Dude...SolKane said:Think I might make a thread. Unfortunately, I don't know where she lives. But after some investigating, I will!
Dude...SolKane said:Think I might make a thread. Unfortunately, I don't know where she lives. But after some investigating, I will!
reilo said:Dude...
reilo said:"Hey, I'm new to the area and I don't know many good places to go to for happy hour. Do you recommend anything? Oh, that place sounds awesome. I'll go check it out Friday after work, you should go with me."
Darklord said:The other issue. I don't know that many places or people here. Basically, in a new city and only know some shit so far. Not really any of the must go to bars or anything like that. So sure, I could ask her directly like that but I'd be kinda stumped on where the fuck to go. I guess I could start looking.
Pfffft.Darklord said:I've always been told the guy should be the one to suggest the place.
There's a difference between being indecisive and not knowing.When they haven't I've seen it backfire.
Just ask. If she doesn't want to go, she doesn't want to go. Move on.But I guess suggesting a place she like THEN asking to go with her just work.
So I guessing with the comments, I shouldn't bother testing the water, just straight up ask?
The point is to go out with them in person and find out what their interests are.Dabookerman said:I don't know how it is anywhere else, but here in the UK, about 95% of the girls are pretty easy to guess what they're into just by looking at their profile.
It seems there are 3 categories.
-Travel obsessed socialites
-Pompous hipsters who love the french
I'm not even kidding here, why aren't there that many girls that have something interesting to say in their profiles? They all read the fucking same!
reilo said:The point is to go out with them in person and find out what their interests are.
Don't use their online social network profiles as some searchable filter to find the right person for you.
RhombusPrime said:How do you deal with your girlfriend flirting/hanging out with other guys? I mean obviously I'm fine with her having guy friends she hangs out with, but for some reason I can't control getting a little upset when I see her with other dudes.
Darklord said:The other issue. I don't know that many places or people here. Basically, in a new city and only know some shit so far. Not really any of the must go to bars or anything like that. So sure, I could ask her directly like that but I'd be kinda stumped on where the fuck to go. I guess I could start looking.
It's not like i have too many other options at this point right now. My work term wraps up December and I get to go back to school at the start of next year.Cubsfan23 said:don't do the grind then
SpectreFire said:It's not like i have too many other options at this point right now.
Agreed - it's a self-esteem thing. I don't mind if my fiance tells me someone at work is flirting with her because a) if something was going on, she wouldn't have told me, and b) I'm the best guy around and don't leave her wanting. If you let the little shit bother you you'll never be content.ClovingSteam said:I am married I don't give a crap if she has guy friends. I don't care if guys flirt with her in fact I enjoy it. Why? Because as reilo said I'm the one whose going home with her. I use to be very jealous when I was late teens, early 20s but that was before I gained some self esteem and confidence.
I meant more like avenues to meet people.Cubsfan23 said:All hot women want you
Deified Data said:Agreed - it's a self-esteem thing. I don't mind if my fiance tells me someone at work is flirting with her because a) if something was going on, she wouldn't have told me, and b) I'm the best guy around and don't leave her wanting. If you let the little shit bother you you'll never be content.
I like the 'I'm sick'.NIGHT- said:"gonna have to cancel cause of family issues". Oh man how often I get this excuse....
Do you see the negativity in your posts? If a fraction of that seeps out into your interaction with people, it's going to affect your results.SpectreFire said:It's not like i have too many other options at this point right now. My work term wraps up December and I get to go back to school at the start of next year.
I'm definitely looking forward to talking some girls who aren't constantly inundated by dozens of men every week and have little to no intentions of really doing anything with them.
It's as negative as saying it's raining again in Vancouver.Eggo said:Do you see the negativity in your posts? If a fraction of that seeps out into your interaction with people, it's going to affect your results.
NIGHT- said:Ok gaf.. How do you reel them in when it comes to online dating? I get messages from beautiful girls and I get replies when I message them. But I just cant seem to keep there interest.. Which is odd cause I don't have the same problem when dating the old fashion way lol
Dabookerman said:Do you find they lose interest very quickly?
I usually just try and jump into a date as soon as possible. It keeps it from getting too internet boring and gives you more stuff to talk about on the date.NIGHT- said:Ok gaf.. How do you reel them in when it comes to online dating? I get messages from beautiful girls and I get replies when I message them. But I just cant seem to keep there interest.. Which is odd cause I don't have the same problem when dating the old fashion way lol
NIGHT- said:Yea I do... Which is odd cause they usually comment on me being attractive and what not.
SpectreFire said:Dating people you meet in real life is easier because:
1) You've already met in person and decided whether or not there's a click present there.
2) There isn't an absolute swarm of men vying for her attention.
3) Standards drop in real life. She isn't browsing through hundreds of suitable candidates.
NIGHT- said:"gonna have to cancel cause of family issues". Oh man how often I get this excuse....
SpectreFire said:I usually just try and jump into a date as soon as possible. It keeps it from getting too internet boring and gives you more stuff to talk about on the date.
As for the reasons why they sometimes lose interest quickly:
1) There's a lot of guys messaging them, maybe they found someone better.
2) Some aren't there actually looking to seriously date. They're just there to chat with people, etc.
3) Some of them are just plain attention whores. They're not there to meet anyone, just to validate themselves.
4) You're awfully boring, or at least to them.
Dating people you meet in real life is easier because:
1) You've already met in person and decided whether or not there's a click present there.
2) There isn't an absolute swarm of men vying for her attention.
3) Standards drop in real life. She isn't browsing through hundreds of suitable candidates.
TheVampire said:Hey guys I had a first date with a girl last night (dinner)
It was ok and for once she wasnt short and fat like a few others Ive met.
Maybe 6.5/10 for looks so not bad.
We like a lot of the same things and she is a big gamer and loves the resident evil series.
Anyway so we had the dinner and talked for a while and then called it a night because we both had to get up early for work in the morning.
No kiss or anything but I remembered about trying to make some physical contact so I grabbed her hand and felt it while commenting on her Halloween style painted fingernails so I guess thats something.
Id like to go for a second date but Im not sure what to do or where to take her.
Somewhere that ends or has an environment where we could at least kiss.
Like at the end of the night we walked back to our cars (parked close) and that was it.
It never seems like the right environment or moment for it.
NIGHT- said:"gonna have to cancel cause of family issues". Oh man how often I get this excuse....
Bucket-o-roadkill said:best friend starts texting and trying to meet her. infact he's been trying to get in her pants ever since, the slimy little bastard.
It feels pretty good, doesn't it?Etrian Oddity said:Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Was out on the town tonight, and basically had this girl DTF as soon as she saw me. Kept on grabbing my hand, caressing my face, etc; and then I got totally cockblocked by her two friends. So close to victory!
I'll take it as an ego booster, though. I'm moving on up...this year has been a tremendous transformation in my character and game.
Minamu said:It feels pretty good, doesn't it?I haven't had much success since this summer either (apart from attracting the wrong girls) but the transformation of myself into something more, even though I'm far from complete, is so rewarding in and of itself, that I don't really care. I'm not doing any of this for the women, but for myself. They were just the catalyst.
That's pretty boss. Love it.Aurora said:TheVampire, any time is the right time to kiss. As soon as you have a desire to kiss her, that's the right time. I even kissed a girl while we were walking to the toilet once. She was like "how awkward, what are you doing?" and I replied "shut up" and kissed her. She loved it.
Drink moderately, dress well and talk to lots of girls.CherryWoodFuton said:House party tomorrow.....tons of girls coming.....what do GAF?????
Following up on what SpectreFire said, online you have to step up your game five fold, because women have a short attention spam and get so many messages per day.NIGHT- said:Ok gaf.. How do you reel them in when it comes to online dating? I get messages from beautiful girls and I get replies when I message them. But I just cant seem to keep there interest.. Which is odd cause I don't have the same problem when dating the old fashion way lol
To top it off, she's a bit of a freak
TheVampire said:Hey guys I had a first date with a girl last night (dinner)
It was ok and for once she wasnt short and fat like a few others Ive met.
Maybe 6.5/10 for looks so not bad.
We like a lot of the same things and she is a big gamer and loves the resident evil series.
Anyway so we had the dinner and talked for a while and then called it a night because we both had to get up early for work in the morning.
No kiss or anything but I remembered about trying to make some physical contact so I grabbed her hand and felt it while commenting on her Halloween style painted fingernails so I guess thats something.
Id like to go for a second date but Im not sure what to do or where to take her.
Somewhere that ends or has an environment where we could at least kiss.
Like at the end of the night we walked back to our cars (parked close) and that was it.
It never seems like the right environment or moment for it.
Bucket-o-roadkill said:the next excuse a few days later was 'I watched a scary film, so i couldn't sleep very well because i kept thinking about it.' by this point Im thinking... wtf is this girl 12 or something.
Etrian Oddity said:Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Was out on the town tonight, and basically had this girl DTF as soon as she saw me. Kept on grabbing my hand, caressing my face, etc; and then I got totally cockblocked by her two friends. So close to victory!
I'll take it as an ego booster, though. I'm moving on up...this year has been a tremendous transformation in my character and game.
I know that feelAttackthebase said:Exactly! Since I started my transformation in the summer, I fucking love myself. In a way, I'm like Ramses II. Anyway, your post reflects my situation. Summer was great for attracting women. Right now, I, of course, attract women, but not really any I find to appeal to my taste.
But, I'm going to continue to improve myself, since it's for me and not for anyone else!
Don't be a wallflower; don't be a creeper; be confident!!!hipgnosis said:Drink moderately, dress well and talk to lots of girls.
didn't get her number?Spacebar said:I hate that shit. I was out with some friends one night and one of the girls invited some of her co workers. Three of them showed up and I was talking to one of them. Then the other two got pissed off because no guys were hitting on them and started to bitch. They decided to leave and the girl I was talking to had to leave with them. Ohh well move on to the next one.
I'm hosting it so being a wallflower is out of the question....one girl in particular seems very eager about the party though (posting on my fb wall and texting me about how excited she is). She's smangable material but I'd rather mess with girls that don't have a kid lolEtrian Oddity said:Don't be a wallflower; don't be a creeper; be confident!!!
Milfs need lovin too broCherryWoodFuton said:I'm hosting it so being a wallflower is out of the question....one girl in particular seems very eager about the party though (posting on my fb wall and texting me about how excited she is). She's smangable material but I'd rather mess with girls that don't have a kid lol
CherryWoodFuton said:I'm hosting it so being a wallflower is out of the question....one girl in particular seems very eager about the party though (posting on my fb wall and texting me about how excited she is). She's smangable material but I'd rather mess with girls that don't have a kid lol
NIGHT- said:Ok gaf.. How do you reel them in when it comes to online dating? I get messages from beautiful girls and I get replies when I message them. But I just cant seem to keep there interest.. Which is odd cause I don't have the same problem when dating the old fashion way lol
Prologue said:Theres this girl in my class(college) thats slowly gaining my interest. She just gives off that "kind girl" vibe. I would think making a move at the end of the semester would be smarter, to avoid any potential awkwardness. Or should I say something now?
Feedback? Never really met anyone that I was interested in, in a class before.