Oh no man, don't worry. I ain't saying shit. Neither of us make a peep about anything when we're at work. We work in a pretty chill environment anyway. So even if others found out, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But just in case it would be, our lips are SHUT.
She's told me that she REALLY likes me, and sees me as BF material, but doesn't want a BF now. I'm cool with that. We're good friends anyway. But she has mentioned that she could change her mind, especially if we're transfered to seperate locations, which is very likley, in the next week or two. She's also made it very clear that she isn't interested, seeing or even talking to other guys. I believe her, since I'm next to her pretty much all day, and because she just moved to the area recently.
We've discussed several times that we have feelings for each other and see each other as potentially amazing partners. She's a bit apprehensive about going into another relationship, especially a co-worker. As much as I'd like to have a new Ms. PXG, I don't know if I actually have the heart for it right now. I generally prefer relationships over one night stands and hookups....but you know...that sort of lifestyle ain't looking so bad right now.
I like her, she's cool a hell, but I'm still keeping my options open, since we're both not sure if we could be together. Things could change though....We'll see. Oh, and she might come over again tonight...lol
It all started on Friday. We went out to dinner, after work. Just as friends. Nothing serious.
I invited her over to my place for dinner on Sunday. We had dinner. Besides some cuddling, it was an uneventful night.
Monday, night, we're talking on the phone really late. She admits to me that she likes me and that she wants to see me. I oblige and tell her to come over. She comes over....haha....
Yesterday, she came over for lunch and then dinner after work.
And now, I just got off the phone with her. She's gonna come over again for some dessert