Say this to her.CrushDance said:"Hey, I like you. We should hang out sometime! What's your phone number?"
hydragonwarrior said:Awesomeness.
And Crushed, just giving you a heads up - after enough brush offs, that girl will likely get a signal that says "oh he doesn't like me." She'll get upset and some other guy will console her or her friends will give her a night out to cheer her up and she'll land a guy or she'll move on. Let's say that DOES happen.
Then are you going to say that you would be happy with your brain's choice of not asking her out and you would 100% stand by those reasons why you didn't give her a chance to date you? The only way to answer yes to this is if you are 100% HONESTLY satisfied with being friends only, or you found another girl you liked instead. If it's a no, then you've learned the hard way and know what to do next time an attractive girl comes on to you like that!
CrushDance said:That's not what I f'ing meant. "Hey, I like you. We should hang out sometime!" Most people would say yes. I don't like the whole "playing hard to get shit", again, I'm not talking about this situation specifically. If two people like each other they should be able to say that right? But for some reason it's on ME the person who she LIKES to ask her out? What convulted nonsense is that? Does that make sense to anybody?
CrushDance said:
I answered but edited. Doesn't matter, any mod can take a look and see for themselves. They can even post the answer if they like. I never lied about anything in this thread, I changed the setting of my job a little to protect myself. Yet I'm being called a liar. After all the things I posted now and before where I explained my feelings and past, none of it seems to matter. That a woman of her caliber is throwing herself supposedly at my feet, does not raise any red flags. So whatever, I'll work it out somehow and take my lies to nowhere. I didn't ask GAF just so I could be insulted and laughed at. Ever since I started posting in GA, I've learned alot and made headway in dealing with women by working on myself. So thank you, but I've removed all those posts and will go fuck off now.Ether_Snake said:Why not answer?
1- Did she ask you if you wanted something to drink?
2- Did she put a heart on it with both of your names?
Bit of an overreaction there, dude.CrushDance said:I answered but edited. Doesn't matter, any mod can take a look and see for themselves. They can even post the answer if they like. I never lied about anything in this thread, I changed the setting of my job a little to protect myself. Yet I'm being called a liar. After all the things I posted now and before where I explained my feelings and past, none of it seems to matter. That a woman of her caliber is throwing herself supposedly at my feet, does not raise any red flags. So whatever, I'll work it out somehow and take my lies to nowhere. I didn't ask GAF just so I could be insulted and laughed at. Ever since I started posting in GA, I've learned alot and made headway in dealing with women by working on myself. So thank you, but I've removed all those posts and will go fuck off now.
perfectchaos007 said:why are you calling him crushed? is he the same crushed from 2008 but with a different online persona that won't get him banned?
CrushDance said:I answered but edited. Doesn't matter, any mod can take a look and see for themselves. They can even post the answer if they like. I never lied about anything in this thread, I changed the setting of my job a little to protect myself. Yet I'm being called a liar. After all the things I posted now and before where I explained my feelings and past, none of it seems to matter. That a woman of her caliber is throwing herself supposedly at my feet, does not raise any red flags. So whatever, I'll work it out somehow and take my lies to nowhere. I didn't ask GAF just so I could be insulted and laughed at. Ever since I started posting in GA, I've learned alot and made headway in dealing with women by working on myself. So thank you, but I've removed all those posts and will go fuck off now.
CrushDance said:I answered but edited. Doesn't matter, any mod can take a look and see for themselves. They can even post the answer if they like. I never lied about anything in this thread, I changed the setting of my job a little to protect myself. Yet I'm being called a liar. After all the things I posted now and before where I explained my feelings and past, none of it seems to matter. That a woman of her caliber is throwing herself supposedly at my feet, does not raise any red flags. So whatever, I'll work it out somehow and take my lies to nowhere. I didn't ask GAF just so I could be insulted and laughed at. Ever since I started posting in GA, I've learned alot and made headway in dealing with women by working on myself. So thank you, but I've removed all those posts and will go fuck off now.
johnny_park said:I work at a restaurant and today I waited on a 24 year old girl and her friend. She was very nice and we had good conversation in the little that we were able to talk. After they paid they sat around for awhile and I got cut ( I get to go home). I told them i was done and had to clean so I won't be out in the front for awhile. I said it was nice meeting her. She reached out her hand to for a handshake and said " you're name's Johnny right. I'm Angela"
Anyway I was wondering if it would be weird if I tried to message her through facebook or should I just hope she comes in again?
Slo said:Wow you make it sound so amazingly easy, but yet refuse to do it. Allegedly. :lol
Guys, assertiveness is a masculine trait. Masculine traits are generally attractive to heterosexual women. Every time you cry about this fact on the internet, it sounds exactly like a fat chick complaining about how guys only want "Barbie Dolls" that can fit in a single airplane seat and tie their own shoes.
:lolMax@GC said:So women who approach men must be lesbians then?
Max@GC said:lol yeah but srsly what do you think?![]()
Norwegian Wood said:Just came back from my date and thought i would update GAF.
Life is smiling with me and not at me
Mr.City said:What the fuck is going on here?
Side note: After taking a final in class, I noticed this one chick eyeballing me. She lingered around me, and so I talked to her a bit. I asked if she wanted some coffee. She obliged and then she walked me to my car afterward. I drove to her apartment, kissed her, and got some digits. No fear, gentlemen, no fear. Live in the moment and let life be enjoyable.
thestopsign said:Just going to vent a bit of sexual frustration here.
So last spring, probably around April or so, I had a crush on a girl who had recently had a break up/split of some sort. I decided to give her a bit of time to work it out, as she had a series of relationships over the last year or so. About a week after her break up, I'm with one of my friends and he gets a phone call from her, and I find out that he had just asked her out a few days before. I didn't really think they would last as a couple, especially since my friend moved off to college, but it has endured. The frustrating part is that she is very flirtatious and playful physical with me whenever we are together (we are pretty decent friends), and on quite a few occasions she has commented on how muscular I am or something to that extent. She also has told me she had a crush on me for at least two years at some point. I have a feeling that these guys are basically in a rather platonic relationship, but that they enjoy each others company and talk, and both are really nice so I can't really imagine them breaking up any time soon. Frustrating that that relationship could have been mine, and would probably be more serious considering I would be with her more often than my friend is.
A similar thing has sort of happened to me more recently. I was at a party and danced with a different girl for most of the night, we were already vaguely friends and stuff and she seemed to like me. We talked a bit over the weekend on Facebook chat and stuff, and I thought things were going pretty well. Then BAM, another one of my friends (not as close as the other friend, more of a friend of a friend type guy, but really a great guy, nice and funny), asks her out that Monday and she says yes.
I have more options out there and most of the problem here is miscommunication and failing to act quickly enough, but in both cases it seemed like I was pretty safe and then out of nowhere it hit me. In fact, one of the second girl's best friends seems to like me as well, but I'm not as attracted to her (not that she isn't pretty, because she actually is, but the other girl was more of my type).
Anyone else have an experience like this?
Mike Works said:Be careful not to get ahead of yourself. I'm serious.
Aesius said:BOOYAH. That's seriously awesome, and something I probably could have done 100 times.
The really cool part about it is that the girl is likely even more excited about that turn of events than you are.
Who paid for the coffee?Mr.City said:What the fuck is going on here?
Side note: After taking a final in class, I noticed this one chick eyeballing me. She lingered around me, and so I talked to her a bit. I asked if she wanted some coffee. She obliged and then she walked me to my car afterward. I drove to her apartment, kissed her, and got some digits. No fear, gentlemen, no fear. Live in the moment and let life be enjoyable.
Old Lace said:Say this to her.
-PXG- said:My dad tells me I should seek people who are higher achievers and who are more successful. However, the problem with those kind of people is that they are too busy doing their own thing. They're constantly hustlin', getting made and getting paid to give a damn about other people. Same thing with girls. There's nothing wrong with working hard, being driven and motivated. However, I'm not going to waste my time pursuing someone who is too busy, don't have the time or too into themselves to care about having friends or being in a relationship.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being excited or continuing to pursue her.Norwegian Wood said:Thanks Mike.
I actually have no plans to call her. She was the one who suggested she would like to drop by. We were just talking about our week and i said i'm kind of tired so i took Thursday off and she suggested out of the blue she will like to drop by for dinner Thursday evening and that she was going to call me.
Ball is in her court and I'm not in a hurry to even call nor mail her.
I should probably work on a probability chat, 21 rejections and bam i got lucky on the 22nd :lol
:lolbdizzle said:I've been having real good luck with the ladies lately. I feel an STD or pregnancy scare coming on real soon. Life is good.
johnny_park said:I work at a restaurant and today I waited on a 24 year old girl and her friend. She was very nice and we had good conversation in the little that we were able to talk. After they paid they sat around for awhile and I got cut ( I get to go home). I told them i was done and had to clean so I won't be out in the front for awhile. I said it was nice meeting her. She reached out her hand to for a handshake and said " you're name's Johnny right. I'm Angela"
Anyway I was wondering if it would be weird if I tried to message her through facebook or should I just hope she comes in again?
bdizzle said:Who paid for the coffee?
Congrats on the awesome date! I remember following your posts when you were just starting online datingNorwegian Wood said:Thanks Mike.
I actually have no plans to call her. She was the one who suggested she would like to drop by. We were just talking about our week and i said i'm kind of tired so i took Thursday off and she suggested out of the blue she will like to drop by for dinner Thursday evening and that she was going to call me.
Ball is in her court and I'm not in a hurry to even call nor mail her.
I should probably work on a probability chat, 21 rejections and bam i got lucky on the 22nd :lol
MikeOfTheLivingDead said:You just need to find the right one and/or adopt the proper attitude. The woman I'm seeing may be smarter than me, is in better shape, drives a better car, makes better money, is further in her career, has a graduate degree, and has a ridiculous place. I'm becoming a better person just spending time with her. She's really busy, but so am I. We have never talked on the phone which is fine by me because I hate talking on the phone. We see each other twice a week. We do not text everyday. It's the most adult and healthy relationship I have ever been in. She's loyal, crazy about me and completely awesome on every level. There's never any hard feelings and no jealousy. It's fucking great. You should maybe relax and try taking your dad's advice. It's great being in a relationship with a girl who's well adjusted, secure, and not at all needy, and gives you all the time you need to do the things you want to do for yourself.
I'm going to do it. I'm just going to wait a day or two. It wasn't hard to find her because she paid with a credit card and I took a look at her last name.matt360 said:Do it. Say that you really enjoyed meeting her the other day and just ask her out. Don't mention anything about scouring facebook profiles until you came upon hers.
Mike Works said:snip
Kccitystar said:Mike, hold up, time out. Wait, so you don't communicate with this girl, only on the two days that you two hang out, or by saying you don't text her everday, does that mean like you'll shoot a message or two to each other during the times you are apart? I mean am I reading that right?
On a side note, I wonder how many guys have been with women who are in the same boat as Mike's lady, where they are somewhat in a more advantageous position in their lives than you? How does that relationship work? Just curious.
I don't understand why you think coming from a broken family is something that needs to be fixed in order to get a girl. You can't change the past, but even if you could, I don't think you'd need to. I see very little different between a great guy with a family background and a great guy without one. Girls care about how great the guy is.Ether_Snake said:Since Mike is posting I thought I'd write this anyway, even tho I wrote this down a bunch of times before in different ways:
I need to become a more interesting person and not look like such a recluse. I've done some things this year to fix this: I went on vacation on my own for a few weeks, planning everything myself and most of it as I went along, so it was something very constructive on a personal level. I did skydiving (in pair) with some acquaintances. I am now hanging out with a few coworkers outside of work, almost weekly. I started drawing again so I am keeping an artbook (girls always enjoy looking into them too). I got good promotions at work. There are of course things I haven't done, like getting my fucking drivers licenses (I have to practice by taking some classes since I don't have access to a car and I keep pushing this to later). I need to either buy my own place (would be expensive and prices are high right now) or move into a nicer apartment where I can actually invite a girl over without hesitation. I need to workout for real, even if I'm in good shape I know I'd look a lot better if I put on some mass. And I need to dress better, which is somewhat coming along over time (got a lot of good comments recently from guys and girls at a party about my shoes for example).
But my main issue is not what I know I have to fix and can fix, but rather my age. I'm 28, but I don't feel like it. I feel like I'm 20 at most, and I look like I'm 24. People who know me personally say I have a very mature personality when it comes to a lot of subjects (which probably comes from my father who is about to turn 70), but it doesn't come through if you don't know me. A lot of girls my age want kids right now, the younger ones are often immature, and I have trouble being accepted as who I am because I literally have no past or actual family. All of this makes it difficult for me to first find a girl I like, and second to manage to keep her. I'm from a broken family and lived a broken life and it makes me unattractive on a non-physical level. I'm sure having my own place, owning a car, etc., can all do wonders to fix the issues as far as finding a girl goes and keeping her for some time (easier to go out where and when we want to, more comfortable to spend our time together when at home, etc.) but it's the giant black-hole hidden in the closet that pisses me off. I don't feel like making up bullshit, nor talking about my past to a girl, but it's a weight on my shoulders. It's difficult to explain. Sorts of feels like being a blank canvas.
Basically, I'm not interesting and I'm light-years away from anything a girl could have dreamed of when thinking about who she wants to meet. No girl would be looking for such a guy on OKCupid or some such. My only chances are with girls who don't give a fuck about any of that shit and take me as I am and like fucking hard-core and don't play stupid mind games, but that's a fucking rare find.
How the heck do I raise my chances of meeting more girls like that? Anything I can do about myself to raise the odds I'll do it. Like they say, you can only bounce after you hit the ground. I'm not afraid of throwing things away or bringing change, I've done it before and it's always been for the best in the long run.
It's really a communication issue. I want girls to understand more easily who I am before they even get to know me personally so I don't have to deal with the ones it won't work with anyway. I want that to come through like you can tell a guy with long hair and a heavy-metal band t-shirt probably likes heavy-metal, tattoos and piercings on a girl, alcohol and sticking his dick in a girl's ass. Just like you can tell some beefcaked shorty probably likes big tits and big cars.
So did you......DRINK her coffee??????Mr.City said:Paid for our own, but she offered me a sip of her drink twice. It was some foamy mocha concoction.
Ether_Snake said:Since Mike is posting I thought I'd write this anyway, even tho I wrote this down a bunch of times before in different ways:
I need to become a more interesting person and not look like such a recluse. I've done some things this year to fix this: I went on vacation on my own for a few weeks, planning everything myself and most of it as I went along, so it was something very constructive on a personal level. I did skydiving (in pair) with some acquaintances. I am now hanging out with a few coworkers outside of work, almost weekly. I started drawing again so I am keeping an artbook (girls always enjoy looking into them too). I got good promotions at work. There are of course things I haven't done, like getting my fucking drivers licenses (I have to practice by taking some classes since I don't have access to a car and I keep pushing this to later). I need to either buy my own place (would be expensive and prices are high right now) or move into a nicer apartment where I can actually invite a girl over without hesitation.
I need to workout for real, even if I'm in good shape I know I'd look a lot better if I put on some mass. And I need to dress better, which is somewhat coming along over time (got a lot of good comments recently from guys and girls at a party about my shoes for example).
But my main issue is not what I know I have to fix and can fix, but rather my age. I'm 28, but I don't feel like it. I feel like I'm 20 at most, and I look like I'm 24. People who know me personally say I have a very mature personality when it comes to a lot of subjects (which probably comes from my father who is about to turn 70), but it doesn't come through if you don't know me.
A lot of girls my age want kids right now, the younger ones are often immature, and I have trouble being accepted as who I am because I literally have no past or actual family. All of this makes it difficult for me to first find a girl I like, and second to manage to keep her. I'm from a broken family and lived a broken life and it makes me unattractive on a non-physical level.
I'm sure having my own place, owning a car, etc., can all do wonders to fix the issues as far as finding a girl goes and keeping her for some time (easier to go out where and when we want to, more comfortable to spend our time together when at home, etc.) but it's the giant black-hole hidden in the closet that pisses me off. I don't feel like making up bullshit, nor talking about my past to a girl, but it's a weight on my shoulders. It's difficult to explain. Sorts of feels like being a blank canvas.
Basically, I'm not interesting and I'm light-years away from anything a girl could have dreamed of when thinking about who she wants to meet. No girl would be looking for such a guy on OKCupid or some such. My only chances are with girls who don't give a fuck about any of that shit and take me as I am and like fucking hard-core and don't play stupid mind games, but that's a fucking rare find.
How the heck do I raise my chances of meeting more girls like that? Anything I can do about myself to raise the odds I'll do it. Like they say, you can only bounce after you hit the ground. I'm not afraid of throwing things away or bringing change, I've done it before and it's always been for the best in the long run.
It's really a communication issue. I want girls to understand more easily who I am before they even get to know me personally so I don't have to deal with the ones it won't work with anyway. I want that to come through like you can tell a guy with long hair and a heavy-metal band t-shirt probably likes heavy-metal, tattoos and piercings on a girl, alcohol and sticking his dick in a girl's ass. Just like you can tell some beefcaked shorty probably likes big tits and big cars.
Feel free to suggest posts you guys think should be added to the OP. I'll be more than happy to add them.hydragonwarrior said:Would be pretty cool to get the above Mike Works and bdizz's posts on the front page cuz it's going to get lost... so so lost over the next 5 pages.