Kung Fu Grip said:
The thing that really botheres me it seems girls are way to picky. If you don't look a certain way, or have a certain job etc, they won't even bother with you. Theres too much expectations. Why the fuck can't i like you and thats it? Its the survival of the fittest. And the fittest are usually fucking dickheads.
I thought this SHIT for years.
Choose one:
1) You have mental issues. No I mean it. You have mental issues. You like girls who aren't into you at all. You've met keepers, but since they actually respond to you like a human being, you don't give a fuck and your brain shuts them out. This is you being dumb, go to a therapist.
2) You spend time in places you don't belong. Bar, club, testicle kicking establishment etc. Go to a place you'll enjoy yourself with or without women, preferably one that will have women. If you have some natural charm and you don't let yourself get self conscious, you're gold.
3) You like women who look a certain way, and the chances of them liking a guy who looks a similar way is damn near probably 100% and you aren't a part of that clique. A guidette USUALLY wants a guido.
4) Don't hang out with friends too high on the totem pole unless they're at bat for you and working it very smoothly. If your friends are rich, and you're all at a fancy shmancy club, and the girls there are shooting for the moon or looking for bottles of bubbly and you don't have the right vibe, you're not even on the radar. Likewise, you probably won't get Country Gal Sally by showing up in a tux unless the situation warrants it and she digs it.
5) Similar to 4, never dress or act the way you think you should dress or act. Dress the way that makes you both look and feel good, and act the way you feel you should act. You can BS who you are for a few hours or days, but once you're a bona fide phony, you're shitlisted. The lawn guy doesn't get a few steamy hours because he showed up in a chef's apron with no underwear.
6) She's not single. No, seriously, if she's saying she's got a bf, you gain nothing by persisting besides headache, unless it's a joke and she tells you so.
7) Frequent mixed signals from the same woman will get you mad at all women. It's not her fault. It's your dumbass for sticking around. I actually have sympathy for them in a sense. It definitely is sensory overload to get hit on all the time and it's hard to be direct and say no sometimes, it's mentally exhausting and makes you feel cruel to do a verbal dickpunch all the time.
8) All of the above, you break every rule above consistently. yet you keep breaking them and go on bitching about it, making you even more mad, and nobody wants to touch you with a 10 foot pole.