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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Honestly it's pretty cool that folks lurk here to get exposure to different viewpoints. I dig it, just gotta remember my audience over here hahaha.
im wearing bras again how do you people do this

Weird situation: I cut ties with a friend when the relationship seemed to turn toxic. It's a year later and she just found me over social media and wanted to reconnect. So I'm like, "do you wanna hang out over break?" and she said yeah. Here's the twist: I'm following her now and it turns out she's an MRA/"Anti-SJ" type. Sooo now I'm in a pretty awkward situation where I learned that sometimes it's best to just let the dead stay dead.

also o/ sploatee, not a vegan but I'm a vegetarian!

Sorry if I came across RAWR-rawr-RAWR against all lurkers.

Waw. Not my intentions, clearly I failed... :x

I think lurkers are fine. I follow a few threads to educate myself on stuff too. I like to read and learn and understand things I don't quite have a good grasp on, but it's the specific type of lurkers that I was irked with. I guess I should have bolded the keyword being 'stalk'.... Stalker-lurker annoys me. Cuz they are bratty and they would follow people they hate just to get some ammo on them. There's something petty with this behaviour.

I never tail a poster or keep tabs on their activities to feed my hate-fuel. But I guess bunbuns has generated some hate due to her sometimes vocal stances on things.

She's probably a natural tank. I wonder what class she plays in WoW.... XD

Of course I extend a welcome to everyone who visits GG :) Y'all very nice people and I really feel this is my home away from home in GAF. But yeah.... sometimes i think it can be unfair to take things out of context....

I sort of feel more at ease talking in GG about certain things (like periods, or girl stuff, or abortion topics, etc.)... because I feel like the community has established a certain context of where I'm coming from, and vice versa. I know it's an illusion of safety, but it's there.

Anyway, I'm rambling now....

tl;dr GG is of course a community that exists on an open, online, public forum. And, all is welcome :D ................. (except stalker-lurkers >:O I still rawrrrrrrrrrrrr)

PS. I would welcome Professor High-Fibre Vegan Beef Substitute \o/


I guess I should have bolded the keyword being 'stalk'.... Stalker-lurker annoys me. Cuz they are bratty and they would follow people they hate just to get some ammo on them. There's something petty with this behaviour.

To be honest, it doesn't take much effort to remember controversial opinions, funny threads, etc. The guy probably just remembered what she posted and searched for it to make a snarky post.

I don't know the guy but really, that's not stalking if that's all he did. It IS against the rules to go all detective GAF on people though...
To be honest, it doesn't take much effort to remember controversial opinions, funny threads, etc. The guy probably just remembered what she posted and searched for it to make a snarky post.

I don't know the guy but really, that's not stalking if that's all he did. It IS against the rules to go all detective GAF on people though...

IDK... I have lost some faith in terms of bunbuns' detractors. This is NOT the first time that someone dredged up her more controversial posts that is actually NOT related to the discussion at hand.

What had her abortion stance had anything to do with her casting issues on Olivia Munn thread? I see no correlation. But yet..... smear is smeared, and heavily.

Terrible obsession against bunny, I find. Smells of stalking mindset.

But yeah, you're right. I should have given people more benefit of the doubt. It's just harder to do so sometimes when there's slants established.

Beef, but you are too delicious for your own good >:O I must chomp on you >:E

Beef, but you are too delicious for your own good >:O I must chomp on you >:E


I can defend myself, I'll have you know!



formerly Oynox Slider
You're just jealous because you miss bacon ;P

Hahahaha! I'm torn between two responses so I'll let you choose :)




"Don't do it, Mush. I have the high ground."

Honestly it's pretty cool that folks lurk here to get exposure to different viewpoints. I dig it, just gotta remember my audience over here hahaha.
im wearing bras again how do you people do this

Weird situation: I cut ties with a friend when the relationship seemed to turn toxic. It's a year later and she just found me over social media and wanted to reconnect. So I'm like, "do you wanna hang out over break?" and she said yeah. Here's the twist: I'm following her now and it turns out she's an MRA/"Anti-SJ" type. Sooo now I'm in a pretty awkward situation where I learned that sometimes it's best to just let the dead stay dead.

also o/ sploatee, not a vegan but I'm a vegetarian!

My American family are a bit like that. I love them but their views are so right wing it drove me away from Facebook (until I realised you could unfollow without unfriending). Every day was just another wave of pictures of bald eagles, Obama=Muslim=Terrorist, Israel=shining light of world and so on.

People do change though. One of my best friends went through a fascist phase. Really. It lasted about 2 years but then he stopped being racist.

Also, not a vegan! Also I'm not really a veggie as I only gave up meat full-time at Christmas. But our freezer is just full of things in green packaging that say things like that on them.


Does anyone here wear hijab or niqab? Just seen that thread over on OT but it seems like mostly blokes just having the discussion.



Yesterday, you see, a Redditor known as BA_Baracus posted a couple of simple questions to AskReddit: Women of Reddit, when did you first notice that men were looking at you in a sexual way? How old were you and how did it make you feel?

This wasn’t the first time he’d posted a question to his fellow Redditors; he’s posted a bunch, including “People of reddit with eyes that point in different directions, which one of them is usually looking at me?” and, er, “Recent rape victims of Reddit, how did it happen, and what the hell were you doing in India?” None of these questions got much of a response.

Sounds like the thread was made in totally good faith, and not at all for creepy reasons...




Sounds like the thread was made in totally good faith, and not at all for creepy reasons...

Lol yeah...I choose to ignore that since, even if it was started for shitty reasons, it seems to have become something good for awareness/some guys in the thread responding positively, etc.

Barf... man do I feel so lucky to have mostly avoided that crap.

Same. Makes me sad for others.

I read a lot of that thread. Very depressing. On the positive side, the sheer volume of responses actually got a few guys to finally get a clue about the reality of girls' experiences of being sexualized against our will. And only a few guys (that I saw) decided to remind us that some of them got creeped on by men too so it's just not that big of a deal.

I'm glad it looks like it's bringing something positive. Just sad to read all the responses. :/


That sounds about right. I didn't really have any sexual experiences with grown men pre-high school, but when I was nine a man attacked me with a lighter for standing in front of the ladies' dressing room. The worst part was everyone telling me he was such a "nice guy" after I told on him and made me shake his hand with my burned one. After that I lost total confidence in the system and it really wrecked me when I got my first stalker at ten and sexually harassed/assaulted at eleven because I internalized everything instead of speaking out. Even worse though was hearing my peers' stories in middle-high school and realizing that I got off lucky.

My American family are a bit like that. I love them but their views are so right wing it drove me away from Facebook (until I realised you could unfollow without unfriending). Every day was just another wave of pictures of bald eagles, Obama=Muslim=Terrorist, Israel=shining light of world and so on.

People do change though. One of my best friends went through a fascist phase. Really. It lasted about 2 years but then he stopped being racist.

Also, not a vegan! Also I'm not really a veggie as I only gave up meat full-time at Christmas. But our freezer is just full of things in green packaging that say things like that on them.

Ugh yeah, some of my family is like that too unfortunately. It can definitely get obnoxious at times. :( I was Republican-indoctrinated by my dad growing up, but everything changed when I started using a computer unsupervised. Honestly it's pretty amazing your friend came out of that, man. :eek:

I'm honestly thinking of blowing her off. It's not nice, but honestly I was happy to have this person out of my life and she's already proven why before I've even met her in person again. I don't expect everyone in my life to be a feminist/womanist icon but I have no tolerance for MRAs.

and ohhh ok! That's good enough in my book, but I'm not a veggie elitist like some others! :p but tbf I'm not a total veggie either since I'll eat Caesar dressing (my mom makes it without anchovy paste though and it tastes the same!).


formerly Oynox Slider
That sounds about right. I didn't really have any sexual experiences with grown men pre-high school, but when I was nine a man attacked me with a lighter for standing in front of the ladies' dressing room. The worst part was everyone telling me he was such a "nice guy" after I told on him and made me shake his hand with my burned one. After that I lost total confidence in the system and it really wrecked me when I got my first stalker at ten and sexually harassed/assaulted at eleven because I internalized everything instead of speaking out. Even worse though was hearing my peers' stories in middle-high school and realizing that I got off lucky.

Ugh yeah, some of my family is like that too unfortunately. It can definitely get obnoxious at times. :( I was Republican-indoctrinated by my dad growing up, but everything changed when I started using a computer unsupervised. Honestly it's pretty amazing your friend came out of that, man. :eek:

I'm honestly thinking of blowing her off. It's not nice, but honestly I was happy to have this person out of my life and she's already proven why before I've even met her in person again. I don't expect everyone in my life to be a feminist/womanist icon but I have no tolerance for MRAs.

and ohhh ok! That's good enough in my book, but I'm not a veggie elitist like some others! :p but tbf I'm not a total veggie either since I'll eat Caesar dressing (my mom makes it without anchovy paste though and it tastes the same!).

That sounds tough. You've got to do what feels right, hopefully at some point she won't be so dogmatic.

:) I'd like to stop eating fish altogether and even stop wearing / buying leather products but that's something for the future I think. I don't like the idea that anything I do contributes to hurting anyone or anything. I was even feeling guilty about having games consoles the other night because of the conditions in which they are manufactured. That probably sounds a bit weird!


That sounds tough. You've got to do what feels right, hopefully at some point she won't be so dogmatic.

:) I'd like to stop eating fish altogether and even stop wearing / buying leather products but that's something for the future I think. I don't like the idea that anything I do contributes to hurting anyone or anything. I was even feeling guilty about having games consoles the other night because of the conditions in which they are manufactured. That probably sounds a bit weird!

Yeah, I gotta hope. For now though... ueghf.

That's not weird at all! I've thought about that too. It really sucks that p much every console is made under horrible working conditions. There's so much exploitation going into the products we consume every day, and it's gross. :(
Barf... man do I feel so lucky to have mostly avoided that crap.

When I was 13 I used to walk to school every day. I could always count on being whistled at at by some older men at least once a week. Felt so wrong to me at the time. I'd keep on walking and they'd say shit like "c'mon. smile for me baby." Made me feel pretty awful.


Rolling Girl
I live horror LPs! I think you should do The Evil Within since A Machine for Pig's is fairly unremarkable. Let me know you're channel so I can add you to my subs. :D


Hey girlgaf, I am going to be starting a let's play channel on youtube (I can't stream because my internet sucks ass).

Basically I am going to be blind playing a bunch of games I've missed due to my kids being small. I would have started with Amnesia or the first Bioshock, but I already played those. So, my choices are (games that I have) The Evil Within, or Amnesia 2. Which do you guys think should be my first lets play?

I really like the horror genre, heh.

I love horror games too, but I haven't played too many of them.. haha. I like watching horror LPs though.

The Evil Within!


Rolling Girl
I was thinking the same, I loved Amnesia so much, but I've hardly heard anything about the sequel, so that doesn't bode well.

Evil Within it is.
It's made by different devs so that might be why, but they have an upcoming one that is made by The Dark Decent team do that's promising.


Rolling Girl
I'm not scared of spiders so I don't think so but it has a good horror atmosphere of hopelessness that I appreciate very much.
The enemy design is very wonderful too! The singing brains are adorable.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I'm not scared of spiders so I don't think so but it has a good horror atmosphere of hopelessness that I appreciate very much.
The enemy design is very wonderful too! The singing brains are adorable.
It's not the spiders. It's the Lovecraftian horror and general creepy and suffocating mood of the game.

Upper Cathedral Ward, man. Pure horror.


Rolling Girl
Maybe I'm a bit too desensitized, haha.
I can probably thank my uncle with the gorey b-movies when I was little, but I don't think I've actually been truly afraid of a horror game in a long while so I'm probably not the best judge here.
I do love the Lovecraft mythos and the suffocating mood of the game as you said though since it's really engrossing. The dirtied crumbling architecture of it's world is really beautiful too in that its reflecting the self destruction the people inhabited within! I wish more games were that in tune with it's environment.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Well, I'm pretty desensitized too, but I honestly think Bloodborne has a deeper horror atmosphere and is scarier than more typical horror games like The Evil Within, Resident Evil, etc.

I should play Alien: Isolation some time. But right now I'm shooting nazis in Wolfenstein; The New Order, and that's always fairly entertaining.


Rolling Girl
Well I don't particularly consider RE a horror series anymore, but I do think Bloodborne is better atmosphere-wise than the main game of TEW, but I'd need to replay the DLC again to compare that since they jacked up the horror atmosphere there compared to the main campaign with Sebastian. I'll be playing The Consequence soon either way so I'll probably redo the Assignment as well to get all the hidden goodies this time.

I'm actually watching Void Burger play Wolfenstein TNO and she is delighted with how they treat it's female characters like human beings. I feel like buying it on Steam now because of this since it looks fairly good overall.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yeah the female NPCs are pretty good. One of them is the typical love interest, but she's pretty cool otherwise and it's not forced or unbelievable or anything. The NPCs (female or otherwise) actually have more interesting personalities than the protagonist, haha. Buuut then again this is Wolfenstein, it's the original generic dudebro protag so I forgive it. Hell, it'd be weird if he were any different. :D

I think my favourite is Tekla. She reminds me of a less friendly and more neurotic and science-crazy Patricia Tannis (Borderlands) haha. Completely crazy, but she's very amusing.


I wish I wasn't so bad at horror games. T_T

I'm a sucker for games that emphasize atmosphere, but good horror games are way, way too much for me. I've tried to play Amnesia twice now - the first time I made it less than half an hour in, and the second time I played for about an hour before hitting a breaking point. It certainly doesn't help that I'll typically only play really atmospheric games(horror or otherwise) alone and in a dark room, and preferably with headphones, but I want to be immersed.

I can watch these same games, and horror movies, but anything worse than Bioshock is basically unplayable for me.
its hard for me to see Bloodborne as horror since I loved Silent Hill and always associate Horror with slow plodding gameplay. Dark Souls would fit because I always played that slow and cautiously.

Bloodborne wants you rushing down like you are playing a Platinum or Capcom action game. It is hard for me to be afraid because the best choice is always to run towards trouble in that game.

It is fun and awesome, though. Just hard to be scary when you are hearing "rules of nature" from Metal Gear Rising in your head as you are taking on 4 people at once and parrying like it is Third Strike.


Hey, everyone. I've been a lurker of Gaf for a few years and finally decided to stop being so shy and finally sign up. Just got accepted recently so here I am. Really excited to be a part of this community and especially GirlGaf!

Hey girlgaf, I am going to be starting a let's play channel on youtube (I can't stream because my internet sucks ass).

Basically I am going to be blind playing a bunch of games I've missed due to my kids being small. I would have started with Amnesia or the first Bioshock, but I already played those. So, my choices are (games that I have) The Evil Within, or Amnesia 2. Which do you guys think should be my first lets play?

I really like the horror genre, heh.
I have actually really liked A Machine for Pigs from the couple of hours I've put into it. Evil Within might be the more exciting choice, though. Promise that you'll play some Silent Hill >.>

In the Souls games, I was always shield and Halberd. I always pulled enemies slowly and attacked after an opening showed itself.

That strategy worked for me in Bloodborne until the first boss. Then I noticed that I am always better off parrying than dodging backward since the window is so huge in this game and that the enemies seem too have a lot of mobility compared to the older ones and their swings track the entire way, allowing them to usually change direction mid attack.

Its just best too never give them a chance to attack, if you can. I am strange though, I am sure that just how their were Dex guys flipping around in the souls games, there are people playing Bloodborne cautiously.


Rolling Girl
Well if you're capable of emulating PS2 that would be the best for 2 since you don't get reduced fog (this is how I played 2) but the PC version is fine otherwise with the fixes, SH3 PC is solid, but you'd have to do emulation for SH4 anyways since the PC port is an unsalvageable mess. (Konami whats up with all these bad ports?)
Christ, I feel like I've been ran over by a train. Went to see Prong live at the o2 last night, great fucking gig (They even played my favourite song!) but I made the big mistake of jumping into the moshpit early on in the gig, got accidentally decked in the face by a rather large gentleman a few minutes in and hit the floor hard. Fella was apologetic enough though and got me a few drinks, which was nice!

But man do I feel like a wreck today now the booze has worn off. Hurts to turn my head, and the entirety of my body feels tender as fuck. That's the sign of a good gig though. Plenty of headbanging and bruising! Now to grab a nice hot shower, my mouth feels like a carpet bomb testing site.
Christ, I feel like I've been ran over by a train. Went to see Prong live at the o2 last night, great fucking gig (They even played my favourite song!) but I made the big mistake of jumping into the moshpit early on in the gig, got accidentally decked in the face by a rather large gentleman a few minutes in and hit the floor hard. Fella was apologetic enough though and got me a few drinks, which was nice!

But man do I feel like a wreck today now the booze has worn off. Hurts to turn my head, and the entirety of my body feels tender as fuck. That's the sign of a good gig though. Plenty of headbanging and bruising! Now to grab a nice hot shower, my mouth feels like a carpet bomb testing site.

Sounds like an awesome night.

I often judge my nights out by how much my neck hurts the next day :D
Hmph, no sympathy for moshers. :p

No sympathy for myself either! I jumped in without checking what I was up against. The last pit I was in was for an Avenged Sevenfold gig (Not a fan but hey, free tickets!), and that was full of mostly skinny teens and women! I could handle myself against those odds! Jumped right into this one and I was surrounded by tons of huge, bearded men getting bounced and tossed about, I felt like I was in a pinball machine! Somebody dodges out of the way and bam! Fist to the face!

Prong's moshpit: 1
Me: 0


Yeah... as much as I love being in the standing area, because I'm so tiny I get so easily abused by crowds. I would never jump into a moshpit, lol.


formerly Oynox Slider
The closest I've been to a mosh pit was er fighting for elbow room in the front row of a Kings of Leon gig when they were the new Strokes and not the new U2.

I am not cool and I never said I was.


Hey GirlGAF! So I'm working on a research project for school and I need interview volunteers. So far, however, none of my interviews have been with women gamers, and my research advisor gave me the okay to post here to see if any of you would be interested. Here's the original post for the thread I put up.

Hey GAF! I checked with the moderation team, and they approved posting this thread. I'm conducting research on avatar selection in video games for the Mellon-Mays Undergraduate Fellowship at Hunter College. This research includes an interview portion.

I'm looking for 12 to 20 interviewees from all backgrounds who are 18 years or older. The questions will revolve around your avatar choices in single-player and multi-player games.

The interview can be held over the computer through microphone or text. Skype would be preferred but I can be flexible. Interviews will range from 15 to 30 minutes.

If you're interested in participating, reply to this thread or PM me with your availability for April 21 - May 4. Preferred times are:
  • Monday - Wednesday after 8 PM EST
  • Thursday after 5 PM EST
  • Friday after 1 PM EST
  • Any time for weekends
I'll be sending those who reply a PM with more information including a consent form and contact information.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or concerns about the research, feel free to post them here in this thread and I will do my best to answer them. Looking forward to hearing from you all! :)


Hey GirlGAF! So I'm working on a research project for school and I need interview volunteers. So far, however, none of my interviews have been with women gamers, and my research advisor gave me the okay to post here to see if any of you would be interested. Here's the original post for the thread I put up.

Text me :)
Hey GirlGAF! So I'm working on a research project for school and I need interview volunteers. So far, however, none of my interviews have been with women gamers, and my research advisor gave me the okay to post here to see if any of you would be interested. Here's the original post for the thread I put up.

I'd like to contribute :D PM meeee~
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