SRG01 said:
Don't get me wrong; girls can show initiative too! However, remember that there must be mutual attraction in order for something to happen.
Women very rarely make a move unless they know with some confidence that their affections will be returned. Men, on the other hand, will make a move regardless of his chances. You can see this when a woman is giving obvious signals to a guy; she has already gauged his responses consciously or unconsciously, and is letting him know that it's okay to come forward.
There are, of course, cases where women will make the first move no matter what, but those are exceptions to the norm.
I've been reading some of your posts and you seem to have a solid base of how it works. And what you said here is completely correct.
I've found that my knowledge and understanding of the whole dating world came not only from throwing myself in there, but also talking to other girls about it. These were girls who were simply friends (yes GAF, this can actually exist) and I found out so many interesting things from them, many of which would also go on to improve my own 'game', so to speak (I really hate that word).
And this is one of the things they emphasised a lot. Yes guys, women expect you to make a move. Not only do they expect it, but they also want it because of various external factors - mainly keeping their own image intact and not wanting to seen needy/desperate/slutty. If you've ever gone into a night club and seen how embarassingly desperate most men appear, then it suddenly becomes a lot more valid an approach on their behalf.
This is why body language is so important. If we are supposed to take the lead and initiate things, essentially we are throwing ourselves to the wolves and hoping they accept us rather than maul us to death by embarassment. But women
will show signs, no matter how subtle they may be.
This sentence you wrote - "
she has already gauged his responses consciously or unconsciously, and is letting him know that it's okay to come forward" - is a beauty. It captures
exactly how women work and how men need to understand them. Women want a guy, but unless they're a slut/extremely outgoing, they're not going to give up the farm. What they
will do is send messages - both conciously and subconciously - to the guy through body language. It's their way of letting the guy know that it's ok to initiate things. And it's up to the guy to understand these messages.
Now, unless she's as thick as a book or you're a freakish bluffer, a girl will always know that you like her. We may like to think that we can hide our intentions, but let's face it - guys are not subtle. Don't look at this in a bad light though. If anything it is a blessing in disguise. It allows girls to know almost right away that a guy likes them, which in turn provides them with the opportunity to take initative and start sending signals to the guy (either that she's interested or that she wants no part of it). Essentially what this means is that girls
do have to take initiative at some point. Guys have to do the 'big' stuff but that part - where the girl knows what the guy is thinking and sends messages to him - should not be underestimated in its significance to the whole thing.
This is where a lot of guys slip up, of course simply because they're oblivious to this sort of thing. I've found it just comes with experience. It never becomes
easy, so to speak (I think we can all agree most women still maintain some mystery about them no matter how many we date) but we definitely become better at it. Guys have to be careful though not to inspect every single little detail, because that's where overthinking comes into play and that's a big no-no. If you're analysing every little detail in the hope of finding things that will assure you she's interested, then you're either trying too hard or she's simply not interested (or, most likely, both). Women are subtle but they're not
that subtle.