WyndhamPrice said:Thanks Pickles and PXG for the advice, I'll be making the proper purchases here pretty shortly so when we try again it'll go more favorably. I think she'll appreciate that, and probably be surprised that I care enough about how she feels too.
On that, she's got a little baggage which is probably interfering with the sexytime as well. The 2 guys she's slept with weren't even in a relationship with her, it was more like a failed friends-with-benefits situation (the first after a breakup, the second after the first one didn't go anywhere). She's told me that in her prior relationships she never really felt like the other person was interested in her beyond her body, so my consistent displays of "hey I actually think you're a wonderful person and I want you to know that I give a shit about you" have taken her a bit by surprise. We spent a few hours in my bed pretty much naked last night just talking, nothing else, and it was incredibly comfortable. She even noted how she didn't really think she could do something like that after only a month, but it felt completely right.
So there's some work ahead of me, but we've hit it off like crazy in virtually every other aspect, I just need to work on getting her to be more comfortable with herself and the idea of being more sexual with me in general. She's nearly there.
It just sucks that she left for California this morning and won't be back till the first week of January. I am not a happy camper :lol
Yes, she will appreciate it. As you said, she will notice that you're making an effort in trying to make her feel comfortable, and it will in fact, over time, will. Don't rush things though. Do things that are at a pace that she can handle. Don't do more than what she can tolerate at that time.
That too. Besides her being tight, and you being a well endowed, having bad sexual experiences in the past can make current and future matters difficult. Just continue to take things slow and earn her trust. If she isn't completely broken, she will let her guard down and open up to you eventually. Before you know it, you'll be balls deep inside her, pounding her cervix (be careful though, cause that shit is SENSITIVE) and her screaming and moaning at the top of her lungs.
Yes, it's fucking awesome 
Man...that's story of my fucking life :lol. Like I said in my long post, girls always tell me how great I am, yet I'm can't make it over that last hurdle. I can't get that last yard to score a touch down. Just a little more, and it could have been a home run. You get the point...Anyway, I clearly don't lack confidence. I know how to take initiative and lead in the situation. I know how to make a girl laugh, smile and enjoy herself. They say I'm handsome, charming and have a really seductive voice. I don't think it's anything special, but nearly every single girl I've talked to absolutely loves how I speak. Hmmm...
I don't mean to brag, but I think there is an element that I'm "too good to be true" or something like that. Perhaps I freak girls out or it's off putting even, that I'm so nice and such a complete package. Maybe they think I'm just putting on an act and have some sort of hidden, sordid motives (which I don't). They're not used to having a guy be so nice, kind, intelligent, interesting, good looking and overall, such a pleasure to be around with. And yet, I get the same old "I don't feel a connection" or "let's just be friends" bullshit.
However, as disappointing as it is, I've noticed that with every time such a thing happens, it bothers me less. As fantastic as my date was yesterday, I'm not too upset about what she said afterwards. But still, I wish girls would realize what they have in front of them and give me a chance. I'll keep on trying though. That's all I really can do, besides give up, which is totally out of the question.