Spacebar said:I know man I've been there. You have to stop worrying about other guys and what they get from girls. You're getting to caught up in the "wtf is wrong with me" shit. Stay focused on yourself. There will always be guys better looking than you, that have more money than you, and that get more girls than you.
You just have to keep pushing forward and improving yourself. One day an opportunity is going to present itself to you and you will meet the most wonderful girl you have ever met. You should be preparing your mind/body to feel that moment and when it happens grab that opportunity by the balls and take it.
That opportunity may come tomorrow or come some other day, but it will come. You just don't want to be that guy who says to himself "Well I got no shot I just have bad luck with these things." You need to face those demons and tell them to stfu.
Look at the top left of this web page and read what's below NeoGAF......BELIEVE. I believe in you. I look forward to reading your success story in the future.
When I always read Spacebar's post, he always makes me feel happier when it comes to dating. Listen to this man. Just keep on taking care of yourself, improving yourself. Eterian, I am in a similar boat. I am an attractive man who has social skills, yet I seem to have bad luck with women. A lot of women I have gone out with, it just doesn't seem to work out for one reason or another. All I can do is focus on my happiness and improving my life. Would I like to date a woman? Sure, it would be nice, but like I said prior, I have 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.