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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Sis, I'm so done in that thread. It doesn't matter if we actually care about the message that is being pushed on us. It's good advice that we otherwise should be reminded of, again.
Sis, I'm so done in that thread. It doesn't matter if we actually care about the message that is being pushed on us. It's good advice that we otherwise should be reminded of, again.

yeah, girl, I'm so done. Now it's moving to "well the women on GAF aren't a good sample set" or some other bullshit. Just another way of dismissing us.


So it's got to the point where the vocal minority in this case us is being claimed as not representative of women as a whole in that thread. That's completely dismissive of our opinion.
yeah, girl, I'm so done. Now it's moving to "well the women on GAF aren't a good sample set" or some other bullshit. Just another way of dismissing us.

I mean Jesus, the op has a petition that clearly has supporters who oppose it, who share the exact same opinions as us, yet for us on this site it's anecdotal. What in the hell?
I mean Jesus, the op has a petition that clearly has supporters who oppose it, who share the exact same opinions as us, yet for us on this site it's anecdotal. What in the hell?

"It's an anti-drunk poster that focuses on rape and puts the blame on the woman."
"No, it's just an anti-drunk poster that tells women they should be careful."

"The emphasis is on telling women not to drink because they might be raped."
"No, it's clearly warning against being drunk. See that small text at the bottom of the poster?"


is a goddamn bear
yeah, girl, I'm so done. Now it's moving to "well the women on GAF aren't a good sample set" or some other bullshit. Just another way of dismissing us.


I shouldn't go into that thread. I know I shouldn't because I'm fresh outta patience for the bullshit.
I've had it up to here with these dudes who come into these threads and tell us how wrong we are.

Stop fucking arguing with us for the sake of arguing, listen to what actual women have to say, and have a rational fucking discussion about it from there.


is a goddamn bear
Thanks Dax.

Ugh, I lose respect for so many people on GAF every day. There's a lot of GAFfers that have common sense and I got nothing but love for them, but some people... jeez, wtf is wrong.


I don't post in those kinds of threads. I read, make faces, and just leave it. It's pretty pointless, unfortunately.


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Oh wow this thread. Fucking hell. I'm legit angry. And when someone linked to that drink-palming thread and people were going "what a bitch what's her problem", man, fuck that. Good thing I'm supposed to leave in a few minutes to help a friend install something at his house because that gives me an excuse to get off the Internet where assholes post their asshole opinions and ---

--- asrfsdghydrhtfd
It's no secret we are quite the minority on this board, but on a whole as women, rape is something that most women would agree is not talked about fairly. The fact that our input was dismissed despite the petition in the OP that clearly shows that many of our opposition is warranted and in line with that "number", is ridiculous.


It's frustrating, and I certainly don't have the bravery some of you do to stay persistent in a thread. I might gather up the nerve and make one post but usually not more. I admire and respect those of you who keep fighting the good fight.


Holy shit at that thread. It is so fucking infuriating how some posters are determined to not listen to any women in the thread.


That thread is a shit show, it just does what all the other rape/feminism threads do...goes in circles and has a bunch of people not listening or even TRYING to understand.

'um it is not what you said it is because DERP' *runs in circles*

That is all I see.


The rape poster thread is stupid, because people are ignoring the reality that rape still isn't always taken seriously, and often the victim is blamed (or made partly responsible for the rape happening) when reporting it. Since this is still such a pervasive problem, campaigns aimed at asking women to change their behavior to lessen their chance of being raped, pretty much just plays into the victim blaming narrative that is already a problem (even if the campaigns intention isn't to victim blame, it's tone deaf in that it's ignoring the reality of the situation).

It sucks because, those arguing for the ad campaigns are doing it with good intentions. ie. There is a crime, these are the stats about it, now let's inform people of the kind of situations where the crime often taken place. They see it as information that could help someone. But since rape is still not handled right (by society/community's and even authorities), these kind of campaigns aren't helpful at all, and in fact are just aiding the narrative. It sucks because the debate pretty much runs around in circles, since these people won't acknowledge the fact that rape is often blamed on the victim, and that it's still not handled the way it should be. I've pretty much given up arguing in the thread, because it becomes an endless loop.

Thing is, I get where they are coming from. But if you don't acknowledge the reality of how rape is still treated (how society still views it), and that victim blaming is something that happens a lot, then you are divorcing these campaigns from a real context of how rape is treated and viewed on the whole. And that is why the debate never goes anywhere (because of their refusal to acknowledge this).


These threads are always the same.

"1/3 reported rapes happened to someone drinking" is apparently not a flimsy statement that needs to be looked at in any critical way - just accept it, girls, you need to be told water is wet. This is really good advice.

The more detailed, well-reasoned arguments in favor of maybe educating men not to rape? "wait, not so fast...we need to examine what you just said really closely. where are those stats from? we need to be really careful and triple-check that it will have any effect. we need to tie ourselves in semantic knots just to make sure we're getting anywhere. also, dont' tell any would-be criminals what to do"


These threads are always the same.

"1/3 reported rapes happened to someone drinking" is apparently not a flimsy statement that needs to be looked at in any critical way - just accept it, girls, you need to be told water is wet. This is really good advice.

The more detailed, well-reasoned arguments in favor of maybe educating men not to rape? "wait, not so fast...we need to examine what you just said really closely. where are those stats from? we need to be really careful and triple-check that it will have any effect. we need to tie ourselves in semantic knots just to make sure we're getting anywhere. also, dont' tell any would-be criminals what to do"

At the very least, you would think education on what proper consent is, and defining rape would come before asking women to curve their behavior to lessen their chance of being raped. That we are jumping straight to campaigns telling women to change their behavior, before trying to tackle the issue of why rape happens, is pretty disgusting.
What gets me mad is, the ad address women, who already know the line between drunk and pissy drunk. However it doesn't teach men the signs of that reaction. Then they don't acknowledge the unintentional rapist that becomes a rapist ultimately because they decided to be ignorant of the signs and do as they please. Yet women are the ones who get the blame by being ignorant of their limits. Please... I can't.

Also, some act as if drunk men can't rape either. Ugh...


That thread kept me up until 5am and it was only 4 pages by then. I think that from now on, we really should just change the topic to "what men should be doing" instead. It's like these guys think they are the very first people to give us "advice" on how to ensure our safety. As if we haven't had every person in our lives from childhood warning us about how precious our bodies are to others and how we need to protect it lol.

I went to see Wanda Sykes' standup several years ago (it was recorded and showed on HBO I think) and she had a whole thing on how we need to invent a "Detachable Pussy." It was a way that we could remove our vaginas and lock them up safely, and then we'd be able to go jogging at night without fear, or go to the club and not have to worry because our magical vaginas were behind lock and key. I can see that this isn't funny when I write it out but it was hilarious coming from her.

Here's a link: Definitely NSFW
It's no secret we are quite the minority on this board, but on a whole as women, rape is something that most women would agree is not talked about fairly. The fact that our input was dismissed despite the petition in the OP that clearly shows that many of our opposition is warranted and in line with that "number", is ridiculous.

You know what is weird? A couple of weeks ago there was another huge thread about some old guy shooting burgers that had robbed his house multiple times. In that thread I mentioned I can liken being robbed to being raped (in my head they are closely related because you feel powerless while something of your is taken from you by force, right before your very eyes). I have been robbed before, as in looking at the person in the eye whIle they did it and had such fear...then a whole shit load of posters replied "oh how can you compare that to rape, how the hell would you know?" Well, as a matter of fact I have been and I admitted that in the thread. Everyone just seemed to drop their arguments right then and there. Why did it take me being a guy for this to happen though?

Women here are sitting here telling them exactly what they go through but their words are being dismissed? We don't know what it's like, that's why forums are such a great place, because we can get multiple perspectives. Ignoring a certain perspective is such a waste of a resource that can enrich yourself as someone who can take in diverse opinions to better form your own.
That thread was a cesspool.

I was posting until page 5 or so but then I had to sleep because it was 2 AM, and it is nicely locked down now. Thanks, mods! I can't see any further points in allowing that circular discussion to continue on, except if I want to continue boiling in my anger and frustration.

Which, I really dont.

It's so pointless talking at some dudes, sometimes. As if women are incapable of realising common sense or dangerous situations. We have been told over and over again of tips that may save our delicate selves from the society (men).

And then it reached the point where MEN were literally speaking over us and dismissing our points of view because we were an inconvenient noise in their internal narratives.

Fucking hell.

I gave up.

Liu Kang, Kark, and a few other dudes were awesome, as usual. And I luv you all, girlGAFfers <3


I'm glad I went to sleep when I did and missed the second half of the thread.

*eye twitches at the memory of the first half*
You know what is weird? A couple of weeks ago there was another huge thread about some old guy shooting burgers that had robbed his house multiple times. In that thread I mentioned I can liken being robbed to being raped (in my head they are closely related because you feel powerless while something of your is taken from you by force, right before your very eyes). I have been robbed before, as in looking at the person in the eye whIle they did it and had such fear...then a whole shit load of posters replied "oh how can you compare that to rape, how the hell would you know?" Well, as a matter of fact I have been and I admitted that in the thread. Everyone just seemed to drop their arguments right then and there. Why did it take me being a guy for this to happen though?

Women here are sitting here telling them exactly what they go through but their words are being dismissed? We don't know what it's like, that's why forums are such a great place, because we can get multiple perspectives. Ignoring a certain perspective is such a waste of a resource that can enrich yourself as someone who can take in diverse opinions to better form your own.

I don't know honestly. It's honestly annoying every time these topics come around. It's so consistent as well. It's like, even if it offends us it wrong. Even if we first hand experience it's wrong. Even if we take extra measure to insure our safety it's wrong. We don't win in any situation.


I'm wondering if I should buy FFVIII on that PSN sale so that I can see what Wazzy is always talking about. :p

I have also never played a Final Fantasy game. D:
I'm wondering if I should buy FFVIII on that PSN sale so that I can see what Wazzy is always talking about. :p

I have also never played a Final Fantasy game. D:

I wouldn't suggest FF8 for your first FF game tbh. 7 or 9 would probably be easier to get into.


Y'all. New celeb crush.


Thanks GotG.

im going to see it in a few days' time *_________*

hooray beautiful men <333333

Also, Mucha's works are super gorgeous *_____*

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I'm wondering if I should buy FFVIII on that PSN sale so that I can see what Wazzy is always talking about. :p
I would strongly, strongly advise against that if you value your sanity. :p

I have also never played a Final Fantasy game. D:
Have you played (and enjoyed) a jRPG before? If so, you might like some FF games. The good ones are all pre-7. 7 itself is pretty good, but a bit overrated. 4-5-6 are better. :) The others after 7 can all die in a fire, I reckon.


It looks great! I've got a bit of a soft spot for fairy tales and myths, which is why I loved Neil Gaiman's "Stardust." However, I like them even better if they've been re-imagined to reverse or break the old gender roles and tropes.

With our trusty help she'll have no problem getting into it.


Just cuz it's not like any of the other FF games on sale. Playing it first and then expecting the same from the others would just be super awkward.

But yes I'd be willing to tag-team with you and help out.
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