Okay, I feel pretty stupid for posting this but whatever: I need your advise, GAF!
I was in Berlin for work over the weekend and didn't have much to do on Friday night, so I went to a club with a colleague of mine. After an hour or so, he got a call from his girlfriend and had to leave for some reason and I thought about leaving too when I notice this ridiculously cute girl at the bar who looks like she wants to get a drink. So I approach her and say:
"Hi, ich bin Sloane, darf ich Dir einen Drink anbieten?"
She looks at me in a weird way, I think she'll brush me off but:
"I'm sorry, I don't speak any German at all."
Turns out she's from England. Now, I usually don't have much problems talking to girls (I'm neither shy nor the smoothest guy you've ever met) but I'm not really used to talking or flirting in English. My written English isn't bad, I think, but I get to speak English like once a year, so I lack experience.
Anyway. This girl is fucking cute so I decide to try my best and if it doesn't work out, who gives a shit, right? I understand only half of what she says because the music is so loud and we honestly don't talk that much because I feel like I have to think about every sentence for five seconds before I can say it, but she's nice. We dance for half an hour, she makes a few nice remarks ("I like your smile." -- To which I ingeniously reply: "I like your smile, too.") and a few not so nice remarks ("You remind me of my best friend." :jnc) but overall it feels pretty decent despite the lack of talk. Problem is, she's here with a friend of hers (they were on vacation or something) who sits alone at a bar and looks miserable most of the time. She goes over to her every five minutes and, well, it's distracting.
After maybe an hour, she asks me if I've got Facebook but before I can get her full name, her friend drags her away, she apologizes but she has to leave because they've got to get the last train or something. For 30 seconds, I'm like: Okay, whatever. Then, I realize I really want to see to her again. I check if she's still there but, nope, she's already gone.
So, basically, all I know is this: She's cute. 20. Her first name. She's from England. Studies architecture in Manchester. Family lives in London. She's cute. Good job! Tried to find her on Facebook but since they've changed their search engine, it's almost impossible to find someone who isn't a friend of a friend.
Anyone got an idea how else I could find her? I mean, chances that this will ever lead to something are slim to none but I'd at least like to talk to her again. Stupid idea?