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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

This gif is so cute:


Shame that kids are often whiny, screaming, messy, and just downright evil little bastards.
Shan, I'm not quoting to pick on you but because I find both statements interesting in their juxtaposition:

And, in the same breath:

Both of the statements "no one but so-and-so seem to like/want/be x" and "there are no girls on the internet" render others who do not fit the mold invisible, and able to be dismissed.

This is always something that frustrates me, as I feel that nuance is important in such a world of diverse people, thoughts, and opinions. But alas, I've no great sense of self-importance that I feel the need to respond to every occurrence. And, I know full well it's a human tendency to read less than half of anything and respond accordingly.

So, just as I am routinely dismissed, so do I dismiss others' dismissals of me.

I'm sorry >< I really didn't see anyone in the thread wanting kids but Devo.
I'm sorry >< I really didn't see anyone in the thread wanting kids but Devo.

*shrug* I'm not really all that offended, just found your two statements interesting in their juxtaposition.

I know as well as anyone how easy it is to miss half of what goes on in a thread without even realizing it. That's why I try not to take it to heart when people are flip/generalizing in saying that "all/nobody does x" or "there are no y in z".

To take it to a broader philosophical discussion, the internet makes an example of us all when it comes to how unaware we are of the ironies and contradictions we put into typeface.

But, on topic (and I estimate we may agree on this point): having or not having children is an intensely personal decision, not easily summed up in a two-minute post on a forum.


The more I think, the better the outcome comes from me adopting an "old" child.

Good portion of education already payed, no sleepless nights, they are the ones that most suffer in orphanages ....
Its very difficult to adopt here. I think it involves a long process of foster caring first, and usually you need to be related. I too think it would be good to adopt, but its pretty impossible in the current climate. I dunno though, like I said before I want to see what my genes can do :p


Ugh I don't want this to be negative compared to the other discussion but I just got back from school (6pm here; I'm in college). So I get on my bus home from the transfer center and there's this guy (40 yo) that decides to sit right across from me so I just stare to my right and I can see him staring at me the whole ride (it's an hour long ride since the stupid bus systems makes a circle around where I live). It's not a crazy hobo (had plenty of crazy hobos when living in the city but I've never seen a hobo on the buses here).

My stop is the 2nd to last stop to the transit center so where was he going? He decides to come out of the bus with me. I can hear him trying to walk behind me luckily a mother and her daughter were walking down the road I was going because I think he backed off a bit. But when they walked past him I could hear him walking faster as I'm turning the corner he's watching me. I think he gave up following me because too many people were in their front yards. I really hope he didn't see where I live. I was turning back to look as I got to my house and I didn't see him go straight or turn in where I am to see if he lives in my neighborhood. I think he turned back...

These types of things always seem to happen, I always carry pepper spray. But I just wonder is it my disposition that makes creepy people come towards me? Or is it just cause I don't look my age. I'm tired of this stuff always happening. Have any of you found ways for creepy people to stop trying to talk to you or touch you? I want to move to Quebec one day but now I question whether I should since pepper spray is illegal.

It just totally ruins your day, thinking someone thought you were easy prey.
Eternal Sunshine and Love Actually are my two favorite movies about love. I feel like they represent some of the best highs and some of the worst lows of being in love and being loved in return.

Think I'll give Eternal Sunshine a rewatch for V-Day too :)
Didn't care much for Love Actually. Wait, neither of your favorite love films has lesbians.


I'm sorry to bring this back up, but I'm just now reading over the last few pages of the thread, and this is something that I really want to comment on. I really don't want to muck up the thread, though, so I'll make my post and then leave it at that.

All I know is that members of transgaf routinely come into this thread to talk about games, other forms of nerd stuff. Some of these topics (such as games) are not bad by itself, being a game forum, but when it's the same people over and over it grows old, ruins discussion, and makes the whole thread cyclical. If someone posts about hot guys, someone from transgaf likely has an issue with us talking about them, citing that there are other threads to talk about men, ignoring that we are in a forum that is male-based.

I never said I was was the person who allows what discussion to be discussed, but that certainly does not disallow me the opportunity to speak out against another wall of posts talking about Vita, 3ds, and Fire Emblem.

If members of transgaf want to be a part of the thread, cool. Wanna talk about games? Even cooler. But please have a hint of tact and not turn it into gaming power hour starring Transgaf at every single opportunity.

It really bothers me that you posted this post in the way that you did. No matter if I agree or disagree with you on your feelings of people taking over the thread with video game (or other talk on specific topics), I can absolutely understand and appreciate the feelings of wanting to try to make sure that a thread that you consider important to you here on GAF remains a quality place to converse with others that you enjoy conversing with. With all of the space available on here to discuss games, I can certainly see that some (such as yourself) might become annoyed if a non-gaming thread was then also filled with to much game-related chitchat.

Stating that by then painting a broad stroke across the forum members who would be considered "transgaf" as a whole, however, was completely unfair. Maybe you didn't just mean to lump every one of those people together in your complaint, but that's exactly what the above post did. You already identified multiple people who you felt were bringing non-relevant discussion to this thread, but then felt the need to further lay blame on "transgaf" for mucking up the GirlGAF thread.

Intentional or not, your post comes off as seeming like a statement of, "Hey, you people in this one group, if you're going to be in this thread that belongs to another group, you need to learn how to behave yourselves."

The reason the post bothered me so much was because it takes me back to the "I don't belong here" feelings I had before. I watched this thread from when it was first started, but it was over a year after the original OT was created before I could even work up the courage to make a first post. Every time I thought that maybe I'd contribute something, that voice inside of me insisted that I had no right to, because the thread didn't belong to me and I wouldn't be welcome. It took a huge amount of internal convincing to finally build up the bravery to make my first post, and even then, I still felt like I was an outsider who was posting in the wrong place.

It's about three months now after my first post in here, but I'm still at a point where I don't always feel like I have any place contributing to this thread. It's that feeling that I'm only here based on a lie, or that I haven't earned the right, or a variety of other things. I only contribute occasionally, or in sporadic bursts, and that's because I'm still trying to build up that confidence inside of me that says it's okay to be a part of this group and its discussions.

But then, you post what you posted in the way that you did, and it just takes me right back to all of that uncertainty and doubt that I originally had, and that thinking that it'd be stupid of me to even consider contributing. I know I'm a ridiculous person for having this reaction to your post, and I'm sure you didn't honestly mean to cause anybody to feel that way—but now I sit here probably unable to come back and post in here again because, internally, it's just even more confirmed that I'm an outsider to the real group the thread is meant for.

Given that you understand what the members of transgaf are going through, and the multitude of feelings that come with being in that position, I really wish you'd have made your argument with a different choice of wording.

Sorry to everyone else in the thread for all this nonsense I've just written. As I said, I promise I won't sidetrack things with this conversation beyond this post.


Ugh I don't want this to be negative compared to the other discussion but I just got back from school (6pm here; I'm in college). So I get on my bus home from the transfer center and there's this guy (40 yo) that decides to sit right across from me so I just stare to my right and I can see him staring at me the whole ride (it's an hour long ride since the stupid bus systems makes a circle around where I live). It's not a crazy hobo (had plenty of crazy hobos when living in the city but I've never seen a hobo on the buses here).

My stop is the 2nd to last stop to the transit center so where was he going? He decides to come out of the bus with me. I can hear him trying to walk behind me luckily a mother and her daughter were walking down the road I was going because I think he backed off a bit. But when they walked past him I could hear him walking faster as I'm turning the corner he's watching me. I think he gave up following me because too many people were in their front yards. I really hope he didn't see where I live. I was turning back to look as I got to my house and I didn't see him go straight or turn in where I am to see if he lives in my neighborhood. I think he turned back...

These types of things always seem to happen, I always carry pepper spray. But I just wonder is it my disposition that makes creepy people come towards me? Or is it just cause I don't look my age. I'm tired of this stuff always happening. Have any of you found ways for creepy people to stop trying to talk to you or touch you? I want to move to Quebec one day but now I question whether I should since pepper spray is illegal.

It just totally ruins your day, thinking someone thought you were easy prey.

Girl I'm sorry that happened to you :(

I've never had it happen but it must be a really terrible feeling. I'm glad you had pepper spray to make it safe though.

Quebec...isn't bear spray okay to have? :D

Feel better bb <3


Girl I'm sorry that happened to you :(

I've never had it happen but it must be a really terrible feeling. I'm glad you had pepper spray to make it safe though.

Quebec...isn't bear spray okay to have? :D

Feel better bb <3

Ahh it's ok I cried a little but it's all good now thanks for being nice : )

that's good, on tumblr I always see reposts on how it's normal to have all these uncomfortable situations with creepers. But every woman should carry pepper spray (or I'm just being super paranoid)!

Yeah! that's what I thought but not when you live in the city, I think it's kind of like in the UK where it's banned too. I'll probably just make my own pepper spray when I move over there though.

I'm so sorry about this. It sounds absolutely terrifying. If pepper spray is illegal, are knives? If you get uncomfortable with someone doing that, grab a hold of your knife in your purse. If they're not going to do anything, it will still make you feel safer. If they DO try something, you'll have protection.

Ehh it wasn't too bad, there's been other really weird things that have happened just sucks that it happens a lot. Yeah any weapons even a fork used as a weapon is considered illegal in Canada xD I was thinking about getting a stun gun instead of a knife but I don't want to get caught having those or have them used against me. Yeah, I have two canisters of pepper spray; one near my bed and one always in my pocket.

I think taking kickboxing or something will make me feel more confident. Do any of you take a self defense class?


Ahh it's ok I cried a little but it's all good now thanks for being nice : )

that's good, on tumblr I always see reposts on how it's normal to have all these uncomfortable situations with creepers. But every woman should carry pepper spray (or I'm just being super paranoid)!

Yeah! that's what I thought but not when you live in the city, I think it's kind of like in the UK where it's banned too. I'll probably just make my own pepper spray when I move over there though.

Haha I'm never scared! :)

Glad you're feeling a bit better!

Oh, it is banned too? I live in Canada too and my grandpa was offering all of us (granddaughters) bear spray a bit ago lol.

Maybe just something on your keys that could be used but isn't a weapon maybe.

I think taking kickboxing or something will make me feel more confident. Do any of you take a self defense class?

"That's my purse! I don't know you!"

King of the Hill lol

But really, self defense is really great to know. It also does make you feel more powerful. I just do kick boxing on my own and even though I have the weakest punch ever and couldn't knock anyone out, it still feels nice when you do it! Punching the air and yelling YAH just kind of makes you feel like you have power.

If you took a legit self defense course though, I bet it would be great.

Also, always grab and twist. :D

And S-I-N-G. Haha.


Intentional or not, your post comes off as seeming like a statement of, "Hey, you people in this one group, if you're going to be in this thread that belongs to another group, you need to learn how to behave yourselves."

The reason the post bothered me so much was because it takes me back to the "I don't belong here" feelings I had before. I watched this thread from when it was first started, but it was over a year after the original OT was created before I could even work up the courage to make a first post. Every time I thought that maybe I'd contribute something, that voice inside of me insisted that I had no right to, because the thread didn't belong to me and I wouldn't be welcome. It took a huge amount of internal convincing to finally build up the bravery to make my first post, and even then, I still felt like I was an outsider who was posting in the wrong place.

*hugs shidoshi*
This thread is open to anyone !
We don't even kick the generic dude who shows up once in a while, why would we kick a girl in the girlgaf thread ? xD

Also ... why this don't surprise me ?

Well, I don't want to be a social outcast with women when I transition. I have read too many stories of trans women who try to befriend women and end up getting kicked to the curb because they don't have the established "rules" down. Also, people change. Adapting is a big part of survival and I plan on surviving.

I will never know =P
Don't go, shidoshi! It wouldn't feel like GirlGAF without you.

Apropos to nothing, that Kickstarter 31 Days of Zero Suit Samus book that a few people in this thread lamented missing out on many pages back is now available for sale at Fangamer for $25.

Didn't care much for Love Actually. Wait, neither of your favorite love films has lesbians.
Huh, good point. Wait, Love Actually has a lesbian couple, um, in the deleted scenes...


*hugs shidoshi and doesn't let go*

Please don't leave us! You're a wonderful, intelligent person who always has something interesting to say ._.


Didn't care much for Love Actually. Wait, neither of your favorite love films has lesbians.

Bound ?
Mulholland Drive ?
The Hunger ?

....Imagine Me & You ? =(

...Chasing Amy ? =P
....Being John Malkovich ?
V for Vendeta ? =D

...Scott Pilgrim ? =/

Shidoshi, I hope you stay in this thread. I really enjoy your contribution on this ot. Btw, are you coming to pax east again? :) last time was fun. Seriously though, targeting a group of people within this ot was completely unnecessary. I don't get the frustration of video game talk in here. Conversation subjects will change from time to time, whether its pop culture, fashion, video games, life, or sex/porn/sexy men. If you don't feel like talking abot it, talk about something else. All this topic bitching (during the sex talk /change from sex talk/ and now video game) was totally unnecessary. If you don't want to discuss it, just don't. No need to complain abot what others are discussing. Targeting a group the way you did was really really uncalled for. That's the end of my rant. On my iPhone so I'm sure there are typos or this doesn't quite make sense.
I'm not sure here, but i just figured that list had something to dp with lesbians maybe? or maybe she is listing her fav love stories? or actually I have no idea.
What do Mulholland Drive and Scott Pilgrim remotely have anything to do with each other aside from being love stories?

Lesbian relationships. Although Platy forgot:

If These Walls Could Talk 2
The Color Purple
Lost and Delirious
The Kids Are All Right
High Art
But I'm a Cheerleader

And there's a bunch of others I've overlooked as well.
Lesbian relationships. Although Platy forgot:

If These Walls Could Talk 2
The Color Purple
Lost and Delirious
The Kids Are All Right
High Art
But I'm a Cheerleader

And there's a bunch of others I've overlooked as well.
Wikipedia has a decent list. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...ated_films_by_storyline#Lesbian_relationships

Best lesbian film I have seen is Fucking Åmål. Would watch it tomorrow too, but it seems it was taken off of Netflix. :(


If you do kick boxing, research on the type. Certain types, such as muay thai, can break down the cartilage of the knee after kicking the bag so many times.

Ohh thank you for that information! My friend said Krav maga would be good. I got into the idea for kick boxing because that's what Lisbeth Salander and Mimi do <3 u <3.

Oh, it is banned too? I live in Canada too and my grandpa was offering all of us (granddaughters) bear spray a bit ago lol.

What a great grandfather XD
Thank you, yeah I started exercising and working my guns. When I move to a place that offers defense classes I'll know I'll do it for sure and not wonder if it's a waste of money.
thank you again : D
I thought Saving Face was pretty cute. Or maybe I just thought the actresses in it were pretty cute? Can't remember which. Also, My Summer of Love was kind of twisted and has Emily Blunt, so there's that.
I quite liked Saving Face too. I can't trust Emily Blunt because of My Summer of Love.


Yes or No was so cute, you guys should watch it (on youtube). I wish there was more cute les films, I just read yuri now but it seems I've read all of that too. Read a couple romance novels (Sleeping Beauty, Indeed was cute)I think I'll start doing that. I need to stop reading YA too...
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