Girl/Dating Age Part 2: A combined effort to give advice for those in need

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ThisWreckage said:
I didn't want to make a thread, but I am disenchanted with dating. I don't know if it's bad luck or what. I guess I just get sick of all of the power struggles, petty mind games, and overall ups and downs of relationships. I can clearly see why a lot of men just fuck around.
Dating is no different than any other process that you have to do to get to something good. It sucks, it's tedious and it's repetitive, but you have to put in the hard work and cross your fingers for some luck along the way if you want anything good.

Speaking of dating. I got stood up almost twice by this girl yesterday. She stood me up on Monday, and was planning on ditching me again yesterday, but got bored and figured to come out last minute. I don't know why people do that. Do they get that bored that they can't just something else with their time? She's also baffled by why people would take online dating seriously and think everyone on it is a fat mouth breather. Seriously? It's 2011. People are perfectly inclined to do everything else online, but finding meeting people there weird? Really?
Graffgor said:
Okay gentlemen I have a problem related to sex.

I very recently lost my virginity with my first girlfriend, who happens to be the greatest human being I have ever met.

Here's the problem, I can't climax, and I have trouble staying hard with condom use. I'm on Prozac, but until I met this girl I had no problem finishing on my own quite regularly. I'm very attentive to her needs, so this isn't the most detrimental thing in the world, but I would like to enjoy myself more than I currently am.

It's like I don't feel anything... my sensitivity has been completely turned off. Even oral doesn't do much for me, though I will say it feels better than sex with a condom.

I'm starting to worry this might be a permanent problem, and might need medical help. When I get home I'm almost doubled over in pain (which I suppose is blue balls?), and have to force myself to masturbate through it for relief. It really is horrendous.

It's probably worth mentioning I'm 25... so yeah I'm very late to this whole thing. I often wonder if that has something to do with it.

Edit: I should clarify that even masturbation takes ages and intense concentration since meeting this woman... It's like when faced with the real deal my brain turned off my sex drive. It's very odd I must say.

If you've been jerking off daily (or more) since discovering your dick and you used porn to do so, then you need to jerk off less.

Plus, it was your first time. But yeah, jerk off less, nets a stiffer, harder cock.
SpectreFire said:
Dating is no different than any other process that you have to do to get to something good. It sucks, it's tedious and it's repetitive, but you have to put in the hard work and cross your fingers for some luck along the way if you want anything good.

Speaking of dating. I got stood up almost twice by this girl yesterday. She stood me up on Monday, and was planning on ditching me again yesterday, but got bored and figured to come out last minute. I don't know why people do that. Do they get that bored that they can't just something else with their time? She's also baffled by why people would take online dating seriously and think everyone on it is a fat mouth breather. Seriously? It's 2011. People are perfectly inclined to do everything else online, but finding meeting people there weird? Really?

Sounds like she isn't worth your time.
manned the fuck up this afternoon, talked to a random girl on the street and exchanged numbers with her.
What's significant to me was how utterly painless it was. Need to start talking to more sexy passersby.
theignoramus said:
manned the fuck up this afternoon, talked to a random girl on the street and exchanged numbers with her.
What's significant to me was how utterly painless it was. Need to start talking to more sexy passersby.

So this is more of a backstory post for when things inevitably do wrong, but I've started dating an undergrad girl who, on our first date, when the Batman theme came on the jukebox, slammed the table and said "I FUCKING LOVE BATMAN" really loudly.

She tends to do the things eccentric young college women do, though, which is tell me to text her at a certain time and then get mad I didn't text earlier and then send me a text message later as if she didn't get mad at all. I'm really not sure how long I can find that endearing.
SpectreFire said:
I've been single my whole life and I'm sick of it. Just moved to a new city, dont really know anyone here, but I was tired of the excuses I was giving myself, so I just went out, started saying hi to women on the street, dropped a few spur of the moment one liners, then got into a conversation with some girl that missed her bus.
It was fun and painless and Im annoyed that I didnt do this sooner. I could've had so many more opportunities if I'd started doing this when I was at uni and all kinds of other situations. I was such a spineless coward, I used to walk by girls that eyeballed me without saying so much as hello.
No more.
ShockingAlberto said:
So this is more of a backstory post for when things inevitably do wrong, but I've started dating an undergrad girl who, on our first date, when the Batman theme came on the jukebox, slammed the table and said "I FUCKING LOVE BATMAN" really loudly.

She tends to do the things eccentric young college women do, though, which is tell me to text her at a certain time and then get mad I didn't text earlier and then send me a text message later as if she didn't get mad at all. I'm really not sure how long I can find that endearing.

The first part was awesome.

The second part was not so awesome.


theignoramus said:
I've been single my whole life and I'm sick of it. Just moved to a new city, dont really know anyone here, but I was tired of the excuses I was giving myself, so I just went out, started saying hi to women on the street, dropped a few spur of the moment one liners, then got into a conversation with some girl that missed her bus.
It was fun and painless and Im annoyed that I didnt do this sooner. I could've had so many more opportunities if I'd started doing this when I was at uni and all kinds of other situations. I was such a spineless coward, I used to walk by girls that eyeballed me without saying so much as hello.
No more.
Good to hear dude.

How old are you by the way?


ShockingAlberto said:
So this is more of a backstory post for when things inevitably do wrong, but I've started dating an undergrad girl who, on our first date, when the Batman theme came on the jukebox, slammed the table and said "I FUCKING LOVE BATMAN" really loudly.

She tends to do the things eccentric young college women do, though, which is tell me to text her at a certain time and then get mad I didn't text earlier and then send me a text message later as if she didn't get mad at all. I'm really not sure how long I can find that endearing.
How badly do you want to hit it? Haha.

I don't put up with the "having to answer to anyone" part anymore and it's made my dating life awesome. She ain't your mother or your wife, so why let her treat you like that?


theignoramus said:
I've been single my whole life and I'm sick of it. Just moved to a new city, dont really know anyone here, but I was tired of the excuses I was giving myself, so I just went out, started saying hi to women on the street, dropped a few spur of the moment one liners, then got into a conversation with some girl that missed her bus.
It was fun and painless and Im annoyed that I didnt do this sooner. I could've had so many more opportunities if I'd started doing this when I was at uni and all kinds of other situations. I was such a spineless coward, I used to walk by girls that eyeballed me without saying so much as hello.
No more.
Damn you sound just like me! Glad to see your change. I need some of that confidence you have!


aka morbidesque
so the girl I asked about earlier, the religion thing...Thats all well and good. We have been talking a lot since then, and the she is coming back from her mission next week. we were discussing plans for our first date, and i suggested a place near her home to meet. a restaurant

Then she said: "you could pick me up at the airport"!

hm-mm..this is an interesting thought..At this stage in my life I could use a little adventure I suppose. It feels kinda strange, but i cant say I'm dubious about the situation. she seems rather genuine in her conversations about what shes looking for in a relationship. This would be a four hour trip to pick her up at the airport and take her home. I asked her what she would do if she had to get home by herself and she said she would take a taxi, which would be an hour at best. The things we do to find someone...

I guess I'll go for it. she doesn't have anyone. her family is all dead. I think I feel sorry for her as well as like her besides.

so this could end up being a wonderful day....or turn into a romantic horror movie.

thoughts? I think I'm going for it...


I dunno, dude. I think her asking you to drive all that way is incredibly selfish, but then again, I don't know the situation.

I just hope you get what you want from it and not simply taken advantage of.
theignoramus said:
manned the fuck up this afternoon, talked to a random girl on the street and exchanged numbers with her.
What's significant to me was how utterly painless it was. Need to start talking to more sexy passersby.
LOL I actually just did that today in the student center.
dreadfulwater said:
so the girl I asked about earlier, the religion thing...Thats all well and good. We have been talking a lot since then, and the she is coming back from her mission next week. we were discussing plans for our first date, and i suggested a place near her home to meet. a restaurant

Then she said: "you could pick me up at the airport"!

hm-mm..this is an interesting thought..At this stage in my life I could use a little adventure I suppose. It feels kinda strange, but i cant say I'm dubious about the situation. she seems rather genuine in her conversations about what shes looking for in a relationship. This would be a four hour trip to pick her up at the airport and take her home. I asked her what she would do if she had to get home by herself and she said she would take a taxi, which would be an hour at best. The things we do to find someone...

I guess I'll go for it. she doesn't have anyone. her family is all dead. I think I feel sorry for her as well as like her besides.

so this could end up being a wonderful day....or turn into a romantic horror movie.

thoughts? I think I'm going for it...

That's a red flag, dude. You shouldn't be carting her around if you've never met. At the very least she should pay your gas money and buy you dinner.


Hydrogen Bluebird said:
I don't really know if I should be in a proper relationship with this girl. I find her cute and I like her personality but I was thinking about maybe I could get a bigger fish in the looks department.

She's better looking than most Asians out there...

edit: I should also add, as a person who dated a lot of dancers and models, that looks are just one part of the equation. Personality and compatibility go a long way too.
SRG01 said:
She's better looking than most Asians out there...

edit: I should also add, as a person who dated a lot of dancers and models, that looks are just one part of the equation. Personality and compatibility go a long way too.

Thanks. Personally, I think I value looks and personality equally.


aka morbidesque
lawlohwhat said:
That's a red flag, dude. You shouldn't be carting her around if you've never met. At the very least she should pay your gas money and buy you dinner.

yeah, I agree. it's strange. I'll talk to her tomorrow and ask her where she's buying me lunch. Also if the thing ends with all 5 11 of her wrapped around me in a sex grip. I'll call it even.



Guy cheerfully offered to run me over today to get a girl to spend more time with me, by telling her which hospital I was in.

However, the situation was made vaguely creepy by the fact that he'd just a second before called me a fucker for getting close to a hot redhead who is the girl I'm talking about.

True story. Though I'm certain he was joking. Probably. I left rather quickly.

EDIT: The moral of the story is the fact that in a desperate moment I probably would've considered it. :p


GameFan Alumnus
dreadfulwater said:
so the girl I asked about earlier, the religion thing...Thats all well and good. We have been talking a lot since then, and the she is coming back from her mission next week. we were discussing plans for our first date, and i suggested a place near her home to meet. a restaurant

Then she said: "you could pick me up at the airport"!

hm-mm..this is an interesting thought..At this stage in my life I could use a little adventure I suppose. It feels kinda strange, but i cant say I'm dubious about the situation. she seems rather genuine in her conversations about what shes looking for in a relationship. This would be a four hour trip to pick her up at the airport and take her home. I asked her what she would do if she had to get home by herself and she said she would take a taxi, which would be an hour at best. The things we do to find someone...

I guess I'll go for it. she doesn't have anyone. her family is all dead. I think I feel sorry for her as well as like her besides.

so this could end up being a wonderful day....or turn into a romantic horror movie.

thoughts? I think I'm going for it...
Being locked into a 4 hour first date (or is it one hour together, 3 hours to drive to the airport alone?) sounds like a really bad idea. Is this is a real first date with an activity planned or an online dating crazy check coffee date? Either way, it sounds like your situation is atypical, and personally, I'd not pick up a stranger at the airport. That just doesn't feel right. Let her find her way home and do a real date where she has time to doll herself up and isn't carrying luggage around.

kid ness


In high school, there was a girl who was pretty into me at the time. I knew this, but I wasn't really interested in starting anything because I was just about to graduate. She's a year younger I had met her a couple of months before I was going off of to college, and I thought it wouldn't be worth it.

Recently I was kicking myself about why I didn't pursue it anyway -- she's a really cool girl and we have a good amount in common. So fast forward to few days ago I asked her on Facebook how shes doing, that it's been too long since we've seen each other, we should hang, etc etc. She replied saying she would love that, then sends me a message with her number.

There's this concert I wanted to see but most of my friends are still dorming so they're not in town -- so I texted her asking if she wanted to go. She seemed very excited (lots of smiley faces & good vibes in the texts) and said she would love to. Now, my question is, am I going too fast? I don't want to fuck this up & jump into anything too quickly. To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
theignoramus said:
I've been single my whole life and I'm sick of it. Just moved to a new city, dont really know anyone here, but I was tired of the excuses I was giving myself, so I just went out, started saying hi to women on the street, dropped a few spur of the moment one liners, then got into a conversation with some girl that missed her bus.
It was fun and painless and Im annoyed that I didnt do this sooner. I could've had so many more opportunities if I'd started doing this when I was at uni and all kinds of other situations. I was such a spineless coward, I used to walk by girls that eyeballed me without saying so much as hello.
No more.

congrats, man. I'm still not able to do this and resort to dating sites. I miss a lot of opportunities in result but I'm not sure when I'll be able to muster enough courage and confidence to start talking with girls just like that.


GameFan Alumnus
kid ness said:

In high school, there was a girl who was pretty into me at the time. I knew this, but I wasn't really interested in starting anything because I was just about to graduate. She's a year younger I had met her a couple of months before I was going off of to college, and I thought it wouldn't be worth it.

Recently I was kicking myself about why I didn't pursue it anyway -- she's a really cool girl and we have a good amount in common. So fast forward to few days ago I asked her on Facebook how shes doing, that it's been too long since we've seen each other, we should hang, etc etc. She replied saying she would love that, then sends me a message with her number.

There's this concert I wanted to see but most of my friends are still dorming so they're not in town -- so I texted her asking if she wanted to go. She seemed very excited (lots of smiley faces & good vibes in the texts) and said she would love to. Now, my question is, am I going too fast? I don't want to fuck this up & jump into anything too quickly. To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for.
You're over thinking it. Just go on a date, relax, and have fun. Just because you go on a date doesn't mean you have to put a ring on her finger.
Cryptozoologist said:
My voice is my passport.

Verify Me.

(ok, not an exact quote.)

Anyways, the girl who I thought was going to break up with me when we went out Tuesday night for drinks ended up breaking it off via text the same day. I'm not pleased about the fact that she didn't do it in person. Especially a day after a pretty good date and a great kiss before parting ways.

She was "stand-offish" for the past week and I fear the only reason she didn't break it off right away was that she needed to finish the game I leant her first. I know, sounds crazy, but I think that was the case.

After the Playstation event, I went out with a friend, got drunk, and I'm not ready to jump back in again. I really liked this girl but the fact that she wouldn't give me an opportunity to at least talk about any issues she had rubs me the wrong way. I like to think I can do better than that.
kid ness said:

In high school, there was a girl who was pretty into me at the time. I knew this, but I wasn't really interested in starting anything because I was just about to graduate. She's a year younger I had met her a couple of months before I was going off of to college, and I thought it wouldn't be worth it.

Recently I was kicking myself about why I didn't pursue it anyway -- she's a really cool girl and we have a good amount in common. So fast forward to few days ago I asked her on Facebook how shes doing, that it's been too long since we've seen each other, we should hang, etc etc. She replied saying she would love that, then sends me a message with her number.

There's this concert I wanted to see but most of my friends are still dorming so they're not in town -- so I texted her asking if she wanted to go. She seemed very excited (lots of smiley faces & good vibes in the texts) and said she would love to. Now, my question is, am I going too fast? I don't want to fuck this up & jump into anything too quickly. To be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for.

How is a concert going too fast? Go, have fun, see what happens.
How the fuck do I respond to this text? lol

"I haven't seen you & the wolf pack in forever!!!! I miss you. I say let's just get married . It's a quick fix. We can see each other erryday! Lol. ;)"
CherryWoodFuton said:
How the fuck do I respond to this text? lol

"I haven't seen you & the wolf pack in forever!!!! I miss you. I say let's just get married . It's a quick fix. We can see each other erryday! Lol. ;)"
k meet at city hall in 30, lol
Moving into my new place right now. Caught a glimpse of one of my neighbors and she's incredibly hot. Knock on her door to ask for an ingredient while cooking?
If these Brent Smith vids have taught me anything it's that you want her to pursue you.

So tell her that you're making a cake back at your place and that you need her assistance.

*cue porno music*
Wow, I didn't realize this Brent Smith was so old. But after watching some of his videos, I can see why he's gained popularity--he doesn't come off as an asshole, but he's succinct and likeable.


So this girl who made out with me a couple of weeks back won't stop pestering me xD It was endearing for a few days but when she starts throwing non-empty beer cans at me and slapping me in the back at parties (happened last night), I get a bit annoyed to say the least :lol Her getting laid tactics are strange. On the dance floor she's up in my face and she's never more than 5 seconds away when I switch dance groups. She even kissed one of my best friends (who is not single and she knows it) on the cheek yesterday. Is that supposed to get me interested or something? xD My friend has been "cheering me on", to go for it with this girl, but he has changed his mind pretty radically now...


Ok so i'm hanging out with a girl today since i'm visiting my home for the weekend. A couple of weeks ago she said wanted to bang me but decided not to because her ex tried to kill himself. She then said we should not have sexual relations.

However, it's been about two weeks. Would it hurt if while we hang out I attempt to make a move of some kind? Maybe if we have a direct conversation while sitting down I give her a kiss on the cheek or something?


Kad5 said:
Ok so i'm hanging out with a girl today since i'm visiting my home for the weekend. A couple of weeks ago she said wanted to bang me but decided not to because her ex tried to kill himself. She then said we should not have sexual relations.

However, it's been about two weeks. Would it hurt if while we hang out I attempt to make a move of some kind? Maybe if we have a direct conversation while sitting down I give her a kiss on the cheek or something?

is your objective to smash or establish a relationship?


Hydrogen Bluebird said:
WTF? That sounds crazy.

Yeah this is the story.

The guy fucked up cuz he got back into doing certain drugs that the girl didn't approve of so she broke up with him. She told him that if he fucked up she would sleep with another guy. I was gonna be that guy. So yeah.....

So now I don't get laid and i'm stuck in the friend zone (im pretty sure) with this girl.
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