GAF GAF GAF I come in need for some tips!!!
With what exactly?BronzeWolf said:GAF GAF GAF I come in need for some tips!!!
Blahblah Confidence blahblahblah touching her hair blahblahblahblah don't forget to pop your 7 collars blah blah.BronzeWolf said:GAF GAF GAF I come in need for some tips!!!
Bananakin said:Check out my okcupid profile, gaf. Great profile, or greatest profile?
Honestly I don't expect much from this though. I figured it couldn't hurt to sign up, but I'll keep focusing on trying to meet people in real life. Also, is it crass of me to say that okcupid? Probably.seems to be full of fat chicks
Yeah, so I wasn't sure how to start this exactly, and I decided I needed like a seed topic to get me started
I thought, why not get a random word somewhere and then use that as a jumping off point?
So I googled "random word", and the first random word that I got was accelerometer.
And I was like "fuck yeah, that's an awesome random word to get, this worked out way better than I thought it would."
So basically accelerometers are devices that measure acceleration, which is the second derivative of position (although if one wants to be specific - and when it comes to metrology, who doesn't? - they're actually not actually measuring acceleration, but rather something more like the force experienced by the device)
They're found in laptops, cellphones, Wii remotes, cameras, rockets, and I guess other stuff.
More sensitive accelerometers are used to measure the earth's gravitational field, which I guess is useful if you want to know where on earth you will be lightest and/or heaviest.
Also, I just found out that there's such thing as superconducter-based accelerometers, and they can measure gravity precisely enough to detect when there's snow on a roof, which is pretty easily the coolest thing I've heard today.
The point is, it's cool that the random word was accelerometer, because I'm in physics, and acceleration is a...physics...dealie.
Concept. It's relevant, is what I'm saying. And given the number of words in the english language (at LEAST 200 I think), it seems pretty unlikely to get a non-irrelevant word. So hurray for serendipitous outputs from pseudo-random number generators is the moral here it would seem.
PhD in Physics
Those not blinded by my almost comically handsome face usually notice that I'm kind of tall. It's apparently noticeable enough that some people feel the need to immediately comment on it. But again this is from the non-blinded people, so that's a pretty small sample size to be working with.
Food: I could pretty happily each pizza for the rest of my life. So I have a fairly sophisticated palette is what I'm trying to say.
Fuck that, I'm just going to talk about accelerometers some more.
So the accelerometers that have recently become so popular in consumer electronics are called MEMS - short for micro-electro mechanical systems. In general these work using a cantilever beam as a test mass. Basically when the accelerometer is accelerated the beam is deflected by some amount. This changes a particular electronic property in the integrated circuitry (usually the capacitance between two fixed beams), which can be measured. Proper calibration allows this measured capacitance change to be converted into an acceleration. Accelerometers can measure accelerations up to 1000's of g's (which a dropped object might experience when it hits the ground, say), but in general a trade off must be made between the maximum measurable acceleration and the precision of the accelerometer.
Other uses of accelerometers include: detecting when to deploy air bags in cars, measuring seismic activity, counting steps in pedometers, monitoring machine integrity, and even sensing the depth of chest compressions during CPR.
As mentioned, the most precise accelerometers are superconducting gravimeters. These have sensitivities equal to one trillionth of the earth's gravitational field. So now when you say "Yo mamma's so fat her gravitational field can be detected," you'll be telling the truth.
doomed1 said:Blahblah Confidence blahblahblah touching her hair blahblahblahblah don't forget to pop your 7 collars blah blah.
whitehawk said:With what exactly?
Calantus said:So i was introduced to one of my good friends cousin last week, (and his cousin was introducing him to one of her friends) and we were supposed to hang at my new place. So things changed and we didn't hang for long.
She seemed to like me but she made it clear she didn't want a relationship (via text). Now she wants to hang at my place alone this weekend and watch some movies. So i'm not sure what her intentions are (i have an idea, just like you, but its impossible to know).
I'm thinking i'm gonna let her make the first move, but she might be expecting me to do it. any suggestions?
i mean, who wants to be just friends and watch a movie alone with the person a week after meeting them? without other intentions? I've never been in one night stand before, or a fuck buddy kind of thing. So this is new territory for me tbh
BronzeWolf said:Lol, this is something more technical. I went to get 2 wisdom teeth removed last Tuesday. It was a maxillofacial so it was going to be a pretty hardcore business and expecting to suffer a lot, I went comfortable. That means I did not do my hair and was wearing shorts (never wear shorts!). So I get there and lo and behold the Dr's assistant is pretty and hot as hell. To top it off, since you can't really drive anywhere after the procedure, and was recommended to go straight home I asked my mom to take me (YES I KNOW, STFU).
So here I am, 15 minutes waiting for the Dr and I talked a little bit to the girl but not much. The Dr. arrives and the procedure starts. It's going to last a while. She needs help eventually and calls her assistant and I shudder more. Here I am, with my filthy mouth wide open, pouring blood and saliva all over, and the assistant is pulling my tongue while I go through the most uncomfortable procedure ever invented (hyperbole). I try to make due with what I have and remain with the most positive attitude through the whole thing. I try to joke around and I make her and the Dr. laugh quite a few times.
At the end I get my wisdom tooth removed and the assistant throws them by mistake into the thrash can. The Dr then instructs her to get them back. She starts looking through the thrash can while I try to catch my balance in the chair (fucking Anesthesia). After a while I tell her that it's ok, I don't mind it, but she has to bring me money instead of the tooth fairy. She laughs.
Here comes the kick though. Dr shouts NO TALKING. So here I am stuck with a warmed up assistant and I can't talk! OH SHIT! My mom comes pick me up and girl says bye. I can't talk!
I have to get my stitches removed next Monday morning, and I think I already have a plan.
- Call the Dr's office early tomorrow, because I "forgot" the appointment's time, play it dummy.
- On Monday, get there early (I am the first patient) and get her phone.
Oh and btw, there might be the possibility that she is a minor! What do you guys think? Is this doable?
.BronzeWolf said:Make the move, what do you have to lose?
bluemax said:This reminds me of a story, I was at the mall a year or so ago. I went to the rest room and this dude comes in all excited. I'm taking a piss and he comes up to me and he's like, "Hey man I'm about to get me a latina!" He wanted me to follow him out so I could see the chick and what not. Too his credit she was pretty hot.
So question dating gaf, what's a good second date? I met up with this girl for coffee on Saturday and I want to do something casual this week. There's a place near me that does Punk Rock Karaoke on Wednesday (with actual band) I was thinking about inviting her to that, and if not finding something Friday/Saturday to do.
doomed1 said:.
Seriously though, don't worry about it. Also, consider that the age of consent in most states is 16, possibly more, possibly less. Look that up if that's what you're worried about.
Ah, poor you. I'd go for the showing early bit. Instead of pathetic and spacey, you come across as punctual. Just chat her up, ask if she wants to go out for coffee sometime or something.BronzeWolf said:It's 18, here. I have no issue about talking to her. I was wondering more about the actual plan. maybe someone could have some idea?
woodchuck said:For Friday...I usually call Wednesday.
For Saturday/Sunday...I call Thursday.
and fuck. I keep running into ex around school. I thought we had amazing chemistry and got along fantastic. We don't even acknowledge each other even though we ended on decent terms last week (She said she couldn't handle a relationship due to school and the boards coming up).
I don't really feel like talking to her or hanging out with her as friends. But I like hanging out with her friends. Should I just make up and act friendly so I can hang out with her friends?
Not really sure what to suggest, but I thought I'd bump your post up a bit.sphagnum said:I met a pretty interesting girl today; my class got delayed for half an hour, but I got there early to put my stuff in the room and after that I noticed her standing around outside. Unlike myself from a year ago, who would have nervously headed off somewhere else, I just went up and asked her if she was waiting for class. It turned out she was, and we got to talking and found out we know a lot of the same people and have a bunch of similar interests. So we got along pretty well. She definitely enjoyed talking to me at least, I think. I'm not sure I'd want to ask her out, necessarily. I mean, I just met her - it's just that she's on my radar at this point, I guess. And we sit pretty close in class, so it's not like I'll have trouble talking to her some more.
My only problem right now is that she seems to have a girl friend in class, so it would be kind of difficult to get to talk to her by herself after class. If I do decide after a bit to ask her if she wants to get something to eat or something like that, is there a good way to go about doing that so I don't have to ask her in front of a friend? Or am I just going to have to man up and do that?
Sorry if that sounds kind of lame, but I'm new at this whole dating thing.
Mr. Paer said:I find all of this body language stuff very interesting. I would love to become well versed on the topic... do any of you guys have specific book recommendations that would detail all of the essentials?
SRG01 said:No, just hang out with more people and you'll pick up on these things.
The one thing I loved about growing up as a wallflower was learning how to read people. It's a great ability to have, dating or not.
I posted a link to one 1-2 pages back, depending on if you do 50 or 100 posts per page.Mr. Paer said:I find all of this body language stuff very interesting. I would love to become well versed on the topic... do any of you guys have specific book recommendations that would detail all of the essentials?
BronzeWolf said:Make the move, what do you have to lose?
electricshake said:Thought I might give a girl's view on the 'kissing on the first date' thing.
I'm of the opinion that you should at least make an attempt to kiss her unless she has made it obvious that she doesn't want you to. It makes it clear that you're interested in her and you don't just want to be friends.
I went out for drinks a few times with a guy who I'd been talking to a lot online. He was kind of a friend of a friend, and we'd played on xbox live together quite a bit. So when he asked me out for drinks, I had no idea if it was a date, or if it was just as mates. I had a bit of a freak out about it (as girls have a habit of doing). We had a great time, we chatted for ages and got along really well. Good times. I wasn't sure how much I liked him, and I had no idea what his intentions were. At the end of the night, he didn't even attempt to kiss me. So I figured we were just mates. And that was fine. We went out a couple more times, and again, we had a great time, but no kissing. So I just accepted that he wasn't interested me and I basically friendzoned him. I moved on, and then a few weeks later at a party he makes his move. I go along with it, but realise that it's too late and I'm no longer interested. He asks me out to dinner (ie a real date, and not just a few drinks in the pub) and, being drunk, I agree. A few days later, when he texts to organise, I have to tell him I'm not interested in dating him. I still want to be friends, but have to explain I have feelings for someone else (which was true). If he'd made his intentions clearer at the start, I might not have friendzoned him and we might have started seeing each other. We're not really friends anymore either. Which makes me sad.
So the moral of the story is make it obvious you don't just want to be friends.
So you didn't make a move either? Then it's not just his, but also your fault. You're making it sound like it only matters if he is interested, you would play along if he was, if he's not, forget about it.electricshake said:So the moral of the story is make it obvious you don't just want to be friends.
msv said:So you didn't make a move either? Then it's not just his, but also your fault. You're making it sound like it only matters if he is interested, you would play along if he was, if he's not, forget about it.
Anyways, if you're invited to a dinner, or something like that, just the two of you, it's pretty obvious what the intentions are.
SRG01 said:As a previous poster said, the guy can't be afraid to let the girl know that he's interested. How else is she supposed to know otherwise?
Oh?Mr.City said:Combine's still being Combine.
Oh just drinks at the pub, guess I get the confusion there then. But it's weird that you would be ok with either 'going out' or being friends, you made it sound like you didn't have any preference. But either way, both of you didn't make a move, so I can't say it's fair that you put it all on the guy.electricshake said:I know what you're getting at, but he was the one that suggested we go out, so I figured if he was interested he would've made a move. The fact that he didn't made it seem to me that he just wanted to be friends. I didn't try anything because I didn't want him thinking I'd got the wrong end of the stick - he wanted to hang out and here was me making a pass at him. And the first three times we went out it was always just for drinks - which is something I'd do with my mates. Had dinner been suggested, I would've known it was a date. But to me a few drinks down the pub isn't necessarily a date.
Yeah, just trying to say that that goes both ways imo.Basically it all comes down to this.
electricshake said:Basically it all comes down to this.SRG01 said:As a previous poster said, the guy can't be afraid to let the girl know that he's interested. How else is she supposed to know otherwise?
Xun said:
Because women generally find assertiveness an attractive quality. Why would make a move when they have an opportunity, just by letting the male do so first, of finding out whether they have confidence and are therefore more desirable?Tkawsome said:How about a woman showing a little initiative? If they like someone, why not make the first move or at least try to coax him into making one. Of course it depends on the situation and shouldn't be the norm, but if you like him, why not? You're asking how a woman will know if he's interested? Men wonder about that all the time, yet they're still expected to always take the relationship to the next step. That's not directed towards your story, just a general thought.
Mr.City said:He's still terrified of women. Has a bad time and panic attacks when he thinks about them.
msv said:Oh just drinks at the pub, guess I get the confusion there then. But it's weird that you would be ok with either 'going out' or being friends, you made it sound like you didn't have any preference. But either way, both of you didn't make a move, so I can't say it's fair that you put it all on the guy.
Tkawsome said:How about a woman showing a little initiative? If they like someone, why not make the first move or at least try to coax him into making one. Of course it depends on the situation and shouldn't be the norm, but if you like him, why not? You're asking how a woman will know if he's interested? Men wonder about that all the time, yet they're still expected to always take the relationship to the next step. That's not directed towards your story, just a general thought.
And if a guy is inviting you somewhere one on one, it's most likely a date. If they want to be friends they'll bring you along with a group (even then, it's a little iffy). You're right to move on when he couldn't really make a move after multiple dates, but it just seems strange to me that there would be any confusion. If a girl asked me to go dinner with them, I wouldn't think she's just trying to pal around.
Tkawsome said:How about a woman showing a little initiative? If they like someone, why not make the first move or at least try to coax him into making one. Of course it depends on the situation and shouldn't be the norm, but if you like him, why not? You're asking how a woman will know if he's interested? Men wonder about that all the time, yet they're still expected to always take the relationship to the next step. That's not directed towards your story, just a general thought.
And if a guy is inviting you somewhere one on one, it's most likely a date. If they want to be friends they'll bring you along with a group (even then, it's a little iffy). You're right to move on when he couldn't really make a move after multiple dates, but it just seems strange to me that there would be any confusion. If a girl asked me to go dinner with them, I wouldn't think she's just trying to pal around.
Bananakin said:Check out my okcupid profile, gaf. Great profile, or greatest profile?
Honestly I don't expect much from this though. I figured it couldn't hurt to sign up, but I'll keep focusing on trying to meet people in real life. Also, is it crass of me to say that okcupid? Probably.seems to be full of fat chicks
Could've been the same for him?electricshake said:I wasn't sure how I felt about him which is why I wasn't that fussed either way. We were getting on well, so I was happy to be friends with him, but if he wanted more I was (initially) willing to see where it went.
jamesinclair said:The fuck dude?
Boston is CRAWLING with Asians. To the point that Im pretty sure that there are more asians than non-asians.
I get out, but honestly not enough. Working full time doesn't help, but like I said, I try to go out a few nights during the week and on weekends. To say that there are boatloads of asians here might be debatable, but I deem it false (at least with the places I currently frequent anyways). As for age, I turn 21 in 3 days and throwing a bash next weekend, so that should be pretty sweet.doomed1 said:Right, Beantowner, so you DO have a chance. I'd suggest going to college bars if you're of around that age. Think Boston College and Boston University. Also, check out the local music scene. One suggestion is looking up a band called the New Collisions. You might find a scene in that. You're right, white chicks tend to prefer white guys, as do Asian chicks, but don't think about that, sell yourself on the strength of yourself. Who knows, you might find a nice Asian Studies major. :3
I had a feeling a response like this was going to come up. It is somewhat of an excuse, yes, but it's very big and valid concern. And yes, a large part of my life is underpopulated and unbalanced. I go to a technical school as an engineering major, so there you go.Eggo said:To me this sounds like you're trying to make an excuse for why you're not having success. I don't think geographic region should have much influence on your game unless you're in an area where the gender you're looking for is underpopulated and the gender ratios are unbalanced. That doesn't sound like the case with you. So are you saying you have no problem picking up asian girls, but white girls don't give you the time of day? Or do you have difficulty picking up girls in general?
I'd start with Paul Ekman's stuff. He's the guy who came up with micro-expressions. A spin off of that would be to check out the show Lie To Me on Fox. My favorite show out there, right with Chuck.Mr. Paer said:I find all of this body language stuff very interesting. I would love to become well versed on the topic... do any of you guys have specific book recommendations that would detail all of the essentials?
Orgen said:Tomorrow I'm hanging out with my friend (girl) and a friend of hers (girl too). But it's going to be weird.
I met this friend of my friend in a party (October last year) for a brief 30 minutes but she got my attention. I added her on FB but nothing came from it (I barely use FB).
So, my friend (who is bi btw) is on a lesbian mood lately and I promised her that I'd go with her to some "lesbian/gay clubs" to help her because she's fairly new in this scene (no, I'm not gay). Tomorrow is the day and her friend is coming too (no lesbian and no boyfriend) asking our mutual friend that I come please so she has someone who she can talk and drink without getting hit, observed and touched (joke goes here).
My first intention (despite the place and environment) was to know her better, give her my phone number and arrange a date with her another day if all goes well. But seeing all this talk about making the move on the first date or making clear your intentions from the beginning... I don't know anymore, what would you recommend me to do?
P.S. Sorry if I didn't make my point clear, English is not my first language.
Still in high school, right?whitehawk said:So I still haven't talked to my ex since the breakup, which was last tuesday. For example I don't acknowledge her if I see her in the halls. She just sent me a text right now saying "How long is this going to go on for? An estimate?". This is the second time my ex has contacted me about wanting to talk/not ignore each other in only 10 days.
I was planning on texting her after the weekend asking if we could talk. Now I'm not sure if I should stick to that plan or respond now.
Darkatomz said:I had a feeling a response like this was going to come up. It is somewhat of an excuse, yes, but it's very big and valid concern. And yes, a large part of my life is underpopulated and unbalanced. I go to a technical school as an engineering major, so there you go.
I'm not great with girls in general, but it's MUCH easier to get asian girls interested in me than white girls. That's all.
whitehawk said:Yeah it is tough. I feel like I'll just respond now. I was going to text her on sunday or monday anyway. Because I really don't want to ignore her. I may not become friends with her, but I at least want to be friendly with her.