NIGHT- said:
So gaf I need some advice.. I recently started dating my next door neighbor( not always the brightest idea) and things were going awesome. After one week we decided to become a couple. She's been talking to this guy heavily before we started seeing eachother and she promised she told him and they just talk as friends.. He lives out of state anyways. Well the weekend that followed we went out with some friends drinking and she spent the whole time on the phone texting him. I ask her about it and said that's how she dates, she talks and sees multiple guys and decides on what she likes. I proceed to tell her that's fine but I don't want any part of it, and tell her I'm leaving. She gets angry and said she's not ready, so I leave. She comes knocking on my door 30 min later crying that I was the only guy she wanted and promised she'd tell him that she just wants to be friends. 2 weeks later I found out shes been talking to him, with him on a girls name on her phone. Should I just say screw it and move on? I've started really liking this chick, we get along so well. Just don't wanna be stuck in the middle of drama
Don't come back until you've ditched her. Don't ever waste your valuable time with bullshit like this. Fuck that noise. Bail and don't look back. Though, now you might have some future drama with a neighbor though...
bucknuticus said:
Ok typing this from my phone so sorry for any mistakes.
Theres this girl I have been hanging out with since the beginning of summer off and on. We have a lot if the same group of friends so we see each other then, and me and her have gone a few places together. Over this time I started crushing hard on her, and one of he friends told me she liked me as well. Problem was she had a boyfriend so we just left t at that.
Sunday night we were chatting on Facebook an she told me her boyfriend had just broke up with her. So we talked for about a hour over and I was just trying to cheer her up and stuff.
So I guess my question is, what's my next steps if I want to take it "to the next level". Just let it happen organically and see what happens or what?
You are already her cuddle bitch/ emotional sponge. You're in the friendzone and don't even know it. She'll probably just use you to vent any sorrow and bad feelings about her ex.
She'll use you as an emotional crutch and find another dude for everything else that she wants, that she once had. That, or she'll just go back together with her ex. This is usually how this shit works. This isn't the first time I've read or heard about this kind of situation.
Unfortunately, you set yourself for this by being too nice. Yes, there is such a thing. But it's not too late. Just don't talk to her for a while. Let her come to you. Maybe you can pursue (fuck you Brent Smith) her later, when she's over her ex and actually ready to see someone new. But in the mean time, she just wants someone to make her feel better. Unless she hates his guts, and has some genuine feelings for you (you claimed she did, but friends can be full of shit or be wrong about things...a lot), don't expect her to fuck you or want a relationship with you any time soon.
Don't fall deeper than you already have. Just bail out. There are plenty of other ladies out there. No reason to waste your time with this one. Chances of success are low...
SRG01 said:
As long as you don't cut off communications with that one friend, then it's fine. It's kind of rude to use people to meet dates and nothing else.
This. And it makes you look cowardly.
You know, I wouldn't bother asking the acquaintance to "set you up" or whatever. Again, it makes you look like a pussy or, in some way, asking permission to initiate contact. So to avoid that, don't ask at all. Do it yourself.
Women love confidence. Be a man, go up to her and introduce yourself. No need to be so formal (like you're courting her or some shit) or have a middle(wo)man do the work for you, so early on.
The worst she'll do is blow you off. So what? Move onto the next one.