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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Learned that trick about 10 years ago: Take whichever pants you want to try on, wrap the waist around you neck, if it fits your neck, itll fit your waist.

Don't know how well that works these days with everything sitting at low waist or on the hips...
Devo the dress looks great, I like the contrasting straps :)

I have to say though, I find it a bit strange how difficult it is for you to find clothes that fit well. Here in dirty Scandinavia every shop has a lot of really small sizes, the average size has obviously gone down in the last 10 years or so. Just a few weeks ago I found myself looking at women's jeans because I couldn't believe how small they were. The waist looked like only a 6 year old could fit into it and the legs were so small that I'd probably have a hard time getting my wrist in there. And the biggest size they had was the same size my completely average, not fat, friend wore about 10 years ago and back then that size was really the average, now the same size is the absolute biggest most shops here sell unless they have a separate "big girls" section. I also hear a lot of women complaining about how hard it is for them to find clothes that fit anymore without having to go to the big girls section and there the clothes are often too baggy. And yet if they dig up their old clothes from a few years back which still fit (meaning that they haven't just got fat and are in denial) the label says they are size M and now they have to buy XL.

Obviously it's very different in America then but here very small sizes in shops are the norm nowadays. Funnily enough I only know one girl who would be a size 0 (we don't use that term here) and while she has no problems finding clothes that fit (and she loves really tight clothes too), all the what I would call "average" sized girls have a lot more trouble finding well-fitting clothes when it used to be the other way round not that long ago.

Might be the demographic at that mall too but I looked at the stores online, much less variety for XS.

Learned that trick about 10 years ago: Take whichever pants you want to try on, wrap the waist around you neck, if it fits your neck, itll fit your waist.

Oh and learn your body shape and what stores/brands fits it best. You can be a 8 in store and a 4 in another.

There are no particular shops for me, I just have to get lucky enough that the dress style I like will be in XS and that the 0 doesn't run too big.
Wore heels last night and now have a blister on the ball of each foot. I don't know why I even bother, fuck heels. That's the first time they've ever done that though, which is weird.
What kind of heels? What brand?

These bad boys, except all nude. The brand is Linea.
Been forever since I've posted, graduate school, boston apartment hunting and life have been major time sink/stress factors for me. Figured I'd post some recent fashion purchases, because despite being broke, I still have a spending progblem.


Cant wait for the warmer weather so I can start wearing this dress! Much cuter in person.



Love these Dolce Vita dresses by Effie's Heart. They are a little pricey, but they are the most comfortable, flattering casual dresses I've ever worn. I've got three and plan on snagging more in the future.

Two more dresses I got from Effie's heart, got them as final sales (super reduced prices)and absolutely love them:

This hoodie should be coming in this week, cant wait :)

And my new favorite shoes in the world:

Rocket dog boots. They are on amazon for half off, plan on getting the black ones as well.

And last but not least:, a few cute socks!

And just purchased this Bernie Dexter dress at a ridiculously reduced price on ebay, worried about the fitting (will be a little tight on my chest), so I'm praying it'll fit.

I really have a problem with my clothes addiction :/
Hoodie looks awesome.

Most of the dresses there I'm pretty meh on. Ones I do like not in my size. Story of my life with dresses it seems.


Not pure anymore!
Unrelated. Super cute dress or shoes on sale for a crazy good price or a video game on sale for a similarly good price?

I might have to pick the game. Please don't take my XX card.

Dress, shoes I can do without and games I usually buy when they come out so no sale.
If you are broad shouldered I would venture that the green dress might look better on you. The straps of the white one would cut you off and take shape away from your figure.
Man, this baby having stuff is like a war of attrition. (I am playing the waiting game at the hospital while they induce my sister) Anyone else ever sit in on one of these?


Man, this baby having stuff is like a war of attrition. (I am playing the waiting game at the hospital while they induce my sister) Anyone else ever sit in on one of these?

My first took nearly 24 hours before they had to do an emergency c-sec.

And I've had friends where it only took them 15-20 min before baby popped out.

It's pretty unpredictable.


My first took nearly 24 hours before they had to do an emergency c-sec.

And I've had friends where it only took them 15-20 min before baby popped out.

It's pretty unpredictable.

This right here - I was always told I was born at 8 a.m., but only recently was I told that my mother's labor started at midnight, which must have wrecked my parents's nerves then.
My first took nearly 24 hours before they had to do an emergency c-sec.

And I've had friends where it only took them 15-20 min before baby popped out.

It's pretty unpredictable.

24 hours, huh? Definitely a war of attrition, then. Congrats on your victory, though!

For my sis, she was supposed to be due May 18th, but they kept bumping it up because they're worried about pre-eclampsia, and I found out Sunday night that they'd started inducing her right then and there so I had to hop a flight out asap. Was really worried I'd miss it, but it doesn't seem to be peaking yet and they're talking c-section in an hour now. :/

Nerve-wracking stuff.
hah, my wife had to be induced. Was not pleasant for her, the contractions went from 0 to 60 in like an hour. Luckily it was not a long process, maybe 8 hours total? I really don't remember at all, that whole thing is a blur lol. I think he was born around 10pm or so.

On the other hand, they induced like 3 days after her due date, as she is is a small lady and had pretty bad hyperemesis gravidarum (sp?). Strange thing is, and this is all I really recall in detail and I remember it with total clarity, her nausea disappeared the second he plopped out. Like, the second. Before birth we were down to cream of wheat etc, basically baby food, and she wanted the greasiest burger from the cafeteria right then and there.
hah, my wife had to be induced. Was not pleasant for her, the contractions went from 0 to 60 in like an hour. Luckily it was not a long process, maybe 8 hours total? I really don't remember at all, that whole thing is a blur lol. I think he was born around 10pm or so.

On the other hand, they induced like 3 days after her due date, as she is is a small lady and had pretty bad hyperemesis gravidarum (sp?). Strange thing is, and this is all I really recall in detail and I remember it with total clarity, her nausea disappeared the second he plopped out. Like, the second. Before birth we were down to cream of wheat etc, basically baby food, and she wanted the greasiest burger from the cafeteria right then and there.

Definitely not a pleasant thing. Or, well, a quick thing. They started inducing her Sunday night and I flew out the next morning but it's nearly Wednesday now and she's barely dialated. :/ Just crampy and unhappy because they won't let her have anything but liquids.

Sorry to hear about your wife's hyperemesis gravidarum. Sounds awful. My sis threw up once, but nothing real major yet. My sis is being this early because she has polycystic kidneys and her blood pressure makes this all a very scary prospect. Funny enough, as soon as she got pregnant her blood pressure stabilized. But now it's going up again and they're freaking out. *sigh*

At any rate, they have moved her downstairs now, though, so I think they're seriously considering c-section in the wee hours. Glad I managed to snag 2 hours sleep on the bench earlier. :(

All of these stories make me want to book a C-section well in advance.

Both options sound scary as hell to me. Booking at least gets you out of this waiting game, though. Are you pregnant now or going to go for it soon?
Wow, really? Since Sunday?! That baby does not want out! I'd think they would push for a c-section but I don't know, I'm certainly not a doctor. I'm sure everything will work out fine and good. :)

And yeah, the endless vomiting sucked pretty bad. We had to go to the ER a couple of times due to dehydration etc. They put her on regelan and that helped knock it down from 20+ times a day to only a handful. Small blessings etc.
Wow, really? Since Sunday?! That baby does not want out! I'd think they would push for a c-section but I don't know, I'm certainly not a doctor. I'm sure everything will work out fine and good. :)

And yeah, the endless vomiting sucked pretty bad. We had to go to the ER a couple of times due to dehydration etc. They put her on regelan and that helped knock it down from 20+ times a day to only a handful. Small blessings etc.

^That would be the worst for me. I hate vomiting/nausea and I really feel for your wife (and you) for having to go through that. I'm glad it was full stop after the baby was born. Bet she was starving. :)

And yeah on the loooong time thing. I thought I was going to miss it by coming in on Monday, but there ya go.

Since they're inducing her so early it's no surprise that it's taking her body a lot of time to react, but even the doctor was like, that sucker does not want to come out. I'm guessing c-section at 3am. Or 5 am if they want to be extra cruel to us all. :)

And, man, I gotta say, this hospital is full of beautiful staff. Like, model-worthy. Her doctor looks like Jacob Gyllenhaal. Seriously. More buff twin or something. Weirding me out.
We need more bespoke shops for women, I say. Men can get their fancy suits tailored and it's expected. Women? If it's not off the rack, we're weird.

Screw 'em.

Well, bespoke is actually making the suit from the materials you choose and the sizes you give and usually at least $1k for one that doesn't suck... And is tailoring that hard to find for women? Most tailorshops by me are run by women and advertise tailoring dresses and wedding gowns and don't mention suits unless you call. I guess it's different elsewhere.


Well, bespoke is actually making the suit from the materials you choose and the sizes you give and usually at least $1k for one that doesn't suck... And is tailoring that hard to find for women? Most tailorshops by me are run by women and advertise tailoring dresses and wedding gowns and don't mention suits unless you call. I guess it's different elsewhere.

It's the same around here. Most dry cleaners will do alterations and repairs as well.
Well, bespoke is actually making the suit from the materials you choose and the sizes you give and usually at least $1k for one that doesn't suck... And is tailoring that hard to find for women? Most tailorshops by me are run by women and advertise tailoring dresses and wedding gowns and don't mention suits unless you call. I guess it's different elsewhere.

A *good* women's tailor that can actually put the darting in the right place? Yeah, it's incredibly hard to find. Fix a hem, let out a skirt, that's easy. Get a jacket to cut in the right place? More complex.

Bespoke tailors know this stuff and do a better job of it, for men and women.
A *good* women's tailor that can actually put the darting in the right place? Yeah, it's incredibly hard to find. Fix a hem, let out a skirt, that's easy. Get a jacket to cut in the right place? More complex.

Bespoke tailors know this stuff and do a better job of it, for men and women.

Well, the same is true of tailors for men... Most tailors suck in general because it's not as big of an industry as it once was and people rather just do it at a dry cleaners or don't care. Anything besides doing something like shortening the sleeves on my suit or hemming my pants most can't do or if they do it comes out terrible and sometimes looks worse than before.
If you can find a shop that does both custom work and alterations that is the best bet. I found a guy in Lompoc, CA, of all places, who made custom dresses and such. Almost worth the plane ticket to go back there haha.
Fair enough. More bespoke tailors for everyone!

Because regular tailors just won't do.

Bespoke tailors are usually pricer too which is annoying since many times the price the charge to alter the garment isn't worth it given the cost/materials of the garment you're altering. So cheaper and better tailors for all. :p

If you can find a shop that does both custom work and alterations that is the best bet. I found a guy in Lompoc, CA, of all places, who made custom dresses and such. Almost worth the plane ticket to go back there haha.

Ya, I have to stop being lazy and look for tailors in NYC but again the price also goes up a decent amount by looking in NYC. :/
If you can find a shop that does both custom work and alterations that is the best bet. I found a guy in Lompoc, CA, of all places, who made custom dresses and such. Almost worth the plane ticket to go back there haha.

The best dressmakers I encountered were the ones who crafted my skating costumes all those years ago. Of course, they specialized in lycra, spandex, velvet and chiffon - not exactly suit material - so I still need to find a good place in TO. I've been to a dozen tailors/dry cleaners and still haven't struck gold.
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