So I'm going to share the story of my last two weeks with you guys. Not really looking for advice, because I don't think there's really anything I can do here (though if there is anything to advise me on here, feel free). Just gonna talk.
So I run track for my school. There were two girls who joined the team this year, both seniors like me, both attractive (one is really cute, the other is fuckin smoking; she's literally a model). Obviously I took an interest in both. I found out the cute one, let's call her Girl A, has a boyfriend back home. So I never approached her, though we were still friendly. The model, Girl B, was single. So I start talking to her a little bit, a while later she invites me to a party, where I figure I can chat her up some more and gauge her interest in me. Went to the party, and at first she seemed interested in seeing me, but then spent basically the whole night grinding on her on-again, off-again boyfriend. When I tried approaching her, she COMPLETELY blew me off. Holy shit, I've never been blown off so badly in my life; just started talking, she went "yeah, whatever," then did an about face and walked away.
So at this point I'm nowhere with either A or B. Fast forward to the end of October, I'm hosting the end-of-the-season party. B doesn't show up, but A does. At one point during the night, a mutual friend of ours tells me that A likes me. I respond, "well I like her too, but she has a boyfriend." The friend tells me that A wants out of that relationship; he treats her like shit, is very controlling of what she can/can't do, and she's basically unhappy. I ask the friend, "aren't you sure this isn't just a drunk thing?" And the friend says no, I'm just her type, and that A once had a dream of me and her making out. Hello! I immediately thank my friend and move in.
I spend the rest of the night hanging out with A, talking or her lying into me. At one point she says she's hungry, so I abandon my own party for an hour (TERRIBLE mistake) to take her out for some midnight drunk pizza, where we talk some more and just generally spend time together. She ends up spending the night with me -- nothing happens, we're both fully clothed, it's just a night of spooning and me being really uncomfortable because my left arm is crushed the whole time.
The next morning I take her back home. The next night, she sends me an email saying she's sorry she told our friend about her feelings for me, that she doesn't regret spending time with me or having those feelings, but that she has a boyfriend of 2 years and can't do anything with me like that. I'm a bit taken back since this is the complete opposite of what just happened, but ok, I deal. I see her again a few days later and we're still pretty friendly, so nbd. That weekend Girl A goes back home (to see her boyfriend, most likely) and I end up going to a party with Girl B, the model. We are both TRASHED, completely fucked up, I'm drunker than I've ever been in my life, going on a 12 hour bender that night. And we fuckin hook up at the party. Hottest girl I've ever been with, same girl who blew me off a month ago, totally surreal. But I figured it was just a one-time thing (which was reinforced when I found out days later I was not the first guy she hooked up with that night...gross).
TWO nights after that, Girl B says she and A wants to go out and get a drink with me and a friend of mine. At this point, I think I'm fucked. A and B are friends, they must have totally talked about me spending different weekends with the both of them, and I think I'm walking into a fuckin buzzsaw by going out with them. But I do. And it was just friendly, no ambush. The four of us got bombed, ended up back at Girl B's house. My friend passes out cold on the floor. I fall into B's bed with BOTH girls. And then A and I start making out... I'm hooking up with Girl A (the one with the bf) in B's bed, right next to B, not more than 48 hours after I hooked up with B. At the time, it was pretty awesome. But the next morning, after getting over the initial sweetness of waking up with both girls, I immediately knew I'd fucked up somehow.
Couple days later, Girl A asks me if I did hook up with B the previous weekend, I admit yes because I figure she must already know. A says she doesn't know, but had guessed it because B already told her she'd hooked up with someone the previous weekend but wouldn't tell her who -- and assumed that I must be the guy, because I'm the only guy she'd care about hooking up with B. And she's pissed, not that B and I hooked up, but that neither of us ever told A about it. So this begins a long conversation where I'm trying to explain how/why such a thing would EVER come up in conversation, and why she's even mad when she was the one who rebuffed me because she has a boyfriend. A goes on to tell me that her boyfriend "essentially broke up" with her the weekend that B and I hooked up; I ask her what that means, she says she doesn't know.
Couple nights later, we have another long conversation, where I basically lay our cards on the table quite ballsy: I tell her I like her, that I know she likes me, but that I have no idea where she stands with her boyfriend and where to go from here. She starts laying a bunch of excuses on me (that I don't know her well enough to like her, that I should just go after B, that I must only be into hook-ups, etc.). I tell her that if she's just not into me, then to just say that, instead of pinning a bunch of untrue bullshit on me; but I can't get her to say that. And she says she loves her boyfriend and is still working on that relationship, even though this guy apparently treats her poorly, "essentially broke up" with her (still don't know what that exactly means but she implied that it has something to do with him not seeing her as "the one"), and, tbh, can't feel TOO devoted to him given the couple nights we spent together. So I tell her ok, I'll back off yet again, and that I don't want to get in between her and her boyfriend if that's who she really wants to focus on.
tl;dr - Expressed interest in two girls, one has a boyfriend and the other blew me off. Later hooked up with both of them, first at separate events, then together on the same night. One girl was basically just looking for ass, the other was having conflicting feelings for me and her apparently not-so-great bf, who she has decided to stick with.
Needless to say, it has been one hell of a couple weeks.