Loving the new thread. Here is some rearrangements and contributions I have thought of. I think the order needs to be changed, to go more into the order of how one actually lives dating.
Hope you like it
Psychological Preparation or INNER GAME
In order to get yourself in a position where dating is fun and rewarding instead of awkward and frustrating you first need to internalize some things. The first is that girls are human beings too, and this sounds terribly cliche but it's true:
The second is that confidence is everything, it's your currency:
Also, without saying:
- BUY NEW CLOTHES FOR GOD'S SAKE! Take your best dressed girl/gay friend to the store and let her dress you up. NO OBJECTIONS.
- If overweight, lose weight
- If skinny, gain weight
Now you are ready internally to get to the game. Now you set your watch, second date is the maximum alloted time to get a kiss. GAME SET MATCH GO!
Where To GO
Bars and Clubs
Many people go to bars and clubs to pick up girls. Until you are comfortable with approaching strangers in bars, going out with the sole purpose of meeting girls is only going to leave you frustrated and angry. Go to bars to have fun instead. Do your damn hardest to have THE MOST FUN you can have at a bar. Fun is contagious and people notice it. If you are having A BLAST at the bar, and you go to the bathroom, it's going to be a hell of a lot easier to say hi to that random girl that keeps looking in your direction.
Coffee shops, Bookstores and Libraries, Mall
Common interests is a must to being able to catch the attention of a girl in this environment. "Oh are you reading x?", "buying z?", "drinking y?". They will say yes, IT IS NOW IMPERATIVE THAT YOU ASK WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT IT. If you don't ask, now you are going to be left with nothing to keep the conversation, but asking for her opinion, will fill you in with details with which you can have a conversation.
Just say "hi! never seen you before? What classes are you taking?" Take it from there
How To Act
- Whenever you say something about you, talk about it like it is TEH MOST EXCITING THING EVER. I don't care if your job picking up thrash SUCKS, make it the best thing in the world and talk about any fun anecdote you might think. Can't think of anything positive to say about your job? Don't, focus on a hobby instead. Have something to show off, a scar you got while skating, some clothe brand that relates to your sport, or a picture you took in your wallet. Even a cool business card helps
- BE FUNNY! Always have a smile in your face, show your teeth if you can. Girls love that. They love seeing a guy smiling and they will comment later on how "He is a lot of fun!" to her friends.
- BE SEXUAL. Touch her. Touch her a lot. Touch her in the correct order, starting from the greeting, by touching her in the shoulder or back, slowly but surely move to the hands during the conversation. If a girl lets you touch her hand, you are almost guaranteed to have success, just don't rush it. Now move on to the face. Always remember to keep your touching brief but let it linger a little bit more than is quite normal. Always maintain eye contact, keep the conversation and KEEP SMILING THE FUCK OUT! If you are in the face, be sure to check the signs of interests. Once you assert that she is interested, go for the kill. Even if you don't assert that she is interested go for the kill.
- ASK ABOUT HER LIFE. Be interested in what she says! Don't just interrupt with your experiences. REMEMBER THAT THE ONLY REASON YOU BECAME A FUNNY AND INTERESTING GUY IS SO SHE COULD OPEN UP to you. Once opened, there is no need to close it again, let her talk! Pay attention to the names. When you are dating, there will plenty of time to ignore her
What NOT to do
- Don't ever put her in a pedestal. She farts, shits and snores like everybody else. She is probably stupid in more areas of science that you care to count. She probably drives like shit or has a sucky family. She is bad with animals or maybe she is just a close minded person. Nobody is perfect and your "dream girl" more likely isn't either.
- Don't be creepy. If you want to approach a girl, do it. But lingering to a failed conquest is a sign of insecurity and actually works against your purposes so drop it.
- Don't be rude. Don't say too many curse words. I know it makes you feel like a badass but most girl don't like it, girls are not like your buddies. Don't insult other women, including your exes, girls identify themselves with other girls and that girl you are talking bad about right now, might have been her. Don't make racist, mysoginist or sexist commetaries.
- Don't be THE PERFECT GENTLEMAN. No door opening, flower and candy gifting or song writting. NO FREE MEALS BEYOND THE FIRST DATE! That stuff is reserved for girlfriends or other meaningful girls in your world. You are just meeting each other, she is no meaningful to you yet.
Signs of Interest (IOI)
- BODY LANGUAGE. She mantains eye contact. She plays with her hair. She laughes. She points her knees to the side. She touches you IN ANY WAY. She lets you touch her. She leans to you. This are not coincidences, this are CLEAR SIGNS THAT SHE WANTS YOU! SEIZE ON YOU TIGER.
- LANGUAGE. She accepts your jokes. She tells you about herself. She validates herself to you ("I am a musician" "Oh really? I love music, I used to play piano as a child"). She makes plans for the future. She gives you her number.
1st Date
Many guys will get a kiss or sex on the first date and be content with that, but many others are looking for something more meaningful. Dating is where you get to know a person in other settings and know if you are compatible. What is a date? A date is any setting in which you and the girl are able to be 1 on 1 in a intimate environment. Going out with the gang is not much of a date, although if you can arrange it so you end up alone, it does. Besides getting closer to that kiss, the first date conversation topics should be all about your future. How much fun you two are going to have together, and how innumerable the things you both enjoy. Do something you like and understand. It doesn't matter if she doesn't, you will guide her. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND HER JOINING WHATEVER YOU DO FOR A HOBBY. No letting go on the touching her either. If you ended up at the hands, start back at the shoulder and quickly move back to the hands and beyond. You should be at least touching her face at the end of the 1st date
1st Date don't's
- Don't do movie and a dinner. It's just boring
- Don't do expensive places. It's just not worth it for any 1st date
- Don't do something you can't easily escape from. It she is boring, you need to have an easy escape plan.
- Don't do family. It's scary
- Don't do BUDDIES DRINK NIGHT OUT. It might work, but it's more fun and memorable to go kite flying.
2nd Date
Remember all those plans in the first date? Do the most exciting one and shoot for the kill. If you don't get to any base after the 2nd date, drop it and look for another girl.
Dating Do's
- Dress well
- Take her to your workplace if it's appropiate
- Throw a handful of compliments about her personality
- Touch her
Dating Dont's
- Don't be late
- Don't be rude
- Don't be unergetic
- Don't listen to her bad anecdotes. No ex stories, no family drama. You are supposed to be having fun and if these topics arise, ignore them first, if she insists on it, make a point that you are there to have fun and get to know each other. If she insists again, leave.
- Don't ask her to pay. Going Dutch is expected now adays, but don't force it. If you aren't yet ready to pay for a girl, make a note of it and next time comment on how you want to know each other but aren't really in the place to pay for all the dates you are planning on having with her.
- Don't discuss politics, religion or other passionate topics. There is plenty of time when dating to know about her intellectual self and how it relates to yours
- Don't tell her you love/really really like/feel trongly her or that you have never met someone like her.
- Don't ask for her permission for anything.
- Don't be apologetic about anything. If you mess up or drop something, sure, but otherwise don't.
How To Improve
This ability doesn't come as naturally as some of us might want. Some get it faster than others, some never do, AS LONG AS YOU KEEP MAKING PROGESS, EVERYTHING IS GOOD. The cool thing about learning the in and outs of dating is that you never ever take a look back. You WILL fail, repeteadly even, but you will get it right if you pay heed to the correct advice and work for it. You might feel that you haven't even advanced much, but one day you will wake up and think "jeez I kind of want to go with Jeena but Samm is really bugging me to go out with her today". To me, many girls wanting to be with you, is the sign that you are something else.
Everything else: OK