Serious question...
Where do nerdy girls hang out? :/
Where do nerdy girls hang out? :/
Dabookerman said:Serious question...
Where do nerdy girls hang out? :/
ggnoobIGN said:Ugh, I've hit the point in my relationship where my girlfriend has gone completely off the deep end.
hipgnosis said:GAF I've got a bit of a problem here. After I broke up with my girl of six years I've realised my happiness is dependant whether I'm dating a girl or not. I jumped straight into a new relationship that has been going on for over two months and I don't know if this is going anywhere.
When I don't have a date planned I feel like shit and when I do I feel awesome. Now I have two dates planned for next week and this cycle just keeps on repeating.
Is it true you should take a breather after long relationships or is my behavior common?
Dabookerman said:Serious question...
Where do nerdy girls hang out? :/
The thing is I'm actually a pretty confident guy but I just need somebody to share stuff with. I find weekdays boring if I don't have somekind of plans with girls. Might be because I've gotten used to it with my previous relationship.jaxword said:If I were to do a pop analysis just based upon this, it sounds like you're a little insecure and validate yourself by being "liked" by someone...
hipgnosis said:The thing is I'm actually a pretty confident guy but I just need somebody to share stuff with. I find weekdays boring if I don't have somekind of plans with girls. Might be because I've gotten used to it with my previous relationship.
You can be confident and still be seeking validation from the girls you're with. It's not healthy to have your happiness depend on others. It sounds like you're not happy being single, which you may want to look at. If you're truly confident, you should be able to find happiness alone.hipgnosis said:The thing is I'm actually a pretty confident guy but I just need somebody to share stuff with. I find weekdays boring if I don't have somekind of plans with girls. Might be because I've gotten used to it with my previous relationship.
Dabookerman said:Serious question...
Where do nerdy girls hang out? :/
Well I'm rarely alone even without dating. I live with a roommate and have big social circles.jaxword said:Just don't like being alone?
Yeah this is a good advice. Might start to try working on being single and happy.Eggo said:You can be confident and still be seeking validation from the girls you're with. It's not healthy to have your happiness depend on others. It sounds like you're not happy being single, which you may want to look at. If you're truly confident, you should be able to find happiness alone.
hipgnosis said:Well I'm rarely alone even without dating. I live with a roommate and have big social circles.
I just enjoy dating girls and the excitement it brings, but can't seem to be without it. Don't know why.
ThoseDeafMutes said:University computing and anime societies. You're going to have to decide whether you're more willing to put up with major personality disorders or ugly people, though. The probability that you'll find a nerdy, stable, attractive girl who isn't already taken is quite small.
jaxword said:As said above, all attractive nerd girls were long since taken 4 years ago, and they already have a lineup of guys waiting for them to break up for their chance. Sorry, dude.
But hey, if you don't really care about looks...then go for any nerd group on campus, like anime or my little pony or The Twilight Fan Club or whatever your campus has. There will be a group that the nerd girls gravitate to.
Lissar said:Bookstores. Trust me. Just don't be creepy when you approach them and have a real conversation about a book they're thinking of buying and you'll do fine.
Tkawsome said:I'm picking up some vibes from this new girl at work. We've only talked a couple of times but we have a lot in common, she even gave me a hug because we "bonded". She also made a heart shape with her hands. I'd have to be pretty stupid to ignore those signals, right? Feels stupid to ask but I've had even clearer signals from other women and the moment I made a move the girl freaked out
We work in a pretty close space so I'm assuming making a move is a bad idea. Still, at the very least I'll invite her to join me and some of the other co-workers for drinks. See where things go from there.
NIGHT- said:I've been talking to a girl from pof for almost a week. We both hit off real well and had amazing chemistry.. Well, we finally went out for dinner tonight and I'm confused if it went well or not. She was really nervous when we got there and continued to be nervous through out the day. She complemented me on being easy to talk to, we never had a awkward silence moment. We both laughed and just had great eye contact as well. She asked me if she looked like I expected and I asked the same and she answered with "yea you're hot". After the day ended I walked her to her car and she gave me a one arm hug with her face turned away... Is that a bad sign? I don't remember having a date end with a one arm hug before.
I really like this girl and like to see her again.. Should I follow up with a call or text tomorrow? Or was her signal clear enough that she wasnt interested?
Atramental said:If only I could read minds...
She keeps on asking for my help on stuff in class so I don't know if that's a good indicator that she's into me. I can never tell. I have the awareness of a sea cucumber.
Hah. Amazing.Tenks said:Luckily for you humans can read minds. However it only works indirectly. You ask her if she wants to grab coffee/lunch/dinner and if she says "yes" she likes you and if she says "no" she doesn't. Behold our collective psychic powers!
Jipan said:I know advice has been given to him and all about going for it, but I'm having this same exact problem at the moment in practically all of my classes.
For example, there's this chick whose in my painting class that always gives me this look that just screams "talk to me." But I never do because every time I go into the studio to paint, I don't want to talk because of the rules and because I just want to focus on the painting.
In class, it's a similar thing, though not as strict because there's chances when I could talk to her such as during a break, but I'm always busy writing down my ideas. There's a part of me that wants to talk to her, but at the same time, there's a part of me that doesn't. Keep in mind, that there's only 3 of us guys in that class with me and a quiet Asian dude who keeps mostly to himself and an older man in his 50s or so, but he doesn't count.
I regularly talk to a couple of chicks from most of my classes before or after class, or if I bump into them on the hallway except for Art History (I've never talked any of the chicks in my section class) and English (unless we're forced to work in groups). There's always at least one to three chicks that I particularly want to talk to. I feel like I'm holding myself back too much and over thinking about it (e.g. the consequences, etc.). Hit me with something guys.
hipgnosis said:GAF I've got a bit of a problem here. After I broke up with my girl of six years I've realised my happiness is dependant whether I'm dating a girl or not. I jumped straight into a new relationship that has been going on for over two months and I don't know if this is going anywhere.
When I don't have a date planned I feel like shit and when I do I feel awesome. Now I have two dates planned for next week and this cycle just keeps on repeating.
Is it true you should take a breather after long relationships or is my behavior common?
hipgnosis said:The thing is I'm actually a pretty confident guy but I just need somebody to share stuff with. I find weekdays boring if I don't have somekind of plans with girls. Might be because I've gotten used to it with my previous relationship.
Pass her note that says, "Do you like me? Circle Yes or No."Jipan said:Anyone? I see that Atramental has the same problem, so I'm looking for more input on that.
Are you still at that christian nutjob college? If so, don't date a hardcore christian chickAtramental said:Hah. Amazing.
Right now I'm conditioning my mind by linking more pain/fear to not asking her out than I am to asking her out. You wouldn't believe how anxious I am when it comes to shit like this. My neuroticism just goes through the roof.
I got the hell out of there ages (months) ago. Haha.scar tissue said:Are you still at that christian nutjob college? If so, don't date a hardcore christian chick
It's not worth it.
Good for you, man. You're probably my favorite poster on GAF.Atramental said:I got the hell out of there ages (months) ago. Haha.
Here's the thread about it: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=435270
In my design classes at my current university there's actually a large percentage of non-religious people.
Combine said:So online dating.
Let me first say, cause I know Mr.City will remind me, that online dating will not help in addressing the core problem I have of not being able to converse and connect with people. And also let me say bravo, to those of you who have been fortunate with it.
I've kept at it off and on over the course of the past year, and so far, it has only been a constant source of depression. Perhaps because, for me, at the core of the whole thing, the whole process starts to feel like a job hunt. I mean, you have the initial application (the e-mail) with your resume (profile and pictures), and for the most part, you never hear back. If you're lucky you might get a phone interview, and if you're super lucky you'll get an in person interview.
I did manage at some point to meet up with a girl from OKC. We walked around the park and talked and then I treated her to coffee. At the end I said I had a great time at the end and wanted to see her again and she agreed. But, I never heard from her after that (sent her one message reiterating the last point, but no reply). Looking back on it, I probably had no clue if I was connecting to this person or not and couldn't pick up any signals at all.
Since then I've kept sending out "applications" but haven't gotten anywhere. At this point I have no clue what is wrong with me and my profile. I mean, I know there is something wrong of course, but I have no clue what it is (I mean, other than my core problems, but I don't think I'm bringing those up with my profile or pics). So I've kind of given up with this route for now.
I'm open to suggestions of course.
Thanks, bro.scar tissue said:Good for you, man. You're probably my favorite poster on GAF.
I've been trying to find ways to do things. Time has been a problem though since I have a job and can't take much time off (the vacation I was just on already cost me a ton since I get no paid leave). Joined some local meetup.com groups, though I'm very disappointed in them because their social outings so far are just to bars and "happy hours" which I don't care for (I think I've mentioned even one bottle of beer can make me depressed).I'm not sure if this has been suggested to you in the past, but have you considered taking up a hobby or activity that really pushes you out of your comfort zone? Skydiving, rock climbing, dancing, or something else that's completely nerve wracking?
You live in Brazil. (according to your profile information)SpartanForce said:Its there any place besides bars, partyrs, classrooms, internet, to met a nice girl? I don't date a girl in months, its fucking killing me. I don't find fap nice at all...
Tkawsome said:I'm picking up some vibes from this new girl at work. We've only talked a couple of times but we have a lot in common, she even gave me a hug because we "bonded". She also made a heart shape with her hands. I'd have to be pretty stupid to ignore those signals, right? Feels stupid to ask but I've had even clearer signals from other women and the moment I made a move the girl freaked out
If people have the same music interests, it shouldn't be awkward if you chat them up or if you show them you're just as excited about the music as they are. You already have something in common, right?kid ness said:Friend bailed on me, now I'm at a concert by myself for the first time. Should i keep to myself or try to approach people? Not looking to make a move, just be friendly.
I've actually thought about salsa dancing since that seems to be talked about a lot. I just wish I could find a dance class that wasn't being held during work hours. It'd be nice if I could find a class around here where I wouldn't be dancing with middle-aged and old-timers (huge community of those in this town). I suppose the latter is besides the point, but it feeds my ego mind thinking that I'm incapable of interacting/connecting with someone my own age or younger.Minamu said:I can tell you right now Combine, dancing is awesomeI hadn't taken a single dance step in public a year ago. About 2 hours of dancing almost every friday, almost in a row too, has definitely helped me get over the fear. I have no idea if I'm any good at all, and I don't go up to random strangers and dance with them without an invite, but I don't care. It's a lot of fun if the music's right. Just got home from another 2 hour dance session (3am) and while I'm still home alone, I had a lot of fun with my friends. Progress doesn't start without you
Wouldn't mind knowing this too for future reference. No, I'm not expecting it as as something that will fix things of course. But, as a 31 year old guy, I've found my options very limited outside of bars where I don't do well at all (and alcohol won't be of aid to me). But hey, I can accept that my options are limited and just work from there.SpartanForce said:Its there any place besides bars, partyrs, classrooms, internet, to met a nice girl? I don't date a girl in months, its fucking killing me. I don't find fap nice at all...
lol I'm having drinks with a girl tonight who I met because she works at a bookstore I frequent. I'm kinda nervous about it actually, not freaking out I just hope it goes well! We don't know each other at all besides some small talk and laughs whenever I see her working.Lissar said:Bookstores. Trust me. Just don't be creepy when you approach them and have a real conversation about a book they're thinking of buying and you'll do fine.
-ImaginaryInsider said:The work situation makes it a bad idea. Don't stress about the whole "she gave me signals, but might freak out" thing, I've met plenty of girls who will flirt/kiss/etc, and still wig out, heck I've even dated girls that freaked after they asked me to meet their parents. Be thankful when a girl wigs out over nothing, means she was either playing games, isn't ready to date, or is crazy, most likely all of the above.
HighAmperage said:I'll spare you all the don't shit where you eat stuff, I'm sure you're aware of the pitfalls. But definitely get her out asap and see if there's something to this or if she's just an incurable workplace flirt.
-PXG- said:Things have gotten pretty serious (in a good way) with the girl from work, but things aren't "official" yet. In the mean time, I met a sexy ass latina who really digs me. We have a dinner date for Monday.
Acid08 said:lol I'm having drinks with a girl tonight who I met because she works at a bookstore I frequent. I'm kinda nervous about it actually, not freaking out I just hope it goes well! We don't know each other at all besides some small talk and laughs whenever I see her working.
Nothing says "I'm into you" like an angry stare.lawlohwhat said:Just play a round of It's Not Jackie Chan with her to ease the tension.
If it were me, I would let her. 'Cause I'm desperate.Jamesfrom818 said:Fat chick wants to give me a blowjob. Do I let her?
Jamesfrom818 said:Fat chick wants to give me a blowjob. Do I let her?
Jamesfrom818 said:Not all that desperate. I'm training her so to speak so she can go out and please other men. She's rather inexperienced.
She learns valuable skills and I get blowjobs. Seems like a fair trade to me.
Hahahahhahaha I fucking LOVE this post!Jamesfrom818 said:Not all that desperate. I'm training her so to speak so she can go out and please other men. She's rather inexperienced.
She learns valuable skills and I get blowjobs. Seems like a fair trade to me.
Is it weird that I know a "nerdy girl" that I'm not really interested in even though I do think she's attractive?ThoseDeafMutes said:University computing and anime societies. You're going to have to decide whether you're more willing to put up with major personality disorders or ugly people, though. The probability that you'll find a nerdy, stable, attractive girl who isn't already taken is quite small.
Give her to me.PounchEnvy said:Is it weird that I know a "nerdy girl" that I'm not really interested in even though I do think she's attractive?