-ImaginaryInsider said:
"Tumblr Girl" was an unofficial professional blogger who would get drunk, make poor choices with men, then use those experiences to power her Tumblr posts about love, why she thought it was a good idea to tell me that, I don't know. She would also text/tweet/foursquare mid-conversation to give a minute by minute update of our date.
"Dog Girl" talked about her dog endlessly, it made up 30% of total conversations we had. Every week there was a new nick-name, new story, new article of dog clothing. Her and "Little Dude" are now happily snuggling alone while she awaits the menopause fairy.
"Girl with Ultra-Close Male Friend" ran with her male friend so much, strangers though they were married. No one referred to her as just "Ann" it was "Ann and Alex". They went on every vacation together, ate most every meal together, went out every night together, it was well past even the most liberal definition of "close friends".
It's these shitty experiences that make things easier in the future and give context and meaning to those moments that are actually good. If you haven't already, you'll look back on these dates and just laugh.
I still remember that date I had with that CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY girl in NYC. HAHAHAHA. No regrets.
My date on Sunday should be normal without any odd/ scandalous thangs going down.
Spacebar said:
Guys, stop reading too much into these facebook and twitter comments. 99% of the time these girls are looking for attention. This is what women love...ATTENTION!!! When they don't get any they post bull shit twitter messages that are open ended so people will reply.
I swear some girls on my facebook feed must be sick 24 7 because that's all they post. "I'm having a rough day today." or "I wish I could feel better". Then a handful of people will reply with "OMG What's wrong?" or "Hope you get better".
Let's not forget the post break up posts either. They want to feel like the victim of the breakup even if it was mutual. My ex gf posted some shit like "You're words are in my memory every day. You can't edit them." What did I do....DELETE.
Just ignore facebook and twitter for the most part. Focus on REAL LIFE interactions with them.
This cannot be said enough.
This cannot be said enough.
This cannot be said enough.
This cannot be said enough.
This cannot be said enough.
I'm rarely on Facebook. I don't have a Twitter account. Life is good.
Etrian Oddity said:
Yep. Progress is achieved by iterative actions. Don't expect to take things to the next level with sudden and random initiative.
Unless she has severe issues with personal space, if you gradually make moves on her through out the date, all should be fine in the end.
Of course, this all depends on whether or not both of you had a good time, and there is some level of mutual interest too.
Danj said:
Does this not make being single like being unemployed for the first time? I.e. you could get a job if you had the experience, but you don't have the experience so you can't get a job, and you don't have a job so you can't get the experience? Or more specifically, if knowing what you want is a requirement, how are you supposed to get into the dating game, if you've never had any experience of it to know what you want?
Everyone pretty much wants the same thing out of a relationship.
- Someone to talk to
- Someone to trust
- Someone to depend on
- Someone to do activities with
- Someone to understand you
- Sex