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Girl/Dating Age Part 2: A combined effort to give advice for those in need

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There's this woman I've been having no-strings sex with for a few months. She's fun, freaky and all that, but she's...too 'roomy' down there.

That must make me sound like a total shithead, but she's the only girl I've ever been with where this is a problem. Just ain't enough friction.

Other than cracking jokes about how I must have a really small dick, anyone have any advice? I thought about FHUTA, and I'm workin' on it. But it'll take some time.


Girl 1:
Used to date her a while ago (over a year ago) and we split after about 6 months due to multiple minor reasons but there were no huge major reasons for the split - it just didn't work out at the time.
She's short, blonde, cute, slightly older than me. A nice girl, but not the sort of woman that I would go crazy for. She's just an all around decent girl, cute, and fun to be around.

Girl 2:
Never dated her, we were just fuck buddies.
She's 5 years younger than me (I met her when she was 18) just before she went off to college/uni in another city.
This girl is smoking hot (like almost model hot - works in a Hollister store), bit of a slut, bit of an airhead (but not a total bimbo, she is well educated). Oh she's also kind of crazy/insane. Anyway, she was an amazing fuck, absolutely stunning, but we would only ever hook up to bump bed posts and once the sex was over we would always quickly part ways.

So Girl 1 and I have been meeting up for the past 3 months or so.
At the moment we're 'just friends'. We do kind of girlfriend/boyfriend things together e.g. go out for meals, go for romantic walks, hold hands, cuddle. I stay at hers, we sleep in the same bed, we spoon, tickle each other and flirt. She says she 'likes me' yet is still hesitant about us being a couple. She doesn't date often (she's nearly 27 and has only been in three relationships - me included). She's the type of girl that will only sleep with someone if their in a relationship, and she doesn't get into relationships lightly.
I'm cool being friends, and try to treat her as such, but deep down there are prob some lingering feelings there on my part. I'm not madly in love with her or anything, but if she wanted to give it a go, I'd prob date her.

Girl 2 is now back in town (she left her old uni and now goes to school about 20 mins from where I live). She text me on New Years, we've been flirting, and she wants to meet up.

Both girls want to meet up next weekend.
Girl 1 wants us to go to dinner, maybe a movie, and then I'll prob end up staying at hers. There's no guarantee that I'll get anything but if I do go I'm going to try and kiss her.
Girl 2 wants to just 'meet up'. I asked her what she wants to do, where she wants to go, and she just said 'wherever :)'. Pretty sure that translates to 'fuck like rabbits'.

Should I see girl 1 first and then try and hook up with girl 2 another weekend?

Or hook up with girl 2 first (which means blowing off girl 1 - who asked ME out) and then see if maybe girl 1 will still like to meet up another time? (I think girl 1 might be a little upset if I blow her off).

I must also say that I can't hook up with either girl the weekend after because I'm going away for the weekend.


What are you after? Do you just want a quick fuck or do you want to spend an evening with a girl who, it seems like, you enjoy spending actual time with more.

Personally I would go with Girl 1, but it's up to you to decide what you really want more.


Everything is tsundere to me
NutJobJim said:
Should I see girl 1 first and then try and hook up with girl 2 another weekend?

Or hook up with girl 2 first (which means blowing off girl 1 - who asked ME out) and then see if maybe girl 1 will still like to meet up another time? (I think girl 1 might be a little upset if I blow her off).

I must also say that I can't hook up with either girl the weekend after because I'm going away for the weekend.
Well that depends, do you just want a lay or do you want a chance at a relationship? I'd personally go for Girl 1. If things don't work out, it's easier to reschedule a booty call than someone who you're looking at being a bit more than just some broad you hook up with from time to time.
Whoompthereitis said:
Other than cracking jokes about how I must have a really small dick, anyone have any advice? I thought about FHUTA, and I'm workin' on it. But it'll take some time.

:lol This always cracks me up!

In all honesty I don't know what to recommend other than just simply getting off manually while doing other stuff to her. That can still be fun. In general just try to enjoy yourselves and don't worry about the outcome so long as you guys are having fun.
JasoNsider said:
:lol This always cracks me up!

In all honesty I don't know what to recommend other than just simply getting off manually while doing other stuff to her. That can still be fun. In general just try to enjoy yourselves and don't worry about the outcome so long as you guys are having fun.

yeah, the problem is that she only seems to like to get fucked, and fucked hard. She's not much for foreplay really.


Acid08 said:
What are you after? Do you just want a quick fuck or do you want to spend an evening with a girl who, it seems like, you enjoy spending actual time with more.

Personally I would go with Girl 1, but it's up to you to decide what you really want more.

That’s the problem, I don’t know…
I’m on a bit of a barren run at the mo and could do with a good lay. At the same time, I’ve been single for a while and do enjoy the company that girl 1 provides.

doomed1 said:
Well that depends, do you just want a lay or do you want a chance at a relationship? I'd personally go for Girl 1. If things don't work out, it's easier to reschedule a booty call than someone who you're looking at being a bit more than just some broad you hook up with from time to time.

This is kind of true, however girl 2 is young and fickle.
If I turn her down there’s a good chance that she’ll make me pay (by making me wait ages – that’s the type of crazy girl she is).
It was her that suggested the hook up and I’ve already sad yes (before girl 1 asked me out).
She’s also the type of girl that can easily go elsewhere when she wants to get fucked and has no shortage of guys trying to bone her on a daily basis.


siddx said:
Never date 19 year olds.

They have too much energy but not enough technique in bed
They whine and bitch and moan constantly
They are flaky as fuck
They are dumb as fuck
They are boring as fuck
They can't hold a conversation unless its about the most meaningless trivial bullshit in the world like juicy fucking couture or the latest lady gaga song
What they are doing, thinking, feeling, knowing, learning, being, and wanting changes on a second to second basis in such drastic ways that it's like dating a mental patient with multiple personality disorder.

Fuck them if you can only because I believe in having a wide range of sexual experiences but never ever ever date one.

This man knows his stuff and this can't be quoted enough.

(Dated an 18 year old when I was 22)


This really isn't a complaint or question for advise but a statement more or less...

I've gotten to a point in my life now where it's just too hard to find a girl that will add much to life (other than the occasional cupcaking needs). I'd rather focus on myself (career, family, etc) than put too much time/effort into girls.

This has been going on for about 3 years now and girls come knocking along aplenty so it even makes it easier not to commit which I do have problems doing so.

Oh wells, things are great right now, no reason to need it to change.


duk said:
This really isn't a complaint or question for advise but a statement more or less...

I've gotten to a point in my life now where it's just too hard to find a girl that will add much to life (other than the occasional cupcaking needs). I'd rather focus on myself (career, family, etc) than put too much time/effort into girls.

This has been going on for about 3 years now and girls come knocking along aplenty so it even makes it easier not to commit which I do have problems doing so.

Oh wells, things are great right now, no reason to need it to change.

That's the way to go about it. A lot of guys here are having mid life crisis in their early 20s :lol . Focus on yourself and girls will come along. Just figure out who you are and what you're looking for.


Number two dude. No question. You don't even know if you like number one. If you get something out of it, it will be because you walked into a relationship with mixed feelings with the thought of getting some (or at least that's what it sounds like). Be honest with yourself. At least number 2 gives you what you want without any doubt in your mind. Number 1? Well, you could be with her. You could have sex with her. It could be awful. The relationship might not work out. No regrets man.


Getting A Girl in 6 Steps
Talk to her. Be confident and happy. Make her laugh
Ask her for her number. If she gives it to you, move on to the next step. If not, go back to the first one and try with a different girl
Call her up (DON'T TEXT) and tell her when to meet you for a date (i.e. 'Wanna go out for lunch tomorrow at XXX place?')

damn too late xD


a child left behind
Ok I'm back with another weird story.

I made a post a few months ago about this one girl I talked to on okcupid. It went well at first bt then she she just vansihed without a trace. I felt like shit for awhile but I never met her in person so I got over it.

About 1 month ago I went back on okcupid and I recvied a an e-mail saying that some chick facp has added you to her favorites list. So I check out her profile and liked what I saw and sent her a e-mail. Few days later she replied then we talked for a bit. There was a time where I sent her a e-mail but she didn't reply for a few days. I was like maybe I'll try to send he 1 more e-mail with my number if no answer then it's dead. On X-mas eve I checked back and she replied to me with her number of course I was pretty happy. I waited for a few days I tried calling her the day after x-mas but I go no answer and her voicemail was full. I just sent her a text saying whats up and asking her about her x-mas. She replied to my text, and we texted for awhile during the xmas blizzard. I finally asked if we could chat on the phone, and she was like she hates the phone but she would talk to me. I found out pretty quickly why because she has a studdering problem and it's pretty noticeable. I never encounted a woman with a studdering problem. I did had a hard time understanding her a bit but I got thru it. We talked about xmas, what we like to do, and other shit. We talked about 45 mins because we both got tired. I thought it went pretty well we also exchanged facebook names to each other.

Here comes the problem I snoop thru some of her facebook photos and I notice she was pictured with the girl that I talked to on the same site a few months ago. I kept on looking she was appearing in more pics. From there on I was pretty concerned that I was being set up. I talked to some friends about it most of them said I was being set up very few said it just happens. Another thing that worries me a bit is that she could take a long ass time to answer my texts. Maybe I was just being paranoid about it, but at least she answered all of my texts. Anyways I texted her last Tuseday doing the same shit mostly. About 6 hours in I finally asked about her friend saying I met her it awhile ago but it didn't went well, and I just don't feel like seeing her. I tried to be nice about but she didnt take it so well. She said something on lines of this well Jen is one of my closest friends, we are sorioty sisters, and I guess it was nice talking to you. I felt bad about it but I thought it wasn't too bad. But I was annoyed then I sent her a nasty message, and that was the end of it.

The next few days I felt like total shit maybe I should of taken a chance too see how it pans out, and second guessing myself the whole time. So on new years I took another chance and said sorry to her, and I shouldn't have judge you so quickly. She replied to me back, and ever since then it feels like nothing has happened. I asked he if she wanted to hang out when she gets back from Texas, and she said ok. But at the back of my head I still think this could blow up on me, and my gut feeling was right the whole time. Do you guys think this is the right move??


SmokeMaxX said:
Number two dude. No question. You don't even know if you like number one. If you get something out of it, it will be because you walked into a relationship with mixed feelings with the thought of getting some (or at least that's what it sounds like). Be honest with yourself. At least number 2 gives you what you want without any doubt in your mind. Number 1? Well, you could be with her. You could have sex with her. It could be awful. The relationship might not work out. No regrets man.

When I wrote it all out number 2 seemed like the best bet :)
Thanks GAF.
doomed1 said:
HAHA! Oh lord, I can't stop laughing, and that's a problem because my bro's trying to sleep. I got an email from OKC. Apparently, I'm attractive now. I don't deny this, I know I'm not ugly, but to get an email that announces [my face] = good looking is probably the highlight of my night. :lol

I remember this. They told me that I'd start being presented to more attractive women. I lol'd when that wasn't the case.
DoctorWho said:
I remember this. They told me that I'd start being presented to more attractive women. I lol'd when that wasn't the case.

:lol Same thing happened to me! I think they just say that to everyone who gets a certain number of messages or replies or something. Because there definitely hasn't been an increase in the attractiveness of my matches
It always depends on your state of mind. Personally I would prefer 1 over 2, but it seems you're just not that into 1 - do not pursue a r/ship with someone that you're just not that into. Sooner or later you'll want to escape and that never leads to anything good.


_Alkaline_ said:
It always depends on your state of mind. Personally I would prefer 1 over 2, but it seems you're just not that into 1 - do not pursue a r/ship with someone that you're just not that into. Sooner or later you'll want to escape and that never leads to anything good.

I am into 1, I'm just not sure if she's that into me...
She says she likes me, but then is very hesitant about getting back into a relationship with me. I do have feelings for her, which I fight, because she's giving me such mixed signals.
If I honestly thought that girl 1 really wanted to give it a go I'd be more inclined to see her, but part of me feels like she's stringing me along.
At least with girl 2 I know what I'm getting, and what I'm getting is a very good thing - if only short lived :lol


NutJobJim said:
I am into 1, I'm just not sure if she's that into me...
She says she likes me, but then is very hesitant about getting back into a relationship with me. I do have feelings for her, which I fight, because she's giving me such mixed signals.
If I honestly thought that girl 1 really wanted to give it a go I'd be more inclined to see her, but part of me feels like she's stringing me along.
At least with girl 2 I know what I'm getting, and what I'm getting is a very good thing - if only short lived :lol

Make sure you cockslap her.


GameFan Alumnus
Qwerty710710 said:
Ok I'm back with another weird story.

I made a post a few months ago about this one girl I talked to on okcupid. It went well at first bt then she she just vansihed without a trace. I felt like shit for awhile but I never met her in person so I got over it.

About 1 month ago I went back on okcupid and I recvied a an e-mail saying that some chick facp has added you to her favorites list. So I check out her profile and liked what I saw and sent her a e-mail. Few days later she replied then we talked for a bit. There was a time where I sent her a e-mail but she didn't reply for a few days. I was like maybe I'll try to send he 1 more e-mail with my number if no answer then it's dead. On X-mas eve I checked back and she replied to me with her number of course I was pretty happy. I waited for a few days I tried calling her the day after x-mas but I go no answer and her voicemail was full. I just sent her a text saying whats up and asking her about her x-mas. She replied to my text, and we texted for awhile during the xmas blizzard. I finally asked if we could chat on the phone, and she was like she hates the phone but she would talk to me. I found out pretty quickly why because she has a studdering problem and it's pretty noticeable. I never encounted a woman with a studdering problem. I did had a hard time understanding her a bit but I got thru it. We talked about xmas, what we like to do, and other shit. We talked about 45 mins because we both got tired. I thought it went pretty well we also exchanged facebook names to each other.

Here comes the problem I snoop thru some of her facebook photos and I notice she was pictured with the girl that I talked to on the same site a few months ago. I kept on looking she was appearing in more pics. From there on I was pretty concerned that I was being set up. I talked to some friends about it most of them said I was being set up very few said it just happens. Another thing that worries me a bit is that she could take a long ass time to answer my texts. Maybe I was just being paranoid about it, but at least she answered all of my texts. Anyways I texted her last Tuseday doing the same shit mostly. About 6 hours in I finally asked about her friend saying I met her it awhile ago but it didn't went well, and I just don't feel like seeing her. I tried to be nice about but she didnt take it so well. She said something on lines of this well Jen is one of my closest friends, we are sorioty sisters, and I guess it was nice talking to you. I felt bad about it but I thought it wasn't too bad. But I was annoyed then I sent her a nasty message, and that was the end of it.

The next few days I felt like total shit maybe I should of taken a chance too see how it pans out, and second guessing myself the whole time. So on new years I took another chance and said sorry to her, and I shouldn't have judge you so quickly. She replied to me back, and ever since then it feels like nothing has happened. I asked he if she wanted to hang out when she gets back from Texas, and she said ok. But at the back of my head I still think this could blow up on me, and my gut feeling was right the whole time. Do you guys think this is the right move??
I don't see what the big deal is. Who cares if she set you up? If you like the new girl, why would you care that you talked to her friend in the past. You never even met her in person, so why are you getting feelings for nothing?


Everything is tsundere to me
NutJobJim said:
This is kind of true, however girl 2 is young and fickle.
If I turn her down there’s a good chance that she’ll make me pay (by making me wait ages – that’s the type of crazy girl she is).
It was her that suggested the hook up and I’ve already sad yes (before girl 1 asked me out).
She’s also the type of girl that can easily go elsewhere when she wants to get fucked and has no shortage of guys trying to bone her on a daily basis.
Well if that's the case, there's an easy out to get both while hanging with Girl 2 first. Tell Girl 1 that an old friend is coming to town and asked to hang out over the weekend before she asked him out. Use gender neutral pronouns if you're looking to stay "honest" and not throw the wrong signals. With any luck, you'll get your lay and your chance. :p

jamesinclair said:
So GAF, where do you guys go to meet 18yo high school chicks?
Right this way in my van.



Qwerty710710 said:
Ok I'm back with another weird story.

I made a post a few months ago about this one girl I talked to on okcupid. It went well at first bt then she she just vansihed without a trace. I felt like shit for awhile but I never met her in person so I got over it.

About 1 month ago I went back on okcupid and I recvied a an e-mail saying that some chick facp has added you to her favorites list. So I check out her profile and liked what I saw and sent her a e-mail. Few days later she replied then we talked for a bit. There was a time where I sent her a e-mail but she didn't reply for a few days. I was like maybe I'll try to send he 1 more e-mail with my number if no answer then it's dead. On X-mas eve I checked back and she replied to me with her number of course I was pretty happy. I waited for a few days I tried calling her the day after x-mas but I go no answer and her voicemail was full. I just sent her a text saying whats up and asking her about her x-mas. She replied to my text, and we texted for awhile during the xmas blizzard. I finally asked if we could chat on the phone, and she was like (1)she hates the phone but she would talk to me. I found out pretty quickly why because she has a studdering problem and it's pretty noticeable. I never encounted a woman with a studdering problem. I did had a hard time understanding her a bit but I got thru it. We talked about xmas, what we like to do, and other shit. We talked about 45 mins because we both got tired. I thought it went pretty well we also exchanged facebook names to each other.

Here comes the problem I snoop thru some of her facebook photos and I notice she was pictured with the girl that I talked to on the same site a few months ago. I kept on looking she was appearing in more pics. From there on I was pretty concerned that I was being set up. I talked to some friends about it most of them said I was being set up very few said it just happens. (2)Another thing that worries me a bit is that she could take a long ass time to answer my texts. Maybe I was just being paranoid about it, but at least she answered all of my texts. Anyways I texted her last Tuseday doing the same shit mostly. About 6 hours in I(3)finally asked about her friend saying I met her it awhile ago but it didn't went well, and I just don't feel like seeing her. I tried to be nice about but she didnt take it so well. She said something on lines of this well Jen is one of my closest friends, we are sorioty sisters, and I guess it was nice talking to you. I felt bad about it but I thought it wasn't too bad. But I was annoyed then I sent her a nasty message, and that was the end of it.

The next few days I felt like total shit maybe I should of taken a chance too see how it pans out, and second guessing myself the whole time. (4)So on new years I took another chance and said sorry to her, and I shouldn't have judge you so quickly. She replied to me back, and ever since then it feels like nothing has happened. I asked he if she wanted to hang out when she gets back from Texas, and she said ok.But at the back of my head I still think this could blow up on me, and my gut feeling was right the whole time. Do you guys think this is the right move??

1) Eh, it happens. Either she was really nervous or she has a legitimate speech impediment

2) Yeah, you are. And no, you're not being set up. How did that idea even get in your head? People have lives and aren't necessarily glued to their phones. They have shit to do, especially during the holidays.

3) Really stupid on your part. It would have been best to to avoid the subject of her friend altogether, or, you shouldn't have gone any further than simply saying that you knew her. Think about it, do you really think saying something on the lines of "Yeah, I met your friend, I didn't like her" is going to settle well with her? Come on son....

4) ...Alright. Good job.

Forget whether or not she is still sour about what you said about her friend. Just play it cool and act like you never said anything. Go out on a date with her and see what happens. That's really all you can do at this point.

Oh, and stop thinking so damn much too.


One more thing...stop falling for girls you've never met. I mean, I'm a sensitive, loving and affectionate dude too. Some may say I wear my heart on my sleeve. However, in no way am I going to get that emotionally invested with someone, especially if I haven't met them. That's just crazy. I mean, I cuddled, held hands and kissed the girl from last night, yet, that doesn't mean I'm in love. She ain't my girlfriend. It was nice, but I'm not going to invest too much feeling into that...at least not yet.

Slow your ass down.


ok so this isnt anything on any advice I needed but just so I can vent.

2 years ago I dated a girl who was the first "real" gf I had. by that I mean the only one that I really like and was serious about. we dated for around a year and were hooking up and stuff a little while after that. well as school got out and summer rolled around we kinda stopped talking but she had started becoming friends with my closest 3 friends. all whom she met through me. well after a while I noticed they were all hanging out together and never giving me a call so I kinda knew something was going on.

near the end of the summer I confronted her as to why she was only hanging out with them and not me because I though we were cool at that point. turns out she had been starting to see one of my friends and at that point I told her off and told her I dont plan on speaking to her for a while. she could have dated anyone but she goes with one of my best friends. I didnt talk to him for a while either but eventually we talked shit out. they were only together for like 3 months until he broke up with her. (I also broke up with her)

After a while I gave her a chance again at being friends and thats it, never planned on hooking up or any of that bullshit. well after a while I started becoming annoyed with her. she wasnt the same person she used to be. she was constantly crying out for attention and tried to attach herself to everyone in my life as if they were best friends. my other close friends started noticing the same thing and she constantly started unnecessary drama.

after I had decided once again to stop talking to her because of the person she had become I found out she hooked up with another one of my friends not too long after we broke up. I really didnt care towards my friend but towards her my hate grew. at this point I completely cut off all communication toward her.

for the past few weeks she has been trying to talk to me but I just never responded.....until today

here was our facebook convo.

her: can you at least tell me why im getting the cold shoulder? cause im guessing this isn't me being overdramatic...

me: naa

her: alright. if nothing else, i can take a hint.

me: mind blown

I get offline and she sends me a text saying "you are not an asshole. why are you trying to be?"

and then another "friendships are full of shit and so are you"

so I responded. "im not full of shit, I just owe you nothing. it's that simple."

she then sent me a text with a bunch of blah blah blah saying how she is still the same person she used to be when we were friends and how she is just going through a hard time

so I responded with. "you should really stop trying to play the feel bad for me card. It really doesnt work after a certain point"

she then responded with a bunch of bullshit with how she just wishes we could have been friends and how my other friends wont even talk to her now and ended it with "sorry for bothering you"

Tldr: pretty much I finally got this bitch out of my life who had been trying to get rid of for the past year+..........feels good man


I am gonna call or text the mixed race girl i met at new years tommorow. Good or bad idea? Also i was talking to this smoking hot chinese girl i met a while back. We used to talk although i initiated convo 99% of the time. I tried to get her to go out on a date but she works in France so it was a bit hard. I had told her about the Game 'cos i do dumb shit like that and it gave us something to build rapport and trust over. She came back from holiday and i was trying to talk to her but she was giving me one word replies no matter how many open ended questions i asked. Exhasperated i asked her if i was annoying her, and she said that she felt that she was watching some show called Gossip girl and that she felt she was stringing me along and that she knew how it felt to be strung along cos she felt we would never meet and and didn't want me to be strung along cos she knew how it felt. I told her i am just trying to get to know her better so that if we ever met it won't be awkword and that if it happens it happens. To that she said can't argue with that.


BobDylan said:
ok so this isnt anything on any advice I needed but just so I can vent.

2 years ago I dated a girl who was the first "real" gf I had. by that I mean the only one that I really like and was serious about. we dated for around a year and were hooking up and stuff a little while after that. well as school got out and summer rolled around we kinda stopped talking but she had started becoming friends with my closest 3 friends. all whom she met through me. well after a while I noticed they were all hanging out together and never giving me a call so I kinda knew something was going on.

near the end of the summer I confronted her as to why she was only hanging out with them and not me because I though we were cool at that point. turns out she had been starting to see one of my friends and at that point I told her off and told her I dont plan on speaking to her for a while. she could have dated anyone but she goes with one of my best friends. I didnt talk to him for a while either but eventually we talked shit out. they were only together for like 3 months until he broke up with her. (I also broke up with her)

After a while I gave her a chance again at being friends and thats it, never planned on hooking up or any of that bullshit. well after a while I started becoming annoyed with her. she wasnt the same person she used to be. she was constantly crying out for attention and tried to attach herself to everyone in my life as if they were best friends. my other close friends started noticing the same thing and she constantly started unnecessary drama.

after I had decided once again to stop talking to her because of the person she had become I found out she hooked up with another one of my friends not too long after we broke up. I really didnt care towards my friend but towards her my hate grew. at this point I completely cut off all communication toward her.

for the past few weeks she has been trying to talk to me but I just never responded.....until today

here was our facebook convo.

her: can you at least tell me why im getting the cold shoulder? cause im guessing this isn't me being overdramatic...

me: naa

her: alright. if nothing else, i can take a hint.

me: mind blown

I get offline and she sends me a text saying "you are not an asshole. why are you trying to be?"

and then another "friendships are full of shit and so are you"

so I responded. "im not full of shit, I just owe you nothing. it's that simple."

she then sent me a text with a bunch of blah blah blah saying how she is still the same person she used to be when we were friends and how she is just going through a hard time

so I responded with. "you should really stop trying to play the feel bad for me card. It really doesnt work after a certain point"

she then responded with a bunch of bullshit with how she just wishes we could have been friends and how my other friends wont even talk to her now and ended it with "sorry for bothering you"

Tldr: pretty much I finally got this bitch out of my life who had been trying to get rid of for the past year+..........feels good man

Very true. Unless she has something to give (ie, stop being melodramatic or wants to suck your dick) you don't owe her any of your time. You got the right idea. Just move along with your life and don't look back.

Bleepey said:
I am gonna call or text the mixed race girl i met at new years tommorow. Good or bad idea? Also i was talking to this smoking hot chinese girl i met a while back. We used to talk although i initiated convo 99% of the time. I tried to get her to go out on a date but she works in France so it was a bit hard. I had told her about the Game 'cos i do dumb shit like that and it gave us something to build rapport and trust over. She came back from holiday and i was trying to talk to her but she was giving me one word replies no matter how many open ended questions i asked. Exhasperated i asked her if i was annoying her, and she said that she felt that she was watching some show called Gossip girl and that she felt she was stringing me along and that she knew how it felt to be strung along cos she felt we would never meet and and didn't want me to be strung along cos she knew how it felt. I told her i am just trying to get to know her better so that if we ever met it won't be awkword and that if it happens it happens. To that she said can't argue with that.

Call her. What reasons do you have against it?

And don't even bother with the Chinese girl. She said it herself that she was leading you on. Forget her. Don't waste your time.


doomed1 said:
Well if that's the case, there's an easy out to get both while hanging with Girl 2 first. Tell Girl 1 that an old friend is coming to town and asked to hang out over the weekend before she asked him out. Use gender neutral pronouns if you're looking to stay "honest" and not throw the wrong signals. With any luck, you'll get your lay and your chance. :p
I could prob do this, if I meet up with girl 2 during the day, I could then go out for dinner with girl 1.
The only problem would be if girl 1 starting quizzing me later about who I met up with. I'd just say an old friend, but if she kept on quizzing I'm not really the type to lie. That could be awkward...

jamesinclair said:
So GAF, where do you guys go to meet 18yo high school chicks?

I met mine at work (she was summer temping) lol
Strictly not in High School either as she had graduated already, but still...


NutJobJim said:
I met mine at work (she was summer temping) lol
Strictly not in High School either as she had graduated already, but still...

I was waiting for someone to answer him seriously. :lol What have you done? Now the FBI will be patrolling this thread.


-PXG- said:
I was waiting for someone to answer him seriously. :lol What have you done? Now the FBI will be patrolling this thread.

UK legal age = 16 (mine was 18 about to turn 19 anyway).
FBI can come suck my nuts.


-PXG- said:
Very true. Unless she has something to give (ie, stop being melodramatic or wants to suck your dick) you don't owe her any of your time. You got the right idea. Just move along with your life and don't look back.

Call her. What reasons do you have against it?

And don't even bother with the Chinese girl. She said it herself that she was leading you on. Forget her. Don't waste your time.

Oh man. the Chinese girl has a girl next door sexyness to her that at times i swear she does not know. Like she is one of those girls who never gets hit on but that's because guys are intimdidated but she probably gets eye fucked by everyone who sees her without fail. Ahh well. I ain't gonna speak to her, maybe not talking to her for a while breeds interest.


NutJobJim said:
UK legal age = 16 (mine was 18 about to turn 19 anyway).
FBI can come suck my nuts.

I think it's 16 in NJ and PA too. Not sure on that. But even if it is, I don't want to mess around with something that fresh.

And well...you ARE a giant peanut....just saying.


-PXG- said:
I think it's 16 in NJ and PA too. Not sure on that. But even if it is, I don't want to mess around with something that fresh.

16 is too young, 18 is fine for fucking (I was 23 at the time).

Probably wouldn't dream of dating an 18/19 year old, but I think most single men would technically be insane if they actually turned down an 18/19 year old hottie that wanted to get fucked all night...


God damn. I work at my campus TV station thing, and while filming our exercise show, our host gets this shy 2nd year student to come in and instruct a yoga segment. This was last month. I thought she was pretty good looking, even without makeup on, slumming it in her yoga pants and such.

Then she gets added to our Facebook group where we all collaborate and brainstorm show ideas. And I get to see her with makeup on in her profile picture. Guess what? She's a STUNNER.

Worst part? I'm swearing off the ladies for a bit to focus on schoolin' and hobbies and such.

Fuck me. I have to hang around female personal trainers and yoga instructors to shoot this show. And I want to bang them all.



soultron said:
God damn. I work at my campus TV station thing, and while filming our exercise show, our host gets this shy 2nd year student to come in and instruct a yoga segment. This was last month. I thought she was pretty good looking, even without makeup on, slumming it in her yoga pants and such.

Then she gets added to our Facebook group where we all collaborate and brainstorm show ideas. And I get to see her with makeup on in her profile picture. Guess what? She's a STUNNER.

Worst part? I'm swearing off the ladies for a bit to focus on schoolin' and hobbies and such.

Fuck me. I have to hang around female personal trainers and yoga instructors to shoot this show. And I want to bang them all.


Harem...love that word.


soultron said:
I'm so frustrated right now. My penis is saying "YES," but my heart is saying "no."

I don't understand, it's not like school, hobbies, and women are mutually exclusive!


Okay, a question of my own:

I've been talking to this girl online for about two-three weeks now. She's pretty cool, a bit low key, but we definitely have some compatibility. She's also the one to start asking more questions about me when the conversation slows down, which I'm more than happy to answer. We're meeting this Thursday for tea/coffee.

In the meantime, there's this other girl I'm talking to online as well. She's pretty (redhead) and tall (edit: two full inches taller than me). Turns out that we've actually met/spoken once or twice in person through the dance club. She also has a sexy British/Australian accent, spunky, and she has this outdoorsy beauty to her. We hit it off right away, and we're apparently a good match on OkC (82% yesterday, and 84% as of today).

My problem isn't choosing between the two, because I know that I'll probably ask out girl #2. My problem is how I should approach things. I could ask her right now to see if she's available this weekend. Or I could ask her if girl #1 doesn't work out. Should I stay focused, or look as much as possible since I'm not committed to anything?

Keep in mind that I'm not looking for a physical relationship or sex right off the bat. I'm looking to date and/or have a relationship.


Might not be girl/dating related but I've decided to do a list of quarterly goals like SephCast. I've tried lists before but have never stuck to them but after an awesome new years I feel better about myself even though the girl I got off with said no when I asked her out (a nice, fluffy no with a hint of maybe in the future. But a no is a no all the same).

So far I have:
1.Walk to town at least once a week (I don't really go out much anymore so I need the exercise. Still a skinny fuck though lol)
2.Write more reviews and stuff. (I have no clue what I want to do in life but I do like writing about stuff and giving my opinions on it and have wrote some stuff for my mates blog that gets next to no views but is good practice)
3.See about volunteering or work experience around town. (Friend suggested I volunteer and it sounds good. Work experience I was thinking at a local paper or something. like an unpayed internship or something)
4.get a job (any really) (I've never had a job. Most has been work experience in school. I think I have the best shot at getting a job at one of the many shops in town. I just sorta suck with cash registers >.>)
5. Only buy 1 game a month at max, preferably cheap. (apps don't really count) (I have cut down on my spending, waiting for a game to get under £20 unless it's a 'must have' AAA title I love but I want to cut it down to 1 game a month at most. Apps for the ipod barely count as they are like 59p mostly)

Any suggestions? I should probably say no friends are currently in the town any more (maybe 1 or 2 or 3) all at uni etc and I can't drive so need to take trains and buses to get there (and no rail card bus pass whatever). I suppose to make this more relevant to the topic suggest ways to meet girls while not having friends around. Like should I go to clubs and bars alone or is that too sad? How would I go about meeting people? All the people I know I've met through friends of friends and school/uni (I guess that's pretty sad right?).
So earlier on today I called the girl whose number I got on NYE, but it just rang until eventually going to voicemail. I didn't leave a message as I felt it would be weird since we haven't spoken on the phone yet. The good news is, she said her name on the voicemail message, so I didn't get a fake number.

Since she didn't answer when I called, my question is: how long should I wait to try calling again? And if it so happens after a period of time that she just never answers, should I ever leave a voicemail or text? Or do I take it as a hint and just move on?


corporate swill
BentMyWookiee said:
So earlier on today I called the girl whose number I got on NYE, but it just rang until eventually going to voicemail. I didn't leave a message as I felt it would be weird since we haven't spoken on the phone yet. The good news is, she said her name on the voicemail message, so I didn't get a fake number.

Since she didn't answer when I called, my question is: how long should I wait to try calling again? And if it so happens after a period of time that she just never answers, should I ever leave a voicemail or text? Or do I take it as a hint and just move on?

There's a missed call on her phone, ball is in her court. You can always call back in two or three days, but if there's no answer after that then move on.
vitaminwateryum said:
There's a missed call on her phone, ball is in her court. You can always call back in two or three days, but if there's no answer after that then move on.

She doesn't have my number though, so she won't know for sure that it was me who called. And because of that she may not necessarily try to call it back. But I guess I'll give it a couple days then and try again.
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