medicated when younger and docs can go screw themselves). At 27 you are officially weird not knowing how to do certain things, and girls around here are apparently trained to not give a single fuck about being proactive or showing interest, so really its trying to climb out of a pit that is getting deeper. Plus add to the fact ive had such a horrible self image for most of my life I honestly couldnt tell you if im objectively good looking or bad. Hard to have confidence in anything when there is no support system.
You must have guy friends. Go out with them. It doesn't have to be clubbing or drinking. Don't make it a goal to pick up women. Just go to socialize.
Play some sports: ultimate, beach volleyball, basketball, surfing. Join a league. Take lessons.
Get a dog. Take it for walks in the park.
Learn to play an instrument like guitar. Practice outside (busk, not panhandle). Like music? Attend concerts: not the popular bands in sold-out stadiums, but live music in a quiet venue. It's intimate, cheap, and quiet: perfect for conversation.
Your job is "sorta stable". Maybe get another one? Or go back to school? 27 isn't too young to stop learning or improving your skills.
Can't get women by showing interest in them? Get them to show interest in you. If you're confident, happy, and well-rounded, they'll come and talk to you.
I don't know your situation, but women don't care about being proactive and showing interest because you're just like the other guys. If you're a hot girl, the first guy who tries to woo you will give you a huge ego boost. Then you think you're awesome, and the next guy will have to try even harder to impress you.
Finally, I know we're a bunch of anonymous guys on the Internet but you could post your picture here (or PM it to certain folks) if you want a (slightly) more objective opinion on your looks.
Tough love version:
stop feeling like you're entitled to anything because you turned your life around. If you're healthy and happy, congrats. Keep at it, the women will come.
Dysun said:
You guys think its weird to tell a girl you dated a few times happy birthday via text when you only interact a few times a year?
Thanks for everyone replying but you are all frustrating me to no end. Everyone here must assume im some lazy ass slab that hasnt bothered to put in the time etc etc. Bullshit. Started 2 years ago. More if you want to include other factors. Went through a total body transformation. Wardrobe change. I have a sorta stable job. I have my own place. I live in sunny South Florida. Oh god i should be bangin left and right! Not really. I am plagued by a combination of no experience and horrible anxiety ( and no meds arent an option, I was medicated when younger and docs can go screw themselves). At 27 you are officially weird not knowing how to do certain things, and girls around here are apparently trained to not give a single fuck about being proactive or showing interest, so really its trying to climb out of a pit that is getting deeper. Plus add to the fact ive had such a horrible self image for most of my life I honestly couldnt tell you if im objectively good looking or bad. Hard to have confidence in anything when there is no support system.
This is something we can help with. Post pictures and you're sure to find out if you're good or if you 'need work' (which is as subjective as it can get, but whatever).
Just called up a random girl I met when shoe shopping and asked to see if maybe she may want to grab a bite to eat. She said she had a boyfriend. I'm not even bummed though, I feel like I'm slowly reaching a point when it comes to basic stuff like asking girls out that most people reached several years ago. Before, I probably would have just gone home and passively browsed CL's "Missed Connections" in hopes that maybe I left an impression on her.
Eventually I'll get to the point where I'm more comfortable asking out face to face (I wanted to do that in this case, but the presence of other customers around me kinda spooked me).
I live in sunny South Florida ... and girls around here are apparently trained to not give a single fuck about being proactive or showing interest, so really its trying to climb out of a pit that is getting deeper.
This bolded part I don't understand. Grap3fruitman said something similar, about how only 4 girls have shown interest in him in his entire life. You don't need a girl to show interest in you to approach her, initiate conversation, escalate kino, gauge her reaction, and kiss her. It sounds like you're just making excuses for failure by making an issue out of something that is irrelevant.
As for South Florida, I went to Miami for the first time this weekend and found the people to be friendly for the most part. I approached four sets of strangers that weekend. Three responded positively and one basically blew me off. I think blaming your situation on the environment is another excuse, because the town seems just as friendly as any other I've been in.
I like that Miami has a high tourist concentration in South Beach, so you have a lot of people who came out to have a good time and let loose. Of the three sets who reacted positively, I had a 5 min conversation with a guy and girl from LA; a 10 min conversation with two girls from Boston who invited me to party with them later that night; and a 2 hour conversation with two girls from Germany who we moved from a hotel to a bar for a drink.
This bolded part I don't understand. Grap3fruitman said something similar, about how only 4 girls have shown interest in him in his entire life. You don't need a girl to show interest in you to approach her, initiate conversation, escalate kino, gauge her reaction, and kiss her. It sounds like you're just making excuses for failure by making an issue out of something that is irrelevant.
Sorry, but that doesn't work for everyone. I can't push myself onto someone like that. I'll chat with a girl no problem but I'm not going to escalate anything until I have a good idea they're interested. It's not that I'm overly worried about rejection or anything, it's mainly because I don't care about that person enough to put myself out there like that. I will if I think they're into me, but I'm not going to try and get close to someone I don't know, it's not in my nature. The second part is, why should I do all the work for them? They're not entitled to anything, and if they're not going to put forth any sort of effort why should I waste my time on them? Way I see it, a relationship is a two person game. If I'm stuck making all the moves for them, they obviously don't care enough to continue.
The parts I've bolded are very interesting to me in this quote, when I met my ex girlfriend from the site, SHE messaged me first, not the other way around. This seems to be the case with your current girl friend too?
Oy sorry for the delayed response. Yeah she messaged me first. Honestly, I don't think either of us had any especially high hopes from the site (my friends were getting a kick out of my horror stories though), but I am happy it worked out. I guess in both our cases having the girl message us first naturally gave us a much higher likely-hood of succeeding hahaha!
If you're sex buddies with a girl and they are leaving to go to another city and she wants to just keep it as buddies but you want more is there any chance that could work? Or not a hope?
This isn't me I'm talking about, but something that came up.
Depends on the pair and situation, requires patience/luck and wait for their bond to lighten or maybe yours to grow, specially if some shit happens between the two; only go if you are really interested in the girl, or just don't care much and think you are lucky, otherwise, why the hell would you want to do it anyway?
And what's with you wanting to 'hit' on a 'chick' who's already seeing someone anyway? It reminds me of the movies with I-am-so-cool-I-can-get-everything stereotypes
I also have a problem of my own. There was this friend of mine, who we used to be friend, at university anyway, and it was normal, until I did a very long chat with her, like 6 hours, and then she suddenly stopped replying to me after that. And I did a mistake, I have a habit of removing those on the facebook that don't do shit with their accounts, and she was among like 40 persons that I did so. Now she won't even look at me when I pass by her in the university. And the strange part is that she did ask me later about why I did remove her, and it didn't seem like she was angry or baffled or anything had happened during our chat, so I am just WTF?
And what's with you wanting to 'hit' on a 'chick' who's already seeing someone anyway? It reminds me of the movies with I-am-so-cool-I-can-get-everything stereotypes
It shouldn't really matter what we say. If you like her enough for it not to be an issue with you then you should at least try. If you can't be bothered with the hassle then she's probably not worth it.
Speaking from experience however, you have to have a certain demeanor and personality to pull it off, but it certainly can be done. Perhaps easily so. My girlfriend and I started out like this and we both couldn't be happier. Just go for it and I wish you all the best
So I was driving to work today listening to the radio and they had a guy talking about a friend who got girls at the bar. He said his friend would give out a piece of paper with hangman on it.
From what he described he would put the phrase as .... I want to be _n you....Making the girl guess either "I want to be in you" or "I want to be on you" after guessing a bunch of letters. He didn't say which line he used, but he would tell them if they got it right he would give them his number.
The radio guy said his friend gave the hangman game out to 8 women and all 8 women came back to him to play this hangman game. I know, I know you're probably thinking...."You have to be good looking to do that".....To be honest the radio guy did say his friend was good looking so I'm sure that helped. It doesn't mean you can't pull off something like this.
What this guy was doing was reversing the roles. He was simply making the girls chase him by giving them this hangman challenge. Now only does it reverse the roles, but it gives you a chance to talk and flirt while playing the game. Even if you don't use the line "I want to be in or on you" it would be interesting to see results. I think I'll give it a try next time I'm out at a bar.
I've probably sent out about two dozen cold messages to girls like this in the last couple of weeks and I've only had perhaps 3 or 4 respond. Then there are 3 or 4 other girls who just messaged me about something in my profile. My profile had a lot more interest when I just had a photo, weirdly. I wonder if I just did a terrible job filling it in.
Has anyone heard from PXG? I hope he's doing all right after the effort he put into helping everyone and then getting a bombshell dropped on him.
Sorry, but that doesn't work for everyone. I can't push myself onto someone like that. I'll chat with a girl no problem but I'm not going to escalate anything until I have a good idea they're interested. It's not that I'm overly worried about rejection or anything, it's mainly because I don't care about that person enough to put myself out there like that. I will if I think they're into me, but I'm not going to try and get close to someone I don't know, it's not in my nature. The second part is, why should I do all the work for them? They're not entitled to anything, and if they're not going to put forth any sort of effort why should I waste my time on them? Way I see it, a relationship is a two person game. If I'm stuck making all the moves for them, they obviously don't care enough to continue.
People respond positively to interest. You also can't get a reaction without action. If you're waiting for interest before showing any, and she's doing the same thing, you're stuck in perpetual deadlock and won't go anywhere.
Plus you make it sound like showing any interest in a girl is a serious emotional and time commitment. Are you that averse to risk? Do you not do anything outside your comfort zone? Does it hurt to ask someone out?
Life is sometimes about taking risks. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Plus you make it sound like showing any interest in a girl is a serious emotional and time commitment. Are you that averse to risk? Do you not do anything outside your comfort zone? Does it hurt to ask someone out?
Life is sometimes about taking risks. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
I´m 29 and i never went out twice with the same girl.
I can´t even imagine my sex life without hookers. Would be brutal (non existant)
Now that i have a good job, pay my own bills, and stuff, i have no excuses, but somehow i think part of the problem is doing something out of the confort zone.
I know i have to start trying again, take some risks, after a 4 year hiatus where i did basically nothing on the personal side, but i keep postponing it.
I guess if i do move back to the city i grew up and went to college i can get back with my old friends and the nightlife.
But doing things out of your confort zone is really difficult for some, even if it is for things you want very badly.
I find it odd how you can be out of your element trying to date someone, but yet you are fine with using hookers. I'm not trying to be judgmental in the slightest. It's just as a 26 year old member of VGaf the only thing I find holding me back from hanging out/dating women right now, is this fear that they are not going to accept me once they find out and I have no idea how to proceed after a 2nd date type scenario when it has happened. I have worked on myself a lot over the last year (lost 90lbs, dressing better, have opened up way more in terms of shyness then I ever was before), but its the last thing left to overcome. I know im blowing things out of proportion for the most part, but its just getting out of that mindset now I have to work on.
People respond positively to interest. You also can't get a reaction without action. If you're waiting for interest before showing any, and she's doing the same thing, you're stuck in perpetual deadlock and won't go anywhere.
Like you said, you can't get a reaction without an action. That principle doesn't just apply to men. If I'm not picking up any signs they're interested in me they're not even a blip on my radar. Again, I'll chat and be my normal charming self, but I have no reason to continue things further because they didn't give me one. I just can't push myself onto someone like that.
Lone_Prodigy said:
Plus you make it sound like showing any interest in a girl is a serious emotional and time commitment. Are you that averse to risk? Do you not do anything outside your comfort zone? Does it hurt to ask someone out?
It's partly because I have no interest in them until I feel like they're digging me. So I don't even want to push things further with them unless I'm picking up some signals. It's also partly on principle. If she expects a man to do everything for her, it tells me quite a bit about her character.
Thanks for everyone replying but you are all frustrating me to no end. Everyone here must assume im some lazy ass slab that hasnt bothered to put in the time etc etc. Bullshit. Started 2 years ago. More if you want to include other factors. Went through a total body transformation. Wardrobe change. I have a sorta stable job. I have my own place. I live in sunny South Florida. Oh god i should be bangin left and right! Not really. I am plagued by a combination of no experience and horrible anxiety ( and no meds arent an option, I was medicated when younger and docs can go screw themselves). At 27 you are officially weird not knowing how to do certain things, and girls around here are apparently trained to not give a single fuck about being proactive or showing interest, so really its trying to climb out of a pit that is getting deeper. Plus add to the fact ive had such a horrible self image for most of my life I honestly couldnt tell you if im objectively good looking or bad. Hard to have confidence in anything when there is no support system.
Hey guys , I need some help picking up a chick from a retail store ( walgreens ) lol
I buy a redbull from walgreens everyday , she sees me every time. Smiles every time and sometimes check them out for me.
One time I bought the big one , a different clerk was checking it out and couldnt figure it the price. She passed by and said 3.99! and smiled at me.
Today , she checked me out again. ( Fixing her hair before I arrived )
Me : Hey again
her : Omg , how many of these do you drink !
Me : One usually , 2 today. Just busy from work and school , need to stay awake .
Her: Ohhhh cool .
Me : I hope you wont get tired of seeing me everyday
Her : Noooo i wont! ( with a big grin on her face )
Me: See you soon!
Her: ( Big grin on her face )
How do I proceed? pass her a note when I buy my next redbull? ( Hi whats your name? with my #)
Lol this sounds like a rookie mistake... I dont know whats going on . I guess I've never talked to anyone from over the counter . I meet girls from school but not stores. A different world for me , i guess.
I find it odd how you can be out of your element trying to date someone, but yet you are fine with using hookers. I'm not trying to be judgmental in the slightest. It's just as a 26 year old member of VGaf the only thing I find holding me back from hanging out/dating women right now, is this fear that they are not going to accept me once they find out and I have no idea how to proceed after a 2nd date type scenario when it has happened. I have worked on myself a lot over the last year (lost 90lbs, dressing better, have opened up way more in terms of shyness then I ever was before), but its the last thing left to overcome. I know im blowing things out of proportion for the most part, but its just getting out of that mindset now I have to work on.
When you get a hooker or even go to the strip club you don't have to do any work to get the girl. There is almost a 0% chance of rejection unless the girl finds out you're not buying anything. When you do it the first time you're pretty nervous, but after that it becomes an outlet for someone who can't girls in the bar, club, coffee shop etc.
I know where you guys are coming from. Everyone has their own confidence issues. Even the hot girl at the bar that every guy is drooling over.
What you need to do is figure out a way to break out of your comfort zone. I know some of you have moved away from your home town and don't have many or no friends around you. Just know that almost everyone who reads this thread is pulling for you to succeed. I'm sure we have some lurkers who want to see you score as well. What its going to come down to is are you willing to take little steps to break out or just go balls to the wall and take that leap of faith. All the advice and encouragement is in this thread. Good luck to you all.
SuperAndroid17 tell her you're doing something this weekend and invite her to join. Example...
You: Hey, how is going today?
Girl: Good, Here to buy another red bull I see...
You: Yeah like always (smile on your face) Hey by the way have you been to X park?
Girl: Why no I haven't?
You: I'm going this weekend to take some pictures with my new camera. I hear that park is great for getting good shots in the fall. Would you like to join me?
Girl: Wow, that sounds really cool. Yes, I would love to join you. Here is my number give me a call.
SuperAndroid17 tell her you're doing something this weekend and invite her to join. Example...
You: Hey, how is going today?
Girl: Good, Here to buy another red bull I see...
You: Yeah like always (smile on your face) Hey by the way have you been to X park?
Girl: Why no I haven't?
You: I'm going this weekend to take some pictures with my new camera. I hear that park is great for getting good shots in the fall. Would you like to join me?
Girl: Wow, that sounds really cool. Yes, I would love to join you. Here is my number give me a call.
Sounds good , I guess I should just follow the template of " Join me in this social outing " . The only thing thats going to suck is when I start checking out my drink is when people start lining up for check out . So my time is limited.
Sounds good , I guess I should just follow the template of " Join me in this social outing " . The only thing thats going to suck is when I start checking out my drink is when people start lining up for check out . So my time is limited.
Don't worry about anyone getting behind you in line. If you ask her out with 1 or 2 people behind you it's going to show some balls...Who cares if you're holding them up for a min or two. Just don't ramble...Get to the point, ask her out, and get the number.
Don't worry about anyone getting behind you in line. If you ask her out with 1 or 2 people behind you it's going to show some balls...Who cares if you're holding them up for a min or two. Just don't ramble...Get to the point, ask her out, and get the number.
I've been on a couple dates with this one girl. The past two weekends I've asked her out she's declined because she was busy (works at a restaurant). The first time she apologized for sounding flaky, said she wasn't normally very busy, and this past weekend she just said "I'm working tonight, sorry". My gut feeling tells me that because she didn't suggest an alternative, she isn't that interested. Am I wrong?
I've been on a couple dates with this one girl. The past two weekends I've asked her out she's declined because she was busy (works at a restaurant). The first time she apologized for sounding flaky, said she wasn't normally very busy, and this past weekend she just said "I'm working tonight, sorry". My gut feeling tells me that because she didn't suggest an alternative, she isn't that interested. Am I wrong?
It might seem like a tough call since she's "shy," but you did give her a second chance. It sounds like she's no longer interested (or is doing a shitty job of showing her interest) because she easily could've rescheduled the first time.
Man, University is nuts! Today was a good day. Met a bunch of girls and sat down and talked to them. FINALLY manned up and incorporated kino into the mix. At first I always thought "How the hell do I touch a girl without coming off as a creep?" Answer is, it's never creepy if you're confident enough. It gets the girl more engaged and you can tell she's interested. Also having girls as simply friends isn't so bad. They all seem to have so many cute friends that they keep introducing to me. So yea, kino is super important and really easy. Glad I've got it down.
Oh and that Brent Smith stuff about story has finally payed off. I'd say that it took a good 6 months of telling myself how good looking I am, how all the womenz wanna be with me etc. and it really works! It's like I've drugged myself with my thoughts! I used to think I was the ugliest person around. It was pathetic. I don't think i'm the best looking guy around, I know I'm the best looking guy around. Only realized today about this transformation.
Yep life is good! Haven't gotten laid yet but I don't care. I feel way better about myself and feel that every women out there wants to be with me.
So I've been talking to a 26 year old girl for 5 months, it's been a long distance thing, so I've only visited her like maybe 5 times and been taking it slow overall.
-She texted me everyday.
-She called me twice a week.
-We went out on dates.
-She had introduced me to all her friends and sister.
This last weekend she randomly invited me to bon-fire at her sister's, we hadn't hung for two weeks, so I agreed. The night went really well...we are both religious, so she ends up crashing at her parents house but lets me stay in her room and sleep in her bed. Next day she invites me hangout with her and her parents, which I do, things go well again.
She emails two days later, pulled the "friends" card, tried to back-track and imply that I misunderstood her intentions all along.
I'm not even upset... she wigged herself out, I didn't.
So I've been talking to a 26 year old girl for 5 months, it's been a long distance thing, so I've only visited her like maybe 5 times and been taking it slow overall.
-She texted me everyday.
-She called me twice a week.
-We went out on dates.
-She had introduced me to all her friends and sister.
This last weekend she randomly invited me to bon-fire at her sister's, we hadn't hung for two weeks, so I agreed. The night went really well...we are both religious, so she ends up crashing at her parents house but lets me stay in her room and sleep in her bed. Next day she invites me hangout with her and her parents, which I do, things go well again.
She emails two days later, pulled the "friends" card, tried to back-track and imply that I misunderstood her intentions all along.
I'm not even upset... she wigged herself out, I didn't.
I'm wondering about the level of physicality too. Sex didn't have to happen in that bed since both of them are religious, but it shouldn't stop them from doing other stuff.
I can get laid, get hookups, but I guess I've just come to the realization that promiscuous girls are simply promiscuous girls.
I've realized I just don't know how the fuck to get a vibe going with a chick I really dig. Take for instance, I just got lets just be friend zoned in other words "not trying to sound like a bitch, but im seeing someone else", mind you this is after we hung and when I contacted to arrange another time. after I was getting vibes, touching, all that fucking shit that I pounce on to get laid. but if want more i cant get it.
And for the record im seeing someone else is just coda for the friend zone. there is nobody else.. jesus women are shitting me lately. need to reevaluate my shit