Alright Girl-age, diagnose this for me.
Last Dec, I met this girl, we talked on the phone/texted for a few days and a week or so later we went out on a date. It wasn't a great date imo, but it was fun. She said she was sick at the end, but we had been there a good 2 1/2 hours talking without a problem. In any case, we went our separate ways, continued texting/talking, but any time we'd create any plans, they always fell through, usually on her end. In any case, at some point towards the end of the month I tried making plans for New Year's, she agreed, and luckily before I put any serious money into going anywhere, she cancelled on me again. Had to work, fine, her job field dictates lots of hours + school, so I can understand being busy, but eventually, the excuse started to wear on me and I made some snide remarks along the lines of "when you find the time, call me." So, NYE, I spent the night texting back and forth with her and both of us (mostly her) came to the conclusion that things aren't working out. IMO, she was stringing me along, maybe she actually was that busy, but it just wasn't working for me.
This is only mildly important.
There was something I posted on FB at some point that she responded to a few weeks later (late jan) and we started talking a bit again, but nothing really like in december, needless to say, the conversations weren't really going anywhere and we just stopped texting at some point, but I never removed her off of fb, but did delete the number off my phone, just cause I'm prone to drunk texting.
Fast forward to last night around 2am.
Subject: Hey!
her: Hey how are you?
me: I'm good. You?
her: Pretty good about to get off work. Long time no talk.
me: yeah, long time. what's up?
at some point over the summer she got a boyfriend
quick runthrough her fb profile page seems to show they're still together
I wouldn't say we had the most amicable split
We weren't friends to begin with
The context of the message itself isn't anything to write home about, but the actual act of sending me a message just kinda struck me as weird.
I'm not exactly losing sleep over this, minor issue really, but it was fresh in my mind and I generally enjoy reading this thread to see what advice people give.
Considered posting something else a few weeks ago, but it's a much larger issue and I kind of want to keep that public but in a more "directly available only to those who I'm close to" public way.