jaxword said:
BigDug13 said:Things are getting bad in the US in the dating scene. Feminism and the "men are all idiots that don't deserve a princess like you" attitudes of the culture have raised a generation of ugly women (not talking about physical beauty) who have a laundry list of expectations and demands before they will even talk to you. Add to it the "hook-up" culture and women who are willing and able to wait in line for just a piece of the top tier guys equals a whole lot of guys who end up getting noone.
After living in other countries, I've reached the conclusion that the problem hasn't been me all this time. Not that I'm blameless as I have my own issues, but women in other countries don't have unrealistic expectations. I can be a nice guy without being seen as weak. I can approach women without being seen as "creepy". (which is a very unfortunate word that has proliferated the vocabulary of the Western world)
Why should I jump through so many hoops for the chance at a used up woman who's going to divorce me as soon as things become "too tough" because it is too financially advantageous for her in the American court system to stay with me? And if you have a child? Forget about it. Loss of visitation and paying for child support without the capability to determine how that money is spent while she poisons the mind of your children against you. And it's way more fun at mom's house than dad's because dad is broke and mom gets to spend all his money on providing a fun and nice home. Lose your job and unable to make the child support payments? That will be automatic prison for contempt of court without ever seeing a judge.
50% divorce rate with 80% of those divorces being initiated by the woman in the US. Why is that? Because the feminist court system will reward her with everything she desires.
Why is it that the guys in the US and other Western nations need a "girl/dating age" thread for advice? It's not the guys, it's the culture that has ruined the dating scene and has turned femininity into something to be avoided and twisted into rule over men.
People live in social bubbles now. The only way to meet women is through friends, in school, or at work. Bars/clubs? Forget about it, that's where you will need the PUA mentality to compete with the many Jersey Shore wannabe "alpha" males (which would be simply considered selfish assholes in other countries). Do you even know who your neighbors are? Could you walk up to a stranger and strike up a conversation or is it considered taboo? The rest of the world doesn't exist in this environment, yet in the US, the people think that their culture is the best and that the US is number 1.
It's simply not the truth at all. We live in an extremely racist, morally corrupt, greedy, selfish, and socially broken society being ran by people who want to keep you enslaved with debt.
I've served this country (US Navy) for 19 years now, and seeing other cultures first hand has left me with a first hand view of what the US has become. I'm glad to be American because of what I have and how easy it is for me to travel anywhere I want with little in passport and visa restrictions. But I don't have a desire to permanently live in the US again.
I don't want to live in a world where I need a thread like this to help me find a girlfriend.
BigDug13 said:Things are getting bad in the US in the dating scene. Feminism and the "men are all idiots that don't deserve a princess like you" attitudes of the culture have raised a generation of ugly women (not talking about physical beauty) who have a laundry list of expectations and demands before they will even talk to you.
How is any of what we're doing in here any different? We're only trying to get people to assess and recognize their own self-worth. If a woman wants to do the same to get a certain type of result in her life, more power to her.Loki said:There is definitely an entitlement attitude and an air of snobbishness on the part of many women here in NYC. You have a shitload of 6's and 7's thinking that they're 9's and 10's over here lol.
BigDug13 said:Things are getting bad in the US in the dating scene. Feminism and the "men are all idiots that don't deserve a princess like you" attitudes of the culture have raised a generation of ugly women (not talking about physical beauty) who have a laundry list of expectations and demands before they will even talk to you. Add to it the "hook-up" culture and women who are willing and able to wait in line for just a piece of the top tier guys equals a whole lot of guys who end up getting noone.
After living in other countries, I've reached the conclusion that the problem hasn't been me all this time. Not that I'm blameless as I have my own issues, but women in other countries don't have unrealistic expectations. I can be a nice guy without being seen as weak. I can approach women without being seen as "creepy". (which is a very unfortunate word that has proliferated the vocabulary of the Western world)
Why should I jump through so many hoops for the chance at a used up woman who's going to divorce me as soon as things become "too tough" because it is too financially advantageous for her in the American court system to stay with me? And if you have a child? Forget about it. Loss of visitation and paying for child support without the capability to determine how that money is spent while she poisons the mind of your children against you. And it's way more fun at mom's house than dad's because dad is broke and mom gets to spend all his money on providing a fun and nice home. Lose your job and unable to make the child support payments? That will be automatic prison for contempt of court without ever seeing a judge.
50% divorce rate with 80% of those divorces being initiated by the woman in the US. Why is that? Because the feminist court system will reward her with everything she desires.
Why is it that the guys in the US and other Western nations need a "girl/dating age" thread for advice? It's not the guys, it's the culture that has ruined the dating scene and has turned femininity into something to be avoided and twisted into rule over men.
People live in social bubbles now. The only way to meet women is through friends, in school, or at work. Bars/clubs? Forget about it, that's where you will need the PUA mentality to compete with the many Jersey Shore wannabe "alpha" males (which would be simply considered selfish assholes in other countries). Do you even know who your neighbors are? Could you walk up to a stranger and strike up a conversation or is it considered taboo? The rest of the world doesn't exist in this environment, yet in the US, the people think that their culture is the best and that the US is number 1.
It's simply not the truth at all. We live in an extremely racist, morally corrupt, greedy, selfish, and socially broken society being ran by people who want to keep you enslaved with debt.
I've served this country (US Navy) for 19 years now, and seeing other cultures first hand has left me with a first hand view of what the US has become. I'm glad to be American because of what I have and how easy it is for me to travel anywhere I want with little in passport and visa restrictions. But I don't have a desire to permanently live in the US again.
I don't want to live in a world where I need a thread like this to help me find a girlfriend.
Saying this thread needs not exist is a bit of a stretch. This thread has pushed some people to go out there and get what they want. I'd say that's worth something.U n i o n 0015 said:Brav-fuggin-O! Holy lord what a great post.
You're right; this thread shouldn't even exist.
All this internet talk about how you have to be alpha and act this way and blah blah, it's all BS.
samus i am said:There's a lot of bitter people in this thread. You think because you met a few girls that acted that way, it means that EVERY girl acts that way?
soultron said:Saying this thread needs not exist is a bit of a stretch. This thread has pushed some people to go out there and get what they want. I'd say that's worth something.
Not all of us in here are saying you have to be "alpha and act this way."
But the problem are people who have little to no self worth pretending that they do. Telling people straight up to think that they're great and any girl/guy who tells you otherwise isn't worth your time isn't always the best advice, because a lot of people aren't great. They're terrible people, and the reason why others won't date them is honestly a result of their own lack of worthy rather than a lack of recognition of their worth.soultron said:How is any of what we're doing in here any different? We're only trying to get people to assess and recognize their own self-worth. If a woman wants to do the same to get a certain type of result in her life, more power to her.
U n i o n 0015 said:The key word I used is shouldn't. I'm glad it's here, I wish it didn't have to be.
As recent as 40 years ago, most "baseline" normal guys would've had no problem meeting a girl who would enjoy a relationship with them.
This thread is the symptom of a growing problem.
U n i o n 0015 said:The key word I used is shouldn't. I'm glad it's here, I wish it didn't have to be.
As recent as 40 years ago, most "baseline" normal guys would've had no problem meeting a girl who would enjoy a relationship with them.
This thread is the symptom of a growing problem.
samus i am said:What are you basing this on?
All Hail C-Webb said:I've liked this girl the last few months. She told me she had a boyfriend, so we've just been 'friends.' I introduced her to my best friend the other day (he said he wanted to wingman for me), and now he's taking her out this weekend.
I thought my confidence had been at an all time low... what little did I know.
drop her and find new pussyAll Hail C-Webb said:I've liked this girl the last few months. She told me she had a boyfriend, so we've just been 'friends.' I introduced her to my best friend the other day (he said he wanted to wingman for me), and now he's taking her out this weekend.
I thought my confidence had been at an all time low... what little did I know.
It's time to talk to your friend about being an ass. If he respects you, he'll understand, apologize, and back down.All Hail C-Webb said:I've liked this girl the last few months. She told me she had a boyfriend, so we've just been 'friends.' I introduced her to my best friend the other day (he said he wanted to wingman for me), and now he's taking her out this weekend.
I thought my confidence had been at an all time low... what little did I know.
BigDug13 said:nonsense
All Hail C-Webb said:I've liked this girl the last few months. She told me she had a boyfriend, so we've just been 'friends.' I introduced her to my best friend the other day (he said he wanted to wingman for me), and now he's taking her out this weekend.
I thought my confidence had been at an all time low... what little did I know.
All Hail C-Webb said:I've liked this girl the last few months. She told me she had a boyfriend, so we've just been 'friends.' I introduced her to a giant douchenozzle the other day (he said he wanted to wingman for me), and now he's taking her out this weekend.
I thought my confidence had been at an all time low... what little did I know.
U n i o n 0015 said:Compare marriage rates between then and now.
Here we go!U n i o n 0015 said:Compare marriage rates between then and now.
soultron said:Here we go!
This is a can of worms I don't feel like opening up. In the end, we're not going to change either of our opinions.
Jenga said:drop her and find new pussy
oh and don't be jealous, at least in front of her
like if she asks you about him don't go all mean girls or something, it'll make you look like a bitch and your friend like an alpha all the other guys envy
All Hail C-Webb said:I've liked this girl the last few months. She told me she had a boyfriend, so we've just been 'friends.' I introduced her to my best friend the other day (he said he wanted to wingman for me), and now he's taking her out this weekend.
I thought my confidence had been at an all time low... what little did I know.
All Hail C-Webb said:I'm not the jealous type, and I had no rights to her. That being said, he was a little drunk, and later told me if i had any problem with it, he wouldn't call her (I said there was no problem).
I'm more disappointed that she lied to me, and led me on a little. Had she been upfront, I would have moved on ages ago.
I want to call her out for lying, but I'll wait to give my boy a chance to get in first.
U n i o n 0015 said:The key word I used is shouldn't. I'm glad it's here, I wish it didn't have to be.
As recent as 40 years ago, most "baseline" normal guys would've had no problem meeting a girl who would enjoy a relationship with them.
This thread is the symptom of a growing problem.
Spacebar said:So what you guys are saying is I should be able to go to Thailand and be swimming in pussy right?
DoctorWho said:Absolutely.
News Bot said:Avoid.
Blader5489 said:What are your intentions with this girl? Because if you just want to hook up or something, then what the hell, go for it. But if you're looking for some kind of relationship, then stop wasting your time.
Spacebar said:So what you guys are saying is I should be able to go to Thailand and be swimming in pussy right?
MutantCyborg said:Does anyone have any ideas for something cute or thoughtful to do in my situation? I've never had this happen to me before.
I started dating this girl about 2 weeks ago, and this week she has been really sick and I haven't been able to see her this whole week except for a very brief moment today. She seemed sick and sad because we had plans this week. What can I do when she is feeling better that she would appreciate? Sadly the plans that we had this week could not be rescheduled so they are out the window this month.
MutantCyborg said:Does anyone have any ideas for something cute or thoughtful to do in my situation? I've never had this happen to me before.
I started dating this girl about 2 weeks ago, and this week she has been really sick. I haven't been able to see her this whole week except for a very brief moment today and she was definitively sick and she was a little sad because we had plans this week. What can I do when she is feeling better that she would appreciate? Sadly the plans that we had this week could not be rescheduled so they are out the window this month.
MutantCyborg said:You guys are right, I am putting to much thought into this "problem". Thanks for talking sense into me.
BigDug13 said:Things are getting bad in the US in the dating scene. Feminism and the "men are all idiots that don't deserve a princess like you" attitudes of the culture have raised a generation of ugly women (not talking about physical beauty) who have a laundry list of expectations and demands before they will even talk to you. Add to it the "hook-up" culture and women who are willing and able to wait in line for just a piece of the top tier guys equals a whole lot of guys who end up getting noone.
After living in other countries, I've reached the conclusion that the problem hasn't been me all this time. Not that I'm blameless as I have my own issues, but women in other countries don't have unrealistic expectations. I can be a nice guy without being seen as weak. I can approach women without being seen as "creepy". (which is a very unfortunate word that has proliferated the vocabulary of the Western world)
BigDug13 said:Things are getting bad in the US in the dating scene. Feminism and the "men are all idiots that don't deserve a princess like you" attitudes of the culture have raised a generation of ugly women (not talking about physical beauty) who have a laundry list of expectations and demands before they will even talk to you. Add to it the "hook-up" culture and women who are willing and able to wait in line for just a piece of the top tier guys equals a whole lot of guys who end up getting noone.
After living in other countries, I've reached the conclusion that the problem hasn't been me all this time. Not that I'm blameless as I have my own issues, but women in other countries don't have unrealistic expectations. I can be a nice guy without being seen as weak. I can approach women without being seen as "creepy". (which is a very unfortunate word that has proliferated the vocabulary of the Western world)
Why should I jump through so many hoops for the chance at a used up woman who's going to divorce me as soon as things become "too tough" because it is too financially advantageous for her in the American court system to stay with me? And if you have a child? Forget about it. Loss of visitation and paying for child support without the capability to determine how that money is spent while she poisons the mind of your children against you. And it's way more fun at mom's house than dad's because dad is broke and mom gets to spend all his money on providing a fun and nice home. Lose your job and unable to make the child support payments? That will be automatic prison for contempt of court without ever seeing a judge.
50% divorce rate with 80% of those divorces being initiated by the woman in the US. Why is that? Because the feminist court system will reward her with everything she desires.
Why is it that the guys in the US and other Western nations need a "girl/dating age" thread for advice? It's not the guys, it's the culture that has ruined the dating scene and has turned femininity into something to be avoided and twisted into rule over men.
People live in social bubbles now. The only way to meet women is through friends, in school, or at work. Bars/clubs? Forget about it, that's where you will need the PUA mentality to compete with the many Jersey Shore wannabe "alpha" males (which would be simply considered selfish assholes in other countries). Do you even know who your neighbors are? Could you walk up to a stranger and strike up a conversation or is it considered taboo? The rest of the world doesn't exist in this environment, yet in the US, the people think that their culture is the best and that the US is number 1.
It's simply not the truth at all. We live in an extremely racist, morally corrupt, greedy, selfish, and socially broken society being ran by people who want to keep you enslaved with debt.
I've served this country (US Navy) for 19 years now, and seeing other cultures first hand has left me with a first hand view of what the US has become. I'm glad to be American because of what I have and how easy it is for me to travel anywhere I want with little in passport and visa restrictions. But I don't have a desire to permanently live in the US again.
I don't want to live in a world where I need a thread like this to help me find a girlfriend.
In other words, stop giving this type of advice out.Spacebar said:Again I think some people in here are misinterpreting advice given out.
Stop being nice I'm not asking you to stop being a nice person. I'm asking you to stop being so passive and worrying what others think. Some of you guys say you did something nice for a girl and she didn't respond well. What does that say about you? You did something nice so you expected to get something in return. You should be nice because you want to be nice.
Cocky I don't want you "act" cocky. I want you to "be" cocky. To be cocky it takes experience. Myself and others have given tons of advice on how to obtain this. First off go out and start doing shit you normally don't do. This will put you in awkward situations forcing you to accomplish shit you never thought you could. Example is going to a bar and talking to every girl and getting rejected one night. Another example is sign up for a cycle class at your local gym. Don't go into these situations "expecting" some outcome where a random girl falls for you right away. Join the cycle class being you find it interesting and want to challenge yourself. Then open up to others and maybe you will meet a girl. If you don't well then you added something to talk about with a girl you meet later on. You don't need to walk around screaming how bad ass you are, but when you see the girl you need to have the cockiness to approach.
Society Sucks Okay we're all grown up now and see the world for what it really is. However you don't think that every girl likes Ronnie from the Jersey Shore. The earth has plenty of women to talk to and not all of them are going to be some stereotype. If you just go out to meet others for the sake of just meeting them you will meet some really cool people.
Don't Reply to text message so fast Again this topic comes up all the time. The goal here is to be so busy in your life that you don't stress about this kind of shit. The moment you come on this board asking if you should or how to reply to a text you've already lost. You're already trying to figure out the best outcome hoping someone will post the perfect answer for you. Next time reply when you get a chance then come back to Neogaf and say.."I just got a date for tomorrow night" When most of a say don't reply right away we mean "don't stare at your phone all day" Everyone has this expectation that everyone has there phone on them 24 7 so they should respond within a few mins. This is not the case. Just now I heard 3 emails and a text go off on my phone while writing this. Then I'm going go fix dinner and open a package I got in the mail. The last time I'm worried about is looking at my phone for the moment. Whoever it is can wait. You guys are more important to me right now
I think there is plenty of reasons why a girl age thread exists and why some guys have trouble meeting women. It doesn't matter how we got here, but the journey we can take. Don't let the media, society, stereotypes or anything else hold you back. Some people are here to help challenge you and ourselves... Good luck!
It's not about the simplification of his advice, it's a way of thinking and that's self-improvement. Everyone here agrees that confidence and other positive traits are incredibly attractive. So how do you get that? You improve your own life and when you're focused on that you stop worrying about the little things and you get out there. No one is saying it's easy at first and the existence of this thread proves that it's much harder for others.Shanadeus said:In other words, stop giving this type of advice out.
There is no TL;DR when it comes to human sexual/emotional relationship building.
Shanadeus said:In other words, stop giving this type of advice out.
There is no TL;DR when it comes to human sexual/emotional relationship building.
You're obviously a "natural", so anything you say is invalid when it comes to advice to beta males.The Shadow said:Oh look. More entitled, bitter, whiny pussies complaining that the "feminist" system is bringing them down.
Odd. I've never had too much trouble finding myself a girlfriend or even a fuck buddy. It's really not that hard fellas, unless you find it easier to bitch and moan rather than put forth some actual effort.
The girlfriend took me to lunch (yes, she paid) and then gave me a blowjob in a shaded alley before I had to return to work. Feels good man. Oh the horrible feminist machine!
Shanadeus said:You're obviously a "natural", so anything you say is invalid when it comes to advice to beta males.