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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


I absolutely loved LEGO. In fact I wouldn't mind playing with it now.

It inspires a lot of good traits such as creativity, reading/following instructions, imagination.

I always had stuff like this when I was young including video games. I was never one for dolls.
I loved lego growing up but usually my brother would get it for his birthday and such. I did manage to get a few trucks and cars but now that i think of it, they all ended up at my brothers house too.


Just found out my cat needs to get a few teeth pulled. She's old and didn´t have many left in the first place but now she´ll basically only have her front teeth left. They say cats can live just fine without teeth, but i still feel bad for the little one. Feeling bad for my wallet too, surgery will be around 350 to 400 euro (400/500 dollars). Seriously those prices went up over the last decade :/
I loved lego growing up but usually my brother would get it for his birthday and such. I did manage to get a few trucks and cars but now that i think of it, they all ended up at my brothers house too.


Just found out my cat needs to get a few teeth pulled. She's old and didn´t have many left in the first place but now she´ll basically only have her front teeth left. They say cats can live just fine without teeth, but i still feel bad for the little one. Feeling bad for my wallet too, surgery will be around 350 to 400 euro (400/500 dollars). Seriously those prices went up over the last decade :/

Vets' bills are appallingly high. This is about the price that was quoted for my mum's dog (in UK).

Prices are inflated beyond what I think are acceptable; it is emotional blackmail as you want to do the best for your animals.

I had to take my budgie to the vet several months ago after his eye was injured and he needed to be anaesthetised so they could take a closer look. The vet almost looked apologetic when she quoted the price but I just wanted him to be fixed up. He was okay but doesn't have a right eye any more.


If the prices keep rising like they are soon having a pet will be reserved for the elite. Quite sucky if you ask me.
It's also bad for the vets themselves, they are scaring away their customers with their prices. Slowly but surely putting themselves out of business in the long run. Even with the best of will, not every pet owner will be able to pay those bills for needed surgeries.

Glad to hear your budgie is doing well again!
If the prices keep rising like they are soon having a pet will be reserved for the elite. Quite sucky if you ask me.
It's also bad for the vets themselves, they are scaring away their customers with their prices. Slowly but surely putting themselves out of business in the long run. Even with the best of will, not every pet owner will be able to pay those bills for needed surgeries.

Glad to hear your budgie is doing well again!

At the end of it all the animal is the one that will end up suffering if people cannot afford the treatment. Medicines have a large mark up in pricing too. Nutritional powder I buy for my finches can be bought at double the size and half the price than at the vets.

Thanks, George is okay now. He was very brave as it was a very nasty injury. It is amazing how resilient an animal (well bird in this case!) can be.


I'm so devastated I had to put my ferret down yesterday. I thought she had been improving but she suddenly couldn't walk nor eat and when we took her in the vet said she had an enlarged Kidney which meant with her weight loss and age she wouldn't be able to recover back to proper health.

I've had her since I was in highschool and she was my first ferret and one of the best animals I could ever have. God euthanization is so hard every time. :(

Sorry to be a downer guys. This is also an update since I said I would post a picture of her recovering. :( I'll edit some older pictures of in.

Also Fiction: I was really sad yesterday so I didn't want to comment on FB but thank you for the hugs and comment. The support has really been helping me. I know you're especially understanding since you've got your own little ball of energy.


Oh Wazzy. I'm sorry to hear that. :(

My condolences, Wazzy. :(

I'm sorry Wazzy :(.

I'm so sorry to hear that, wazzy. All my hugs.

Thank you everyone. :(

Here's a picture of her from years ago and it was always my favourite.


She was seriously one of the best ferrets ever.


Sorry to hear. Sucks to have to put a pet down, i hope I never have to. And such a cutie too.. At least it won't be in pain anymore. Sometimes it's really the only option.
At the end of it all the animal is the one that will end up suffering if people cannot afford the treatment. Medicines have a large mark up in pricing too. Nutritional powder I buy for my finches can be bought at double the size and half the price than at the vets.

Thanks, George is okay now. He was very brave as it was a very nasty injury. It is amazing how resilient an animal (well bird in this case!) can be.
True, i understand vets are running a business and wish to make a little profit too but it always just feels wrong somehow when you are talking about living creatures.
Thank you everyone. :(

Here's a picture of her from years ago and it was always my favourite.

She was seriously one of the best ferrets ever.

Lily was adorable. I am sorry to hear that you had to make the decision but suffering is not the way it should be.

Condolences to you and RIP Lily.


sparkle this bitch
Question for ladies about your first time. I'm currently dating someone who is a virgin and we decided to go for it the other night. About an hour or so of trying, we gave up for the night and decided to give it a go when we have more time. About the only thing that fit in was the head of the cock, before she said it was too tight and painful.

Any tips and tricks? We're going slow and being patience. I'm trying for a bit with missionary then she is with riding. We have lube and switched out the condom a few times too if it got too dry. Also used fingers too to lose her up. Is there anything else I could be doing on my part? Or she on her part?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Go away for a fun kendo week-end and come back to sad GAF :( I'm so sorry Wazzy. *hugs*

One of my sensei succeeded at his grading examination, I'm so happy for him. He worked really hard for it and it showed, he totally nailed the exam, it was beautiful.


It snowed like crazy a couple nights ago in Vancouver. It's sunny and finally melting it lol
Go away for a fun kendo week-end and come back to sad GAF :( I'm so sorry Wazzy. *hugs*

One of my sensei succeeded at his grading examination, I'm so happy for him. He worked really hard for it and it showed, he totally nailed the exam, it was beautiful.
Thanks <3 I'm doing a lot better now even though I still really miss her.
She was beautiful <3 Pets' companionship give so much into our lives, so so much.
I completely agree. :D I love my animals so much and I'm glad I had my pup with me because she's been comforting me throughout this whole thing.
Sorry to hear. Sucks to have to put a pet down, i hope I never have to. And such a cutie too.. At least it won't be in pain anymore. Sometimes it's really the only option.
Thank you :) It was definitely for the best with the condition she was in and how much worse it would have gotten had it continued.
Lily was adorable. I am sorry to hear that you had to make the decision but suffering is not the way it should be.

Condolences to you and RIP Lily.
Thank you and I completely agree. It's extremely hard to make the decision of putting an animal down but you think about their suffering and know it's the right decision even if it hurts like crazy. I've decided that no matter what, if an animal needs to be put down I'll stay with them through it and I've done it for three pets. It never get's easier. :(
I'm really sorry Wazzy =(

Sorry for your loss Wazzy. :(

Sorry about your loss, Wazzy. :(

Thanks you guys. This why GirlGAF is the best what with all the support. :)


Hi GirlGAF, I'm typing out a blog post or at least sorting out some thoughts and since we have a few people that are trans here, I have a question if you are willing to answer as you have seemed to be opened to doing.

The other day, my mom asked about what to get my daughter for Christmas, and I made a point of saying that I didn't want her to be limited by toys marketed to boys and toys marketed to girls. Then my mom said something that went a little like, "Cathy, I know your heart is in the right place, but I want her to know she's a girl." I was too taken aback to probably respond properly and said something like the whole world would be telling her she's a girl, so I'd think she'd know.

Was that, in some way, trans-phobic or prejudiced, of my mom? I suppose I could be guilty too by my response. My daughter's only 17 months old and while she may very well grow to be a girl and later woman with feminine traits, from what I read about such issues, I would learn more about that from her than my and everyone else instilling it on her.

For what it's worth, I only know about transgender issues that I read about online, as I don't know any individuals who have openly told that about themselves to me.


1. If she is barely over a year old she propably is just developing her cosnciousness and identity.

2. Your mom is not her mom. You are.

3. The choice of toys won't change her self-perception. She will still learn what she prefers.

4. What might harm her is enforcing stereotypes regardless of her personality.

An introspective from myself:
The thing is; my mom was one of those "I want a boy first and foremost"-mother, my sister was like an aftertought. I was crammed into the little boy mold with all her might while my sis got sidelined.

It's actually a pretty symptomatic behavior from what I have read.

The problem is she hurt both of us in the end. On one hand she suffocated me with her "love" wich I now see more of a self fullfilling of her penis-envy on the other hand I see how my sister was left alone and unloved too often.

Later I developed tons of behavioral issues in pre-school age and had often allergic reactions over nothing (I have no allergies), I had erratic, hyperactive and unconcentrated behavior wich doctors never were able to link to a diagnosis like ADD and such. I was just "not right", meanwhile we siblings were both still subject to delibrate gender-stereotyping wich made my sister become very protective of her gender role since it was one of the few things she had exclusively for herself.

I on the other hand became more and more disenfranchised from myself. I was like the middle of the universe for my mother while I felt like my own psyche chipped away piece for piece and left only a chaotic emptiness in me.

When we later moved I started to get bullied heavily and everything became worse, my behavior became more corrupted, I started to act almost like an automatic imitation of boy-behavior. I started to get depressed, I mean I really tried to be a boy and like it, I really wanted to make my parents happy... and society.

I tought the only reason to exist is to fulfill abstract norms and make others happy. But it hurt me more and more. And my mother started to become disapointed and distrustful of me anyway. I started to feel like she lets me fall as much as my sister.

I basically had a breakdown during the time of my pre-teens where I realised that I only can be happy as a girl. But puberty would be even worse. But I don't want to talk about this.
Fuck my childhood.


1. If she is barely over a year old she propably is just developing her cosnciousness and identity.

2. Your mom is not her mom. You are.

3. The choice of toys won't change her self-perception. She will still learn what she prefers.

4. What might harm her is enforcing stereotypes regardless of her personality.

An introspective from myself:
The thing is; my mom was one of those "I want a boy first and foremost"-mother, my sister was like an aftertought. I was crammed into the little boy mold with all her might while my sis got sidelined.

It's actually a pretty symptomatic behavior from what I have read.

The problem is she hurt both of us in the end. On one hand she suffocated me with her "love" wich I now see more of a self fullfilling of her penis-envy on the other hand I see how my sister was left alone and unloved too often.

Later I developed tons of behavioral issues in pre-school age and had often allergic reactions over nothing (I have no allergies), I had erratic, hyperactive and unconcentrated behavior wich doctors never were able to link to a diagnosis like ADD and such. I was just "not right", meanwhile we siblings were both still subject to delibrate gender-stereotyping wich made my sister become very protective of her gender role since it was one of the few things she had exclusively for herself.

I on the other hand became more and more disenfranchised from myself. I was like the middle of the universe for my mother while I felt like my own psyche chipped away piece for piece and left only a chaotic emptiness in me.

When we later moved I started to get bullied heavily and everything became worse, my behavior became more corrupted, I started to act almost like an automatic imitation of boy-behavior. I started to get depressed, I mean I really tried to be a boy and like it, I really wanted to make my parents happy... and society.

I tought the only reason to exist is to fulfill abstract norms and make others happy. But it hurt me more and more. And my mother started to become disapointed and distrustful of me anyway. I started to feel like she lets me fall as much as my sister.

I basically had a breakdown during the time of my pre-teens where I realised that I only can be happy as a girl. But puberty would be even worse. But I don't want to talk about this.
Fuck my childhood.

Thank you for your extensive reply. I'm sorry you had to go through that. It is stories like yours where I want to do what is right for her.

I suppose 4 is why I'm trying to be mindful of the types of toys she is given. I want to be open-minded about the person she grows up to be and make sure she knows that too.


Rolling Girl
Hi GirlGAF, I'm typing out a blog post or at least sorting out some thoughts and since we have a few people that are trans here, I have a question if you are willing to answer as you have seemed to be opened to doing.

The other day, my mom asked about what to get my daughter for Christmas, and I made a point of saying that I didn't want her to be limited by toys marketed to boys and toys marketed to girls. Then my mom said something that went a little like, "Cathy, I know your heart is in the right place, but I want her to know she's a girl." I was too taken aback to probably respond properly and said something like the whole world would be telling her she's a girl, so I'd think she'd know.

Was that, in some way, trans-phobic or prejudiced, of my mom? I suppose I could be guilty too by my response. My daughter's only 17 months old and while she may very well grow to be a girl and later woman with feminine traits, from what I read about such issues, I would learn more about that from her than my and everyone else instilling it on her.

For what it's worth, I only know about transgender issues that I read about online, as I don't know any individuals who have openly told that about themselves to me.

I wouldn't really say it's transphobic but I would have appreciated not being pushed on that front growing up considering I wasn't really interested in stuff traditionally for boys and was more neutral overall for a long while. Anyways I don't think it's bad to have those things but maybe try and strike a balance with her gifts and let her gravitate to whatever she likes or just stick with gender neutral stuff for now. The "I want her to know she's a girl." thing there though kinda irks me though considering what my parents expectations did to me, so the freedom of choice seems to be the best path to me.


I wouldn't really say it's transphobic but I would have appreciated not being pushed on that front growing up considering I wasn't really interested in stuff traditionally for boys and was more neutral overall for a long while. Anyways I don't think it's bad to have those things but maybe try and strike a balance with her gifts and let her gravitate to whatever she likes or just stick with gender neutral stuff for now. The "I want her to know she's a girl." thing there though kinda irks me though considering what my parents expectations did to me, so the freedom of choice seems to be the best path to me.

Thanks for your input. The balance is my ideal until my daughter indicates otherwise.


I don't know about Devo, but I just checked Dax's Twitter, which is still active, so I'd guess she just flat out left or took a break from GAF. Last I saw of Devo was that street harassment topic.
I have been distancing myself from the thread. I think I would rather spectate for the time being. I've been doing the same for most of GAF too.

This thread? :< Hope we havent done anything wrong by you, Kathryn :<

I totally understand the distancing self from GAF though.

Hope everything is okay at your end, regardless


Rolling Girl
Thanks for your input. The balance is my ideal until my daughter indicates otherwise.

Yeah with the things I was told were appropriate I pretty much pretended to not like certain things for a long while so an environment where everything is permitted is nice. Try to fit the mold kinda broke me down over time to the point I spent about a year in my bed not really doing much of anything but playing games occasionally and watching late night TV without really enjoying them after I graduated. Well for the most part I'm saying your way of going about things seems much better for now. I wish your daughter well growing up!

Sorry if I'm just rambling on here.


Thank you for your extensive reply. I'm sorry you had to go through that. It is stories like yours where I want to do what is right for her.

I suppose 4 is why I'm trying to be mindful of the types of toys she is given. I want to be open-minded about the person she grows up to be and make sure she knows that too.
Sorry, I'm sometimes getting overboard with that stuff.

I wouldn't really say it's transphobic but I would have appreciated not being pushed on that front growing up considering I wasn't really interested in stuff traditionally for boys and was more neutral overall for a long while. Anyways I don't think it's bad to have those things but maybe try and strike a balance with her gifts and let her gravitate to whatever she likes or just stick with gender neutral stuff for now. The "I want her to know she's a girl." thing there though kinda irks me though considering what my parents expectations did to me, so the freedom of choice seems to be the best path to me.
I think you're right.


This thread? :< Hope we havent done anything wrong by you, Kathryn :<

I totally understand the distancing self from GAF though.

Hope everything is okay at your end, regardless

Part of it is that I have just been dealing with a lot of stuff lately, and haven't had as much of an urge/been in the right mindset to post. Other reason is something I'd rather talk about through PMs.

And thank you~
Part of it is that I have just been dealing with a lot of stuff lately, and haven't had as much of an urge/been in the right mindset to post. Other reason is something I'd rather talk about through PMs.

And thank you~

PMed you <3

Sounds like you've been through a rough patch, Kathryn :<

Aaah I miss my GAF sisters. But I understand how frustrating online places can be, at times. Hope y'all are keeping your chins up GAFsiz <3

(almost typed shins instead of chins there :x)
Are you alright fiction? I hope everythings ok! You're good people! :]

Unrelated/off topic but I met my step brothers dog for the first time over thanksgiving. It might be the cutest thing I've ever seen. He's got it trained to fall over when he "shoots" it with his fingers. He even rings a bell when he's got to go to the bathroom.

So basically now I want dog.


It's hard to write on mobile! And surgery made me all tired and not want to do anything, much less write. >.<

My brand new power supply to replace the brand new power supply that came with my brand new computer should be here soon >.<

Recovering from emergency surgery over the weekend, feeling way better than I was before the surgery but blah. Five I feel like I've been hit by a car lol. My whole abdomen is one huge bruise.

Sending well wishes your way.
It's hard to write on mobile! And surgery made me all tired and not want to do anything, much less write. >.<

My brand new power supply to replace the brand new power supply that came with my brand new computer should be here soon >.<

Recovering from emergency surgery over the weekend, feeling way better than I was before the surgery but blah. I feel like I've been hit by a car lol. My whole abdomen is one huge bruise.


Sorry to hear that, Fiction! Hope your recovery will be smooth. And dont worry about my nagging... I just love your Sherlock smut :x But your health comes first!!!!

Poor abdomen ;____;


I found out that my cat passed away.

Last night we let her out like we do every night. Usually she would spend a little time out and come back. She was gone for a while though, and so I went looking for her. She never turned up so I figured she ran off somewhere, and hoped she would just show up the next morning or something. My mom decided to look for her this morning and found her across the street. She was hit by a car, and died instantly.

Her name was Jinx. She was 12 years old. We rescued her from an abusive household. She was a young cat at heart who was full of life. She loved to play and explore. She was very selective about who she gave attention to, but when she did she was the sweetest cat in the world. I feel like I lost a daughter. She followed me around everywhere, and we had such a close bond. I taught her little things like how to wink, and she learned to recognize certain words and what they meant. She was very smart and had a strong personality.

This is all a huge shock. I've lost pets before, but Jinx was different. I take solace in the fact that she was rescued and able to have a long, happy life. I love her very deeply.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of her:

Sorry for dropping this on the thread. I felt the need to talk about this, and GirlGAF seemed like a good place to do it. I just can't believe she's gone.


Junior Member
Sorry for dropping this on the thread. I felt the need to talk about this, and GirlGAF seemed like a good place to do it. I just can't believe she's gone.

If you need to talk about it, feel free to do so, I'm here for you! She was a beautiful cat. Seemed very playful, too. I am very sorry for your loss.
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