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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


girl gaf! It's bathing suit advice time!
I have a bikini and absolutely love it, but have also been looking for a one piece that will hold up for when I go out to water parks and stuff. I absolutely love these and they are on sale, but cant decide on a color. I need opinions stat! I have soft black (not cool toned) hair and neutral leaning on warm undertones, but am extremely pale.
Black or Red
I'd go with black myself or purple if that was a available option.
From ModCloth? I'm going to buy the exact same swimsuit pretty soon. I love that bathing suit.

I'd go with red, but that's just me.

Hurry cause theres a sale going on and they are selling out like wildfire. The sizing is weird for this, I'm either an 8 or a 10, so I'll have to buy two :(

Edit: I ended up ordering both and will return the one I like the least.

This one was the one I really wanted, it was available yesterday but sold out today :( :( :(
Ohhh I didn't notice the change request went through. Sweet! Thanks, whichever admin did it. <3

Yeah, I initially registered as Morrigan Stark long ago. I usually just go as "Morrigan" but it's often already taken, so I often add "Stark" because... why not. Only, I used my own private domain's email address and so my NeoGAF account was not approved. I tried again with Targaryen using an ISP email and this one went through and I used that for a while.

But recently a mod or admin put the tag you see below my name, Arrogant Smirk. It's one of my alternate PSN account username (I made it to have more save slots for Demon's Souls and Dragon's Dogma, haha), and it's a perfect anagram of my original PSN "MorriganStark". I mentioned that in the Demon's Souls thread and an admin put that under my name, which I thought was hilarious. So I decided to request changing my username so that it would fit. Besides, I've always been more of #teamStark anyway. :)

Haha that's clever! I was wondering where you got it.
Arsenic, I'd go for RED ! :D

aaaaaaaah such a cutey bathers <333

Yakkue, I dont really mind pronouns. I think they will eventually find out my gender anyway, though...

Morrigan, TeamStark is for the braves! haha :D

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Who doesn't have her as favourite?

Maybe soulless monsters...

For a while I had this as my GAF avatar (still have it on various places, like Steam or Last.fm), but then I saw another GAF user with the same avatar so I switched. But I haven't seen that avatar in a while, tempted to switch back...

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Haha, that Dany pic cracks me up.

Thanks for the offer but if I go back to her it'll be that one with the helmet. It's too adorable to not use.


Who doesn't have her as favourite?

Maybe soulless monsters...

For a while I had this as my GAF avatar (still have it on various places, like Steam or Last.fm), but then I saw another GAF user with the same avatar so I switched. But I haven't seen that avatar in a while, tempted to switch back...

I love Arya and all, but I really dislike the subset of her fans that refuse to recognize her weaknesses and vulnerabilities, or Sansa's strength. I used to like her more than Sansa, but I sadly feel like the opinion of Arya worshipers has shifted that over time.


Hey there GirlGAF. I've been humming and hawing about growing my hair out for the last year or so. I used to have REALLY long hair growing up but never took proper care of it and washed it a lot due to sports/work outs. It was a wavy, fuzzy mess that I just brushed back into a ponytail and went on with my day.

For over 5 years I've had an A-line bob of varying lengths and just got the back (pretty much everything but my front and crown bangs) cut off super short due to summer and wanting to look boyish at my male-dominated job (yes, this is part of my strategy to curb flirting/stalking/creeping at jobs... don't judge me -_-;)

What's the best way for me to help grow it back fast and healthy, to at least an A-line bob again, maybe more? I know time is the only real factor, along with not cutting anything but split ends off but I'm wondering if there are any supplements, diet or care secrets that can help.

Sorry for the novel. Thanks for any advice!
Hey there GirlGAF. I've been humming and hawing about growing my hair out for the last year or so. I used to have REALLY long hair growing up but never took proper care of it and washed it a lot due to sports/work outs. It was a wavy, fuzzy mess that I just brushed back into a ponytail and went on with my day.

For over 5 years I've had an A-line bob of varying lengths and just got the back (pretty much everything but my front and crown bangs) cut off super short due to summer and wanting to look boyish at my male-dominated job (yes, this is part of my strategy to curb flirting/stalking/creeping at jobs... don't judge me -_-;)

What's the best way for me to help grow it back fast and healthy, to at least an A-line bob again, maybe more? I know time is the only real factor, along with not cutting anything but split ends off but I'm wondering if there are any supplements, diet or care secrets that can help.

Sorry for the novel. Thanks for any advice!

Vitamins can do wonders. D and B-complex vitamins can really really help you. B-complex pills are usually a combination of Biotin, niacin and cobalamin. If you want foods containing these, eat avocados, eggs, and legumes. B-Complex pills are also used for healthy skin and nail growth.

Zinc is also great but it tends to get lost when people exercise often, so its important to eat food with zinc or take supplements.Some foods with zinc: lamb, turkey, pumpkin seeds and chocolate.

Iron is great for growth too: Iron-rich foods include, egg yolks, lentils, spinach and chicken.

This has reminded me to go take my supplements. I'm always forgetting.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
My hair is very long. Down to my butt, and has been for quite some time. Yet despite that, I don't think I really have useful advice. It was medium/long (down to the middle of my back, I guess) as a teenager, and my mother used to trim the ends, but when she passed away 15 years ago, I just stopped cutting it for good. Not out of symbolism or anything, just plain laziness. I just let it grow naturally, and it's been at this stable length for probably over a decade now.

I just use regular shampoo + conditioner (not the 2 in 1) and brush fairly regularly. I'll usually spend a few minutes brushing it properly, until it's as nice and smooth as it gets, and freshen up every now and then during the day.

I wash it rather rarely, once every 3 days or so, sometimes less, sometimes more, depending on the condition. I don't mind having slightly greasy hair, but too greasy is gross of course, so if I exercise and sweat a lot I won't skip a day just because, I'll just wash, obviously. I also never, ever use hairdryers. Too lazy. I just sponge it off with a towel for a bit, brush it, towel again, brush it again, then let it dry. I used to occasionally use dryers in the winter, since going outside with wet hair in -25C in Canada is a pain, but I found that annoying. Nowadays I just try to "time" my hairwashing when I won't have to go outside in the winter, heh.

For the longest time I didn't even use conditioner, but I got sick of spending sometimes 10+ minutes untangling knots and breaking hairbrushes handles (I used to break one every year for a while xD), and a friend urged me to use conditioner, and it did make a difference, haven't broken a brush since and it's much easier to maintain, even if it takes longer under the shower. ^^

I should probably note that my hair is very straight, not a single curl whatsoever. It's also very "thin", I don't think I'd keep it that long if it were thick. I do have a lot of split ends because of never trimming, but it appears most people don't notice (or those split ends are not that bad after all) because I routinely get complimented on how good my hair looks. They might just be wowed by the length to notice the rest though. xD

Edit: I guess I wouldn't be out of line in posting a pic? I don't want to show off or anything, I usually never post pics of myself (too paranoid), but since we're on the topic of hair... :p I like this one:

Taken in Ephesus, Turkey, 2011. Yes, the ancient city is filled with cats and kittens all over, most of them aren't shy from tourists either and just purr in the sun. Cat lovers should visit Turkey, they're everywhere, and adorable.


Stupid question, not washing means not getting it wet either, right?

I'm trying to reduce my frequency, but it's hard when I work out almost every day :\
Stupid question, not washing means not getting it wet either, right?

I'm trying to reduce my frequency, but it's hard when I work out almost every day :\

Not washing usually means not using soap. Soap strips a lot of natural oils so you're only supposed to use shampoo every other day or every few days.

I have to shampoo every day as I have extremely oily hair, but its short and very healthy. When I was 18, my hair was just past my butt, but I cut it short that same year. It's extremely thick so back when I had long hair, it would take at least half an hour- fourty minutes just to dry with a hair dryer, meaning I had to get up a minimum 2.5 hours early just to get ready. Now it takes me only 1hr to get ready in the morning. Short hair is my life now, I've been cutting myself it for almost 8 years now and wouldn't look back.


Taken in Ephesus, Turkey, 2011. Yes, the ancient city is filled with cats and kittens all over, most of them aren't shy from tourists either and just purr in the sun. Cat lovers should visit Turkey, they're everywhere, and adorable.

That's some long, shiny hair. Thx for all the advice and info everyone. Wealth of knowledge here. :3


Whislt on the subject of hair I just shampoo it ever few days. It's rather thick and curly so I just leave it to dry naturally then brush it through if I want to. I wish it was a bit longer though.
I dont like chemical treatments, plus I'm pretty happy with my hair :)
its now a warm black and a little longer, but thats just cause I haven't cut it yet.

I have to assume I was drunk when making this face.
I hope so. I can't think of any other excuse for that duckface.

....Come to think of it, that's not good enough. There's never a good excuse for a duckface. :p


Not just a duck, but kissy duck face. I need to find another picture that isnt 80% face 10%hair and 10% duck. Love your hair by the way, it reminds me of a beautiful horses mane. *___*
wow morrigan, you have such beautiful shiny long hair <3

and arsenic, you are too cute with that boyish cut <333


... um, as for me. i grew up with a house-dad and he didn't know anything about hair care or skin care or whatever lol. so i dont wash my hair very often. it's happy that way. i shampoo it once every 3 months, if that. other than that, it's not touched by any chemicals. just water.

its now waist-length :>


You gals have such pretty hair. :)

My hair was (almost) waist length, but the heat/humidity has been getting to me.. so I chopped it off to shoulder length the other day. It feels so light now, haha.


I used to have shoulder length hair but I grew it out a bit so it's a lot longer now.

I haven't really taken many pictures lately so the last one I took all dressed up to go out was this:

I think my face looks weird here but oh well. I'm the one in the white dress.

Also played at my works annual baseball tournament and my store won. I also got a baseball to the ankle which now looks like this:


Still looks like that and it's been almost 4 days. :(


that dress is cute!
and OH MY GOD THAT FOOT!! That looks horrible. I hope you're keeping it elevated and on ice to bring down the swelling.


It's a little painful when I walk at a certain angle so I usually just limp, heh. I'm def keeping it elevated but it sucks because I've had to work every day since I injured my foot and my job is full of walking. :(

I'm probs gonna get it checked out by a doctor because I think it hit so hard that it even bruised the other side of my foot too.

It's a little painful when I walk at a certain angle so I usually just limp, heh. I'm def keeping it elevated but it sucks because I've had to work every day since I injured my foot and my job is full of walking. :(

I'm probs gonna get it checked out by a doctor because I think it hit so hard that it even bruised the other side of my foot too.

Yeah that looks pretty serious. You'd think with your store winning and you sustaining an injury you'd get paid time off :p Hope you were mvp.

And thanks backslash! :) Now that I have short hair, drying only takes about 5 minutes or so. Short hair is so nice <3 <3 <3 I dont know how you girls with long hair manage the summer heat with it. i did my math wrong earlier, its been almost 10 years since my hair was long, I dont remember what it's like,
which is weird because I still have long hair in my dreams.


Anyone else here a Fast & Furious fan?

I love that dress, and HOLY MOLY at your ankle.
Yeah when I found it I was pretty happy. It was one of those dresses that just fit perfectly. :D

Yeah my ankle is quite the combination of bruises. :p
Yeah that looks pretty serious. You'd think with your store winning and you sustaining an injury you'd get paid time off :p Hope you were mvp.

If only.

I wasn't MVP but I did play the whole series with the injury which I acquired in the first game so at least my team credited me with that!


Oh no. Where are you at?

I live in Wilmington, NC, which is one of the areas expected to be hit pretty hard. I heard some fireworks going off earlier. I think people are getting that out of the way ahead of time.

I guess I could always light off a few sparklers lol.

Edit: Looks like it's expected to make landfall here. Welp.
waaaaazzzzzzzzzi, you are so pretty gollygosh *___* i love that dress on you and i love your wavywavy hair

also poor ankle ;__; and poor wazzi ;__; you should check it out to the doc if it is not healing as it should :<

bunni, oh you have my kind of hair :3 i never blow dry it or anything either. i wake up and just wear what i wake up with to work. it's nice, but it can be VERY boring.

4th of july is just another friday here :3 (down under yo~) so no plans for me .... cept that I might try to stay up and watch some futbol :D

Wazzi, i like fast and furious :D it's a fun franchise!! still sad about paul walker ;__;
Hahahahahaha that is weird O_O.

TBH I was born with "perfect" hair. When I wake up in the morning, or when I shower, I just squeeze the water out of my hair... and that's it.

(I'm going to post a link to my hair for bragging rights-
https://scontent-a-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/1914308_648051747004_7140689_n.jpg )ignore the photoshop my friend was being silly
Jealous of your perfect hair. You're hair is so pretty. I'm Latina and definitely have the hair. I'm happy with it now, but I can never have it long again. I guess that's what wigs are for.

4th of July plans? I'll be in New Hampshire mountains for 4 days hiking and swimming. I wanted to get out of the area and planned a surprise romantic getaway with the boyfriend. Scheduled the entire itinerary as well, picking the best locations. pHopefully we don't bicker....
It's going to rain a bit during it, but we can wear ponchos :)


Seems like I found my people.

Ney girl-gafs. Can I join the hair party?

I've been dying my hair since 13, all sorts of crazy colours, while keeping it quite long as well. Currently it looks like this:

(hurr durr)

I've burned it many times, had to cut it many times and I've learned how to deal with it quite well, if I can say so myself. My natural hair colour is quite dark brown, I am currently 3 shades lighter than my original hair and it's in great form - super fluffy, soft and I barely need to brush it, though I like doing so.

Here's some of the things I've learned in my journey:
1. brushing your hair while wet is a torture to your hair and will ruin it.
2. morrocan oil is the best shit ever.
3. trimming/taking the ends off every 3 months is essential, not just for growth but for health.
4. LUSH's repair shampoo is expensive, but it's a miracle for damaged hair.
5. sleeping with tied hair for heat-free curls is just as bad as using heat.

I hope this is useful. :D
I used to have shoulder length hair but I grew it out a bit so it's a lot longer now.

I haven't really taken many pictures lately so the last one I took all dressed up to go out was this:

I think my face looks weird here but oh well. I'm the one in the white dress.

Also played at my works annual baseball tournament and my store won. I also got a baseball to the ankle which now looks like this:


Still looks like that and it's been almost 4 days. :(

Seems like I found my people.

Ney girl-gafs. Can I join the hair party?

I've been dying my hair since 13, all sorts of crazy colours, while keeping it quite long as well. Currently it looks like this:

(hurr durr)

I've burned it many times, had to cut it many times and I've learned how to deal with it quite well, if I can say so myself. My natural hair colour is quite dark brown, I am currently 3 shades lighter than my original hair and it's in great form - super fluffy, soft and I barely need to brush it, though I like doing so.

Here's some of the things I've learned in my journey:
1. brushing your hair while wet is a torture to your hair and will ruin it.
2. morrocan oil is the best shit ever.
3. trimming/taking the ends off every 3 months is essential, not just for growth but for health.
4. LUSH's repair shampoo is expensive, but it's a miracle for damaged hair.
5. sleeping with tied hair for heat-free curls is just as bad as using heat.

I hope this is useful. :D

Very pretty (both of you)!


waaaaazzzzzzzzzi, you are so pretty gollygosh *___* i love that dress on you and i love your wavywavy hair

also poor ankle ;__; and poor wazzi ;__; you should check it out to the doc if it is not healing as it should :<

Wazzi, i like fast and furious :D it's a fun franchise!! still sad about paul walker ;__;
Thank you so much! Compliments from y'all are the best. <3

I'm def planning a trip for saturday(I work all week) so hopefully it's nothing too serious!

And yassssss fellow F&F fan! I'm also still really upset about him. I was gonna say there's a cool rumour going around about a character from the original returning plus others related to them. The character is
Leon, the other original member and then the other rumours are people related to Johnny Tran

OMG! That's a really cute dress :)

Very pretty (both of you)!

Thank you both! :D


There's a lot of gorgeous hair in this thread. So jealous.

I'm still learning what best works for my hair. After I straightened my hair recently and found every type of split end imaginable, I went into panic mode and completely changed my routine. I've started deep conditioning, using olive oil, and trying to use moisturizer in my hair more so it doesn't dry out when before I was just washing it once a week or so and only using moisturizer after a wash. I hope this works because this hair stuff is not my forte (I get most of my hair advice from hair forums) and the women in my family know less than I do.
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