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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
As someone who admires Dawkins, this is greatly disappointing. Urgh, I defended him often when people said he was an ass, but now he's giving them reason. Idiot. -_-


Why the hell do people keep holding this guy up as a bastion of logic? I used to have a lot of respect for him as a scientific thinker, having read many of his books on evolution and genetics. But every new thing I hear from him these days on anything not to do with science is dismissive, shoddily reasoned and obtuse as hell. And when people call him out on his crap, he defaults to this horribly smug attitude: "What I said was stupid and hurtful? But, but, but I'm so logical - you fuzzy-brained ladies (and gents) are obviously thinking with your feelings!"

I'm not sure that I've ever felt more duped by an individual than Dawkins. I had an immense level of respect for the man, but once the veil was lifted, he has done nothing but disappoint and frustrate since. It makes me retroactively feel dumber for once caring about his opinion above anyone else's.


I'm not sure that I've ever felt more duped by an individual than Dawkins. I had an immense level of respect for the man, but once the veil was lifted, he has done nothing but disappoint and frustrate since. It makes me retroactively feel dumber for once caring about his opinion above anyone else's.

I feel the same way. I've even met him and had some books signed by him.
Good luck with it! Easiest way to cut without really changing much is cut out the liquid sugars. Do you drink soda at all or pre-sweetened tea, etc.? Or the GAF fitness thread? I think Leeness found some good advice there.

Nope - I drink tons of tea, but it's always unsweetened Earl Grey. I have a giant box of teabags in my desk - Captain Picard would be proud! I think the root of the problem is chocolate. LOL!


Gorgeous photos! You both look absolutely stunning - and this one in particular is adorable!

The black sash and shoes are awesome - they really bring the whole thing up to date, and tie things together with your lovely dark hair.


formerly Oynox Slider
I've always preferred Hitchens to Dawkins, but that's mainly because of his vicious tongue. It's something to behold when he's in a foul mood or angry about something.


Never got the love of Dawkins. Other than a few interesting books there's nothing I've really appreciated about him. (I will cede that he's been important as a vocal atheist though)

My boyfriend got me a metroid hat.


Blood Red Sky, I will be your MyFitnessPal friend, if you want :)

H. Pro, dem photos tho ;_;

Last day in Rome :( Ate chocolate croissant, gelato and pasta today lol. Pasta all day, err day. Then never again when I get home. Back to Paris tomorrow. I'm going to stuff my face with more things I will never eat again when I get back home haha.

I'm so happy, lol, over 1700 photos so far (and still two more days in Paris) and only two have me in them. Success. Can remember beautiful trip being beautiful without it being tainted in ugly. Yaaaaas.


Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · 23h
.@dashcroftGIS It's still her word against his. Drunk in charge of competence to testify against him is like drunk in charge of a car.

.@mrgregariously Exactly. If you want to drive, don't get drunk. If you want to be in a position to testify & jail a man, don't get drunk.

This is such a ridiculous analogy to make and continue to defend, holy shit
Donno Dawkins very well but he sounds like a stuffy little old man that's in love with his own voice :x

My boyfriend got me a metroid hat.

wow that so cooool :D great bf!!

Last day in Rome :( Ate chocolate croissant, gelato and pasta today lol. Pasta all day, err day. Then never again when I get home. Back to Paris tomorrow. I'm going to stuff my face with more things I will never eat again when I get back home haha.

I'm so happy, lol, over 1700 photos so far (and still two more days in Paris) and only two have me in them. Success. Can remember beautiful trip being beautiful without it being tainted in ugly. Yaaaaas.

Last day is Rome :( Pastafest almost gone :( But home is, I find, sometimes the best place in the world :D

1700+ photos are a respectable number :O Good work, so far, Leeness! :D

And haha you're just like my bestie. Whenever we go anywhere, she'd be avoiding pics at all costs so all of our pics only have me in them as if I always take trips on my own

Are those... Hand pins?

But there can only be one Hand of the King!

They are, indeed. It's true there can only be one, but they die so quickly. Having 4 was like, insurance. ;)

:) It was a lovely day.

Chickens and backrubs XD What an adorable vow <333333333

OMG no i wasn't here, GAF suspended my account at that time cuz I changed jobs and I changed my email address to this account and it took forever for them to remember me :<

But that's not too cheesy! >___< I love that! Do you have photo of the egg and engagement ring??? omg that's super adorbs <3333333333

I also had to vow never to bar him from the gym and he's my eternal coffee slave. It's a good deal!

And here are the egg(s)!


Thanks everyone. It does help. I'm an up and down kind of person. Really high highs, really low lows, not much in between. But thanks :D

H.Pro - your pictures......your wedding.....your dress!...wow. Too much gorgeousness!

The gift of cats attacking small children is my pleasure to share~

And, cheers! Just relieved it all came together in the end. ^_^

Guys, your weddings pics are so amazing, im tearing up. You all got your happy ending .

H. I love the black belt combo, very daring.

Thanks, Samara! It's been a very, ah, complicated relationship because of the international nature of it (Goddamn your VISA system, Australia... ;_;), but we're getting there.

As for the black sash and shoe notes, I was just like, shit, man, I ain't no virgin (and slightly evil). Black and white were also super easy 'colors' to arrange things around for the wedding. Heeheehee.

Sorry to hear you're feeling down sploatee. :( And those are some fantastic photographs, H. Protagonist!

Fuuuuu...Richard Dawkins is being such an ass. Sorry, I need to rant about it.

(Warning ahead - he's talking about rape again on Twitter and being incredibly obtuse. He's like an American republican; it's like he just can't help himself.)

Thanks, Yrael~ And damned Dawkins. I also had admired the guy on some level, but he's just been the worst lately. -_-;

My god H.Pro those pictures are wonderful! Also loving your Hand pins. :D

Thank ya, Infinite. Some came out nice. ^_^ And the pins/boxes were such nice little touches. Was really proud of him.

Nope - I drink tons of tea, but it's always unsweetened Earl Grey. I have a giant box of teabags in my desk - Captain Picard would be proud! I think the root of the problem is chocolate. LOL!

Gorgeous photos! You both look absolutely stunning - and this one in particular is adorable!

The black sash and shoes are awesome - they really bring the whole thing up to date, and tie things together with your lovely dark hair.

Nice! Picard really is the barometer by which we should all measure our awesomeness. Sounds like dropping chocolate is going to be hard for you, though. Wishing you much strength when facing dark chocolate and sea salt bars~

And thanks very much. :) I felt kind of cheesy when they did those up close/prom ones, so the smiling ones are rather goofy looking, but at least these look nice if a tad sinister? Haha. Really happy the black additions worked out too. It was more a nod to anti-wedding-ness traditions, but I hoped it might come off as classy too. Feel better now that you guys seem to feel the same. *phew*

Blood Red Sky, I will be your MyFitnessPal friend, if you want :)

H. Pro, dem photos tho ;_;

Last day in Rome :( Ate chocolate croissant, gelato and pasta today lol. Pasta all day, err day. Then never again when I get home. Back to Paris tomorrow. I'm going to stuff my face with more things I will never eat again when I get back home haha.

I'm so happy, lol, over 1700 photos so far (and still two more days in Paris) and only two have me in them. Success. Can remember beautiful trip being beautiful without it being tainted in ugly. Yaaaaas.

Danke, danke, Leeness. You gonna post some pictures of your own? Would love to see your adventures. The city, the culture, the food... ;_; So good. Don't be so hard on yourself, though! Being happier with your body/self is one of the keys to getting weight off. Or at least it was in my case. Don't stress so much and just enjoy your time there.

And, fitness buddies are great for motivation! You guys should go for it.

Heck, maybe a GG fitness thing. I'm always reluctant to post in the fitness thread. :p
H.Pro I've never been one of those girls who dreams about their wedding day, but your wedding photos are like... from the wedding I've always subconsciously dreamed about! Everything just looks so classy and gorgeous, yet fun!
I also had to vow never to bar him from the gym and he's my eternal coffee slave. It's a good deal!

And here are the egg(s)!


wuuaaaaaaaa *____* i wants an eternal coffee slave too, pls *____*

and omg those eggs <333 lakjshdkajsdasdi have never seen a more fab ring bearer thingers <3 so awesome <3333

i hope your ring will grow up to be a very healthy dragon! By dragon I mean marriage! :D


Last day is Rome :( Pastafest almost gone :( But home is, I find, sometimes the best place in the world :D

1700+ photos are a respectable number :O Good work, so far, Leeness! :D

And haha you're just like my bestie. Whenever we go anywhere, she'd be avoiding pics at all costs so all of our pics only have me in them as if I always take trips on my own


Pastafest over ;_; I went and ate some delicious pasta last night tho.

This was definitely my fave of the pastas I had. Had thick bacon in it and was just delicious and perfect.

Also had this. Top to bottom: fresh whipped cream, hazelnut gelato, banana gelato, waffle cone with freshly poured chocolate in it. #fatgirlheaven

And yep, avoid pictures at all cost to make sure I am not tainting anything.

Danke, danke, Leeness. You gonna post some pictures of your own? Would love to see your adventures. The city, the culture, the food... ;_; So good. Don't be so hard on yourself, though! Being happier with your body/self is one of the keys to getting weight off. Or at least it was in my case. Don't stress so much and just enjoy your time there.

And, fitness buddies are great for motivation! You guys should go for it.

Heck, maybe a GG fitness thing. I'm always reluctant to post in the fitness thread. :p

Over 1700 aaaahhhh. I will post some when I get home though. Some of churches and art pieces (MICHAELANGELO'S DAVID) and others :)

Almost over :( Tomorrow I'm going to shop for things for my family and then spend my last evening on top of the Eiffel Tower :( Tomorrow is also crepe day haha. Breakfast crepe (ham, cheese, egg) and then dinner is glorious Nutella/banana crepe.

Going to miss travelling :( But I am looking forward to sleeping in my bed, hugging my family and cuddling my kitty cat. :)


(Warning ahead - he's talking about rape again on Twitter and being incredibly obtuse. He's like an American republican; it's like he just can't help himself

Richard Dawkins is very bad at making analogies, that thread about his other twitter comments is evidence of that.

I was curious however, to look at his tweets in context. I wanted to see who he was actually responding to, and why he is actually talking about it to begin with. I'm still not certain what started it, but having read through his posts the basic gist of it is, there needs to be evidence to convict someone of rape. That is basically his argument.

His analogies are bad, but I also find the people he is responding to fucking mental.

@dashcroftGIS Sep 12
@RichardDawkins @Jachra too drunk is also no. If you cannot consent with a clear head and remember then it is no

Case closed. Basically she is saying it is rape exactly because she can't remember. That is an argument a number of people are making. This type of mindset completely subverts a person's right to a fair trial though. A person is innocent until proven guilty. Guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The problem is people go out and get drunk, often times both parties are drunk and actively engaging in drunken sex. This is just a fact of life. Not remembering what happened isn't evidence in itself that at the time she was not actively engaging in sex.

I don't know what started this, but typing 'rape' and 'too drunk to remember' into google does bring up a number of cases. One I read was a woman who got drunk with her friend and woke up the next morning naked in his bed. She couldn't remember what happened so she accused him of rape. The whole basis of the case was around she was too drunk to consent. This got thrown out, but I find it kind of terrifying really that for it to make it to court in the first place, he would have had to be formally charged with the crime of rape. "I don't remember" is evidence enough to take it to court. That is non-evidence though. And if the Jury was anything like some of people that responded to Dawkins, he would have been found guilty.

This tweet sums it up for me:
@Cheese_Butties Sep 12
@RichardDawkins I think I was burgled last night, too drunk to remember. TV missing though, Barry must've done it. Yeah he did, arrest him.

Of course that would never make it to court. For argument sake anyway, even if "too drunk to remember" is evidence enough to convict someone, they would still have to prove they were actually too drunk to consent. Ultimately it boils down to their word against his, and that simply cannot and should not lead to a conviction. That's convicting someone based on a hunch he is guilty. He is guilty because I feel it in my bones.


is a goddamn bear
Wearing a scarf today ;D

I also love to break out my crazy color long socks.

Don't even get me started on how much I love turtleneck sweaters.

Besides the fashion, this time of year I usually feel flourished with creativity. Tis the best


It's been nice and cool here in NYC. But I've been wearing skirts and shorts too long. I put on pants again and it's so gross and tight. :mad:
its spring here. loads of rain but also loads and loads of gorgeous weather. the cherry blossom trees and blooming, so pretty *___*

idk but australian local govt plants cherry blossom trees along A LOT of melbourne streets. soooooooo gorgeous.


I really wish we had Halloween over here. It seems like a fun autumn celebration. I think i'm going to carve out some pumpkins this year anyway. We do have some holiday were kids go door to door so i even get to show off my awesome first time creations if they are good enough :>
I really wish we had Halloween over here. It seems like a fun autumn celebration. I think i'm going to carve out some pumpkins this year anyway. We do have some holiday were kids go door to door so i even get to show off my awesome first time creations if they are good enough :>

Every year I tell myself I'm going to carve a pumpkin, then I never do. 2014 shall be the year of the pumpkin!


^- The thing is, isn't a rape-kit or a rape-test what would be considered evidence?

If a person wakes up, thinks someone might have had sex with them, but they didn't remember because they were too drunk to give consent, and then goes to get a rape kit done-- and it shows that yes, she was raped, and has DNA evidence of who it is... isn't that enough?

We don't allow people to have sex with minors and mentally under-developed people for the same reason. They can't legally give consent.

Those don't always exist though. Sounds like he was talking about when there's absolutely no evidence other than intuition.
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