Yes, it contracts from skin to skin contact. This is why I don't do hookups/one night stands, not worth it.hydragonwarrior said:Holy shit, I just finished reading up on std's and I need some clarification - so even with a condom, is herpes still a high risk? Everything I read makes it feel like herpes is 90% risk even when domed, and it's making me feel slightly uncomfortable lol
whitehawk said:Yes, it contracts from skin to skin contact. This is why I don't do hookups/one night stands, not worth it.
Whoompthereitis said:Thing is, pretty much everyone has herpes. It's more common than you'd think. Most people will never show symptoms, but it's there.
Have you ever had a cold sore? If the answer is yes, you have herpes.
Dies Iræ said:Cheating, multiple times (physical and emotional)
Serial cheater (I was her 7th relationship at the age of 18)
Stole $2000+
Totally irresponsible (abandoned her cat, who was a birthday gift from a former boyfriend with me - I had to give it to an adoptive family)
Emotionally abusive (ex. told me to lose weight or no more sex)
Cocaine addict
Debt, debt, debt (to her bipolar mother!)
Eating disorder
Compulsive liar (ex. wouldn't even let me see the screen of her laptop while we were living together out of fear that I would discover her psychotic lying)
Academic probation
The list goes on and on and on.
Edit: pretty apples can have rotten cores![]()
Maybe I should make it clearer.Xun said:Any news on Comby?
Xun said:Maybe I should make it clearer.
How's Combine doing? Any updates?
sphagnum said:So there was a massive thread on /co/ on 4chan (yeah I know...) earlier tonight about relationships for some reason, and I think it finally pushed me over the edge. Starting in January I'm going to be in my final semester in college, and I doubt that there's ever going to be a time again that I'm going to be surrounded by so many single girls in my age group, some of whom must have some of the same interests as me. And although I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing since I've never been in a relationship before, I don't really have much to lose since I'm never going to see the vast, vast majority of these people again. So once the semester starts I think I'm going to prowl around some clubs and see if there's any nerdy girls I can get interested in me. If that doesn't work, at least I'll have tried, or have started trying, because even though it's comfortable having a vague sense of certainty that you're going to be FOREVER ALONE, it's also really depressing and I don't know how much longer I can put up with it.
With any luck I'll be crawling back here crying about relationship issues.
I know, but I seem to recall someone here is a Facebook friend with the guy.Relix said:He was banned for constant whining and not doing shit.
Xun said:I know, but I seem to recall someone here is a Facebook friend with the guy.
HappyBivouac said:Are there no girls you're acquainted with who you already find attractive? Not that I'm trying to disparage what you plan on doing. It's not a bad plan.
Though "prowl" may not be the best word/frame of mind for it.
Fuck 10 other women.Stridone said:Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years yesterday, when does the fucking emptiness go away?...
IMO, I don't see how rebounding with other women helps guys cope. I don't think that's what I would do if my and my girlfriend were to break up.Xun said:Fuck 10 other women.
do it. I still regret sitting back and doing nothing during my time at uni, if you dont get out and at least try to meet someone, you'll look back in a few years time and want to kick yourself in the face.sphagnum said:They're all taken or they're not people I would want to date, just be friends with (or they're just flat out out of my league, since I have no experience).
I know prowl is a bad word choice, but it sounded more interesting than "go around" and I guess I went with the worst possible one. :lol
theignoramus said:do it. I still regret sitting back and doing nothing during my time at uni, if you dont get out and at least try to meet someone, you'll look back in a few years time and want to kick yourself in the face.
Okay, I only dated mine for a few months, but I'll do what I can. You're probably looking back at all the good memories you had and thinking about how you don't have that anymore.Stridone said:Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years yesterday, when does the fucking emptiness go away?...
Stridone said:Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years yesterday, when does the fucking emptiness go away?...
Hang out with your bros and see other girls. It's working for me...slowly...but it's working.Stridone said:Broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years yesterday, when does the fucking emptiness go away?...
JB1981 said:I broke up with my ex about 5 months ago. We have been in contact since, we have even gone out together for drinks here and there. We work together so it takes an enormous amount of will to stay apart (we don't physically work in the same building anymore but we work for the same company and we can message each other at any time). Another reason why we keep in touch is because I still pay rent for the apartment that we moved into. I bailed out but promised her that i would pay half the rent for a while so she didn't have to struggle. Whenever she has to come into the office, I get this intense desire to want to see more of her. So i tell her that i miss her terribly and then we make plans to get together. She asked me to go out for a drink and dinner with her last night so i agreed. She said that she wanted to have one last meet-up so we can have "closure" and go our separate ways. i
I am a fucking mess today. Last night we went to dinner, had some drinks and all that but but the night was so awkward. We argued about the relationship for a good majority of the time. She told me that she has a date next weekend with some guy. I asked her to tell me when she is dating so I can break ties completely. So it's not like she does it to hurt my feelings or uses it as a way to get me back. She told me because I asked. So dinner ended and we went home. When we got to my house we just sat in my car and held each other for a good 10 minutes. I kissed her head and she ran her fingers through my hair as we were hugging in the car. She told me that she loved me more than anything in the world and said she will miss me so much. I try to hold back tears as I type this shit out but its so hard. We shouldn't even have put ourselves in this position but you do some really weird shit when you love someone. I think about getting back together with her but the situation is really complicated and she has a lot of emotional baggage. This has been one of the most trying periods of my life. I probably sound really melodramatic but whatever, fuck it, this is how I feel.
-PXG- said:Hang out with your bros and see other girls. It's working for me...slowly...but it's working.
Anyway, I have another date planned for SundayArcade, movie, dinner, her place
Oh dear...
[edit - never mind, misread post]
Seriously...think're gonna pay her fucking rent when she's out and about, dating and getting dicked by other dudes? What the hell is wrong with you? Yeah, you still love her, but she's unwilling and seemingly too unstable to be with you. Cut all ties, be done with her, move on and find someone else.
Wining and dining is bad enough, but paying for her living expenses...Man, I hate to say it, but you're getting played. Don't make your kindness into a weakness. Shit.
Xun said:Fuck 10 other women.
JB1981 said:She told me that she loved me more than anything in the world and said she will miss me so much.
Kccitystar said:It's roughly about 3 weeks or two since this girl dumped me but I don't know how to feel after you realize that you invested everything you could into this relationship just to see her shrug it off and act as if nothing ever happened. It's as if there were no feelings involved and I was just in a two-year fling with some emotionless cunt.
When she wanted me to talk to her this monday, we dabbled into the relationship stuff again (it was inevitable). She basically blamed her low grades (Bs and Cs) on me and the stress from school. I only saw her twice a week, usually during weekends, and we made an agreement where if she has things to do with school, then I just won't see her as long as she would be able to make time for us. How the fuck would I be this burden? That's when I kinda knew she was just looking for an out as to why we can't be together.
I mean, she's going for a bachelors in applied mathematics, wouldn't she think for one second that maybe, just maybe, the material itself is hard to learn? or maybe that she overworked herself this semester? I'm just running with the idea that of all the things to blame, she thought her relationship with me would be the culprit. That's stupid, but after all, she broke up with me.
The funny thing is that she tells me she doesn't have the time for a relationship, doesn't want to make time, or make things work. It's like I'm throwing these valid suggestions but she's throwing out a big blanket of NO to all of them. All of this while she's spending a lot of time with guy friends, mutual guy friends at that. Right then and there I got the hint. The fucked up thing is that she is able to look at me in the eye and tell me she still loves me, but when I ask her what is stopping her from expressing that feeling or at least acting upon that emotion, she doesn't say shit. Love is not just a word.
I mean, I've gone on 2 dates since then to get into the spirit of dating again, but I am not going to be using women as a rebound. I've just been watching a ton of movies and DJing just to keep my mind busy but I'd be a liar if I said I didn't think about her in passing. It hurts, and while I've spent Christmas Eve/Christmas itself alone, I will also be spending New Year's alone.
SpectreFire said:You don't part ways with something you love more than anything else in the world.
I'm sorry, but that line is full of more shit than a porta-potty at the superbowl.
I left her.SpectreFire said:You don't part ways with something you love more than anything else in the world.
I'm sorry, but that line is full of more shit than a porta-potty at the superbowl.
JB1981 said:snip
....son at what point are you gonna stop complaining and start doing something about what makes you unhappy?Ether_Snake said:On this first day of 2011, being sick probably doesn't help thinking clearly, but even though there are things I am planning on fixing this year like I did in the last, I'm still uncertain over what I want as far as girls are concerned.
To be brutally honest, I'd say I want to meet a girl with whom we wouldn't feel a need to talk to each other much. I just want us to be happy just being with one another, keep things simple, and not ruin it over misunderstandings. I love to love, but I'm wary of the rest that comes with finding a girl, and maintaining the relationship.
I don't like pretending I care about something, especially someone with whom I should be in love, and I don't like to pretend I'm someone else, hence I don't want to change my whole life for the sake of pleasing a girl. Being in good shape, healthy, having a stable job I like, and dressing properly are the only things I really want to put on the table. I'll work on all of that over the next few months (job is already a non-issue) but I'm really doing these things for myself first, and it's all I want to offer.
I don't have much of a social life, barely any friends outside of colleagues, although at least I have started hanging out with them more in the past few months. I'll keep trying to maintain those links but people are aging fast around me and moving on and I won't run after them. I have no family and no past to speak of. I'm not a wrapped package so-to-say, and the box is fairly empty, but that being said, people tend to say I have a mature perspective, and I know I can give a lot of love, but that love won't come through if I don't find a girl who accepts me as I am.
I'm feeling like my chances of finding such a girl are rather low. I shouldn't think that way but thinking back to all the girls I've met, girls who could be happy being with me were very few if there were any at all, and finding one at this point that isn't taken and who doesn't want kids soon feels like looking for a needle in a haystack.
I just want to find a simple one, I'm a simple guy.
And happy new year!
Bleepey said:Yesterday at midnight i was stuck in a queue for like an hour last mnight, trying to get into a Free bar and i met this stunner. I saw my friend like a metre in front of her at the line and i said what's up to him, said hey to his girl, etc etc. Then i pointed to this girl and said, "Do you know how fine that girl is?", he was like "Yeah, you have no chance". So i went up tho her with a i just don't give a fuck attitude and said "hey, what's your name?" She said her name and i forgot it 10 seconds later. I have a traditional Nigerian name so her and i bantered over the pronunciation of it for like 10 seconds. Got to chatting to her about this, that and life. At Midnight i asked her if she kissed anyone, she said no and so her and i kissed briefly, i could have tried to make out with ehr but for some reason i didn't want to push my luck. She was smoking. She said she was half two european countries, quarter Chinese and quarter jamaican. 100% hottie. She and her firends went to another club but before she left i asked her for her number and she gave it to me but only on the condition we would be friends cos of a bad break up. No angry make up sex for me.So how would you lot go about talking to this girl 3 day rule?
siddx said:First off good job on talking to her. But don't call her, it's a waste of your time. If she wanted to hook up you would have that night. The phrases "be friends" and "bad break up" almost always mean "not interested". Having both those phrases tossed at you? Throw away the number and move your attention elsewhere.
Bleepey said:Ahh man, dude you have no idea how hot she is man.Do i have to bring up her ethnic makeup again?!
Thanks for the advice, dude. At this point I think I'm being selfish and immature. I don't want her to be happy with anyone else but me. Sometimes I guess I wish she was a little bit different, like someone else; less emotionally volatile, more kind, less baggage etc. I met some women out last night and none of them compared. My ex can be so fun, and our connection - when it's good - is so natural. She was more than a girlfriend, she was my closest friend. She knew everything about me, accepted all my flaws. Its very comfortable being with her. I don't have to try to make her love me, she just loves me. And that is a damn good feeling. She is probably biipolar though, drinks too much, had a kid with another man, and this man is still very involved in her life. She doesn't have much of a family, her mom died and her relationship with her father (who apparently was abusive) is hot and cold. So her "ex", the father of her child and his parents who watch their son all week are something of an adopted family. Every person I talk to in real life tells me that I should run the fuck away from the situation and I completely understand why. It's far from ideal and I could potentially get my heart broken, but here I am still wondering if I made the right choice to leave her. I know this is wrong but part of me wants to make sure that she's ok. I know it's a bad way to think about things and it's probably why I got caught up in this situation. The truth is I do love this girl but I don't know if she is right for me.SRG01 said:You can't guilt yourself for leaving; you left for a reason and those reasons are just as valid now as they were before.
Look, I'll tell you about my ex: we were never official and there was another man on her side. She couldn't handle it and messed things up really badly. She broke my heart, but in the end, I broke her heart too when I left. For the longest time, I guilted myself for leaving because I hurt her too. We're trying to talk to each other again, and truth be told, I'm a lot better now because I finally accepted deep down that what I did was for my own good, and not for hers.
It also helps if you genuinely want to see her happy and move on with her life too.
siddx said::lol I am sure she is, I loved mixed girls too, but trust me, those phrases are huge huge warning signs that scream "not interested".
You are confident enough to talk to beautiful girls, you shouldn't bog yourself down with this dead end. Go back out there and talk to more of them.
Also, if you are desperate to get laid, go to a mostly white club or bar frequented by college girls. Dumb, horny, drunk, white college girls have three weaknesses; black guys, guys with accents, and guys who look like frat boys who will date rape them. If you throw on an exaggerated Nigerian accent and a polo t shirt you will fuck the entire bar :lol
Some of these guys couldn't pull teeth if they were dentistsKentpaul said:Pro spoiler single gaf, go to a goddam nightclub, get wasted you WILL PULL
Not all the time, im sureKentpaul said:Pro spoiler single gaf, go to a goddam nightclub, get wasted you WILL PULL