Tkawsome said:
I imagine a lot of people are treated this way. I think it stuck with me because I never really got any kindness in my life to balance it out. My home life was dealing with an abusive step father, my early school life forced me to physically defend myself on a daily basis, and even my best friends have shown me time and time again that they'll abandon me at a moments notice. Guess that's why I've been so against approaching people. I've been conditioned to believe everyone is a threat in some form or another until they prove otherwise, and even when they do I need to keep a close eye on them. I have a feeling it's a common experience, but part of me hopes that's just the cynical side talking. While I don't hold grudges and haven't let my experiences get to me too much, there's still elements that stuck into my personality which made me naturally distant. I would still do everything in my power to help anyone who needed it, but I didn't allow myself to reach out to the people around me.
Sorry to post all that in response to a single sentence. Just thought it would give some of the other posters some perspective on why I hold that position. I sort of just realized it myself. I also needed to say that if you really are like me, things will get better. I've met a group of friends who genuinely care about each other, which is completely new to me. My old friends are constantly telling me how much they care now. My step father stopped being aggressive towards me and actually reached out in his own way a couple of times, and my mom has done everything in her power to help me every chance she gets. For the first time in my life, people are being nice to me. So if you are like me and had a pretty bleak outlook on other people, keep holding on. Things got pretty dark for a while there, but in just a few short months everything finally started to change.
Things really can get better if you work towards them. Trust me. I had very similar conditions in my childhood. Divorced parents, physically abusive step father, was overweight, had few friends, regularly got into fights with bullies at my school, and so on.
I was completely oblivious to flirting in high school and people would often make jokes about me being a-sexual. I had enough at the end of my second year of high school and said, "Fuck this, I'm changing my life."
I first decided to combat my weight issues because they were affecting a lot of different areas like self-esteem and confidence. Played DDR (you read right) all summer while working two jobs and lost something like 60 pounds. I've been working on so many different factors in my life since that day and life's been nothing but amazing. I still have struggles and down times like everyone else, but staying positive 95% of the time makes things much more enjoyable, these days.
A lot of us have struggles, and it does take time and effort to get past them, but if you want to change your life badly enough -- and have the willpower to follow through -- you can achieve what you want in life.
It all starts with you.
Don't become a victim of your situation, tk. We're very similar. If I can change shit up, so can you.
On the topic of friends, if you don't like them, you can always make new ones. Have shitty friends? "Break up" with them and get better ones. I don't mean better looking or wealthier friends, I mean friends who actually care, will listen, will tell you when you're doing wrong, etc.
A huge plus of being socially involved in clubs, social hobbies, and events is that you're forced to meet a lot of new people. Some of these people will become your friends. Some of them will make you realize that your existing friends might be shitty people. Such is life.
Does it make you a bad person for abandoning your shitty friends? Not really. Because they weren't all that great to you in the first place. And, I'd hate to be blunt, but maybe losing a few friends will help them course correct their shitty attitudes toward you/others. We can only hope.
The company you keep can be a huge driving force in your life. Having a social circle that does heroine? You're probably likely to fall into that trap yourself. Have a social circle that only plays WOW? You're probably likely to fall into that trap yourself. Have a social circle that studies/works hard and knows how to positively balance that with a healthy social life? You're probably likely to fall into that trap too.