I know. My first profile was long and very honest and then I took my profile to a few good friends. They butchered it, but in a good way. It's a lot shorter now, but a lot more to the point and a lot more to find out, with a few good hooks. If you have a good female friend, let her read it and tell you what she thinks. Allow her to be honest. Women have a different way of viewing profiles (especially connections as what your photos say of you, and what you say about you), often times a lot sharper than the average male.
Keep in mind that it's a number game. It's a shotgun at times. I've been messaging girls for 1 month now. Some short, others long, but always with some thought behind it. 84 messages in, about 8 to 10 have replied positively. The big majority replied with an automated 'no interest', a short reply or no reply at all.
I hit it off with one girl pretty good, but she just disappeared (they do that sometimes, for a myriad of reasons). Another claimed to be into me (fucking essay of a reply too), but that was a 06 spambot. A third was hesitant, but appeared to like me. She's dating someone else so that's on pause, maybe forever. With the fourth, I'm going on a date.
That's a 5% efficiency rate going by actual conversation, slightly above 1% concerning date-efficiency. So yeah, it's work and frustrating at times when you put actual thought into a message without getting any benefit.