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Girl/Dating Age Part 2: A combined effort to give advice for those in need

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element said:
grrr. I was seeing a totally cool girl, but she dumped me on Friday. Dating in your 30's is fucking impossible.
As Brent Smith/Cubsfan23 would say: "Change your story". It's only impossible because you think it is.

Etrian Oddity said:
LOL, that was great, BUT the girl was obviously already into him before he started spitting on her. This dude delivering "I'm gonna get her number at the end of this interview" would not have been met with such enthusiasm by her, lol!
Don't say that. I don't know that guy but if he had the same confidence and was just as cocky and funny, who knows? We don't know anything about her tastes in men :) I think she just spit out the boyfriend line because of her anti-slut defense, tbh.


it sounds like women do this whole "he's just a friend" thing or whatever lol then turns out they're dating the guy like immediately after

This really that common of an occurrence?


this has never happened to me before.

I went out with my buddies last night, clubbing, and i had two girls came up to me and talked to me. wtf?! one of them offered me her number the other one we talked for a bit but that's it.

so the girl who gave me her number, she's out of town and flying home monday evening. we've been texting back and forth all day, she mentioned she's a mom. she didn't say more on that subject and i didn't ask so whatever. but the interesting thing is she wants to meet up and i'm waiting for her to answer if she wants to go to this taco place.

i've never done anything like this. i don't know what's going to happen or what to expect. any insight or tips?

my buddies said they talked to me last night cause i was confident but i didn't feel anymore confident than any other times. :\
Ended up hooking up with a friend of mine for the 2nd time now last night. Hadn't seen her in about 2 months since the first time we hooked up, so I was fairly certain it was going to happen again.

Problem is, she started to say a few things last night that hinted at her maybe having feelings for me other than just a friend. I've always suspected it, but never really had evidence until now. I just enjoy casually hooking up with her and prior to last night I was pretty sure she did too but now I don't know. She's a great friend and she's gorgeous, but just not relationship material.

What should I do? Obviously, I'd like to keep hooking up with her but if it's going to lead her on then maybe I should cut it off before it grows into something bigger. Anyone have some advice?


Got this in the mail earlier. I think it has some nice tips for those trapped in the friend zone, and in general, for that matter.

So what is the answer to one of the most commonly asked question in dating ever since the beginning of time:

"How do I turn a friend in to a lover?"

Simple. It's all a matter of know when and how to play your cards right with your target of choice.

These are my 6-steps to get you out of the friend zone and get women sexually interested in you...

1. Limit your availability.

I'm willing to bet that whenever this girl does call you, you eagerly answer the phone and chat with her for as long as she wants. You THINK that when you spend two hours on the phone with her, sharing your life stories and telling her about the girl who broke your heart when you were in the tenth grade, you're building some kind of deep "connection" with her. But what you're actually doing is removing ANY sense of mystery about yourself, and getting her know that you have nothing else going in your l ife... and no other women.

This is massively UN-attractive to her.

(I know that when you're a man who is struggling with his dating life, and haven't hooked up with a chick in a while, this takes a LOT of discipline. Your instinct is to make yourself totally available to her and try to spend as much time as possible with her. Well, go ahead and keep doing it this way, if you want to keep wondering why women keep placing you in the friend zone...)

2. Until you've slept with a woman, limit your phone chats with her to five minutes.

And don't get caught up in constant text-messaging. Give her the sense that you're a busy man with places to be. Use these short phone calls, or text exchanges, to lock down your plans to see her again. Save the deep conversations for when you are actually spending time with her.

3. Women are moody and emotional.

Get used to it, and know how to deal with it. When she start acting weird or distant, she is testing you. She wants to see how you will respond. Do you kiss her ass and ask her "what's wrong?" Do you get frustrated and angered by her behavior?

(Either of these responses will only make her get more moody!)

Or, do you behave like a firm, direct MAN?

(Tell her, "Well, I can tell you've got some things on your mind right now, so why don't you take some time to sort it out and get back to me.

I've got some things I need to handle right now.")

4. Her ex-boyfriend is irrelevant.

Women commonly use the excuse:

"I got out of a bad relationship recently, I don't know if I'm ready for someone new, I don't want to get hurt again," etc.

It's all crap, basically. The truth is, if she met a confident, attractive man RIGHT NOW who made her feel a sexual connection, she'd forget about her ex-boyfriend in about 2.3 seconds. When she talks about her ex, and how she's "not ready," what she really means is that you're not making her feel attraction, and so she's testing you to see what kind of man you are.

You need to put her in a positive, fun state of mind and keep her there. When she thinks of you, she should think of fun times and feeling good about herself. The last thing you want to do is allow her to dwell on her ex-boyfriend and be her "shoulder to cry on."

If she ever mentions him, change the subject. And never refer to him by name because it only aggravates her emotional state.

(Instead, refer to him as "that guy." Make him seem irrelevant and insignificant.)

HER: "I guess I'm just in a bad mood today because it would have been my third anniversary with my ex, John..."

YOU: "Well it sounds like that guy didn't appreciate you the way he should have, and it's his loss.

I'm just glad we're getting to know each other, because I can tell there's a lot more to you than meets the eye.

So tell me more about ________"

(Change the subject onto something that gets her in a positive, talkative mood).

5. Never confess your attraction to her.

Women interpret this as a sign of weakness. You've been taught by the media that woman want a soft, sensitive guy who isn't afraid to confess his feelings.

Actually, the opposite is true. She needs to know you are a strong, emotionally secure and confident MAN. Once you've got a sexual relationship going with her, and she's bonded to you, feel free to be a sweet, loving boyfriend and do all of the romantic things that drive her wild.

But until then, you've got to play it cool.

6. Finally, be willing to "man up" and walk away.

If for whatever reason she just can't sort out her feelings, cut her loose. Trust me, if you were involved with two or three OTHER women right now, you wouldn't have the time or the interest to play games with some chick who can't make up her mind.

When you have multiple options, you will ALWAYS feel confident and in control. Don't make the mistake that most guys make, and place "all of your eggs in one basket." This is also one of the biggest mistakes guys make when they want to turn a friend into something more. They focus too much on that one girl.

Once a woman has mentally placed you in "TheFriend Zone," it's difficult to change her feelings towards you. Ideally, you never want to her to view you as her platonic, non-sexual "buddy" in the first place.

This is why when you do meet up with women for a date, you've got to take things in a sexual direction. This doesn't mean you have to sleep with women on the first date. But you MUST establish some physical contact and make her feel that you're a sexual possibility for her.

That's the difference between guys who always suffer in the "Friend Zone," and guys who GET IT DONE.


Minamu said:
5. Never confess your attraction to her.

Women interpret this as a sign of weakness. You've been taught by the media that woman want a soft, sensitive guy who isn't afraid to confess his feelings.

Actually, the opposite is true. She needs to know you are a strong, emotionally secure and confident MAN. Once you've got a sexual relationship going with her, and she's bonded to you, feel free to be a sweet, loving boyfriend and do all of the romantic things that drive her wild.

But until then, you've got to play it cool.
There's a huge difference between being sweet, loving and romantic, and simply telling a woman you find her attractive. I will tell a woman I find her attractive within 30 seconds of speaking to her. I say it in a super controlled, confident, matter-of-fact kind of way, and with an assurance that screams "I am going to fuck you soon". No way is that ever going to be interpreted as a sign of weakness.


Gold Member
Aurora said:
There's a huge difference between being sweet, loving and romantic, and simply telling a woman you find her attractive. I will tell a woman I find her attractive within 30 seconds of speaking to her. I say it in a super controlled, confident, matter-of-fact kind of way, and with an assurance that screams "I am going to fuck you soon". No way is that ever going to be interpreted as a sign of weakness.
Do you have a blog? I would love to read about your adventures.


So my date was a success to say the least. Very happy with it.

I would have started a thread, but I doubt it will get mature discussion. Most of you guys seem okay with it. Kind of nervous about eventually having sex, because I'm not circumcised. I feel like they would be grossed out.. lol. Can anyone comment on whether or not girls give a shit about it?


overcast said:
So my date was a success to say the least. Very happy with it.

I would have started a thread, but I doubt it will get mature discussion. Most of you guys seem okay with it. Kind of nervous about eventually having sex, because I'm not circumcised. I feel like they would be grossed out.. lol. Can anyone comment on whether or not girls give a shit about it?

I'm European and it might be different over here, but the two (measly, measly amount) girls I've been with didn't give a shit. First girl I hit it off with three times or so, but my ex of three years never had any problems with it. As long as you clean it (duh), as long as you're not insecure or overfocused about it and as long as you're confident about it, no biggy.


equap said:
so the girl who gave me her number, she's out of town and flying home monday evening. we've been texting back and forth all day, she mentioned she's a mom. she didn't say more on that subject and i didn't ask so whatever.
So you're ok with this, or you just don't care who you get it in with?
Combine said:
Yep, the year past by just like that. I think I've made some progress, at least in terms of trying to accept my problems and not living in denial of how deep they really are (and thus believing there were "steps" or "quick fixes"). A big hurdle to overcome was the comparison thing, which I still struggle with, because, the mind of one such as myself will inevitably wonder... "why I must struggle with such issues that take so much time to work on, where as countless other people can jump straight into socializing just like that."

I had to just accept I'm different. And keep reminding myself that when those thoughts start to appear.
The bolded part is a pretty big problem for me.
I know I'm not normal, but it's hard to come to terms with it because sometimes, if only for a moment, I feel like I can have a normal life.
Like when I go out with a few friends, or spend an afternoon with a girl.
But after those moments, my reality usually kicks back in within a few days. It's back to being nervous when I'm around people, people staring at me, having to concentrate real hard to keep my voice (and body) from shaking too hard and all that.
Man, this shit sucks.


Aurora said:
There's a huge difference between being sweet, loving and romantic, and simply telling a woman you find her attractive. I will tell a woman I find her attractive within 30 seconds of speaking to her. I say it in a super controlled, confident, matter-of-fact kind of way, and with an assurance that screams "I am going to fuck you soon". No way is that ever going to be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

Yep. Either that, or you don't say it verbally but convey it with your body language.

Of course, none of these approaches are fool-proof. If you don't pull the first one properly you'll be seen as needy. If you don't pull off the second one properly you'll be seen as a creep.


scar tissue said:
The bolded part is a pretty big problem for me.
I know I'm not normal, but it's hard to come to terms with it because sometimes, if only for a moment, I feel like I can have a normal life.
Like when I go out with a few friends, or spend an afternoon with a girl.
But after those moments, my reality usually kicks back in within a few days. It's back to being nervous when I'm around people, people staring at me, having to concentrate real hard to keep my voice (and body) from shaking too hard and all that.
Man, this shit sucks.
I get those thoughts all the time. That was my point. I swear, it sometimes feels like everywhere I go, or anything I do can somehow trigger a thought that reminds me of something like that. In your case, you can be thankful you have a few friends to hang out with or even know a girl to spend some time with. The fact that there are people who enjoy your presence is something to focus on and bring you some solace.

For me, my mind loves to torment me with thoughts of how no one would ever want to be near me let alone tolerate my presence due to my mental problems and my perceived poor physical appearance and shape (having never been complimented highly on my looks by anyone other than my mom). I mean, how often have I read in this thread advice that states for guys to "run far away" from girls who have issues?

It's an ongoing process. And yeah, it sucks, especially since you're fighting against yourself in a lot of ways, and it just leaves you drained and lifeless sometimes. I guess for me, I just hope against hope that someday, I'll do something right for a change and I'll be able to be proud of myself for something, and be able to look in the mirror and actually believe it when I say "I'm a good person".


overcast said:
So my date was a success to say the least. Very happy with it.

I would have started a thread, but I doubt it will get mature discussion. Most of you guys seem okay with it. Kind of nervous about eventually having sex, because I'm not circumcised. I feel like they would be grossed out.. lol. Can anyone comment on whether or not girls give a shit about it?

Few girls I've mentioned it to want to see it and seem pretty damn interested, lol. Mostly due to the fact all the men they have been with were circumcised. I actually don't know any one who isn't circumcised other than myself. I take a little more pride in my penis now.


Aurora said:
There's a huge difference between being sweet, loving and romantic, and simply telling a woman you find her attractive. I will tell a woman I find her attractive within 30 seconds of speaking to her. I say it in a super controlled, confident, matter-of-fact kind of way, and with an assurance that screams "I am going to fuck you soon". No way is that ever going to be interpreted as a sign of weakness.
Of course, it's not fool proof :) How do you bring something like that up, that fast?


G-Bus said:
Few girls I've mentioned it to want to see it and seem pretty damn interested, lol. Mostly due to the fact all the men they have been with were circumcised. I actually don't know any one who isn't circumcised other than myself. I take a little more pride in my penis now.
Well apparently most of the people I know are circumcised. Which makes me more nervous tbh. I'll probably be nervous until I try it. Lol.


overcast said:
So my date was a success to say the least. Very happy with it.

I would have started a thread, but I doubt it will get mature discussion. Most of you guys seem okay with it. Kind of nervous about eventually having sex, because I'm not circumcised. I feel like they would be grossed out.. lol. Can anyone comment on whether or not girls give a shit about it?
Anyone who is grossed out by a natural penis is not worth the time.
zatara said:
what should i think if my significant other is texting another dude 250+ times a day?

lol , really now?

Ask her to let you see her phone, if she agrees . Do your research and confront her about it

If she says no , well... you have your answer.

Sounds fucked up regardless
zatara said:
what should i think if my significant other is texting another dude 250+ times a day?

Huge alarm bells should be ringing here and quite rightly. I'm sorry to hear that because it hits close to home. Its tough but it seems she's pretty much already gone if it's got to this stage. You deserve a gf who respects you enough to at least finish one relationship before laying the foundation for another. Chatting up another guy all day? Fuck that.

Could be worth trying to find out the dudes number and asking him what could be so interesting about your gf that he feels the need to text 24/7.. He may not even realise you exist. This obviously is no help for you because this girl seems to be untrustworthy imo....but it would at least piss on her fireworks. Heh


Bucket-o-roadkill said:
Huge alarm bells should be ringing here and quite rightly. I'm sorry to hear that because it hits close to home. Its tough but it seems she's pretty much already gone if it's got to this stage. You deserve a gf who respects you enough to at least finish one relationship before laying the foundation for another. Chatting up another guy all day? Fuck that.

Could be worth trying to find out the dudes number and asking him what could be so interesting about your gf that he feels the need to text 24/7.. He may not even realise you exist. This obviously is no help for you because this girl seems to be untrustworthy imo....but it would at least piss on her fireworks. Heh
Do not do the bolded. It paints you as jealous, insecure, and someone with trust issues. (Why go behind her back? You clearly feel threatened.) The girl will find out and she will push you away.

Instead, you continue on as planned. If she cheats, you break up with her.

Women are allowed to have friends.

To the poster who asks: how did you find out about this?


Quick question:

Girl I barely know, only comes around for 30 minutes or so sporadically to our floor in the hospital (we both work in the hospital). Going to ask her out. First date: drinks or lunch? Really don't know much about this girl but fuck it I'm not going to sit around and just keep on making small talk at work.
zatara said:
what should i think if my significant other is texting another dude 250+ times a day?

Do you know the guy? Was he a good friend of hers before you two got together?

If not, any guy that texts so much with a girl wants to beat that pussy up, and she's either enabling this, or being disingenuous.

YagizY said:
Quick question:

Girl I barely know, only comes around for 30 minutes or so sporadically to our floor in the hospital (we both work in the hospital). Going to ask her out. First date: drinks or lunch? Really don't know much about this girl but fuck it I'm not going to sit around and just keep on making small talk at work.

No lunch, as it is a friend-zone trap. Just say you are doing X on Y night, and tell her she can come along if she wants.
soultron said:
Do not do the bolded. It paints you as jealous, insecure, and someone with trust issues. (Why go behind her back? You clearly feel threatened.) The girl will find out and she will push you away.

Instead, you continue on as planned. If she cheats, you break up with her.

Women are allowed to have friends.

To the poster who asks: how did you find out about this?

..She's texting a guy 250 times a day :/ That's a hell of a lot. How could someone not have trust issues after this. I'd definitely confront her about it if nothing else, I'd say the posters suspicion is justified. The other guy is surely after her and the fact she's playing along is not a good sign. I guess your post means that I'm someone who's jealous, insecure and has trust issues... Pretty good assessment lol


Sanky Panky said:
Do you know the guy? Was he a good friend of hers before you two got together?

If not, any guy that texts so much with a girl wants to beat that pussy up, and she's either enabling this, or being disingenuous.

No lunch, as it is a friend-zone trap. Just say you are doing X on Y night, and tell her she can come along if she wants.

I was afraid you were going to say that. I don't really have anymore guy friends in this town because most of them recently moved out.
YagizY said:
I was afraid you were going to say that. I don't really have anymore guy friends in this town because most of them recently moved out.

Well the whole point is to make it as casual as possible, so she lowers her guard, and agrees to hang out. If you don't dare to go out for drinks by yourself, Think of an activity you've always wanted to do, and ask her to come with you.
Kalnos said:
Confronting the guy is what makes it insecure but I agree that he should talk to her about it.

Hmm surely the fact that you're worried or concerned about it in the first place already means you're insecure.. But you'd have to be pretty dumb not to be alarmed by this. As I said, the 'other guy' may not even know the original poster exists... :/

J2 Cool

As a preface, I'm 24 and in college.

Should I date a 19-yr old asian virgin, who has never masturbated in her life or made out with anyone before me, but has a great personality i.e. funny, surprisingly crass, thoughtful, and nice? Or just hook-up / possibly date a 21-yr old experienced asian girl who has a decent personality, but seems to only make moves when she's drunk?

Both are in my program, the 19-yr old is usually in closer proximity (art school and our work areas are very near each other). I feel like 19 is so borderline too young. I dated a 19-yr old (virgin) earlier in the year for a short period, and it didn't work out I realized very quickly. This 19-yr old says "I'm an adult, I'm ready to do things and live life". Implying she's ready to have an "adult", sexual relationship. But I find the idea of getting into something intense, especially if it's of a non-sexual nature, to be completely frightening.

I'm sure this needs more details, but I don't have the time to write them all out right now. I could supply any necessary information as requested though.. Keep in mind the 21-yr old I wouldn't trust drinking while I'm away for the weekend (not sold on her as dating material), where as the 19-yr old I feel like could be a really successful relationship based on just personalities and trust.
J2 Cool said:
As a preface, I'm 24 and in college.

Should I date a 19-yr old asian virgin, who has never masturbated in her life or made out with anyone before me, but has a great personality i.e. funny, surprisingly crass, thoughtful, and nice? Or just hook-up / possibly date a 21-yr old experienced asian girl who has a decent personality, but seems to only make moves when she's drunk?

Both are in my program, the 19-yr old is usually in closer proximity (art school and our work areas are very near each other). I feel like 19 is so borderline too young. I dated a 19-yr old (virgin) earlier in the year for a short period, and it didn't work out I realized very quickly. This 19-yr old says "I'm an adult, I'm ready to do things and live life". Implying she's ready to have an "adult", sexual relationship. But I find the idea of getting into something intense, especially if it's of a non-sexual nature, to be completely frightening.

I'm sure this needs more details, but I don't have the time to write them all out right now. I could supply any necessary information as requested though.. Keep in mind the 21-yr old I wouldn't trust drinking while I'm away for the weekend (not sold on her as dating material), where as the 19-yr old I feel like could be a really successful relationship based on just personalities and trust.

Yeah, I don't see any issues here, hook up with the 21 yr old, date the 19 yr old to see how a relationship would pan out.

Minamu said:
Of course, it's not fool proof :) How do you bring something like that up, that fast?

You tell her. It's in your eyes when you look at her, the way you approach her, and every move you make from that point on. It's nothing you need to warm up to, don't even think about that. You want her? Go get her. You think she's sexy, tell her she's sexy. There are many reasons a girl could turn you down. I assure you it won't be because you told her she was sexy or cute, or whatever.


Interesting list Minamu. Lets see...

Minamu said:
1. Limit your availability.
Failed this one lol

Minamu said:
2. Until you've slept with a woman, limit your phone chats with her to five minutes.
Failed this one too. HARD.

Minamu said:
3. Women are moody and emotional.
3 hit combo! Failed this one too...

Minamu said:
5. Never confess your attraction to her.
4 hit! Actually, did it because I was tired of the BS so w/e.

Minamu said:
6. Finally, be willing to "man up" and walk away.
After a year of trying, I think I can finally walk away. Just blocked her on Facebook (we weren't friends anyway) and it felt good.

Will I fail them again? lol don't think so. Learned my lesson the hard way.
One piece of advice for all you players........
If you're only planning on doing a one-night stand with a girl, make sure her self-esteem is on point. If it isn't there's a 99.9% chance that she is a stage 3 clinger. I found out this life lesson the hard way :(


Minamu said:
Of course, it's not fool proof :) How do you bring something like that up, that fast?
Ninja Hawk said it well.

It also depends on the environment. If I'm approaching a girl during the day, in some casual environment, then I'll tone it down. But I tend to be direct, so the very first thing I might say to her is "hey, I just noticed you now and thought you were really cute". It's simple, confident, and right from the beginning lets her know you want her - but this is a good thing, it lets you get an answer straight away. If she seems content, then you can build it up and get her number or whatever. If she comes up with an excuse, mentions a boyfriend etc., then chances are you wouldn't have got her even with an indirect approach.

In a club I am much more aggressive. I'll literally grab the girl and put my arm around her while I talk to her, look her up and down and tell her she's fucking sexy as hell. But this takes balls and quite a bit of experience to get the tonality and body language down because if you're even a little shaky with it you will fail hard. A toned down version would be to approach the girl and keep strong eye contact, be closer to her than normal, invade her private space a bit, and use a lot of physical touching, but not necessarily grabbing her, linking arms etc. right at the beginning. Like, when you tease her give her a little push, if you compliment her top, grab her arm as you inspect the clothes etc., little things that show you are not afraid to be around girls.


soultron said:
Do not do the bolded. It paints you as jealous, insecure, and someone with trust issues. (Why go behind her back? You clearly feel threatened.) The girl will find out and she will push you away.

Instead, you continue on as planned. If she cheats, you break up with her.

Women are allowed to have friends.

To the poster who asks: how did you find out about this?
I found out because this past weekend she was going for a ride while I was at work. normally during the day she'll text me asking hows work etc. that day she didn't so I went online and checked her call history to see if she talked to anyone else cause where she was going may have service kisses and that's where I found it. what made me suspicious is that whirl she was texting the dude all day every day from the time she left till she got back she didn't text him at all. also the place she wen to is the same area the dude lives.

she works with him.
zatara said:
I found out because this past weekend she was going for a ride while I was at work. normally during the day she'll text me asking hows work etc. that day she didn't so I went online and checked her call history to see if she talked to anyone else cause where she was going may have service kisses and that's where I found it. what made me suspicious is that whirl she was texting the dude all day every day from the time she left till she got back she didn't text him at all. also the place she wen to is the same area the dude lives.

she works with him.


You're crazy.


DeathNote said:
fuck it, sneak a peak at her read and sent messages.

nah i went far enough already, i don't really want to know what they say. people that talk that much don't do it just to shoot the shit.


DeathNote said:
If you can check her history you're on the same bill? Whether you're paper or paperless, looking at usage is fair use.

yeah its the same bill its verizon i can't see what the messages say. also to note she has talked on the phone to the dude a decent amount too, albeit while i'm at work. when i confronted her about all of this she said she doesn't have to get my permission to talk to anyone.

i mentioned significant other in my previous post cause im probably looking at seperation or divorce, shes my wife.


All I'm saying is if you have legtimaate access to her usage history from being on the same bill, it doesn't matter why you looked at it.

She's right, she doesn't need you permession to talk to someone.

Edit: A wife saying that is super-bitchy.

She does need to tell you why she texts someone so much and if she's cheating tho.
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